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Trusting A Tiger (Alaskan Tigers)

Page 3

by Dobson, Marissa

  “You’re having my dreams. You see it all don’t you? Everything Henry did to me?”

  Robin nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

  “Felix is taking me to speak with Ty and Tabitha this afternoon, so I’ll bring up the subject. If he can help, I’m sure he’ll meet with you afterwards. Maybe committing myself to the Alaskan Tigers could relieve the strain of my emotions on you.” She scooted up on the bed, pressing her back against the headboard and running her hand along the red and black satin comforter. Oh, how she loved the bed and comforter. It was so much more than she’d had in more years than she cared to remember, but the colors, she knew, made her seem paler than she was.

  “You’re thinking about committing to the clan?” Robin turned to face her.

  “I might have no choice. If I’m to be mated with Felix, I’ll have to.” Things were so confusing when it came to her mating. When Felix wasn’t there, her body and tigress longed for him, but when he was there, she would do almost anything to get away from him. Sharing the face with the man who raped her for sport countless times was almost more than she could bear, not to mention the torture he put her thought just to hear her scream.

  “Felix?” Robin’s eyes grew as big as saucers with both amusement and concern.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s a really screwed-up situation, but what are we to do?”

  “I thought there was something different about you when I walked in, but I wasn’t sure what. Maybe we should talk about this, I’m sure this is bringing up more memories of what you went through.” Robin came away from the window, her gaze fully on Harmony as she sat back down on the edge of the bed.

  “It hasn’t brought up anything I wasn’t already dealing with. Either way, right now I don’t need a therapist; I need a friend.” Harmony wasn’t sure Robin could be anything than what she had been, but she didn’t want to be analyzed now. She wanted someone to tell her that things would work out. After all, they had to…didn’t they?

  “I’m that, too. I’m just concerned about the progress we made. I don’t want this to set you back. I’m not sure I completely understand this mating thing. I can feel it between Adam and I, but I don’t really understand how it works. Do you have the right to deny your mate?”

  “Not really. Eventually the desire between the mates will be so overwhelming and painful that it will force the two together. A human mate wouldn’t feel it as strongly as shifters do because our desire would keep our beast on edge until we gave in.” She tugged her sweater down, straightening all the winkles from it. “I know Felix is a different person, but…” She let the words die on her tongue.

  “But he looks identical to Henry,” Robin supplied.

  “Yes. Every time he’s around, it’s impossible for me to deny what happened in Ohio. Felix brings it all back to the forefront of my mind. There are slight differences in their features if you look closely but they are still identical twins. Personality-wise, they are completely different, and there’s no mistaking one for the other.”

  “The biggest question is: can you get over what he reminds you of, or will that always be a sore spot in the mating?” Robin nodded to the gun on the nightstand. “What’s that all about?”

  “Felix took me target practicing yesterday.” She couldn’t help but smile as warmth filled her with the memories of the afternoon they spent together. “He gave me a way to protect myself, to ‘liberate me from my fears,’ as he would say.”

  “Protection isn’t a bad thing if you’re comfortable with it. When I was on the run from Pierce and his rogues, I had a handgun. When Adam found me holed up in a crumby motel room and brought me back here, he let me keep it, knowing it would give me comfort since I was terrified of him—of everything even my own bloody shadow. It gave me peace of mind knowing that with it I stood a chance of getting away from a shifter. Are you comfortable with it?”

  She nodded. “Getting there. We spent a good part of yesterday shooting it until I got comfortable. He’s bringing me a hip holster when he comes back, and we’ll go to the range on the compound after I speak with Ty.”

  “Seems as though you two are getting along well. I told you he’s a good man. He’ll be a good mate if you can overcome your past. Maybe when Henry is no longer a threat, it will be easier.” Robin ran her hand over the comforter smoothing out the wrinkles. “You know, if you need anything, I’m here for you, or if you want to talk, I’m always here for you.”

  She nodded, knowing Robin was eager to get back to her mate. “I know, thank you. But I’m serious—I do want you to take a break from helping Connor. I have a feeling everything’s going to work out.”

  “Okay.” That single word didn’t seem very convincing, but it’s all Robin gave. “All right, I promised Adam I wouldn’t be long, so I better get going before he’s knocking down your door.” Robin rose from the bed, plastering a smile on her face.

  “Go enjoy your mate.” Harmony wondered if there would ever be a time when she could do the same. Accepting Felix as her mate might be the hardest task before her.

  Robin moved through the small studio apartment, making her way to the door before she turned back. “Oh, I forgot, Kallie invited us to have lunch at her place tomorrow with Bethany and Tabitha. Are you interested in going?”

  “Sure.” It was time she started getting out of her hidey-hole, but if she were honest with herself, she’d have to admit it wasn’t just getting out. It was also the fact that with Tabitha there she’d at least get another glimpse of Felix. Damn her mixed feelings about him—damn everything that happened that led her here.

  “Wonderful, I’ll be over just before noon tomorrow, and we’ll go together. Call me if you need me.” Robin closed the door behind her, leaving Harmony alone again.

  For years she had spent her time alone, enjoying the peace of it, but now the silence was deafening. Though she was a member of the Ohio clan most of her life, she was never a part of the clan. She had a place in the woods away from everyone and everything, never bothering with clan life until her Alpha called her. The life suited her until that final challenge from her Alpha—the one she failed, landing her in Henry’s hands.

  She tried to push the thoughts of Henry away, to enjoy the silence, turning her thoughts to Felix. But no longer was silence enjoyable—Henry had seen to that. There was no longer anything easy about life. She didn’t want to be alone, but she couldn’t stand to be surrounded by people, either.

  She focused her thoughts on Felix, trying to change away the anxiety that thinking about Henry raised. Could she find a way to look past the looks that reminded her of the horror she went through and cherish the man she was destined to be with?

  The cell phone she picked up on her run rang, sending panic through her. In all her time at the compound, not once had the phone rang. She only purchased it after she escaped Henry’s confinement in case of emergencies. No one had that number. Figuring it was a wrong number, she debated not answering.

  Timidly she grabbed the phone, bringing it to her ear. “Hello?”

  “You thought you could run to my brother for protection, and I wouldn’t find you?” Henry’s angry voice filled the line, stealing her breath. “I’m coming for you. It won’t be long now.”

  “How did you get this number?” Her hand shook so much she was surprised she was able to keep the phone pressed to her ear.

  “Stupid bitch,” he spat, “you registered the phone in your own name when you got the number. After that, it wasn’t hard to find you. Randolph knows what he’s doing. I paid him well to find it, and for that you’ll be screaming for forgiveness when I get my hands on you.”

  “I just want you to leave me alone!”

  His voice sounded angrier. “Do you know why I chose to keep you alive when all the other ones they sent me died within hours from the torture?” When she didn’t say anything, he continued. “I knew you were to be mated with Felix. I could sense it. He won’t have you when I’ll have no mate. If you thought the sex was painful be
fore, it will be tenfold now that you’ve found your mate.” With that the line went dead, leaving her in more of a panic then she already was.

  She knew he was coming for her, but now she couldn’t help wondering how he knew she was in Alaska. Felix’s connection to Henry was strained and didn’t work like it would if both twins could shift, but how did Henry’s connection to Felix work? Was it strong, more accurate? Or was it as simple as tracing the phone?

  Chapter Four

  Felix nearly ran to Harmony’s studio, his tiger on edge all day with eagerness to be with his mate. There was a tingling sensation that something wasn’t right, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. Without the mating being complete he couldn’t feel her emotions completely. He knew without a doubt that she was still on the compound grounds and was in no immediate danger.

  For some mates, it was easy for them to feel each other’s feelings before the mating had been complete, but since she had no connection to his clan, it was adding to the strain. He was only left with bits and pieces of her emotions. When the mate was a human, it allowed things to be free flowing, and the shifter would feel everything from the moment the mate was found.

  Jogging across the compound, he took a moment to enjoy the crisp summer air. Summer in this part of Alaska rarely got above sixty degrees and always reminded him more of fall in the lower forty-eight. Either way, he enjoyed living here with the coolness and picturesque surroundings. He could never picture himself leaving Alaska—it was his home now.

  A cool breeze slid through him—Henry was on the move. There was a tingle of happiness in Henry…and eagerness. Was it eagerness to find Harmony? Felix still wasn’t sure where Henry was. All he could feel was that Henry was nearing them, still not in Alaska but definitely closer than he was before. If he continued to move at the pace he was, he’d be in Alaska within two days. Shit!

  They needed to locate him before he could get near the compound. He didn’t want to put Harmony or any of the other clan at risk. Deciding not to mention it to Harmony now—after all, there was no reason to worry her more when there was still nothing that could be done—he gave a quick knock, and when he received no answer, he pushed her door open. He could sense her but didn’t see her immediately, and in a studio apartment the size of a master bedroom in most houses, that sent the alarm bells ringing. “Harmony?”

  Shutting the door he stepped around the other side of the bed, planning to check that bathroom before heading down to the creek where he found her yesterday. There she was curled into a ball, her legs pulled tight against her chest and her face buried in the tops of her knees.

  He dropped to his knees in front of her. “What is it? What has happened?”

  She didn’t look up, only sobbed louder. He cursed not being able to feel her emotions completely. He laid his hand on her leg, and when she didn’t pull away, he moved closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She fit against his body as if she should have always been there. Warm and snug the other half of him. “Shhh, Harmony. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it.”

  She snuggled her head against his chest, clinging to him. What had happened to cause her such distress? When he bumped into Robin earlier, she mentioned the progress Harmony was making and had even agreed to lunch at Kallie’s the next day. That was a huge step forward for Harmony, but this seemed to be a step in the opposite direction. He held her, letting her cry, knowing that when she was ready to tell him what happened, she would. Forcing her would only delay things further.

  He wasn’t sure how long they sat there with his arm around her, until she finally looked up at him. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was tearstained, making him angry that someone or something had upset his mate.

  “Henry called.” Her voice was raw from crying.

  “What? How?” His angry level rose like a thermometer on a blistering hot day.

  “He found the number of the cell phone I purchased when I ran from Ohio.”

  He ran his hand down the length of her arm. “What did he say?”

  Shaking her head, the tears began to flow again.

  “I need to know what he said. Something in it might give us a clue to where he is.” As much as she might not want to think about it, he had to know. It could mean finding Henry before he arrived at the compound.

  “He said nothing about his location, but he knows I’m here. He believes I knew you were his brother before I arrived and sought you out for your help.” She stretched her legs out before her, her body still pressed against his.

  “There had to be something else to make you this upset. Harmony, I need to know.”

  “He knew I was to be your mate. It’s why all this happened, and that’s why he’s coming after me.” She wriggled free from his embrace and stood. “He said that you’ve had everything in life while he’s been left on the sidelines, and he won’t let you have your mate—that I’m to be his.”

  He stood and reached out to her. “I’m not going to let him get to you again. I’ll protect you.”

  How Henry find out she was to be his mate, he didn’t know, but other things became clearer. Henry forced himself on Harmony with the hope that he could take over the mating, stealing his mate. Even though twins shared the same DNA, it didn’t work like that for tigers. Twin bear shifters could mate with the same person as Taber and Thorben did with Kallie, but it didn’t work the same way with tigers. Tiger shifters would never share a mate because they were too possessive.

  Sex with someone other than your mate was uncomfortable before the mating commenced, even painful for some, but would be excruciating after the mating was started. If Henry got his hands on Harmony now, there was no doubt that she’d wished she were dead from the agonizing pain. He couldn’t let her fall back into Henry’s paws, no matter the cost.

  “How did he know I was here? That I was your mate?” Questions flowed without giving him time to answer.

  “If your number is listed, it wouldn’t be too hard for someone to find it. I doubt Henry did—his insanity wouldn’t have let him—but maybe Randolph. Once he had the number, he could have tracked the phone.” He wrapped his arm around her, turning her to face him. “I don’t know how he found out we were to be mated. Maybe he could feel a dull connection to you. Maybe there was a Seer who told him. I don’t know, but we’ll find out.”

  “Randolph found my number.” She shook her head. “I don’t care any longer, I just want it to be over.”

  He pulled her into his body, wrapping his arms around her and hugged her to him. “It will be soon, I promise.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, clinging to him.

  He’d see Henry dead for causing his mate so much pain and heartache. No longer would he stand by and let their blood bond or sympathy stand in the way of what needed to be done. His parents already resented him for his stance on Henry and most likely it would get worse when he killed Henry, but he wouldn’t let that stand in his way either. He never understood his parents, leaving the country to put as much distance as they could between them and Henry while refusing to take action to prevent Henry from hurting others. No longer, Felix would handle the situation if his parents wanted to live in denial. His mate was more important than any blood bond he had.

  * * *

  With Felix meeting with the Elders, Harmony slid into the blistering hot tub. She needed something to wash away the memories of her past and relax her strained muscles before she had to meet with the Elders as well. The hot water worked the tension away from her, she slid deep into the garden tub, resting her head against the top. The bubbles teased around her neck, sending the sweet lavender scent in each breath, relaxing her from the inside out.

  It had only been twenty-four hours since she found out that Felix was her mate, and already her tigress paced within her for his touch. Her beast forced her to begin working through the issues that had been a solid wall between Felix and her. The walls were beginning to crumble away, and the proof of that was in the way she clung to him seeking his comfo
rt. She wanted his arms around her, to feel his caresses. No longer did she turn from him because of what he reminded her of.

  She was beginning to see him as his own person and not an extension of Henry. Was she ready for their mating? Not yet, but she was getting there. Good thing since she wasn’t sure how much longer her beast would wait before forcing the issue.

  Worries still lingered within her. What if Felix and Henry were working together? Sliding under the water and wetting her hair, she realized how absorbed that was. If she really wanted to know, to make sure Felix was on her side, there was one way to guarantee it. Mating. After mating, whatever commitment he had to Henry would be gone because of the mating bond. If Felix was working with his brother, he wouldn’t be able to betray her to Henry.

  Shaking her head, she knew he wasn’t working with Henry. Even that tingle of doubt was just her fear working overtime. She’d make sure before she mated with him. After all, she didn’t want to be mated to someone who would have betrayed her given half the chance.

  Felix’s vow to protect her played out in her mind again. He would never bring trouble to his clan. He was committed to them and to her. The bath water was growing cold, but at least it served to help her work through any lingering doubt she had when it came to Felix. He was her mate, he wouldn’t risk her, and he was too responsible and caring to work with Henry. He’d have never stood for Henry’s behavior if he had known.

  Refreshing the water with heat, she knew that her mating would be complete soon, making it more dangerous if Henry got his hands on her but worth the connection to Felix. She wanted her mate in every way that she was meant to have him.


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