Ending Plague
Page 25
As of June 1, 2021, here’s where the main figures profiled in this chapter stand:
Robert Gallo, eighty-three years old, still works as director of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland, as well as consulting with numerous bio-tech companies.
Anthony Fauci, eighty years old, still runs NIAID and has been the main scientific spokesman for the government during the COVID-19 crisis.
John Coffin, eighty years old, still works at Tufts University.
Ian Lipkin, sixty-eight years old, and despite serious allegations brought against him by his longtime collaborator Mady Hornig, of sexism and financial misconduct, continues to work at Columbia University. His history of working with the newest technology was described in this way by The Lancet COVID-19 Commission:
These advances have been critical in replacing culture-dependent methods of global health management by creating new criteria for disease causation and de-linking spurious associations between putative agents and diseases. Such examples include refuting the MMR vaccine having a role in autism and XMRV in ME/CFS. Lipkin has been at the forefront of outbreak response to many of the world’s recent outbreaks, including West Nile Virus in NYC (1999), SARS in China (2003), MERS in Saudi Arabia (2012-16), Zika in the US (2016), encephalitis in India (2017), and COVID-19 (2020). He went to China in late January 2020 to consult with colleagues at the China CDC during the early assessment of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and.53
Harold Varmus, eighty-one years old, runs the Varmus Lab at Meyer Cancer Center at Cornell University in New York City.
Frank Ruscetti, seventy-seven years old, was forced to retire from the NCI in 2013.
I am sixty-three years old, exiled from science since 2011. The fact that the Vaccine Injury Compensation program owes Mikovits and Ruscetti Consulting almost a half million dollars, and not only have not paid us for almost five years of work, but have also filed defamatory judgments against us, prohibiting us from working in the program or with other victims, is beyond criminal.
When one looks at the wreckage of 2020, it’s easy to imagine that at some point the villains all got together to create some master plan, and then when their objectives were accomplished, reunited to pat themselves on the back for a job well-done.
Never could I have imagined that our book, Plague of Corruption, would sell out the day after it was published on April 14, 2020 and become the runaway science bestseller of the year, dwarfing sales of all other virus-related books. The people were hearing a message the mainstream media didn’t want to be broadcast. And the people were responding, waking from their decades-long slumber, and starting to question some of our long-established institutions.
The battle for humanity’s future is not yet over.
Spoiler alert—God has already won!
The Filmmakers, an Angel, and Gifts Straight from God
Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.
—Carl Sagan
In 2018 my mother became ill.
I first appreciated the severity of the situation in May, when she called me to say she was profoundly fatigued and depressed. In 2015, she’d been diagnosed with cardiac fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat), which put her at increased risk of a stroke. This terrified my mom as her mother-in-law had suffered a severe stroke when we were small children and she’d observed the terrible damage it did to my grandmother. As long as I could remember, my mother was very health conscious, following all the guidelines for heart healthy, low-fat eating and watching her weight. Though she was never into athletics, she enjoyed daily walks with her beloved dog, Bailey.
The phone call was very disturbing.
I don’t recall my mom ever using the word depressed to describe herself, but even more concerning was the lack of life in her voice. Something was very wrong. She said my sisters were encouraging her but she couldn’t function through the fatigue.
I was in Cleveland, Ohio, speaking at a Health Freedom Conference, so thank God I had a lot of time that day to try to get to the bottom of it. Nothing about this was making any sense.
My mother finally confessed that in 2011, right after I’d been released from jail, she’d been scared by her doctor into getting the flu and Prevnar (pneumonia) shots and had become very ill for almost six months. In my opinion, her illness was clearly ME/CFS, otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome. This was the very disease I’d been studying for the past several years, and for which I’d gotten into such trouble because I suggested that vaccines could be a trigger for people already carrying the XMRV retrovirus. My family had been afraid to tell me as they thought I had enough to deal with and did not want to worry me further.
I immediately changed my travel plans and flew back to Frederick, Maryland.
My mother was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, which by August had become so severe she was hospitalized and near death with severe anemia. To my horror, her cardiologist had prescribed the blood thinner, Eliquis, in 2015, and had never checked her hemoglobin levels. She had repeatedly complained of bleeding hemorrhoids since starting the drug. I was at home watching television when a commercial for Eliquis came on, with the warning, “In rare cases, life-threatening bleeding disorders can occur.” No wonder she was tired and had congestive heart failure.
She’d been bleeding internally for three years!
A blood transfusion saved her temporarily from becoming yet another statistic of the third leading cause of death in America: medical mistakes! She was terrified of receiving XMRV-infected blood, but I assured her that the Cerus INTERCEPTsystem had cleaned up the blood supply.
As we were nearing the completion of Plague of Corruption, I was passing the hours in a Frederick, Maryland hospital with her, reading her sections of the book and trying to convince her it wasn’t her fault she’d succumbed to medical bullying and taken the vaccine. When a nurse came into the room, I made certain to read very loudly, and shared with every nurse how my mother’s idiot cardiologist denied any connection of vaccines or Eliquis to my mother’s condition. Of course, the doctor blamed the patient.
I did my best to heal my mother with supplements and cannabis formulations, and she was able to go home. In those dark days at the hospital, nobody believed she would ever return home, but that blessed day did come.
I returned to California with renewed vigor and an urgency to educate as many health-care professionals as possible about the dangers of untested vaccines as we worked on case after case in vaccine court, seeing injuries similar to those suffered by my mother. Robin, a good friend of mine, was dealing with her father, who had Parkinson’s disease and was in a nursing home. Against the written instructions of his family, he was given the flu and Prevnar shots, which accelerated the progression of his disease. He died shortly thereafter.
Our family’s relief that our mother was healing was short-lived, as weeks later she was hospitalized with a bowel obstruction and given a diagnosis of incurable cancer.
I flew back immediately and repeatedly asked to see the pathology report but was not provided with it. Weeks later, after she’d been bullied into considering chemotherapy, I received the pathology report which showed the tumor was largely benign, had a few cancer cells, and that her liver was completely clear. In fact, the tumor was likely caused by the bleeding hemorrhoid and Eliquis, as her TGF-beta was literally trying to tie a rope around the area and stop the bleeding.
This unconscionable cascade of medical malpractice resulted in my mother’s death on January 22, 2019. They had killed my mother with their vaccines and Eliquis and then claimed it was my mother’s fault for not exercising.
The murder of the elderly with the flu/Prevnar vaccines enraged me and I tried once again to get my whistleblower lawsuit out from under the seal of the Nevada Attorney General’s Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), where it had been languishing for more than five years. Their failure to ac
t was preventing the public from understanding the risks of vaccine contamination and how this contamination was leading to the explosion of cancer and neuro-immune diseases.
I called my attorney, David Follin, who had worked tirelessly, but to no avail, with the Nevada Attorney General’s office. In fact, on March 16, 2017, we had flown to Nevada and presented all the evidence to an office full of government agents. More than two and a half years had passed since that meeting and the government had DONE NOTHING.
Follin inquired again in early 2019 but received no response.
Follin told my husband he would no longer take my money. The Nevada Attorney General’s Office had made it clear to Follin that if I continued to pursue the case, my family would once again be at risk.
Finally, I consulted with paralegal Travis Middleton, who helped me file a criminal affidavit against the Nevada Attorney General’s office and the FBI. As you can probably guess, we received no response.
I couldn’t help wondering, is this still the United States of America?
One blessing in this nightmare is that I began to understand the critical role of TGF-beta as the main driver behind vaccine injury and the subsequent development of cancer and neuro-immune diseases. I received an invitation to give a talk at a stem cell meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, March 22–24, 2019, sponsored by the Academy of Regenerative Practices. Now this was a first. Of course, I called Frank for help. The title of my talk was “Myelopoiesis: Key Process in Neuronal Immune health modulated by Cannabinoids.” I also began to more deeply appreciate the path God had laid out for me in my graduate school years with my study of TGF-beta, and my doctoral thesis on HIV latency in monocytes.
As I write this in 2021, it is even clearer to me that SARS-CoV-2 is not the cause of COVID-19, but that a large part of the answer lies with TGF-beta and DNA methylation. The scientific community has been looking at the wrong target, just like in HIV/AIDS.
The talk, as Frank had taught me, demanded intelligence from the audience. I was busy trying to memorize those all-important transitions so that people understood the thought process. The talk was explained at the level of the blood stem cell and TGF-beta a lot of what I learned from Drs. Chris Shaw and Stephanie Seneff and cases in Vaccine Court. I wasn’t paying much attention to the lunchtime speaker as my talk was right after lunch. I stood next to the stage, a bit nervous, as the speaker, ranting about mercury toxins in dentistry, went over into my time. I knew I’d need every minute to explain these slides. As I was getting a microphone on, I couldn’t help but notice a picture on Dr. Lori Cardellino’s slide was the Ventura pier where I had met David. Both of our microphones were on as we discovered we both lived on the same street in Ventura, CA.
As we talked on the plane home, I told her all about our manuscript for Plague of Corruption and our first book Plague. Upon returning home she read Plague, and we began meeting for coffee at Kay’s. After reading the manuscript for Plague of Corruption, she said simply, “You cannot publish that book that way.”
A little put off as she talked to me in the exact tone and words of my late mother, I said “Why not?” somewhat defensively.
“It has no dead man’s trigger,” Dr Lori said emphatically.
I had no idea what that was so once she explained, I called up Kent and said, “Maybe there’s one more story I should tell you.” She next called her longtime friend Mikki Willis in Ojai and told him he must get my story on film.
Ever since Frank met Dr. Lori, he says, “Here comes Gloria,” when he sees her. Dr Lori speaks to me with words and in a tone like my mom, Gloria. Most of the time it’s funny.
Lori once told me of a near death experience where she was sent back to earth for me. As I often say, God has a sense of humor.
Dutifully, after Lori introduced us, Mikki Willis listened to me as I told my story. But this was almost a full year before anyone would know about COVID-19 and Mikki politely told me he was busy with other projects. I was relieved, as I certainly did not want to do a movie!
Another issue I was confronting during this time was the delay in publication of Plague of Corruption, from November 5, 2019 to April 14, 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 plandemic. I don’t pretend to understand the publishing world, and although Kent and I were very disappointed at the time, it seemed like God had His own plans. Readers eagerly gobbled up our tales of scientific misconduct and understood the ways in which our public health officials were lying to them about COVID-19.
Unwittingly, we’d given them the blueprint for the campaign of deception that Fauci and company were perpetuating on the world.
I’d sent a copy of Plague of Corruption to Joost Oppenheim at the NCI, as he knew better than anyone the persecution Frank had suffered at the hands of Robert Gallo, and his diminutive partner in crime, Anthony Fauci. I received a strange email back, in which Jo signed his name, “Joe,” something I’d never seen in nearly four decades of my association with him. I was hoping that Jo would encourage Frank to read Plague of Corruption (which he eventually did), but prior to publication Frank would always beg off, saying “I don’t need to read it. I lived it.” The quick email response from “Joe” convinced me somebody other than Joost Oppenheim had intercepted my email. I was literally sick to my stomach when I read the response, in which he essentially wished me luck, but said he didn’t agree with any of my assertions, and that the vaccine program was essentially beyond question. I don’t believe Joost Oppenheim wrote that email.
Early in the plandemic, I was asked by the Academy of Nutritional Medicine to give a talk in early April 2020. The title of my talk was “Viruses Cause Disease by Dysregulating Key Immune Molecules Modulated by the eCS, The Dimmer Switch of Inflammation: Putting out the Fire.”
As Frank helped me prepare for the talk, he emailed me a paper from January 2020 entitled “TGF-Beta Induced Dysregulation of SOCS3 Facilitates STAT3 Signaling to Promote Fibrosis.”1 Along with the article he sent a note, jokingly saying that our two favorite paradigm shifting discoveries were likely to be at the heart of solving this and perhaps every other pandemic associated with these families of deadly RNA viruses.
I put abstract right next to abstract right next to abstract of my work in the 1990s showing the difference between the pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of Ebola. The cytokine storm profile from SARS-CoV-2 was the same as the pathogenic strain of Ebola. It was also a match for the cytokine storm of XMRV and ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).
I presented the talk online on April 5, 2020, because the entire country was starting our “fifteen days to flatten the curve” of COVID-19, which would last more than a year. Sadly, even the good people at the Academy of Nutritional Medicine told me I had to delete my slides on the influenza vaccines and inappropriate testing or else I wouldn’t be allowed to speak.
I understood this pattern of disease, but nobody was letting me speak. I needed an angel to give me a voice.
God sent me several.
As Mikki recalls the meeting, “As I was listening to Judy’s story, it became less relevant as to whether it was a narrative that would make a great movie. I became more focused on paying attention to her body language. The brokenness in her voice, what her eyes did when she talked about a painful situation, what her lips did. And I was clear by the end of her story, that she was telling the truth.”2 That short twenty-six minute video which was supposed to be a promotion of our Plague of Corruption, turned out to be one of the most watched videos of all time. A billion people saw it. Quickly Mikki and I both got death threats and were attacked by fact checkers so Mikki quickly began making the full-length movie. Mikki tells his story in a book to be published later in the Fall of 2021 called Plandemic: The Incredible True Story about the Most Banned Documentary in History.
While many expected the full Plandemic movie to feature me, Plandemic sent another angel, Dr. David Martin. I remembered seeing the opening minutes—me walking with Mikki while telling my sto
ry—and then the documentary pivoted to the Rotunda at the University of Virginia. I was confused as Mikki never filmed me at UVA. Enter Dr. David Martin, a brilliant man and innovator who’d developed technologies to track and detect white collar crime. Dr. Martin’s take on the COVID-19 crisis was that it was best understood as a planned event, and he detailed the suspicious pattern of grants and patents which seemed to underlie the “plandemic.”
The completed film, Plandemic: Indoctornation, received more than a hundred million views, and several million watched its debut on the London Real website, which seeks to be an outlet for traditional investigative journalism. Despite the vicious attacks on my video and the completed film, none of the critics ever stepped up to answer Mikki’s ten-thousand-dollar challenge to disprove any of the claims in either video.
Documentary filmmaker Michael had both his Sicilian father and mother, independently of each other, send him the twenty-six-minute “Plandemic” video by Mikki Willis, and tell him he “had to watch it.”
This was ironic, given his parents had never expressed a similar level of interest in his own films.
In an interview with my coauthor, Kent, Michael said, “I’m attracted to stories that are exposes of fundamental, systematic corruption and deception. I wish I was doing more human-driven stories. But I feel an obligation to tackle these big issues that cause a lot of cognitive dissonance for people.”3
Michael went on to say:
There’s this big attitude that conspiracy theories are just for crazy people. But that’s the equivalent of saying you don’t believe in the mafia. Because another synonym for conspiracy theory is organized crime. So, if you don’t like the term ‘conspiracy theory,’ just call it ‘organized crime.’ And we know organized crime is real and that’s what my films deal with. And that’s what you’re dealing with in Judy’s story. She’s just one example of how the pharmaceutical mafia operates and destroys the life of anybody who comes into conflict with it.4