Book Read Free


Page 26

by Livia Jamerlan

  I opened my suitcase on my bed, surrounded by a mountain of clothes that I had separated for the trip. My cell phone began to ring, but the number on the screen was one I didn’t recognize. A frisson of fear rushed through me, but then I remembered that Drew was in jail. I shook off the fear and answered the phone.


  “Hi … Braelynn? It’s me, Mackenzie.”

  “Oh … Oh! Mackenzie. Hi. Oh my god. How are you?” My voice was loud with excitement.

  “I’m sorry to bother you.” Her voice was shaky on the other end of the connection.

  “Don’t be silly. You’re never a bother. I wasn’t expecting a call.” I sat on the floor, eyeing the stacks of clothes I needed to pack. Mackenzie had been the last person I had a real conversation with before I disappeared.

  “I’m calling to say I’m sorry, and I’m genuinely happy you’re safe, Braelynn, and I can’t apologize enough for leaving and screwing up your case.” Her voice was low and sad.

  “I’m not mad at you, Mackenzie. You were right. It was Drew.”

  “Oh, how I wish I were wrong. When the pet store called and said you came in for the letter I was thrilled, but when I saw your name and Drew’s on the news, my heart broke.”

  “Mackenzie, I don’t blame you—”

  “I should’ve called sooner.”

  “Hey, listen to me. This was not your fault. What happened to me was not your fault. He is behind bars now and he will never be able to this again.”

  “I’m truly sorry for leaving.”

  “I know. Enough sad talk. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I’m living with my parents. I was dreading that at first, but it’s been a blessing really.”

  “That’s great.”

  “Yeah, it’s not like living in Manhattan, but I’m getting back to my country roots.”

  We stayed on the phone for over twenty minutes catching up on life, love, and work. She informed me that she was sort of seeing someone new, and I told her that I was seeing Peyton Haas. I didn’t mention that he was Drew’s lawyer. We were finally having a normal conversation without any apologies. When my doorbell rang, I had to cut our conversation short.

  “Hey, Mackenzie, I have to go. My doorbell is ringing.” All the packing I was supposed to be doing had stopped once the girl-chat began.

  “Okay, it was nice chatting with you, Braelynn.”

  “Yeah, you too. I’ll save your number on my cell. We’ll have to catch up more often.”


  We said our goodbyes as my hand tugged open the front door. I stared at my tall, handsome boyfriend standing a few feet away, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned into the brick wall. His aviators covered his hazel eyes.

  “You ready, babe?” Peyton yanked on my elbow, bringing me closer to him.

  My lips covered his and my hands slid up his chest, making their way around his neck. I pressed my body to his, deepening our moment. I pulled away from him, breathless, hungry for more. “Do we have to leave right this second?” I asked. My hands threaded through his hair, tugging on it.

  “What did you have in mind?” Trapped with his arms around my waist, it was impossible to ignore his growing erection pressed between us.

  “I can think of a few things.” I pushed away from his chest. “Gus won’t be here for an hour. Do you think you that’s enough time for you, Haas?”

  “That’s more than what I need, doll.”

  Kennedy and Caleb’s wedding was a dream come true for any girl who had dreamed of her wedding day since she was five. Seventy-five of their closest friends and family flew to Coronado, California. They had rented out a hotel that overlooked the ocean on one side and the San Diego Bay of the other. Peyton proceeded to check us in as I waited for the happy couple to walk up from the beach to meet their guests. When they were closer to the front desk area, I squealed and ran towards my best friend.

  Letting go of Caleb’s hand, she ran towards me. “You’re here!” Kennedy shouted.

  Our arms wrapped around each other, laughter erupting from us. “You’re getting married!” I shouted, jumping around.

  “Oh, Lynnie, I’m so glad you’re here.” Kennedy pulled away from me to hold me by my shoulders. I looked over my best friend and she looked stunning with a grin could only be placed there by the unconditional love of her husband to be.

  A whistle from behind us had us both looking over our shoulder. Gus stood with Peyton and Caleb, waving for us to join them. “We have an itinerary to keep up with.” He propped his hands on his waist.

  Kennedy and I stuck our tongues out at the men, then locked our arms together before we strolled back to them.

  Our first day in Coronado, we treated ourselves to the royal treatment with a day at the spa while Peyton and the rest of the groomsmen played a round of golf. After our spa day, we laid out by the pool before getting ready for the rehearsal dinner. Caleb had his brother standing as his best man while Gus and I stood next to Kennedy.

  During dinner, Kennedy thanked us all for coming and Caleb surprised her with wedding jewelry from Cartier. Gus and I took turns giving speeches about Kennedy and Caleb.

  Peyton informed me that the other guys were taking Caleb out for drinks and cigars. Even though Kennedy had insisted on no bridal shower and absolutely no bachelorette party, Gus and I managed to get her out of her room and dancing on a bar top one last time at a local bar.

  She objected at first, demanding the taxi take us back to the hotel. “Tomorrow is the most important day of my life,” she protested, but once she had a few shots of tequila in her, she was shouting at the top of her lungs that she was getting married.

  It was a simple night, the three of us like it had always been. The past year had changed us. Me especially, but Kennedy’s life was headed down a path where she had a partner at her side. Gus was still Gus, and I hoped one step closer to telling his mother who he really was. But as we sat in the small hole in the wall, celebrating Kennedy, we were still three friends who would carry the weight of the world for each other.

  Once Gus and I managed to finally get Kennedy out of the bar and tucked into her suite, I walked back to the room where Peyton and I were staying. My feet ached from dancing and my body was still on East Coast time. I left the lights off as I entered the room, closed the bathroom door behind me, and turned the lights on so I could get ready for bed. Brushing my teeth and washing my make-up off, I undressed and walked back to the bedroom naked. It was how I always slept with Peyton. Clothes managed to get in the way.

  The darkened room was lit by moonlight, the rhythmic crashing of nearby waves soothing me. Peyton had left the balcony door open, letting the ocean mist enter the bedroom.

  I lifted the blanket to crawl into bed and his hand grasped my wrist, yanking me towards him. My bare chest pressed against his and his tongue explored my neck, finding its way to my mouth. Peyton took my mouth like he had taken my heart—demanding, not letting me escape him. His lips molded to mine while his tongue stroked, sucked, and possessed me. I was lost in his touch. Caressing my skin, his hands crawled up my body, cupping my face. The brisk pain of his teeth grazing my lips caused me to whimper. He pulled away. My lips were sore, but wanting more. His nose trailed across my cheek, inhaling my scent.

  “I can never fill my need of you,” he whispered as his lips nibbled on mine. “You have drawn me in and I can never escape your hold.”

  With a swift movement I was pinned underneath him, his hands locked with mine and over my head. His cock, hard and ready, rested between my thighs and my core ached for him.

  “I can never resist you, Peyton,” I moaned as the tip of his head slid between my lips.



  He brought his lips down to mine. Our lips were still pressed together when he pushed further in me and my back arched with pleasure. “You are everything I want, everything I need.”

  “I love you, Lynn. Every part of y
ou, every edge, curve, scar and dent. I love all of you.” He smiled against my lips, his breaths heavy. “All that I have is yours. Take it all. Because without you in my life, none of it matters.”

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, pushing him deep inside of me. “I’m yours, Peyton, only yours. And no other man will ever take your place.”

  They were the last words spoken between us. The rest of the night was spent showing our love for one another in a different, more visceral way until we both passed out, wrapped in each other.

  The alarm beeped at six in the morning. I rolled out of bed, kissing Peyton on his forehead. “I’ll be with Kennedy, getting ready. I’ll see you at the altar. I’ll be the one standing next to the bride.” Peyton groaned, letting me know he was awake.

  Once I was showered and dressed in my bridesmaid’s jumpsuit that had MOH written in rhinestones, I walked down the hallway to Kennedy’s room for breakfast, hair, and make-up.

  I slid the key that I had taken from her last night into the key slot and pushed the door open. Kennedy’s soft snore matched the early morning waves that crashed in the Pacific.

  “Wakey, wakey. You’re getting married today,” I said, crawling onto her bed. When she pulled the covers over her head, I stood and jumped on the king size mattress. “Come on, Kenny. It’s your wedding day. Time to get up.”

  “It’s too early. And I’m hung over, thanks to you.”

  I tossed my legs in the air and let my butt crash on top of the soft mattress. “Gus got you drunk. Now come on, get out of bed and I’ll order you a Bloody Mary. That will fix you right up.” I walked to the desk and flipped through the breakfast menu.

  “Extra olives,” I heard her call from behind me.

  I ordered a buffet style breakfast so everyone had something to choose from. Kennedy had already gotten out of bed to shower when there was a tap on the door. I answered to find Gus standing with Kennedy’s Bloody Mary in hand and a waiter with the breakfast cart.

  “Just in time.” I smiled at him.

  “Is she sick?” Gus asked as he entered the room.

  “No, just a bad headache,” Kennedy responded from the doorway to the bedroom. “And it’s all your fault.”

  “Nothing this and an Advil won’t fix.” He set the Bloody Mary down before marching over to the bride to be and wrapping his arms around her waist. “You’re getting married today, Kenn.” He kissed her cheek. “I’m so happy for you.”

  We sat out on the patio eating our breakfast as the others began to arrive. The make-up artist and hair stylist were set and ready by eight. We took turns getting ready until all that were left in the room to get ready were Kennedy, Gus, myself, and Kennedy’s mom. The florist arrived with the bridal flowers and a special arrangement of long stem white roses from Caleb.

  “To the woman I need more than my next breath. I can’t wait to marry you.”

  Kennedy’s eyes filled with tears and a full, bright smile greeted her face.

  “Don’t cry! You’ll ruin your makeup.” Gus rushed to her side with a tissue.

  Dressed in my creamy pink chiffon dress, I held my bouquet in front of me. I was the last one to walk out before Kennedy. Gus had left with Kennedy’s mom, escorting her down the aisle and waiting at the alter for Kennedy.

  “They’re ready to begin.” The wedding coordinator popped his head behind the white curtain.

  I gripped my bouquet and looked back at Kennedy. “Knock ’em dead.” The steel band began to play and the white curtain pulled back in front of me.

  I smiled wide as I walked down the aisle. Gus wiped his tear away and reached for me as I approached. I stood in front of him, searching for Peyton in the small crowd. My eyes locked with his and he winked at me.

  “You know you’re next, right?” Gus had leaned forward to whisper in my ear.


  “You two are so in love that it’s only a matter of time before you’re the one in the white dress. And Kennedy will be up here with me as we watch you come down the aisle.”

  Keeping my grin, I jerked my elbow back, hitting Gus in the ribs. Peyton and I had just gotten to a good place, a place where we were learning about each other. He wasn’t thinking about marriage and neither was I.

  The steel band began playing “Here Comes the Bride,” and the white curtain opened once again. As the sun began to set over the Pacific Ocean, barefoot in her stunning white gown, Kennedy marched down the aisle with her father. The tears that I had been holding in fell down my cheeks when I looked over at Caleb. His smile was bright, and tears of happiness trickled down his face. It was the perfect moment to capture true love.

  The ceremony was short and sweet, focused on the love that Kennedy and Caleb shared for one another. Each took turns promising to love, honor, and respect one another.

  “By the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Caleb, you may kiss your bride.”

  Caleb took Kennedy in his arms, dipping her as he captured her lips with his and the crowd cheered for the happy couple.

  Once the wedding officiate pronounced the new Mr. and Mrs. Garretson, the two were taken away by the photographer for more pictures, and the bridal party and guests were ushered to the cocktail hour. I locked my arms around Gus and Peyton and headed towards the private tent that had been set up for the reception.


  Peyton and I wandered hand in hand down the long hallway of the hotel. After showering Kennedy and Caleb with bubbles as they said goodbye to their guests, I was ready to call it a night. My feet were swollen from my strappy sandals I’d changed into for the reception, and the bobby pins that held my hair up were permanently marking my scalp. I released Peyton’s hand and wrapped my arm around his waist, laying my head on his chest.

  “I think I might sleep for days, I’m so tired,” I complained.

  He brought his lips to my tender scalp and kissed it gently. “I plan on undressing you, bathing you, and taking you all night.”

  That sounded like heaven. “Mmm…”

  We stopped in front of our door and I waited as Peyton located our room key in his back pocket. Sliding the key into the slot, he opened the door, kicking it wide. He held my elbow, not letting me go.

  I looked up at him with a puzzled expression.

  Winking at me, he leaned and kissed the tip of my nose. Lost in his gentle touch and weariness, I was surprised when he cradled me in his arms, lifting me before crossing the threshold.

  Vibrant laughter escaped my throat. “I think Caleb and Kennedy are the only ones who need to do this. Not the whole bridal party.”

  “Eh, it seemed like the appropriate thing to do.” He kicked the door shut behind him.

  Peyton brought me to the living area of our suite before he lowered me. I sat on the coffee table, looking up into his endearing eyes. Through all the hell I had endured the past year, he was my addiction. One I refused to kick. There wasn’t enough rehab to stop craving what I felt for him.

  Peyton stepped back before squatting in front of me, his hands sliding down my legs. Cradling my foot in his hands, he kissed my ankle before slipping off my sandal. I leaned back on the coffee table, my wrist holding me up as he did the same to my other foot.

  Peyton tossed my shoes to the side and rose, his hands outstretched for me to grab. Rising from the coffee table. I stood, looking up into his bright eyes. They were still as bright as I remembered, like the blazing fire the stoked my love for him.

  “I love you,” I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around his chest. His lips pressed against the top of my head and I looked back up at him. “I know I don’t say it as often as I should, but I do love you, Peyton. With all my heart.”

  With his eyes bright, his lips spread into a smile. “I know.”

  Lost in him, I didn’t notice his hand pulling the zipper on my dress until his fingertips tickled my skin. Peyton brought his lips to mine as my dress hit the floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deep
ening our kiss.

  “Not yet.” He pulled away, his hand cupping the side of my face. “I have something to show you,” he whispered against my lips.

  “Oh really?”

  Peyton tossed his shoes and socks next to mine and loosened his tie as I unbuttoned his shirt. I ran my fingers across his chest, down his laterals and around each well-defined ab. Turning me so my back faced him, he pulled the bobby pins from my hair, letting it fall down and over my shoulders. His nose found the crook of my neck, his breath causing goose bumps to rise.

  “You’re absolutely breathtaking.” He kissed my neck again, his hands coming around to cover my eyes.


  “Just for a second, Lynn.”

  One hand covered my eyes while his other was resting on the lower part of my back, guiding me.

  Though I couldn’t see where he was leading me, I knew the hotel room. Peyton led me to the master bedroom, stopping short of the bathroom door.

  “Open the door, love,” he whispered in my ear.

  I brought my hands to the door, feeling for the door handle. The knob turned easily and I pushed the door open.

  The smell of roses invaded my senses, and I felt the soft petals under my toes. My skin warmed the further I stepped in the room. My eyes were still shut, my heart beating a mile a minute as Peyton hover around me.

  His hand entwined with mine, locking our fingers together. “Open your eyes, Braelynn.”

  With my bottom lip pressed between my teeth, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

  Vases and more vases of red roses covered every surface of the massive bathroom, from long stem roses to smaller vases. White candles lit the room, and the marble floor was covered with white rose petals.

  Shocked by the beauty of the room, I gasped for air and my hands flew to my mouth. “Peyton,” I shook my head at him. I was amazed. “When did you do this?”


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