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KnightForce Ethan (La Patron's KnightForce)

Page 4

by Sydney Addae

  “What?” Vanessa said, disappointed by Shyla’s attitude.

  “Hmm?” Shyla looked up at her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Shyla shook her head. “Three and a half months, right?”

  Vanessa crossed her arms over her chest and nodded.

  “He’s never penetrated you sexually, but he wants to marry you and it’s not a religious thing? What’s the rush? Why is he trying to lock you down so fast? More importantly, why won’t he sleep with you? Instead he stays with his friend, Sanders.”

  It was the emphasis she placed on the word friend that grabbed Vanessa’s attention. Immediately she thought over all the times she and Jim were together. Sanders wasn’t with them, but Jim always stayed with his friend. What if? No! She shied away from the idea he’d be unfaithful to her with his friend.

  Shyla was right. Just as she’d told Shyla yesterday, Jim had never penetrated her with his cock. And it bothered her last night when he refused to do it and left for Sanders. In the light of day his actions didn’t seem so romantic. What man walked away from his fiancé’s bed to sleep at his best friend’s house?

  Her heart dropped to her stomach as she looked at Shyla. “I don’t know. What am I going to do? What if he and … what if they’re… but why? It doesn’t make sense.”

  Shyla inhaled deeply and then released it. “I know people who can find out anything about anybody. When you’re ready just say the word. You’ll know what’s going on and can make a decision from there.”

  The offer surprised Vanessa. Not that Shyla knew people, everywhere they went someone would greet the woman. But that she’d use her connections, which she rarely spoke of, to check Jim out. “Thanks.” Was she ready for the bubble to burst? It might not, she argued. He could be asexual or something else altogether. Last night when they’d returned home, they’d cuddled, kissed and he brought her to another orgasm with his mouth and hand. She’d been feeling so good she didn’t argue when he left. “Why did he leave last night?” She didn’t mean to ask the question out loud, but now that she had, she wanted Shyla’s take.

  “Where is he now? With Sanders? Or someplace else?”

  Vanessa’s brow rose. “Someplace else? Like where?” It never occurred to her Jim might be lying about his whereabouts. Now she had all kinds of doubts.

  Shyla shrugged but kept her gaze on Vanessa. “I don’t know. It just seems strange to leave the night of your engagement, that’s all.”

  Vanessa nodded and snatched up her bags. “I’m going to Sanders right now. Somebody better answer my questions.”

  Shyla stood. “Don’t do that.” She swore. “I shouldn’t have said all that, my mind’s working over-time on a few other things. You’ve already been seen, so you can’t not show up for work today. We can go after-school if you’d like. Or he can meet you at your house so the two of you can have a serious conversation. But not at Sanders, that’s giving Jim the advantage.”

  “He may not be there,” Vanessa said, her thoughts racing. Had this been a game? If so, what did he hope to win? None of it made sense. She pulled off the ring and placed it in her wallet.

  “Vanessa?” Shyla said.

  “Not until I get some answers, good, common sense answers.”

  “Do you love him?” Shyla asked.

  The soft spoken question toppled Vanessa’s villainous thoughts. She opened and then closed her mouth on a snap. “Yes… yes, I love him.” Her response lacked fervor and conviction. Thinking of him and their time together, she softened and smiled. “Yes, I love him,” she said in a firm tone. “That’s why doubting his love or actions bothers the hell out of me.” She looked around to make sure no one was nearby. “He’s gorgeous, with a fine body, and rich. I’ve never dated anyone who had all three qualities and treated me as good as he does. I matter to him. My wants, opinions, desires… except in that one area, he makes sure I have everything I need. To think for one second, it’s not coming from a real, sincere place… fucks with me,” she whispered, and stepped back.

  “I understand. Talk to him. If you go to Sanders, you’ll be dragging someone else into your problems. That’s not fair to any of you.” Shyla placed her hand on Vanessa’s shoulder. “After what happened at the Directors’ meeting yesterday, your students are going to be excited today. Stay here for them. Deal with Jim later.”

  Vanessa had forgotten the Board fiasco and grinned. “Wonder what those bitches plan to do now?”

  “Aggravate the hell out of you, what else can they do? Must be nice being the star of their hate porn.”

  Vanessa laughed as she hefted her bag on her shoulder. “Funny. Hate porn. I’ve gotta remember that.”

  Shyla smiled and waved her off. “Lunch?”

  “Yeah, see you then.” Vanessa left and headed to her class. Thoughts of Jim, conflicted with the Board and teaching and students rolled through her mind. She really needed to let the Board thing go; it was over, she’d won and could continue teaching the way she’d been doing. As she neared her class, Brenda and Pamela stepped out their classrooms and stared at her approach.

  “Is my dress crooked or something?” Vanessa asked, unconcerned at the sarcasm in her voice. She’d tried nice and they didn’t respond. Now they’d get nasty.

  Pamela’s cheek reddened. “No. You look okay. I just wanted to congratulate you on your…” Her gaze swept over Vanessa and stopped.

  “My what? Victory at the Board yesterday? Which never should’ve happened if you two weren’t more juvenile than the students.”

  “What?” Brenda stuttered, staring at Vanessa. “I didn’t have anything to do with the Directors calling you in. What makes you think that?”

  “Because the complaint wasn’t a parent or student. It was specific to things I teach in class. Plus, who knows my curriculum?” Vanessa stopped before they realized how much yesterday upset her.

  “I admit I’ve been in your class to see how you’ve set things up, trying to understand why students seem to learn in that environment. But hey, as long as they’re learning I’ve got no complaints.”

  “Can you say the same, Pamela?” Vanessa didn’t believe Brenda, but with everything else going on in the background she didn’t want a prolonged conversation.

  “No. I reported you to the Board, your teaching methods are out of line and you aren’t meeting school criteria.” She straightened and looked at Vanessa as if preparing for battle. “As for that staged display from your students yesterday, I think it proved my point.”

  Vanessa’s eyes widened. She laughed and shook her head. “That’s hate porn, glad I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think.” She turned and entered her classroom.

  Her cell vibrated in her purse. Without pulling it out she knew it was Jim. She wasn’t ready to talk to him. When it stopped, she turned it off, stared at it for a few moments, and turned it back on. The moment she did it vibrated again.

  Her stomach clenched. Should she answer it? Could she act like everything was okay? It stopped. She released a breath and turned it off. No, she couldn’t fake it, he’d know something was wrong and want to talk. Eyes closed, she took a deep breath and placed a couple fingertips on her forehead. This was harder than she imagined, but she needed to get through the day. Tomorrow she’d sleep in, and deal with the fall out. For now, Jim’s role in her life was on hold.

  An hour later, Shyla walked in the room and closed the door behind her. The bell rang, students filed out, headed for their next class. As soon as the last one left, Shyla spoke.

  “Turn your phone on please, or Jim will be at your door within 10 minutes.”

  Vanessa’s mouth dropped open and then she snapped it shut. “He called you?” Of course he called Shyla, why else would she be here.

  “Yes, but after he called the front office and probably a few other places. He sounded worried. Claims you never turn off your phone. So please, call him, let him know you’re okay unless you want him to pay your class a visit.” Her brow rose in question.
  “No, I don’t. I just need to focus and get through this day. I plan to deal with him later.” She pulled the phone from her bag and turned it on. There were several text messages from Jim. Vanessa answered the last one, telling him she’d talk to him later.

  Shyla was at the door. “See you at lunch.”

  Vanessa waved.

  “Are you angry with me?” Jim wrote.

  Students entered the class and took their seats as she thought of a non-committal response. “What makes you ask that?” The bell rang and she replaced the phone in her bag. Over the next hour her predicament with Jim hovered in the back of her mind. At the end of class, students placed their completed quizzes on her desk on the way to their next class. Pamela came to the door, looked at her, turned and walked in the direction of her class.

  “Crazy woman,” Vanessa murmured as she collected the papers and placed them in a folder as students came in. “Take your seats, we have a lot to go over before your quiz.” She turned on the MP3 player and an upbeat jazz tune filled the room. “Who remembers when this song was published, not created, published? And what was happening at the time?” Vanessa pushed Jim to the back of her mind and focused on teaching. At least she tried. Her gaze and thoughts drifted to Jim throughout the day. Shyla hadn’t mentioned him at lunch, which was great considering there were a couple other staff members in the lounge.

  At the end of the day, after the last student walked out, Vanessa fed her curiosity by sitting at her desk reading Jim’s texts. There weren’t many. The last one had her straightening in her chair as the door opened and Jim walked in. His gaze zeroed in on her left hand, lingered a few seconds and then met hers.

  “Is there something you need to tell me?” He jammed his hands in his pockets without breaking eye contact. There was an undercurrent of hurt and confusion in his voice and posture.

  “We need to talk.” She steepled her fingertips and waited for him to move or say something.

  “Okay. What’s wrong?”

  Unsure if there was a way to state the question so it didn’t sound like an accusation, she cleared her throat several times before speaking. “You left me last night.” She met his surprised gaze. “Why?”

  He moved slowly toward her until he stood across from her desk. “Is that what this is about? The reason you took off the ring? Because I didn’t spend the night with you?”

  “Answer my question, please.” Vanessa’s heart slammed against her ribcage. Please, please let him have a good reason she prayed.

  “Sanders and I went hunting around three this morning. We normally go hunting in the woods near his place when I’m in town. He doesn’t know many people here and it’s best to go in pairs. I left you around two.”

  “It’s dark that time of morning, what were you hunting?” Vanessa wasn’t a country girl, but the idea of hunting at night didn’t sound right.

  Jim’s neck flushed. His jaw tightened for a brief second. “Sanders is a bounty hunter. I help him sometimes.”

  Chapter 6

  Ethan held up his hands. “Quiet,” he roared when the crowd didn’t appear to notice his actions. “Alpha Jayden explained why we’re here instead of him, and you know it has nothing to do with his feelings about you, so stop the BS and let’s get this done. As KnightForce for the Maryland Pack, it’s my job to assist Alpha, that’s why I’m here.”

  He released a breath and met Callum’s gaze. The pup had asked to be introduced as his assistant rather than the Alpha’s son. Since Alpha Jayden agreed, Ethan complied even though he thought it was a mistake. “First, if you have a land dispute, follow Callum, he will look over the paperwork and discuss the matter with Alpha. If you don’t have paperwork with you, go and get it, come back. Make this as easy for Alpha to judge as possible.”

  Callum raised his hand, turned, and walked toward some tables in the back of the large room. Several pack members peeled off and followed him. But not enough. Ethan glanced at Iris, who stood in the corner talking to a few pack members. She looked up and nodded as she moved toward him. The top of her blond head reached his chest.

  “Those of you who’ve had problems with the half-breed office, please take a seat in the main room. We’ll talk with you in a few moments.” He waited until the majority sat.

  “I understand there’s been rebel activity in the area.” He took note of the surprised and wary expressions in the room. “If you have information to share, please speak with me at any time, Alpha Jayden and La Patron appreciates your loyalty to pack.” At the mention of La Patron a hush covered the room and Ethan would bet those who hadn’t planned to say anything about rebels would share freely now.

  He stepped the side and walked to the back so that Iris could handle the problems regarding half-breed assimilation into the Nation.

  “Thank you, Ethan,” Iris said. Her voice strong, confident. “First, let’s start with the reading of La Patron’s decree regarding half-breeds.” She paused and looked at the crowd. “I’m sure most of you know La Patron’s den is comprised of half-breeds.”

  Many stirred in their seats but no one said anything. Ethan applauded Iris’ mentioning of this fact, it would help those who still hadn’t accepted breeds.

  “If you’re a breed like myself, there’s no reason to remain in the shadows. I’ve met La Patron’s pups and La Patroness and I’d dare any full-blood to find anything lacking in them. If you think we’re beneath you or less than you, I’d advise you to never say it near La Patroness or La Patron, it might be the last thing you say.” Iris smiled as she said the last, which caused more stirring.

  One brave or foolish soul spoke out. “So either accept half-breeds or die? Is that what you’re saying?”

  Iris tilted her head to the side, large lavender eyes narrowed as she stared at the man. “Actually, I simply mentioned La Patron, our Alpha, has six half-breeds in his den and that his mate, La Patroness, is fiercely protective of them. In a moment I’ll read La Patron’s decree and you can ask that question then.”

  “It’s all the same, being forced to accept the unacceptable.” He stood, turned to leave, and faced Ethan.

  “You must listen to the decree, at the end accept it, and reaffirm your pack pledge,” Ethan said, staring down into hostile eyes. For a few seconds the man stared, then returned to his seat. Iris glanced at him, pulled out a tablet and read the decree. The room went silent, even those in the back with Callum as La Patron’s words were spoken. By the end of the reading there wasn’t a doubt in anyone’s mind, least of all Ethan’s, that mistreatment of half-breeds was a crime that would be dealt with swiftly.

  Iris looked at the pack-member who’d asked the question before. “Did that answer your question?”

  He nodded but didn’t speak.

  “La Patron and Alpha Jayden requires everyone reaffirm their pack pledge before we continue,” Iris said looking at Callum and then Ethan. Everyone stood and repeated their pledge to the Goddess, Wolf Nation, La Patron and Alpha Jayden. Finished, Callum resumed working with his smaller group. Iris outlined Tyrone’s plan, the database and answered questions.

  “Can I find a mate through the database?” someone asked.

  “Yes, I met my mate that way,” Iris said, surprising Ethan. He hadn’t been able to tell she was mated. Obviously he wasn’t the only person surprised. Questions spilled out regarding her mate, how they met, his location, and why couldn’t they smell her mated status.

  Iris laughed, shook her head and answered each question, regardless of how personal it seemed. “Tyrone was here a few months ago and told you all of this,” she said.

  “Yes, but he’s La Patron’s son, we didn’t ask questions like this,” one half-breed said in a low voice.

  “Well, you could have,” Iris said. “My mate’s a full-blood who lived in California. He moved when we realized the connection, and we’ve been happy. Not that there aren’t challenges, he had a few issues at first.”

  “The two of you should travel and do this toget
her. I have questions I’d like to ask him as a full-blood,” someone else said.

  “Tyrone already thought of that, my mate’s in training right now, which is why he isn’t here. We’ll do this together once he’s done, which will make things much better.”

  “How is he holding up being separated from you?” One lady asked and Ethan listened carefully, this was a big stickler for full-bloods who suffered through separations.

  “It’s hard but training is at La Patron’s compound, and they help if necessary. Plus, we Skype when not in class or working, even when we’re asleep,” Iris said.

  “So if he wakes, he sees you’re safe,” an older man said, nodding.

  Iris smiled.

  “But you can walk away from him and not suffer, that’s not right,” the man who’d objected to half-breeds earlier said. “Plus you can breed with a human or a full-blood. What if you have human children and then find your mate. He’d be forced to accept the human children.”

  Murmurs rose from the crowd.

  The half-breed female who’d spoken earlier stood and looked at the man. “And if I met my mate and he had children from a full-blood or half-breed, don’t I have to accept them?” She continued staring at him until he turned in his seat to face Iris.

  “She makes a valid point. If you start a den with someone who isn’t your mate there’s a possibility you’ll meet your mate one day, especially with our database. Only you can decide how you’ll handle it if that happens. The mating bond is strong, even if you aren’t initially interested, in time you’ll gravitate to your mate.” She shrugged.

  “It’s best to leave the database alone then,” the man grumbled.

  “Every pack member is entered into the database so La Patron has pack statistics. The section dealing with mate-help is separate, you don’t have to access it.” Iris smiled at the sour man and pointed to someone else.

  Ethan glanced at his watch, looked at Callum, who had one more person in front of him. Five pack members had approached Ethan with information on rebels. He gave Iris the signal to wrap things up. By now Callum had to know they wouldn’t be returning home tonight. Alpha Jayden had instructed him to remain at the house designated for the Alpha when he visited. Suppressing a yawn, Ethan opened the door as Iris concluded the meeting with reminders of La Patron’s decree and to speak to the KnightForce agent regarding rebels.


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