Ending Plague
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Seneff sent me papers she’d written with Nancy Swanson, showing a list of diseases that are going up in concert with glyphosate usage. Alzheimer’s, autism, Parkinson’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid cancer, and pancreatic cancer, among others. All of these have gone up dramatically.
Of course, the critics will say, “Oh, everything correlates with everything else.” They’ve just been amazing in their ability to divide and isolate us from each other so we don’t see these synergies. I look forward to Seneff’s book where she takes each and every one of these diseases and shows exactly how glyphosate can affect specific proteins.
My personal favorites are the DNA methyl transferases.
Glyphosate is one chemical that had not been on my radar for its ability to disrupt the proper functioning of the immune system.
Seneff believes the reason the United States has had such a difficult time with COVID-19 is due to our heavy usage of glyphosate.
SARS-CoV-2 is a single stranded RNA virus. There is a low level of expression of the virome all the time, and, in the person, those HERVs can convert RNA into DNA, and it gets integrated into your genome. We now know that 8 percent of our genome is a virome (viruses integrated into your genetic code) and the endogenous gamma retrovirus (HERVWenv), syncytin, is part of the SARS-CoV-2 spike. These sequences can by acquired into the genome and recombine into new variants, defective or infectious viruses, all contributing to disease development. As Seneff explains:
That’s true for the mRNA vaccine as well. The vaccine has the RNA. The RNA can then be converted to DNA by your retroviruses. Then the DNA can be integrated into the genome of your immune cells, your stem cells, and you can go along producing the protein forever.9
Therefore, the concern is that people with undiagnosed retroviruses, like XMRVs, are at an elevated risk if they come into contact with SARS-CoV-2. The viruses, in effect, help each other to become more dangerous.
Not only might these people be exposed to the RNA of SARS-CoV-2, but we’re giving them RNA in the COVID-19 vaccine. Seneff continues:
There was a recent article in Nature,10 about a patient who had cancer and they’d given him a chemotherapy drug that suppressed the immune system. He was hospitalized with COVID-19, and subsequently he got serum antibodies from people who’d recovered. He stayed alive for a hundred and one days. But for that entire time, he was contagious. He couldn’t fight the virus off and it kept mutating. When he died, his dominant strain was a variant that had twelve different mutations in the spike protein.
They theorized this is what was happening with the variants that are now popping up around the world, like what’s coming out of the United Kingdom. A person with a weakened immune system gets COVID-19, then they might get antibodies. But their innate immune system is so frail that the antibodies can’t clear the virus. This sets up a situation that encourages the virus to mutate into a form that resists the antibodies.11
Seneff expressed the same concern to my coauthor Kent about the massive vaccination of the immune-compromised population.
An additional concern is that the very spike protein the vaccine is attempting to elicit antibodies into the body, is linked to many auto-immune conditions, especially if it persists in the body. In how many ways is the COVID-19 vaccine likely to be a problem?
Another likely problem with any coronavirus vaccine is the issue with antibody dependent enhancement. Let me spend a minute explaining what I mean, because it may be the strongest argument against any type of coronavirus vaccine. The reason you want to catch a virus, assuming you’re in good health, is that your immune system will create antibodies to fight off that virus in the future, and also any likely variants.
Think of it like strength-training for your immune system.
However, something extremely odd seems to happen when researchers in the past have created a potential vaccine against a coronavirus. The animals get the vaccine, their immune system produces the antibodies expected to protect against the virus, but then when they get exposed to another coronavirus, their immune system violently overreacted, causing disease. This is an article about the problem, published in PLOSOne, in 2012, about the effort to develop a vaccine to deal with the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus in China in 2002:
For this purpose, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases supported preparation of vaccines for evaluation for potential use in humans. This effort was hampered by the occurrence in the initial preclinical trial of an immuno-pathologic-type lung disease among ferrets and Cynomologus monkeys given a whole virus vaccine adjuvanted with alum and challenged with SARS-CoV. That lung disease exhibited the characteristics of a Th-2-type immune-pathology with eosinophils in the lung section suggesting hypersensitivity that was reminiscent of the descriptions of the Th-2-type immune-pathologic reaction in young children given an inactivated RSV vaccine and subsequently infected with naturally occurring RSV. Most of these children experienced severe disease with infection that led to a high frequency of hospitalizations; two children died from infection. The conclusion from that experience was clear; RSV lung disease was enhanced by prior vaccination.12
You should know that RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, a single-stranded RNA virus that causes respiratory problems, and thus is similar in many ways to a coronavirus. Taking the lead on these vaccines was NIAID, run by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been leading our nation’s efforts against the coronavirus crisis. Therefore, it’s a pretty good bet he’s as familiar with this research as Stephanie and I are.
In plain English, the research showed that vaccination ended up causing the very diseases that were trying to be prevented by the vaccine, when exposed to a similar virus. Those who got the vaccine ended up having a more severe reaction, especially along the Th-2 pathway discussed by Frank Shallenberger, which affected their lungs and breathing.
The innate immune system is messed up because of glyphosate and all the other chemicals in our environment. The virus comes in, and what does it do? It strengthens the innate immune system. But because the innate immune system can’t fight it off, the virus multiplies like crazy. The immune cells swarm into your lungs, as well as platelets, and each one of the platelets has from five to eight mitochondria.
The platelets release their mitochondria and the immune cells take them up. The platelets are in essence saying to the immune cells, ‘Here, take my mitochondria. You need them more than I do.’ The immune cells are able to restore their health through this process, if you survive. If all goes well, you get really sick, then you recover, and your immune system is stronger. If your immune system was already strong, you won’t get sick.13
Science is about confronting the unknown, wrestling with the questions, and coming up with solutions.
When asked about solutions, Seneff is clear in stating there should be a worldwide ban on Roundup, as well as the use of glyphosate in all products. It’s much too dangerous a molecule with the ability to mess up our genetic code to be continued to exist in our environment.
Glyphosate should play no meaningful role for plants, insects, humans, or any life on Earth.
I also first learned of the work of Dr. Christopher Shaw, a Canadian neuro-scientist and professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, at an Autism One conference in 2015. There, a parent had asked me to serve as an expert in her child’s case in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation program. Drs. Shaw and Christopher Exley were also serving as experts on the case. It was the first time I realized how toxic injected aluminum was to the brain macrophage (microglia).
Dr. Shaw has served in the armies of two countries. His father and uncles served in World War II, and despite growing up in a non-religious Jewish household, there was still a strong secular moral sense of needing to do the right thing. From an early age, Chris was deeply moved by the Hebrew admonition, tzedek, tzedek tirdof, translated as “Justice! Justice, thou sh
alt pursue!” from Deuteronomy. The religious tenets of Judaism were not central to Chris’s development as a young man, but the ethical teachings made a lasting impression.
He graduated from the University of California, Irvine in 1971 with a bachelor of science in neurobiology, and then went to Hebrew University in Jerusalem to get his master’s degree in medical physiology. He remained at Hebrew University to get a doctorate in neurobiology and zoology, and did his post-graduate work with a vision research group at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, before being recruited to the University of British Columbia in 1988.
At the time Chris started at the University of British Columbia he was looking at how chemical neuro-transmitters were being received by cellular receptors, and whether this activity could be affected by various electrical and chemical interventions. Around this time, Chris started working on ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. In ALS, the body itself seems to mount an attack on cells in the brain and spinal cord, leading to muscle weakness and paralysis. In the final stages, patients often develop respiratory failure and die from pneumonia.
Eventually, Chris and his team began to focus on a very strange cluster of ALS and Parkinson’s disease (another disease that attacks nerve cells in the brain, resulting in a loss of muscle function, often resulting in tremors) in Guam. Parkinson’s is commonly referred to as a non-fatal disease, although one often dies from “complications” related to the Parkinson’s, generally lowering the expected lifespan of a person by one to two years. During the 1950s and 1960s, this strange ALS-Parkinson’s like disease was one of the major causes of death on the island.
Chris and his team discovered strong evidence that the Guam cluster was linked to various types of neurotoxins in the food, specifically the use of immature cycad seeds in the production of flour, something that happened in the years after World War II. In June 2002, Shaw and his team published a detailed explanation of their hypothesis, backed up by an animal model.14
In the 2004 to 2005 time-frame, Chris and his team were looking for another cluster of ALS and ran across studies on veterans from the First Gulf War. The ALS cluster among the Gulf War veterans was first identified by Dr. Boyd Haley, the professor of chemistry from the University of Kentucky. The thinking was that the condition in these military veterans might be caused by either the anti-nerve gas agents they’d been given, or the large number of vaccines they’d been given prior to deployment, specifically the anthrax vaccine.
It had been suggested that the aluminum adjuvant in the vaccine might be the problem, so Shaw came up with a simple experiment. He would inject a size-proportionate dose of the aluminum adjuvant into the mice, and watch what happened. This is what Chris and his research team reported in their 2007 publication:
Gulf War illness (GWI) affects a significant percentage of veterans of the 1991 conflict, but its origin remains unknown. Associated with some cases of GWI are increased incidences of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other neurological disorders. Whereas many environmental factors have been linked to GWI, the role of the anthrax vaccine has come under increasing scrutiny. Among the vaccine’s potentially toxic components are the adjuvants aluminum hydroxide and squalene. To examine whether these compounds might contribute to neuronal deficits associated with GWI, an animal model for examining the potential neurological impact of aluminum hydroxide, squalene, or aluminum hydroxide combined with squalene was developed …
The findings suggest a possible role for the aluminum adjuvant in some neurological features associated with GWI and possibly an additional role for the combination of adjuvants.15
As Chris testified in the hearing, the inevitable question became, if the aluminum hydroxide was being used in vaccines for children (about two-thirds of the vaccines for children have aluminum), what conditions might it be causing?
One of the arguments that Chris does an excellent job addressing is whether aluminum should be considered dangerous as it is the most common metal in the Earth’s crust and the third most common element. He explains,
During the industrial revolution we learned how to extract aluminum from bauxite and other minerals. Biologically, it was never something life on Earth had to deal with until the 1830s and 1840s. It has really changed our biosphere. If you eat it, and you have good kidney function, you’ll mostly excrete it. It comes out through your urine, your feces, and your sweat. However, if you inject it, the trajectory in the body is very different. It gets picked up by macrophages (immune defense cells), hauled around the body, and deposited in one of two places, your bones or your brain. So, when people say eating it is the same thing as injecting it, well, no, it’s not.16
Because of all the varying ideas to which Shaw was being exposed, he eventually decided to write a book about the various schools of thought on what was behind the rise in neurodevelopmental problems in our population, particularly among the young and the elderly. Shaw’s book is titled Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars, and is scheduled to be published in 2021.
As Chris told Kent while interviewing for this book:
Writing the book has really helped broaden my perspective on the whole thing and the role of Big Pharma. Especially what’s called ‘exceptions’ and mandates and all those sorts of things. Reading your book with Judy made it clear how corrupt a lot of the science has become, particularly in vaccinology.
And the corruption in medical education, the associated power of pharma, and what we call ‘regulatory capture.’ They are very powerful. They have basically taken this branch of science and made it a secular religion. The idea that you can question it is very dangerous in this field. Because people who do question it tend to get punished or get fired. Even people who are 90% pure, if they deviate, they get punished, too …
That’s where I see the relationship to religion, and it’s not a positive comparison.17
Like Chris, my definition of science sees it as a process of inquiry, not a bunch of inflexible rules handed down from on high.
As Chris says of the current situation,
You could compare it to going up against the Catholic Church five hundred years ago, or the Islamic State very recently. If you deviate from the true faith, you’re going to get it. And I think that’s driving a lot of the reluctance from various researchers to fully engage with this issue. The way it’s evolved in the past couple of years, you’d have to be pretty crazy to go into any independent research on aluminum or vaccines.18
I guess I appreciate why the media continues to call me crazy, just as they did a decade ago. I guess it takes a special kind of crazy not to give up in the face of all the attacks which have been leveled against me since 2011.
It’s difficult for me to overstate how much I value the friendship and support of people like Christopher Shaw. This is a scientist with 227 publications, most of them peer-reviewed articles. He’s a tenured professor at the University of British Columbia with a distinguished career and an unmistakable moral compass. I am speaking about what I believe to be true and invite people to engage with me on these subjects. I am passionate about the problems, but am objective about both the facts and the processes used to determine what is true. I am genuinely puzzled by those who claim that to engage in a debate is equivalent to spreading misinformation.
Shaw has done extensive animal research. The importance of it from my perspective is the “cytokine storm and dysregulation of the innate immune response,” or as Shaw details:
Basically, what we see is that the animals have a number of neurobehavioral differences compared to control animals. The differences stratify by sex and age. When you take blood samples there are a whole bunch of cytokines that are massively affected. The main one is IL-5, which is interesting. [IL-5 is an inflammatory marker and was first discovered by Ruscetti and Gootenberg and called eosinophilia derived growth factor. Andy Wakefield’s 1999 paper showed non-specific inflammation, eosinophilia in the guts of kids who later developed autism from an MMR shot. Yes, we k
now the MMR shot does not contain aluminum.]
About two weeks after the animal is injected there’s a 300 percent increase in IL-5. IL-5 is a microglial activator. [Microglia account for 10-15 percent of the cells in the brain and spinal cord and act as the first line of immune defense in the central nervous system. They also scavenge for “junk” in the brain, such as plaques, damaged neurons, or infectious agents.] Gradually that difference disappears by the time the animals are older. But something has changed in the brain and we don’t know what it is.19
I find this work by Shaw to be highly alarming. If one understands the microglia act as “cleaners” of the brain, the question becomes, what are we doing to them by so heightening the immune response, as shown by the IL-5 numbers?
Are the microglia pathogenically primed by the injection of all this aluminum? They might be stuck in the activated ambeoid state, as I suggested in a slide I presented at Autism One. I most recently showed that slide in March 2021 at the Medical Academy of Special Needs (MAPS) conference as we considered the impact of the dangers of syncytin by way of COVID vaccines into these vulnerable, pathogenically primed populations.
I highly encourage everybody to get and read the books written by Stephanie Seneff and Christopher Shaw.
The great gift of Mikki’s film, Plandemic: Indoctornation and Dr. David Martin’s brilliance was it showed the world the vaccines, the mandates, and the media push behind it all was Big Pharma, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization. The vaccine push with the mandates is the pointy edge of the spear and there’s a lot more behind it. When Shaw read our book, Plague of Corruption, and saw the twenty-six-minute video interview of me, “Plandemic,” his suspicions were further heightened: