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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 102

by J. A. Coffey

  "Chloe, there is nothing to be sorry about, but let us help you." Jayden felt a desperation; he was torn between wanting to help and protect her, and the fear of not being able to because of his own demons.

  "I was living with my boyfriend, Tony. It wasn't a good relationship." She let the words hang in the air.

  "Was he abusive?" Jayden's hand clenched into a fist at the thought of someone hurting her.

  "Yes." The word was barely a whisper. "I needed to get away so I left in the night while he was gone."

  Jayden processed her words. In his gut he knew there was more to it, but didn't press. "And you drove all night and that's when I found you?"

  "Yes." Chloe's feet slipped across the floor and she sat in the chair and leaned forward. Resting her elbows on her knees. "I wasn't going to stay here. I was going to keep going, but I got comfortable. I like working with Carla and—"

  "You don't have to run. Give me his name. Make a report of abuse and let me run a background check to see what we are dealing with."

  "Anthony Massey, but I won't sign a complaint."

  "Why? Is there anything else I should know?" Jayden held his breath.

  "No. That's it." The lie made her tremble. She couldn't tell him about the pregnancy. He would walk out the door and she would never see him again.

  Jayden looked at his watch. Two-thirty. They still had a while before daylight. He stood and went to the kitchen and looked out the back door window. He saw nothing, but his gut told him whoever was looking for Chloe wasn't far away.


  He turned at the soft voice behind him. "I don't see anyone, but I believe you that someone was."

  "I don't want to run, but I can't stay here and put Carla or you in danger." Her voice trembled and she bit down on her bottom lip.

  Jayden closed the gap between them and pulled her close. "You don't have to run. We can get you to the safe house until this is cleared up. My hands are tied, police-wise to protect you without a formal complaint, though." He kissed the top of her head and held her tight.

  "If he found me here, he will find me there, too."

  "Then let me stay here and protect you. Maybe we can confront them."

  She shuddered in his arms and looked up at him. Her eyes wide as she shook her head no. She closed her eyes. Jayden's lips gently touched hers. She sighed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into the kiss.

  A tapping at the door brought them apart. Jayden moved to the front door and glanced out the window. Carla stood there.

  Jayden pulled open the door and jerked her inside. "What are you doing?"

  "I couldn't sleep and thought maybe Chloe was awake. I don't see anyone outside. Do you think they're gone?" Carla paused as Chloe moved into the living room.

  "I couldn't sleep either." She sank into the chair.

  Carla plopped into the corner of the couch. "So what do you want to do?"


  Chloe gave her a small smile. "I told Jayden about Tony." She gave Carla a small shake of her head, conveying no to the question in Carla's eyes that she only assumed was regarding the pregnancy. "I don't know what to do."

  Carla rested her chin in her hands. "You know you can go to the shelter?"

  "I don't want Tony showing up there. Those women feel safe now, how can I bring trouble into their lives?"

  "Chloe, they knew when they met you that you were being abused. They know how to help." Carla reached out and took both Chloe's hands. "Let us help you."

  Chloe realized Jayden was watching her. Defeat hit her. She couldn't save herself or her baby in this mess. She longed to have all this behind her and just be able to rest in his strength.

  "I'll go to the shelter." She stood up. "When is the safest time?"

  Carla stood. "I would think now, in the night is the best. Jayden?"

  Jayden moved to the window and looked out into the street again. "Let's move now. It should be easy to tell if someone follows us."

  Chloe had already carried her suitcase to the door. "Let's do this before I lose my nerve." She rolled her shoulders to relieve tension.

  Jayden placed his hand on her back as he picked up the suitcase. "Let me get this in the car and then I'll come back for you."

  She nodded. "Carla, are you coming too?"

  "Absolutely. Go ahead, Jayden. We'll all go down together." Carla grabbed the extra key to the deadbolt and locked the door. Jayden and Chloe were just about to the car when Carla hit the bottom of the stairs. She glanced over her shoulder and saw nothing but darkness. A chill ran up her spine and the hairs on her neck stood up. Someone was there; she just knew it.

  Carla sprinted to the car as Jayden shut Chloe's door and moved to the driver's side. "Move, Jayden. Someone's behind the house."

  Jayden slid in as Carla jumped in the back. The tires squealed and the car whipped around the corner before either of us were buckled in. Jayden drove in the opposite direction of the safe house until he was sure no one was following, and then circled around to come up behind the house where the car couldn't be seen from the street. Carla had called ahead and told Sarah they were on the way.

  Chloe's heart pounded in her head as they drove through the darkened streets. She dropped her head back against the cold leather seat had closed her eyes as exhaustion overtook her and drifted off. She woke in a start, drenched with sweat. She rubbed her eyes to block back the nightmare that haunted her.. "Hey, we're here. Carla took your bag in."

  "Okay." She shook her head to clear the fog. "I didn't realize I was that tired." Her voice trembled as she swung her legs out of the car.

  "Come on. Let's get you inside and then you can rest." Jayden kept his arm around her until they were safely in the kitchen where Sarah and Carla were talking.

  Sarah put an arm around Chloe's shoulders. "Let's get you settled in your room and you can get some sleep. You are perfectly safe here. Sleep as long as you want in the morning." She quickly moved Chloe through the house into a small bedroom on the second floor. "My room is right across the hall if you need anything."

  Chloe just nodded and walked into the room. There was a small light on a nightstand. A blue quilt had been pulled back invitingly. Chloe slid under the covers and pulled them up under her chin. Within minutes she was asleep.


  Jayden sat in the kitchen with Carla when Sarah entered. "She's already dozed off. She must be exhausted."

  "We don't know much about her," Jayden explained. "All we have is the name of her abuser and that someone has found her at Carla's."

  "I gave you all the information I have," Carla interrupted.

  Sarah nodded. "She isn't saying much, huh?"

  "No." Jayden ran his fingers through his hair. "I just want to help her. Why won't she let us?"

  Sarah leaned back in her chair. "I would say she has taken a huge step in that direction – she's here. Jayden, you have to remember on that side of the abuse, you don't know who to trust. Give her time."

  Chapter Twelve

  Jayden took Carla back to her house at daybreak. Carla reached for the door handle, but turned to face Jayden. "Give her time, Jayden. She told you about the abuse. Just look into that guy and stop him from hurting her again."

  "There's more to it, isn't there?" Jayden searched Carla's face. "I can't do anything without her wanting the help."

  Carla shook her head. "I don't know what more there is than she told you, but give her a chance to trust you. Don't bully her about it."

  "I'm not a bully."

  Carla smiled. "No, not a bully, just like a dog with a bone."

  She got out of the car and glanced around. She waved to Jayden as he drove off. She headed inside to get ready for work. It was going to be a long day.


  Joe watched from the back of the house. He didn't know where they had taken Chloe, but Tony was on the way, furious that there had been another man with her. He still didn't know if the man was involved with her or with the other
woman. He had broken into the Chloe's apartment when they had left and found nothing. Not even a trace she had been there. Obviously, Chloe had gotten good at hiding things from Tony. Women had come and gone before, but they always returned to Tony knowing they couldn't make it on their own.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket. Six a.m. Time to face the music. Tony's name appeared on the caller ID. "Yeah, boss."

  "Tell me you have her." The force of the words made him pull the phone back from his ear.

  "She left in the night with another couple. I don't know where they went. My vehicle wasn't here so I couldn't follow them. There's no trace of her in the apartment."

  "I'm surrounded by incompetence." The silence that followed was deafening.

  "What do you want me to do?"

  A deep sigh rang over the phone. "Get to the diner and do some digging. Find some answers for me before I arrive. I will meet you there in two hours." The phone went silent. Two hours didn't give him much time. He skirted around the back of the house to head towards the beach without Carla seeing him.

  The diner opened in an hour, which only gave him an hour to get some information. He needed to find out the man's identity before Tony arrived. How he hoped it was someone they could intimidate without hurting. Tony always went above and beyond what needed to be done.

  In the diner, he chose a seat in the back where he could see the door. The girl from last night approached carrying a coffeepot.


  "Yes, please." He moved the cup closer to her.

  "New to this area?"

  "Just passing through. This town reminded me of a little one I used to go to as a child and thought it would be a great place to try. What do you recommend?"

  "House special has eggs, pancakes, bacon or sausage and home fries."

  "Sounds good. Are you the only one working?"

  Carla studied him a moment. "I'm the owner and yes, sole worker besides the cook."

  "Must keep you hopping." He smiled.

  "I'll get your order right in." She turned as Jayden walked in. Pouring him a cup of coffee at the bar, she moved to the kitchen to place the order.

  The man at the bar—that was the guy from last night. Damn, a cop. That was all Tony needed.

  Carla moved to the counter and talked softly with him. He couldn't make out the words, but he saw her glance at him a couple of times. He needed to keep his cover and not alarm them. He heard "order up" from the kitchen. Carla returned with his food.

  "Enjoy. Need more coffee?"

  "Yes, please. This looks delicious." He held the cup as she filled it.

  "Thanks. Just signal if you need anything else." She walked away.

  The hour flew by. The diner filled and stayed full as the locals chatted away with each other. He figured this must be the local hangout. He didn't see Chloe and by the owner's admission she was the only one working, although people were asking for ‘the new girl'. Where had they taken her?

  The street door opened. Tony filled the door with his broad shoulders. He raised his hand slightly to catch Tony's attention.

  Tony slid into the bench seat; he wasted no time. "What did you find out?"

  "Not much. All I know is the owner of the diner and the cop over there were the two that snuck Chloe off last night."

  "The cop? Geeze, give me a break. How did she get mixed up with a cop?"

  "I'm not sure." He sat back and waited. Tony was too calm about all this. He never held his temper, didn't matter if he was in a crowd or not. He wondered what Tony had up his sleeve. Did he know more about this town and why Chloe came here?

  Carla showed up at their table with the coffeepot. "Coffee?"

  "Yes." Tony looked her up and down.

  "Did you want to order?" Carla's voice was cold in response to Tony's obvious boldness.

  "I'll have what he had." Tony smirked. "Unless you're offering anything else?"

  "If you are interested in something else, my suggestion would be for you to walk right back out that door." She turned and went to the kitchen to put the order in.

  Tony chuckled. "She's a feisty one." They saw the cop looking over at them with interest. "Maybe it's time to make nice with the officer."


  Tony stood and sauntered across the diner. "Nice place you have here. I'm looking for some possible local work, anything really. Maybe you know of something, officer."

  The cop gave him the once-over. "Nope, no work this time of year around here. I would head for the city. They might have something." Jayden said as he turned away Tony, dismissing him.

  Tony clenched his hands at his side. No one ever dismissed him. He may be a cop, but Tony outweighed him and could take him down before he knew what hit him. He glanced around. All the locals were watching. He turned and walked back to the table.

  "Not a friendly bunch around here." Tony sat back with his arm resting across the back of the bench.

  Carla slid the plate in front of him and placed the check on the table. "Enjoy." She walked off without waiting for a response or asking if they needed anything else.

  Her hips swayed as she moved across the room. "That woman needs to be taken down a notch," he muttered.

  "Probably ought to keep a low profile, boss. We don't want trouble before we find Chloe." Said Joe.

  "Which was your job and you've blown it. If you wanted to keep a low profile you should have snatched her last night before her cavalry rushed in to save her."


  Tony finished his meal and pushed the plate aside. "What's your plan, since you seem to have everything so in control here?"

  "I don't have one. The locals are close-mouthed. The owner states she is the only one that works here, yet I saw Chloe working the other day."

  "Why did you wait so long to try and grab her?"

  "Boss, she hasn't been alone. She was with the owner all the time. I don't think she has told them about you, but that cop has a thing for her. That's obvious."

  "Really? Maybe I should have another chat with him. Let's see how pretty boy holds up under some questioning." Tony sipped his coffee.

  "You don't want to do that. Come on, keep a low profile until we have more information."

  "Always trying to be the pleaser. Maybe you aren't cut out for this type of work, Joe." Tony watched his expression. Joe's face whitened a shade and shook his head.

  "I have it under control. Give me another couple of days."

  "Don't have a couple of days. You've got 24 hours and then I'm taking it into my own hands. Got it?"

  "Yes." Joe stood up and threw some money on the table. "Let's get out of here."


  Jayden watched the two men leave the building. He turned to Carla. "I'm headed back to the station to do a little digging into this Anthony that Chloe was talking about. Do you think one of those two was him?"

  "Possibly. My guess is it's the one who talked to you. He would be that ballsy." Carla gave Jayden a quick hug. "Be careful."

  "Same to you. Call if you need anything."

  Jayden walked outside. The two were nowhere in sight. He slid into the cruiser and turned toward the station. He needed to do a background check and get some photos of this guy so he would know who he was dealing with. Without a formal complaint on this man, he would have to do it without the criminal database. Dread clenched in his stomach at the thought of Chloe being in danger. Would he be able to step up and save her if push came to shove? The image of a boy crumbling in front of him when Jayden had shot at a robber popped into his mind. The boy came out of nowhere. Jayden wipes the sweat from his forehead as the nightmare re-played in his head. He had been cleared of any wrongful actions, but had left the force in Portland at that point and had run home to hide from the dreadful memories. His dad had talked him into taking the chief of police job shortly before he died. Crime was rare here in Arden. Yet in the back of his mind, the fear of not being able to ever draw his gun again plagued him. In the past four years, he had grown
accustomed to the small easygoing town. Little by little the memory of that horrific night where a young boy had died in his arms had faded. But not gone away.

  He shook off the memories as he walked into the station. The scent of a fresh pot of coffee hit him and he grabbed cup. He closed his office door. He didn't want to be disturbed on this inquiry and wanted to shield Chloe at all cost from locals talking about her.

  He opened his computer and sent a quick email off to his private investigator friend in Portland, telling him briefly about Chloe and the urgency of what was going on.

  Jayden pulled up Google and searched for Tony. He found nothing, just like at the library. This man either was living under an alias or had a really good friend who could make his life invisible. He prayed his PI friend could dig up something to use as leverage.

  As he sat back, his thoughts drifted to Chloe. There was more to the story, he just knew deep in his gut. But the fear in her eyes terrified him from pushing her any further. It had taken a lot of courage on her part to accept their help. She was in good hands with Sarah. The chances of her being found were slim. His heart ached for her. All he could think of was I can't lose her. Where had those thoughts come from? He had held back from any relationships since the shooting. He couldn't bring another into his nightmare that he lived with every day. Yet, something about Chloe had him wanting more. Wanting love, a family.

  Jayden startled as a tone from the computer indicated a new email. The PI had sent a quick message. We need to talk in person. Bad news on this guy. When and where?

  Jayden reached for the phone and punched in the number. He spoke as soon as the phone was answered: "How soon can you get here?"

  They agreed to meet in an hour at the diner. Hairs on his neck stood up as worry descended on him. Would she be safe for just another hour? Would it take long to get a hold of this guy? He had pulled up a photo; the guy in the diner was definitely Tony. The guy he was with was a guy named Joe Pellon. He had a rap sheet a mile long, mostly drugs and breaking and entering. Definitely someone had pulled some strings to keep this guy on the street. There was more to this story. Jayden didn't want to wait an hour.


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