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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 84

by J. A. Coffey

  Anthony shook his head, reaching for her hand, but she snatched it away and moved away from him.

  "You said you weren't gambling anymore."

  "I'm not," he said, avoiding her direct gaze. "I needed it to pay back a few debts."

  She looked at her brother and shook her head, seeing him for the first time. "You can't even look at me while you lie to me. Was that whole thing about your apartment just bullshit, too?" She scoffed. "You know what? It doesn't even matter because I don't really care. You just proved how little I matter to you and that's all I need to know."

  He frowned. "Don't say that, Tena. You're my family. Of course, I care about you."

  "Only when I'm useful, right?"

  "Why don't you tell her the real reason you tricked her into stealing for you?" Davie said, his tone neutral, his face anything but.

  "Stay out of this, you-"

  "Twenty thousand dollars," Davie interrupted. "That's how much Tena's life is worth to you."

  Athena turned away and blinked back her tears. Her heart was breaking knowing that all she'd ever wanted was to be part of a real family again, to have someone put her first for a change, yet she would never have that. At least not with the person she thought would always have her back. No matter how hard she held on to him, Anthony would never be the brother she wanted him to be.

  Forcing her hurt and anger aside, she said in a voice so calm she surprised herself. "I hope, for you, it was all worth it."

  "Tena, come on. If I thought you were going to get hurt, I would have never let you go through with it."

  "But I did get hurt," she burst out. "I just found out my big brother cares more about making money than keeping me safe! How do you think that makes me feel? I'm supposed to look out for you, and you're supposed to look out for me. Not use me. You're not supposed to do that to me!"

  She sank down on the nearest seat, pressing trembling hands over her face, trying to keep the tears at bay. She hid from the humiliation of her ignorance and the devastation that was her relationship with her brother.

  Davie was right. She'd done her brother no favors by encouraging his reckless behavior over the years. The kid who had once given his all to keep them together was now replaced by someone who was selfish, destructive, and not being honest to himself or her.

  The silence in the office was unsettling. She could only imagine what the two men were thinking. They had never seen her like this and probably didn't know what to do next.

  "You need to go," Davie said. His voice was closer to her than she expected.

  "Stay the fuck out of this," her brother snapped. "I'm talking to my sister. Why don't you get the hell out?"

  Tena felt the burst of heat and anger in the air and jumped from her seat, barely grabbing Davie's arm in time as he advanced toward her brother.

  "Davie, stop."

  Anthony came forward, his hands balling into fists, his dark eyes enraged. "Oh, so now you want to fight me, mutherfucka?"

  "Anthony, shut up," Athena snapped, sandwiched between both men and their irrational anger. She was the one who was supposed to be upset, damn it!

  "No," her brother barked. "He's trying to turn you against me."

  Davie's arm was rigid beneath her fingers. "You're doing just fine by yourself, you stupid fuck."

  "Would both of you stop!" Her outraged command fell on deaf ears as both men glared at each other. Caught between both angry men, she didn't know who to push back first.

  "Why don't you do her a favor and stay gone. She doesn't need you."

  "Davie, don't-"

  "Fuck you, man. She's my family. She doesn't need you. She's got me."

  "Oh, yeah?" Davie snarled. "Then where were you when she really needed you the most?"


  He ignored her, his face twisted with rage. "Where the fuck were you when she was getting raped!"

  Athena sucked in her breath. Harsh silence followed. Anthony stared at her with dumbfounded disbelief and Davie's face was still flushed with rage, but he didn't look at her.

  Anthony grabbed her arm. "Tena?" He stared down at her for a while, his dark eyes tight. "Who raped you?"

  She shook her head. "It was a long time ago."

  There was a tension around his eyes that had little to do with anger. Instead, there was a sort of anguish in them she'd never seen before. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  Her throat tightened. Her brother's distress over the news was a sort of revelation. Maybe if she allowed herself to need him once and a while, he wouldn't continue on his destructive path. A long time ago, he had stepped up when she'd really needed him, had depended on him, but that had eventually stopped, and their roles had been reversed.

  Maybe she needed to stop carrying it all and start sharing some of her burdens with the people she loved. She was slowly doing that with Davie. She should try it with Anthony too. Maybe then, the once selfless, determined, and strong-willed Anthony would return. At least, she would hope and trust that he did.

  Turning to Davie, she could see the regret on his face. This might not have been the way she wanted to tell her brother about the most painful moment in her past, but it was done. Now he knew.

  "Davie, can you please go? Anthony and I have a lot to talk about."

  The muscles in his jaw flexed and she held her breath, prepared to ask not so nicely, but to her relief, he left without another word.



  He'd really screwed things up in there.

  David sat back in his seat, unable to concentrate on the report in front of him. It was after hours, and the office was quiet enough for him to finally get some work done, but he could only think about the disaster he'd made of things with Tena and her brother early that afternoon.

  He hadn't seen her all day and was now wondering if she was avoiding him. In hindsight, he should have never lost his cool and blurted something she'd told him in confidence. But damn, if Anthony's arrogance hadn't been his tipping point. Having her brother stand there, questioning his motives toward Tena and their relationship, had him seeing red. Especially when "taking advantage" didn't even begin to describe what Anthony had been doing with Tena.

  But David should have kept his mouth shut. The past few days he'd managed to contain his anger and guilt over what she'd told him. To know that she'd been forced into such a vulnerable position and violated made him sick with rage. Yet beneath his barely tamped fury were plenty of regrets. He should have been there for her, should have kept the line of communication open so she wouldn't have felt abandoned. And maybe then she wouldn't have felt the need to seek acceptance elsewhere.

  He was trying to make up for it now by concentrating on building their relationship and keeping her happy. She was that important to him.

  A soft tap came at the door, and he glanced over to find Tena standing just outside his office. He'd deliberately left it open, waiting for her to come to him when she was ready.

  Shutting the door softly behind her, she started toward him. She came around the desk to where he sat, never breaking eye contact. He couldn't read the expression on her face. It was perfectly neutral and he just sat back in his seat and waited.

  She came close to him, her dark, wide-leg slacks brushing against his. She was so close he could have pulled her onto his lap, but he only watched her as she leaned against his desk, still staring at him. They stayed like that for a moment before he decided to break the thick silence.

  "So how mad are you with me?"

  "No, me first," she said abruptly.

  He waited.

  "When were you going to tell me about the setup between my brother and the Acerras? What happened to you and me, open and honest? Always."

  He'd known that was coming. "I wanted to tell you," he said with a heavy sigh. "But I felt that was something you needed to hear from Anthony. Except he kept avoiding my calls."

  She continued to stare at him, her blank expression unsettling.

  "Are you m

  She tilted her head to the side. "On a scale of one to ten?"

  He held his breath. She looked thoughtful for a moment as if she was counting. What was taking so long? He couldn't take the suspense any longer.

  "Damn, baby, that mad?"

  Her full lips broke into a soft smile, and she shook her head. "I'm just teasing you," she said. "I'm not mad about that. Hell, I probably wouldn't have told me either."

  He didn't fully relax, however, knowing there was one thing he definitely needed to apologize for. "I'm sorry, sweets. I have a big mouth."

  She inclined her head. "Well, I'm not happy that he had to find out like that, or that you two were about to come to blows, but I think it's a good thing he finally knows. It shook him more than I expected and if it pushes him to finally get some help, then I'm glad he knows now."

  "He's still gambling?" David asked quietly.

  She glanced down at her hands and nodded. "I told him everything that happened about...that time, and he finally admitted where his money has really been going." She clasped her hands together and rested them on her thigh. "I think we needed that. He's agreed to let me get him some help. Whether he sticks with it..." She shrugged. "I don't know, but I don't think he wants to disappoint me again."

  The resigned look on her face tugged at him. Despite his personal feelings toward her brother, David didn't want her to feel alone in this.

  "How can I help?"

  She glanced at him, surprised widening her eyes. Then her expression softened. "You are something kinda sweet, David Carrone."

  He grabbed her clasped hands and pulled her onto his lap.

  "It may be after five, but this is still inappropriate," she protested.

  In response, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm serious, Tena," he said. "I know me and your brother will probably never be best buds after today, but he's important to you, so that makes him important to me. I want to help."

  She placed a hand lightly on his cheek. "Thank you. But I think what he needs right now is understanding," she said quietly. "Just be supportive and don't judge him. I think he already feels bad enough."

  "You got it," David said without hesitation. At the time, he had meant every word he'd said to Anthony but realized after he'd told her brother to stay gone how selfish that had been of him. He didn't have a close relationship with his siblings, so he could only imagine what their sister-brother bond was like.

  "Banning him from your casino wouldn't hurt either," she added.

  He nodded. "Done and done."

  For her, David would do anything to take that solemn look from her eyes. Even if that meant being pleasant to Anthony. She obviously needed her brother as much as Anthony needed her. David wouldn't come between them, and he didn't want to be the one to push away the people she loved. He would just try to love her as best he could.

  David's heart thudded at the thought. The idea that he more than cared about her didn't surprise him, but it sure as shit scared him. He'd never told any woman he loved her.

  But Tena wasn't just any woman.

  She was his best friend, his woman-the cause behind his increasing chest spasms. Having her with him made him feel whole, like he'd finally found something he hadn't even realized he'd been missing.

  David shook his head at himself. If he wasn't careful, he'd find himself running off to the altar before Gabe. To his surprise, the idea no longer repelled him as it had before. He'd once told his partner he didn't want the drama of being tied to one person. But now, he couldn't see himself with anyone besides Tena.

  "What are you smiling about?" she asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

  David shook his head. "Just thinking I may not mind a little drama in my life."

  She frowned, her dark eyes earnest. "Well, I do mind. I don't want you and my brother fighting anymore."

  He quickly sobered. "Stop worrying," he said gruffly. "It upsets me."

  "Then promise me."

  He sighed. "As long as he doesn't accuse me of taking advantage of you again, we won't."

  "Well, it doesn't matter because I know you're not." She scoffed. "If anything, I think I'm taking advantage of you."

  "You know, I think you're right," he said with a small frown. "Not only do I have my security chief on leave, my business partner flying out to Boston tonight, and an intruder to still find, but I'm up to my neck in work. Yet all I can think about is taking you up to the suite and letting you have your way with me."

  She gave him a slow smile, tracing her fingertips over his furrowed brow, then down the bridge of his nose. "Oh, my poor baby," she murmured. "What can I do to help?"

  David closed his eyes, savoring the light touch. He could think of a few things, but only one seemed important right now.

  "Just let me hold you for a while."

  She nestled closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

  After some time, she pulled back and began quietly, "Would I be crazy if I told you that I love..."

  David tensed. He was anxious to hear her tell him what he had recently come to realize he'd felt for her.

  "...your hair?" she finished, a twinkle in her beautiful dark eyes.

  David growled at her teasing then chuckled, grabbing her fingers to stop the distracting touch that had now moved to the back of his neck. Her husky laugh was melodic. She was on his lap so she could feel what her touch was doing to him.

  "I think we're in trouble then," he said, brushing the long strands from her eyes. "Because I love your hair too."

  Though he tried to keep his tone light, it took on a serious note that he couldn't contain. With Tena, he felt...complete.

  She smiled in that soft, sexy way of hers. Leaning forward, until her lips brushed lightly against his ear, she whispered the words he'd been longing to hear.

  "I love you, Davie."


  Athena tugged on the ends of the bow tie, unraveling the knot from its place.

  "Now why'd you do that?" Davie said with a heavy sigh.

  "Because it was ugly," she returned, concentrating on the steps the salesman had shown her. "Now hold still."

  "I wasn't moving," he said, exasperated. "This will teach me to let you buy me clothes again," he quickly muttered.

  She smiled despite the surliness in his tone. "No, this will teach you not to bet against me."

  He grunted. "When you said you had a treat for me, I imagined sexy lingerie not a damn bow tie."

  She made a face. "I don't think they make lingerie in your size."

  He pinched her butt. "Funny."

  "I know," she said, chuckling. "Now stop. I have to concentrate." She positioned the ends of the bowtie evenly on each side and started her loops again. This was her third try, and she was determined to get it right. She wanted her man to look dapper on his big night.

  October had come fast, and Royal Courts' annual charity gala, where they would also be unveiling the new event space, the Queen's Palace, was in a few short hours.

  Weeks ago, Davie had taken her to steal a sneak peek of the newly developed venue, and an ensuing wager had landed her a shopping spree of some shiny new electronics-and he had gotten a new tux out of her shopping spree.

  The bet? Could they mess around behind the new stage without getting caught?

  The short answer was no.

  They'd gotten busted-as she had known they would-but thankfully, it had been dark or else the horrified maintenance worker would have gotten an eyeful of her "queen's palace."

  "There!" Athena exclaimed, tightening the ends of the bow tie. "I did it." She stepped back, grinning from ear to ear as she admired her work. Davie had been adamant against wearing the black bow tie, but she had simply reminded him that part of their bet included her dressing him for this special event, thus he had no choice.

  She helped him with his jacket, smoothing her palms down his shoulders and back. He looked delectable with his dark hair slicked back and the black tux outlining his broad fra

  "You look good, baby," she said, running her fingers down his lapels.

  His gray eyes darkened, and he pulled her to him. "So do you." He kissed her, but before she could let herself get lost in his embrace, she forced herself to pull away.

  "Okay, we need to pause for the cause," she said, laughing. "Or we're gonna be late."

  "'Pause for the cause'?" he repeated, chuckling. "I like that."

  "I thought you would," she said grinning. "Now how do I look?"

  His silent assessment was long, and she fidgeted. For tonight, she had decided on a silver, satin mermaid gown with straps that looped around her neck. She could have gone strapless if she hadn't been afraid she would spill out of the delicate dress. It was sexy yet classy and matched Davie's eyes. It was her first time getting "dolled up," as Davie had put it, and she had to admit, she loved it.

  But his silence was making her nervous. It was either this or one of her plain black dresses she kept in the suite.

  "I think it's missing something."

  Athena frowned. "What?"

  He said nothing, leaving her standing in the large ensuite bathroom. She went to the mirror and took a look for herself. She had let her hair grow out a bit, and the dark, straight strands hung past her chin in a trendy asymmetrical bob. Her bangs were also long enough to swoop behind her ear.

  She didn't know what he was talking about. She looked good.

  Davie came back into the bathroom, and she stared at his reflection from the mirror. He looked nervous, and she began to seriously doubt her dress choice. She wanted him to feel comfortable with her at his side, especially for this big night.

  Everyone at Royal Courts was pretty aware of their relationship, and it thankfully hadn't made things awkward. Becoming a full-time staff at Royal Courts had actually worked out nicely. The stability was great, and working with a team made her feel part of something big and important. She had even volunteered to help Davie with the charity event. It was a cause she couldn't say no to, and with the many other causes the resort now rallied behind, they had ultimately started a Royal Courts' "Give Back" committee.

  Thinking of her life growing up, she was proud to be helping with organizations that set out to change lives.


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