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KnightForce Ethan (La Patron's KnightForce)

Page 15

by Sydney Addae

  “For you to say such hateful things…” Her breath caught. “You don’t, can’t possibly know me, let alone love me. Because I’d never do that, sleep with another man while with you.”

  They stood silent for a few seconds as a vise twisted her heart. This was their first real argument, her first time seeing how he’d treat her in anger and it hurt like hell. The thought of years of this sent chills down her back.

  He touched her shoulder. She moved back.

  Jim sighed. “I’m sorry. I overreacted. We just got back. I read the reports on the break-in and saw your name. I know you wouldn’t cheat on me, you’re not a whore.”

  Vanessa wasn’t buying it. Straightening, she met his gaze and a weight lifted from her shoulder. “If that’s the case, why have someone spy on me while you were out of town? Or do they spy on me all the time? Brenda? Pamela?”

  “No. And I have people watching, not spying, to make sure you’re safe when I’m not here, that’s all. Don’t make that more than it is. I’m tired and hungry. I stopped and grabbed dinner, let’s go inside, eat, and talk. We both had a long day.”

  She shook her head. “No, let’s clear the air first. Why wouldn’t I be safe when you’re gone? I’ve lived here a long time before meeting you.”

  “Just something I needed to do, I guess. Was that wrong too? Looking out for your safety?”

  “Without telling me? Yes. Yes, it was wrong and an invasion of privacy.”


  She realized he didn’t get it and they’d never make it. One last meal, a last date. After dinner she’d break it off with him. “Yeah, privacy. But you’re right, I’m tired, and hungry too.”

  “My stomach’s been growling since we got back in town. Let’s eat.”

  “Sounds good, I appreciate it.” She squeezed his arm and opened the door. Once inside, she disarmed the alarm and placed her bags on the table.

  “You don’t need to thank me for taking care of you. That’s my job, to make sure you get what you need, and right now you need food.” He smiled and headed to the kitchen with two large bags.

  “Smells good.” She followed him into the kitchen.

  He waved his hand. “Go sit so I can serve you. Place a couple wine glasses on the table.”

  Smiling at his shooing antics, she grabbed two glasses and sat at the dining room table. Moments later, Jim entered holding a bottle of her favorite white wine and filled the glasses. She took a sip and moaned in gratitude as the flavors rolled across her tongue.

  “So good,” she said as he returned with their plates.

  “Shrimp, lobster and crab fettuccine,” she said, feeling slightly guilty about breaking things off with him later instead of now.

  He took her hand and kissed the back of it while looking in her eyes. “I’m sorry for the things I said, I’m jealous and feeling insecure these days, which is no excuse. I didn’t mean any of it, please believe me. I really do love you and only want the best for you. I hope you believe that.”

  Vanessa took several more sips before answering. “I know.” His words cut deep. Last week while he’d been out of town had helped prepare her for their permanent separation. She was ready. They’d talk later. She’d explain why she’d never marry a man who didn’t trust her and lied about it, or who felt comfortable shredding her character one minute and making excuses about it in the next. She’d live alone before marrying someone who treated her like that.

  She drained the first glass, he poured her another while she took a bit of pasta and smiled at him. “Why aren’t you eating, this is really good.”

  “Why couldn’t you just go along with the plan? We thought you’d be perfect, invested all of this time, and in the end you balked. You’re not going to marry me.”

  “What? Go along with what?” His words didn’t make sense. She shook her head to correct her vision. “Why are you wavering in the chair?”

  “All this time I spent courting you, treating you like a queen —”

  “Queen?” She tried to speak but her tongue was heavy, numb. A slow blanket of lethargy rolled over her and she could barely keep her eyes open.

  “Who was with you at Sanders? How did you get past security?” He slapped the table with his palm. “Damn it Vanessa, why’d you have to go snooping around up there? You messed up everything.”

  She tried to tell him she had no idea what he was talking about, but the thought flitted away into fuzzy space like everything else. Tired. So tired. She leaned forward and hit the table.

  “You would’ve been perfect,” she heard him say in the distance.

  Chapter 22

  Ethan pulled into the driveway, his thoughts still on Vanessa. After spending the last three days at La Patron’s compound undergoing every test imaginable, and answering Abel and the doctors’ questions, he was happy to be back near his mate. Unfortunately, she didn’t feel the same. He wondered if she’d noticed his absence. Probably not. She didn’t take him seriously, and after learning more of her past, he couldn’t totally blame her. She’d been spurned by those she considered close friends.

  La Patron’s report regarding her kidnapping in New Jersey jarred him. Someone had removed her from her hotel, and instead of supporting her, she lost her job. Instead of offering words of comfort, she’d been accused of lying, punished for missing school and placed on probation.

  If the police had dug a little deeper, they’d have discovered the free weekend was a scam. Part of an elaborate scheme to lure Vanessa, and other specifically chosen women, to a place where she was vulnerable, and taken for observation. La Patron discovered a chest full of corporations beneath the company who sent out the fake free gifts. They counted 15 women across the country had received the same or similar package, nine accepted and disappeared for a few days. When they reported it, after brief surface investigations, nothing was done. Abel sent Knights to investigate each hotel and they’d be reporting soon.

  La Patron recovered Vanessa’s hospital records and photos of her after the kidnapping. Bruised dark marks were on her arms and legs. She’d been delirious from the drugs and had no idea where she was. The hospital kept her until she stabilized. Ethan’s admiration for his mate grew with each sentence he read. She’d been through hell. No wonder she never spoke of the ordeal.

  “Hey, welcome back,” Callum said, sitting at the table with one of Fulton’s daughters, eating a steak. Based on their conversations while Ethan was at La Patron’s, Kat was out and Meg Fulton was Callum’s latest crush. Seeing the hero worship in her eyes as she watched Callum and the possessive gleam in Callum’s eyes, Ethan assumed this relationship would last a little longer than the other.

  “Thanks.” He nodded greetings to the girl and headed to his bedroom. He’d gone straight to the school from La Patron’s and needed a shower.

  “So they patched everything up? No problems from the bullet?” Callum asked, leaning against the door frame.

  “Yeah, good as new. It’s some kind of poison created for us, does nothing to humans. Stinks really bad.” Ethan pulled off his tee shirt and tossed it on the bed.

  “What stinks is your mate’s fiancé is tied up in all this somehow. Do you know what’s going on? Are they experimenting with breeders? Is she in danger?”

  “That bastard is a piece of work and I’ll deal with him myself. La Patron thinks his father is involved and is pulling strings to unravel the matter. I just left her and she seemed okay. Besides, Kitchi’s been here the whole time watching her.”

  “Really? He hasn’t come by here.”

  Ethan nodded. His older brother was an excellent tracker with years of experience. Growing up, they’d played games honing their tracking skills. Not only had their father made learning fun, they’d also provided food for the pack many times. Every night while at La Patron’s, Kitchi had updated him on Vanessa’s day. Kitchi had installed a camera in her classroom and sent videos so Ethan could hear her voice and see her.

  “Meg and I’ve been watc
hing her, too. Most times she went to school and work. Once she went to Shyla’s. Now that’s an interesting woman. Lots of pack activity around her place.”

  Ethan nodded and headed to the bathroom. In the shower his thoughts returned to Vanessa. She looked tired. He wondered if she’d been resting well. Kitchi didn’t mention anything, but Ethan would ask just in case. La Patron wanted more information on Jim and his father’s experiments, and had sent in a couple Knights to gather data.


  Under the hot spray, his thoughts turned steamy as he envisioned her in his arms, squeezing her tight. Her full breasts in his hand and pert nipples in his mouth. His rod stiffened to the point of pain. He massaged it with his hand, except in his mind it was Vanessa’s hand. Stroking him gently at first. In his mind’s eye she gave him a sultry smile and stroked harder. Her tongue ran across her full lips. One day he would spend hours kissing and tasting and showing her how much he needed her.

  He turned the faucet. Cold water spewed from the shower head, cooling his ardor. Soon, he’d have his mate and he’d wait for release until then.

  Several minutes later, now dressed, he entered an empty living room. Callum and Fulton’s girl were in Callum’s bedroom.

  “Kitchi, I’m at the house, where are you?” Ethan strode into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.

  “Across the street from your mate’s home. Some guy was on the porch when she got home, they just went inside.”

  Ice cold tendrils rolled down Ethan’s back. “I’m on my way.” He grabbed his keys and headed toward his vehicle.

  “Who’s the pale-face?”

  “Probably her ex-fiancé, he doesn’t need to be anywhere near her.” Ethan pulled out the driveway, pressed the pedal and shot down the road.

  “No shit. I haven’t seen him around. Another car and van just pulled up. I’m moving closer. What…”

  “Kitchi?” Ethan said when his brother didn’t say anything. “Kit? Talk to me, Kitchi.” Ethan’s heart slammed hard against his chest, he skipped a breath. “What’s going on?” A vise squeezed his stomach, he couldn’t swallow around the lump of fear in his throat.

  “Ethan?” Alpha Jayden called. “What’s going on?”

  In a few words Ethan explained Kitchi’s message.

  “McNeill is at her place?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Ethan ignored the speed limits, and turned a corner so fast he drove on the shoulder for a short distance before returning to the street.

  “Fulton’s on his way and Abel will be there in about 30 minutes.” He paused. “Calm your beast, you’re close to shifting.”

  Ethan hadn’t realized his wolf’s intent until he looked at his claws. Inhaling deeply, he tried to reason with his animal and couldn’t. He slammed on the brakes as Alpha Jayden sent energy through their link locking down Ethan’s beast. Shards of pain ricocheted in his head and then down his back. Breathing hurt. Dots danced in front of his eyes until he closed them. Echoes of his beast’s angry and sorrowful howls raced between his ears. Behind him, horns honked but he couldn’t drive, not yet.

  “Your beast was too close to the surface and you’re headed toward humans,” Alpha Jayden said.

  When he could breathe easily, Ethan eased off the brake and continued down the road. The miles to Vanessa’s home were done in silence with the exception of several prayers to the Goddess for his mate’s and brother’s safety.

  When he pulled into Vanessa’s driveway he inhaled. His heart dropped at her distant scent and the realization she wasn’t here. He took another breath, deepening his search and picked up Kitchi’s scent. Stepping out the SUV, he looked at the door and then across the street.

  “Kitchi?” He looked around the area and didn’t see his brother. Walking across the street, he followed the scent until he found Kitchi lying on the ground. He looked asleep but Ethan suspected he’d been shot with the same poison that had sidelined him for days. Kneeling, he placed his fingertips on Kitchi’s neck. His pulse was weak and erratic.

  Moments later Fulton pulled up. Ethan stood as he reached him. “Call the paramedics or take him in the truck?” Fulton asked, looking down at Kitchi.

  “Take him to my place and give him these pills.” Ethan explained where the medicine Dr. Patten had given him was located. “If this is the same drug they shot me with, he’s going to sleep a while, but when he wakes he’ll need that medication and lots of water.”

  Fulton nodded, bent forward, picked Kitchi up and headed to his vehicle. Ethan rubbed his hands together and then wiped them on his pant legs as he headed for Vanessa’s front porch. He picked up Jim’s scent. The bastard had been here recently. There were other scents he didn’t recognize.

  Ethan turned the door knob. It opened with no alarm, so he walked inside. There were no signs of struggle in the front area. Moving further down the hall he looked into the dining room. Full plates of warm food sat on the table. In the kitchen more food and an opened bottle of wine.

  He smelled the wine. “Bastard drugged her.” A knock sounded on the front door.

  Expecting Abel, Ethan returned the bottle to the counter and headed toward entry. Through the window he saw blue flashing lights and groaned. “I don’t need this right now.” He played with the idea of not answering, but changed his mind. He opened the door.

  “Yes?” He smelled pack and relaxed his shoulders.

  “A neighbor called in a possible breaking and entering a few moments ago.” The female officer’s name tag read Garcia. “Alpha had me work this area to give you and whoever he’s sending, cover.” She walked in and closed the door. “This is a quiet area; they look out for each other, which is why we got the call. I picked up another shift so I can run interference for you tonight. Will you need more time than that to look through your mate’s place?”

  Relieved and grateful for his Alpha’s assistance, Ethan nodded. “No, I hope not.”

  “Okay, if you need anything else let me know.” She tipped her head and walked out the door.

  In the process of locking the door, Ethan saw Abel walking across the road toward the house. Standing over six and a half feet, with long white hair and a wrestler’s physique, Ethan was certain the police would receive another call shortly.

  Abel stopped and talked to Garcia for a few seconds, then headed toward the door. Hopefully that brief interaction with the cop would ease the minds of Vanessa’s neighbors.

  “We got a problem,” Abel said the moment he crossed the threshold. Ethan knew Vanessa was with Jim, but hadn’t wanted to think or believe the man would hurt her. Now he wondered otherwise.

  Abel removed his sunglasses and hung them on his tee shirt. “Jim McNeill, not the son, the father, he’s been working some kind of back door deal with scientists to come up with a serum for super soldiers. They think if human female bodies can adapt to birthing half-breeds, then they should be able to develop some sort of hybrid as well.”

  Ethan nodded, La Patron had told him this.

  “Somehow they hacked into our database and identified several lines of breeders. Over the past three years they’ve ran tests and developed some sort of serum that mimics some of our abilities.” He waved his hand. “Increased speed, better vision, hearing, sense of smell, that type thing. The information was supposed to be kept locked away. The General swears he hasn’t authorized any testing of it.”

  “La Patron believes him?”

  Abel’s blue eyes crinkled at the corners. “No. I won’t go into his reaction when the general denied being at fault. Let’s just say when the general asked Silas if his life was in danger, Silas replied with the same level of honesty he believed the general gave him. Our resources spotted the general and his wife leaving home within an hour after his conversation with La Patron. The man is a fool and a coward to involve his wife in this debacle.”

  Ethan appreciated being brought current, but his mate was missing. “Where’d they take Vanessa?”

  “As I said, we have a problem, there�
��s a small compound at the foot of the mountains. We believe that’s where they run tests and train. It’s a mixture of rebels and humans. Jim McNeill may be the leader, we aren’t sure.” He paused. “They may be taking her there. If so, we’ll need special equipment to penetrate the place.”

  Ethan cocked his head to the side. “Where is it? This equipment?”

  “Matt’s almost finished loading, it should be here within an hour.”

  “An hour? I can’t leave her with them another hour.” He walked toward the door. “Meet me there when the stuff arrives, but I’ve got to go and get her.” Angry over the loss of time, Ethan stalked to his truck.

  “Ethan?” La Patron called through their link.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “I understand you need to go after your mate, but you’re not prepared to go after her alone. They’ve spent time and money developing weapons against us. If you get shot with more poison, it could take you out and who’ll rescue Vanessa? Who’ll protect her from McNeill’s plan to impregnate her with multiple men of his choosing?”

  Ethan wrapped his arms around his waist and bent forward to stop the howl of anguish from erupting. Those bastards.

  “Can you give me a little more time to set things in place to dismantle this place so you can go in and bring Vanessa out? We’ve found a way to disable the traps and take out their cams, masks for the odors, and hyped up vaccinations against the poison. We just need a little more time to get everyone in place.”

  “An hour?”

  “We’ll try to make it happen faster. But I can’t have you arriving early and tipping them off. Can you wait?”

  Humbled that La Patron asked rather than locked him down, Ethan had no other choice. “Yes, Sir.” He swallowed hard. “He… that bastard drugged her while they were eating dinner. The food is still warm. She trusted him and he did this to her.”


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