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Romancing The Alpha

Page 1

by Cass Wilder

  Romancing The Alpha

  Part 1

  Cass Wilder

  Copyright 2015

  All Rights Reserved

  Smashwords Edition

  ISBN: 9781310647505

  Thank you for your purchase! It shows you appreciate the hard work and effort put into this work by the author. Please respect the author by not sharing this without written permission.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters or incidents are all a product of the author’s imagination. Any likeness to persons, places, and things are purely coincidental.


  Romancing The Alpha is designed as a series of short stories. These stories will eventually be put into a bundle. The short stories will be available ONLY through Kindle Select or Kindle Unlimited. At the time that the series is finished, the bundle will be available for regular purchase and not through Kindle Select or Kindle Unlimited. So if you would rather wait until it is finished, please sign up to my mailing list to be notified when the entire completed series bundle will be available and where.

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  Chapter 1

  “I’m so cold-d-d” Nelson shivers out his last sentence.

  “I know Nels. I know. Me too. I’m so sorry this has happened to us. I thought someone would have found us by now.”

  I move in as close as I can, trying to share my body heat and keep him alive. It’s been 4 days I think.

  The snow is almost all the way up to the top of the windows of the SUV. At least it has stopped. Maybe that will help someone find us…or I should say me, if I am not dead by then.

  I hear his breathing slow. Then stop. Tears well up in my eyes. I get panicked.

  “Nels! Nelson, wake up!” Shaking him I’m hoping he will stir once more. Nothing. We were fine the first day running the car only long enough to get the heater to take off the chill. But that all changed once we ran out of gas. On top of that, Nels was a diabetic. His insulin would only last a couple of days without food. His body just couldn’t take it.

  I feel sick. It’s only me that’s left. How did this happen? How is it I come up here with 3 men and I am the only one still alive?

  Jason and Randall left two days ago to find help. I doubt they made it far. And I know they wouldn’t just leave us without having someone come to find us. I didn’t want them to go, but Jason thought it was a good idea so I insisted that someone go with him. Randall volunteered. Now they are most likely both dead. The snow was pounding us then.

  I sat and cried for a few minutes.

  “It isn’t fair!”

  If only someone could hear me.

  The low growl of my stomach reminds me of how hungry I am. There must be some food left somewhere. I check all the pockets and even under the seats for a lost french fry. Not even crumbs. I should have figured as much. Jason never allowed eating in his new SUV and would never let crumbs stay on the floor long enough before taking it to be vacuumed. Oh, how I longed for my old beat up Chevy with lost candy bars.

  My body is weak and I am tired. I just want to fall asleep. I can’t. If I do, I will die out here. Oh, why didn’t I listen to you Wesley? I am so sorry we fought before.

  I turn on my phone. There’s still a little battery left. I send a text to Wesley in hopes that he gets it. If I do die, at least I will have apologized for pissing him off. I hit send right before it dies again.

  Shoving the phone in my pocket I lift myself to look out the small area of light at the top of the window. There is sun coming through. But it's too cold to melt this anytime soon. I can’t sit here and let this be my frozen grave. I need to try to make it out.

  I find my backpack and pull everything out of it, thinking of what I would need to take to make it through in case I have to sleep in the woods. I gently unwrap the blanket that I covered Nels with, then roll it up and use a couple of pairs of socks to make some ties.

  My feet are so cold I almost cannot feel my toes. I take all the rest of my socks and put them on in multiple layers. Thank God I brought extra socks and underwear. Hopefully it is enough to keep me from losing any toes to frostbite. I take off my coat and try to put on layers of clothes until I almost can’t move. My coat barely fits over me, and I feel like the marshmallow man. Being plus size and having an extra layer of fat probably doesn’t hurt either. At the moment, I am glad I have the extra fat layer.

  I wish we would have found a way to build a fire. Fire…I need to look for matches or a lighter.

  Randall was always so much better prepared for things. I bet there is something in his extra duffel. I rummage through all the bags, finding a book of matches and a pocket knife. “Yes! Thank you Randall!” I yell as I kiss the matches and shove them in my little front pocket along with the knife.

  I find a couple of tools that may come in handy. Especially the hammer. I am in wild animal country after all.

  My bag is as good as its going to get. Time for me to try to get out of here. Lifting the door handle and pushing against the door, it won’t budge. I might as well be stuck in a concrete bed.

  I realize the only way to get out is to break out the back window. That is the only one that I will be able to fit my padded body through.

  I awkwardly pull and roll myself over the back seat, tossing the extra baggage out of the way and trying to ignore Nelson. I grab the hammer that I found and try to break the glass. The cold makes it hard to grip the slick, polished wood handle. I force a grip and give it a good whack.

  “What the fuck?” The glass doesn’t give. I push myself back and smack it harder. It finally cracks into tiny little pieces, but stays together. Thank goodness for tinted windows.

  I keep hitting the glass causing it to spiderweb until I can see it is about to give. I find a screwdriver and try to wedge it in between the trim and the glass, finally breaking the seal. The claw of the hammer wedges in between and pull the glass towards me as it finally breaks free and I can pull it away. All the shards are stuck to the window tint, so it is easy to pull it as one piece.

  The wall of snow is staring me in the face as I reach up and give it a poke to see just how hard it is. The top is light enough for me to move it away. First, I push my backpack through. Then I push my padded body through as the snow gives way, allowing me to roll down the drift.

  Finally free, I try to stand. The snow is deep and I sink up past my knees. This is going to be a hard trek. But it looks like it is deepest around the truck where it drifted. It looks like the road isn’t nearly as deep.

  I decide to try to make some kind of sign in case anyone is flying over looking for us. I make my way on top of the truck and clear enough snow to make SOS on the black roof to show through. I thought about trying to clear away some of the snow around the truck, but I need to save my energy for the hike.

  I grab my bag and decide it is better to head back the way we were coming.

  Jason and Randall went forward, towards the cabin we were supposed to be staying at. But I had no idea where that was or how far. I grab the hammer to carry for defense. It's better than nothing.

  I stand there for a minute and listen to see if I can hear any kind of noise. I am hoping for something that sounds like machinery, or a vehicle. Nothing. In fact, the silence is bone jarring. I imagine under different circumstances, it can be peaceful, but not at the moment. What I wouldn’t give for the rumble of the city and the steam permeating its way through the manholes.

  I take a deep breath and begin my walk. My body aches and the cold air seems to pierce my lungs with each breath. I fight to take each step through the deep snow. The cold breeze pricks at my eyes as I wipe away the tears.

  My mind drifts to Wesley,
and to my sister who lives in Florida. I think about being on the beach in the sun and try to imagine myself being warm. It helps momentarily, but I am finding that my mind feels mottled. It’s like I can’t think clearly. Must be my body starting to feed on what is left of my glucose stores.

  Wesley begged me to come with him to visit his parents over the Christmas holiday. I didn’t want to deal with their judgmental ways. They always gave me the stink eye. I wasn’t thin, or blond or rich. I was pudgy, red headed and barely making it.

  Wesley and I were the odd couple and we liked it that way. We complimented each other, but I think deep down we both knew we were only using each other for our own agendas. He used me to get back at his rich parents, and I used him because I knew he could provide a lifestyle I could not afford on my own. After a while, we grew to love each other. Although I think he loves me more than I probably do him.

  Right now I would give anything to be wrapped safely in his arms, pulling me into his chest kissing me. I feel myself smiling as I struggle through each step.

  Stopping to catch my breath, I look back to see how far I’ve come. The truck is still in view and I can feel the frustration building.

  “Really?! REALLY?!” I scream out loud. I am so angry that my friends have died and I am out here alone. I have to keep going.

  Maybe if I sing something that will help me to not think about how hard this is.

  My bones hurt. Like the kind of hurt after a car accident. I gotta try to take my mind of the pain.

  What do I want to sing? Hmm… I am not a very good singer, but maybe I can try something about being on the beach in the sun or something. All I can think of is Christmas songs.

  I begin to belt out jingle bells. After all, it is my Christmas vacation. It's funny… I feel embarrassed even though no one can hear me.

  The sun continues to move across the crystal blue sky, looking deceptively warm as I push harder and harder to make it through the snow, stopping every now and then to listen in case I am getting closer to humanity.

  I can’t see the truck anymore. I begin to think about what I will do if I have to spend the night out here. I need to find a place to build a fire and take a break.

  Deciding to push through a little while longer I finally see an area that looks like it has some tree cover. There is a clump of evergreen that make a semi-circle. Like someone had planted a half-circle of Christmas trees. That could block the wind and make it harder for animals to see me.

  I make my way over to the clump of trees. Yes, this will work.

  Tossing the backpack down and I take the hammer and use it to dig down into the snow, creating a cave-like hole facing the trees. Now I just need to get a fire started… oh crap. How am I going to find wood under all this snow?

  I push my way through a couple of the trees and look around. The sun is starting to set. I need to hurry. The forest floor is actually less covered than the open road area I was walking on. It made it easier to get through without as much effort. I found a bunch of brambles and a small dead tree on the ground. I picked up what sticks and wood I could find that wasn’t horribly wet, looking for some leaves that may have been under the brambles and still dry enough to catch fire.

  A few trips later I had enough to at least get something started. I looked through my pack and found my notebook. All of my research was in this book. It would hopefully save me now. I pulled off several sheets of paper and wadded it up, stuffing it under my stick teepee. With my back to the wind, I carefully lit the first match. Mother nature quickly blew it out.

  I took my pack and anything else I could find to help me surround the area and break the wind. I waited until just the right time and tried again. The match flamed high, then lowered as I pushed it under the paper. My heart lifted as I saw the paper catch. I let the wind do its thing as it fanned the flames under the leaves. The smoke let me know that the fire had made it to the leaves as I saw the flames poking their heads through the sticks. Warmth hit my face as I closed my eyes and moved in close as it began to build.

  Nothing soothes the soul like fire. And right now the fire was my savior.

  My fire had made it. I had managed to build a fire and grab enough wood and sticks to surround the fire and dry out as I used them to burn. My makeshift snow cave had blocked the wind as night fell. The darkness blanketed me, but I felt safe inside my makeshift home. I noticed how thirsty I was and dug through my pack to find my aluminum water bottle. It had long been emptied but I filled it with snow and laid it on the edge of the fire. I waited until it got warm and sipped the warm water, letting it thaw my insides.

  That wouldn’t take care of the hunger, but at least I won’t die of thirst.

  Keeping myself busy with melting and drinking helped to keep my mind off of my circumstances only for a little while. I looked up at the clear sky and could see stars I never could see from the glow of the city lights. The view was amazing. If I had to go, I would lay down and look at the stars until I died. But I won’t die tonight. I refuse. I’m not going out this easily.

  The warm water continued to do its magic as I closed my eyes. Sleep crept up and took me before I knew it.

  Chapter 2

  **Gasp! **

  “What the…?” I startled up into a seated position. My fire was nothing but embers and I was shivering. But not from the cold. There was something out there. Something I couldn’t see.

  Oh shit! Where is that damn hammer?

  The moonlight on the snow made it seem like someone had turned on a night light in the sky. But I couldn’t see whatever it was I heard. It sounded like heavy breathing. Then, like a low growl. What the hell is it?

  My fingers searched the ground for the hammer just as a long nose and a pair of eyes pushed its way through the evergreen branches. I froze. The growl became louder. I slowly pulled my hand back and readied myself. It looked like a small wolf. I knew their nature. I also knew they usually traveled in packs so there would be more close by. I couldn’t fight a whole pack. My only option was to run.

  With strength I didn’t know I had, I pounced to my feet and took off in the opposite direction.

  Don’t look back, just keep running. I could hear him following me. I began to scream as I felt the wolf gaining on me. I have never moved so fast. The fear pushed the adrenaline through me and made me temporarily super human.

  I hear barking. Run, run run!

  There is a force that hits me in the back, pushing me down to the ground. My head hits a tree. I feel the world spin. I’m going to die now, being eaten by wolves. Oh god!

  I hear growling and fighting. My eyes are fuzzy. I can’t see. The world goes black.


  My eyes open slowly. I am groggy. I must be hallucinating because I smell coffee. My eyes struggle to focus on the wall that is made of logs. Looking down towards my feet, I am lying on some kind of bed. It takes a moment for me to regain my senses. I am not cold. In fact, I am quite warm. My head cranes backwards. The room is tiny. Just big enough for the bed I am on and a walkway towards a doorway that has a quilt draped over it. There is a tiny window that doesn’t open. The faint light pushes its way through the snow to give a gray glow to the little room.

  How did I get here?

  Do I smell bacon? And more importantly, WHO is cooking it?

  With shaky arms I push myself to a seated position. The room begins to spin slightly. My head is pounding. I reach up and can feel the knot on my head. My throat is parched and I am extremely thirsty.

  The glass of water sitting on the nightstand doesn’t have a chance as I reach for it and chug it down. I am so dehydrated I can actually feel the coolness hitting my stomach.

  I try to stand. My legs give out and I plop back down on the bed. The shuffle of quick footsteps leads to a rather large hand pushing back the blanket that is my separation between quite safety and whomever is out there.

  “Hello.” The husky voice says.

  The light behind him makes it hard for me to see
what he looks like. Right now he is just a silhouette.

  “Hi.” I manage to squeak out.

  “How are you feeling?”

  I hadn’t really thought much about it since I was too busy just trying to sit up.

  “Um… hungry?”

  A gruff chuckle fills the tiny room.

  “That’s a good sign. Would you like some help or would you like me to bring it to you?”

  “Breakfast in bed?” I force a grin.

  “If you like.”

  “No… thanks, I would like to sit at a table if you don’t mind.”

  He pushes his way into the room. There is barely enough room for both of us. I can see the breadth of his shoulders. Did he carry me here?

  His hand extends towards me. “Take is slow.” His voice is soft and deep. Almost hypnotic.

  My hand slip into his. Rarely has my hand felt tiny in a mans. His hand gently wraps around mine and his other hand reaches underneath my arm to help me stand.

  The muscles work hard to find their memory, but I am on my feet. He works his way behind me and gently wraps one hand around each side of my waist. I push through the doorway and see a little table with two chairs. Making my way over I plop down with a sigh.

  My mind is racing with a million questions, but my body is so weak that I decide to wait until I get something in me before grilling him for answers.

  He moves smoothly for such a large man. Grabbing a wooden plate, he piles it full of bacon and sets it in front of me.

  “Eat what you like. Eggs? Coffee?”

  I nod yes, as I shove two pieces into my mouth. Being hungry is one thing. Being hungry with a plate full of bacon sitting in front of you is torture unless you are shoving it in your mouth.

  Chuckling, he turns back to the skillet and cracks three eggs. The coffee he sets in front of me draws me to it. Sipping it feels like home. It bathes the back of my throat with its bitter flavor. My body is shaking from its first food in days.


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