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Love & Lies

Page 15

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “There’s my beautiful girlfriend.”

  “Hey, I was about to give up hope that you were ever going to get out of that meeting.”

  “Yeah, it went a bit longer than I thought but it was very productive.”

  “That’s good.”

  “So how about we go out for dinner tonight?”

  “I don’t mind cooking.”

  “I just thought it would be nice to take you out.”

  “Ok. I will go change.”

  “Alex, is everything ok?”


  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, alright something. Look, I…Miguel, what’s going on with these meetings?”

  “Just business. Why are you questioning my meetings?”

  “Why don’t you give me receipts from your business trips?”

  “I told you Miles throws them away and it isn’t like I need the money anyway.”

  “I know Miles is your best friend and he is on Cruz’s payroll but Eric and Dane, they aren’t on payroll and they aren’t paying Cruz for any services?”

  Miguel paced for a moment before he answered.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, of course I do.”

  “I don’t want to lie to you, Alex.”

  “Lie to me? What are you talking about?”

  “There are some things I just can’t discuss with you. That’s all I can say.”

  “So instead of lying you just won’t answer me?”

  “I, I…I’m trying to be honest, Alex. I don’t want to lie to you. The only way to not lie, is to tell you that I can’t discuss anything about my business with Dane and Eric.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, I trust you, Alex.”

  “Then why can’t you tell me?”

  “Because I can’t. Alex, I swear it’s nothing you need to worry about. I made a promise and I need to keep it.” Miguel walked over to Alex and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Please, trust me.”

  “What if I can’t?”

  “If you can’t and it means that I will lose you, then I will face the consequences of breaking my promise and I will tell you.”

  Alex could see how torn Miguel was. She didn’t want him to betray a trust and deep down she did trust him. It wasn’t like he was hanging out with women.

  “It’s ok. I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “Thank you. Thank you for trusting me. I love you.”

  Alex turned in Miguel’s arms and kissed him. “I love you too.”

  Ryan was so stressed about the case he was working on. He had spent most of the last three days at work with very little food or sleep. He needed to win this case.

  “Would another set of eyes help?”

  Ryan looked up and Eden was standing in his doorway with a shopping bag full of food and a tray full of coffee.

  “At this point I would take any help I could get.”

  “Well, then you’re in luck. I’m here to help and I come bearing food and coffee.”

  Ryan grabbed the bag and the coffee and placed them down on the conference table.

  “I’m starving.”

  “I hope you like Japanese then.”

  “I love Japanese food.”

  Ryan leaned over to grab the Bento boxes from the bag and when he leaned up Eden’s lips were right there next to his. He wanted to kiss them but instead he pulled back and handed Eden a Bento box.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you, for saving me from myself.”

  “I’ve noticed that you’ve pretty much lived here for most of the week. I thought maybe you could use some help with the case.”

  “Have you ever just felt like you were looking at everything but yet there was something that you weren’t seeing?”

  “Yes and that is why I’m here, to see what you aren’t. No offense.”

  “No offense taken.”

  “You can start with the files on the left. I’ll start on the right.”

  “Meet you in the middle.” Eden laughed.

  Miles was waiting for Faith to arrive at the movies. He turned around and thought he saw her, the woman who was still haunting his dreams.

  “Popcorn or nachos?”

  “Faith, hey.”

  “Well you look real excited to see me.”

  “I’m sorry. I was just deep in thought. I am very happy to see you.” Miles leaned over and kissed Faith.

  “Ok, I believe you.” Faith smiled.

  “Chick flick or action movie?”

  “I don’t care, I’m only here for the popcorn and Junior Mints.” Faith winked.

  “Me too.” Miles laughed.

  “Pick a movie, you clown.”

  Miguel and Alex arrived at the restaurant. Alex thought it was strange that nobody else was there but it was a week night and it was after eight.

  “We’re the only ones here.”

  “Would you rather go somewhere else?”

  “No, I just thought it was a little strange. Have you been here before?”

  “Yes, in fact this is one of my favorite restaurants. They have the most amazing flan.”

  “Ahh, so it’s all about the dessert?”

  “No, it’s all about you, Sweetheart.” Miguel took Alex by the hand and he led her over to a table that overlooked the river.

  “The river looks so beautiful with the moon shining down on it.”

  “Alex, I love you.”

  Alex turned around and Miguel was on his knee holding a tiny black velvet box. She gasped and her hands started to shake. This was it, the man of her dreams was on bended knee in front of her and holding a ring.

  “Oh, my God.”

  Miguel looked at Alex and smiled. His eyes were filled with tears. She was everything he thought he never deserved or would ever have.

  “I’ve lived my life alone and unloved. I didn’t realize how broken I was until you came along. You’ve taught me that I am capable of loving someone and being loved. I don’t ever want to spend a moment without you in my life. You are my world, my heart and soul, my everything. Will you marry me, Alex?” Miguel opened the box with very shaky hands and there sat a very large square diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds set atop a diamond band.

  At this point Alex had tears streaming down her cheeks. She felt like she was in a fairytale and her prince was kneeling before her. She nodded her head before she could get the words out of her mouth. “Yes, I will marry you, Miguel.”

  Miguel smiled and pulled the ring from the box and slid it on Alex’s finger. Then he stood up and hugged her. “I was so afraid that you’d say no.”

  Alex pulled away. “Why? What would make you think that? I love you.”

  “I know you do. Sometimes, it just feels too good to be true.”

  Alex pinched Miguel. “Ouch.”

  “See it’s real, I promise.”

  Miguel shook his head. “I’ve never been happier than I am at this very moment.

  “Me too.” Alex kissed Miguel.

  Faith and Miles were both shoveling popcorn into their mouths while watching the movie. Faith reached in and all that was left in the bucket was Miles’ buttery hand.

  “You finished my popcorn?”

  “No, you finished my popcorn, Missy!”

  Faith pulled Miles’ hand out of the bucket and proceeded to lick the butter from his fingers. Miles almost jumped out of his seat when Faith sucked on the last finger. He was squirming in his seat, his cock was as hard as a rock and ready to explode.

  “Faith, you’re killing me.”

  Faith smiled and kept sucking.

  “Faith, I’m going to cum in my pants if you don’t stop that now!”

  Miles tried to pull his finger from her mouth and she bit hold of it which excited him even more. Miles stood up and grabbed Faith by the wrist and pulled her along. Faith let his finger free as she giggled. Miles stopped in front of a closet, opened the door and yanked Faith inside.

�You know; I was trying to be good here but you pushed me to this.”

  Miles shoved up Faith’s skirt and ripped her panties off. Then he stood up and pushed down his pants. He picked up Faith and impaled her on his cock and slammed into her until he came.

  “Oh God. I thought I was going to cum in my pants, Faith. Let me take you home and I will make sure I take good care of you now.”

  “Works for me.” Faith smiled and then pulled down her skirt. She picked up her panties from the floor and handed them to Miles. “Here’s, a souvenir.” She winked and opened the door and walked out.

  Miles smiled and stuffed her panties into his pocket.

  Hours had passed and Ryan was about to call it quits for the night. He was exhausted and Eden kept yawning.

  “I think we should pack it in, tomorrow’s another…”

  “I found it! I found it!” Eden jumped up holding a piece of paper.

  Ryan ran over to her side of the table and looked at it. “Oh my God, Eden you’re a genius!” Ryan grabbed Eden and spun her around in a circle. When he placed her down her lips passed his and this time he kissed her. She kissed him back and reached for his belt. Ryan’s eyes opened wide and Eden was looking at him.

  “Eden, I’m not looking for a…”

  “Neither am I.”

  That was all Ryan needed to hear. In seconds he had Eden undressed, on top of his desk and he was inside her. After he came and pulled out he grabbed his pants and started dressing like the place was on fire.

  “Was it that bad that you need to run away?” Eden hopped down from the desk and started dressing as well.

  “As good as that was, it was completely wrong. I am your boss. I never should have allowed myself…”

  “Ryan, it’s fine. Nothing is going to change and I am not the kiss and tell type. Calm down.”

  “I just got so excited and…”

  “It takes two to tango and I was a very receptive partner. Besides, now that the sexual tension is out of the way we can move on. Good night.” Eden leaned over and kissed Ryan on the cheek.

  “Good night, Eden. Thank you again…for everything.”

  Eden laughed, “My pleasure.”

  ALEX WOKE UP TO find Miguel smiling at her. She looked down at her ring and then back at Miguel.

  “It really did happen.”

  “It did.”

  Miguel leaned down and kissed Alex.

  “I texted my PR manager last night. He was drawing up a press release about our engagement.”

  Alex sat up in the bed. “Press release?”

  “People will see that ring on your finger and the media will be in a frenzy. I’ve been one of the most sought after bachelors for years now.”

  “Oh great, now I will have women all over the world hating on me.” Alex giggled.

  “Let them hate.”

  “As long as I have you, I can get through anything.”

  “You do need to tell your family first and I should tell Eden. If they see it on the news they may be quite angry with us.” Miguel laughed.

  “I will call my parents and then ask Ryan to come by on his way to work.”

  “Why don’t we just stop at his office on the way to work and tell him and Eden?”

  “Perfect. I will call my parents now. Wish me luck.”

  “Luck? I hope your father isn’t going to show up here with a shot gun?” Miguel laughed.

  “No, I don’t think he would do that. He will call Ryan and quiz him so we had better get dressed so we can get to Ryan before my father does.”

  “How about a quickie before you call home?”

  “Most definitely.” Alex giggled as Miguel rolled her on top of him.

  Faith woke up in Miles’ arms.

  “Oh no.”

  “Oh no?”

  “This…this is, oh no.”


  “Sex is one thing but to wake up spooning, that’s oh no. That means we are too comfortable and comfort means…”

  “Comfort means nothing unless you allow it to. It could have been the bottle of wine we drank before we fucked like animals and passed out.”

  “Oh…hmm…ok, I like that reason.” Faith got up and walked into the bathroom.

  Miles shook his head and got up and got dressed. He decided it would be best to be gone when Faith got out of the shower.

  Ryan sat at his desk thinking about how just hours before he was…

  “Good morning!”

  Ryan looked up and Eden was standing in his doorway. “Hi!”

  “You did go home last night?”


  “Is everything alright with us?”


  “Ryan, you haven’t said more than one word at a time.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry? Are we back to what happened last night, sorry?”

  “No, it’s not about what happened last…”

  “Knock, knock.”

  Ryan and Faith looked over at the door and Alex and Miguel were standing there beaming.

  “Hey, Sis.”

  “Do you have a minute for us, dear brother?”

  “Of course I do.” Ryan walked over to Alex and kissed her on the cheek. “Come in, have a seat.”

  Miguel kissed Eden on the cheek. “Come sit down with us.”

  “Ok, what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing is wrong, Eden, in fact, for once everything is right.”

  Miguel held out Alex’s hand. “Alex, has agreed to be my wife.”

  Ryan looked at Alex and Miguel who were all smiles. He wanted Alex to be happy but he still had his reservations about Miguel.

  Eden stared at them both. She knew her brother said he loved Alex but to marry her?

  “Ryan, aren’t you happy for us?”

  “I think Ryan and I are just a little shocked. It’s, so soon. You’ve only been together a few months.”

  “Look Eden, I understand that you may think it hasn’t been long enough but to us it has been our whole lives that we’ve waited for one another and I love Alex and she loves me.”

  Eden looked at Ryan and then back at the happy couple. She got up from her chair and she hugged her brother and then hugged Alex. “Welcome to the family. I’m very happy for you both.”

  Alex looked over at Ryan who still looked somewhat upset. She got up and walked over to him and leaned down so her cheek was resting on his. “I’ve never been this happy. Please don’t ruin this for me.”

  Ryan closed his eyes, who was he to judge Miguel? Maybe it was just his overprotectiveness for his sister that made him second guess Miguel and his business. In that moment he decided that he wasn’t going to be the one to break his sister’s heart. “I’m not. I just want you to be happy and if Miguel makes you happy then you have my blessing.” Ryan turned to his sister and then stood up and hugged her. When they pulled away from one another Ryan walked over to Miguel and shook his hand. “You hurt her and you will have to answer to me.”

  Miguel nodded. “I love her too much to ever hurt her.”

  “I can draw up a Pre-Nup for you.”

  Miguel turned around and gave his sister a dirty look after that comment. “That won’t be necessary.”

  “Don’t be foolish, you are worth billions, you need a Pre-Nup.”

  “I trust Alex.”

  Alex looked at Miguel and smiled. “Eden is right; I should sign a Pre-Nup. It’s fine. If we ever separated, I wouldn’t want anything from you anyway. Of course, if there were children involved I would expect you to do your fair share of supporting them.”

  Miguel felt sick to his stomach. Alex’s smile had faded and the mere thought of a life without her was incomprehensible. “I still don’t think it’s necessary but if it is what you want, Alex, then fine, draw one up, Eden.”

  “Sis, before you sign anything, I want to look it over.”

  Miguel held onto Alex’s hand as if he was afraid she was going to flee. “We came here to share our
news with the two people who mean the most to us and instead of being happy for us…”

  “Miguel, they are just looking out for us, because they care.”

  “Alex is right, Miguel. I am happy for you.” Eden walked over and punched her brother in the arm.

  “Me too. I just need to leave that overprotective brother attitude at the door.”

  “Thanks, Ryan.”

  “I love you, Sis.” Ryan hugged Alex.

  “Ok then, we are going to head off to work now.” Miguel kissed Alex on the top of her head and then walked them out the door.

  Miles was waiting inside Miguel’s office when he arrived. Miguel walked through the door and Miles jumped on his back. “I’m so fucking happy for you, Migs!”

  Miguel shook Miles off of his back and then the two hugged. “Thank you. I still can’t believe she said yes.”

  “She loves you, stupid.”

  “I know. I can’t believe how much my life has changed since I met her.” Miguel sat down next to Miles. “Miles, I can’t even begin to explain how I feel. My heart feels like it’s going to explode. I love her so much.”


  Miles turned around and jumped up to hug Alex. “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you two.”

  Alex walked over and plopped herself down on Miguel’s lap. “Thank you. I’ve never been happier.” Alex kissed Miguel.

  “Ok, I think it’s time for me to go.”

  “No, actually I want you to stay. I have to talk to you about something.”

  “I guess that’s my cue to leave?”

  “If you don’t mind?”

  Alex kissed Miguel on the cheek and got up. “You know where to find me if you miss me.”

  “I already miss you.” Miguel smiled.

  “Migs, I’m going to puke. Being in love is all sweet and stuff but you’re turning into a pussy.”

  “Pussy is one of my favorite things.” Miguel punched Miles in the arm and they laughed.

  Alex walked back to her office. Some of the employees were looking at her. They hadn’t told anyone about their engagement but it seemed like people knew something was up.

  “Alex!” Faith came screaming down the hall and hugged her best friend.

  “Faith, calm down. Let’s go into my office.”

  Faith followed Alex, once inside her office Faith closed the door and grabbed Alex’s hand to see her ring and again began getting over excited and jumping up and down. “I’m so happy for you. Oh my God, what a beautiful ring. Oh I can’t believe this. You’re going to marry Miguel McHottie!”


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