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KnightForce Ethan (La Patron's KnightForce)

Page 24

by Sydney Addae

  “I need to deal with this now Silas. Brenda is telling Vanessa Ethan killed her ex.”

  “Give me your energy and we should be done.”

  Jasmine complied. “Are we good?” she asked a few moments later.

  “They’re leaving. The rest are in the room with you. Release them when you’re ready.”

  “Thanks.” Jasmine spoke to Brenda, through Shyla, to prevent the conversation about Jim’s death to take center stage. She continued pushing her energy in the room, until Brenda snapped and set the cops on her. Shrugging them off, Jasmine broke Brenda’s hold on the men and locked Brenda in place.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea for Ethan’s mate to see this side of being a breeder just yet,” Silas said. “The ambulance is here, send everyone out.”

  Garcia assisted the police officers and Mike out of the building. Once everyone was outside, using Fulton, Silas locked the school down and joined Jasmine in the classroom. Jasmine waved him forward. “Find out as much as you can.”

  He stood behind Brenda and placed his hand on her shoulder. Jasmine released her hold on the woman.

  “You bitch I’ll gut you,” Brenda screamed, trying to break free of Silas’ hold without success.

  “Like you gutted your daughters?” Jasmine vibrated with anger. Silas shared just a few of Brenda’s memories with Jasmine, the woman had killed pregnant breeders and full-bloods before.

  “They weren’t strong enough. Men would use and enslave them. When I realized our project failed, I couldn’t allow them to become breeders in truth. I saved them, cleansed them so they could rest.”

  “Who gave you that right to make that decision?”

  Her brow rose, chin tilted upward, and her dark brown eyes flashed. “I’m their mother.”

  “But not God,” Jasmine snapped. Brenda’s mind was too twisted for reason. “Brenda Scott, you have committed horrendous crimes against the Wolf Nation, and have been found guilty.”

  “What?” Brenda screeched, trying to break free. “Crimes against them? They raped me. Beat me. Took my children. What about their crimes against me?”

  “You judged, sentenced, and carried out the punishment for that. Every bitch who beat you was killed through your direct command. And you instigated the deaths of the three full-bloods who raped you. I’d say they paid a high price for what they did to you.”

  “It didn’t stop the nightmares... I still see them. Hear them in my sleep. It won’t stop.” Brenda looked at Shyla. “Who are you to pass judgment on me? I’ve never done anything to you.”

  “Some of the women you gutted were full-bloods and half breeds.”

  “Rebels, they weren’t pack,” Brenda argued.

  “The Goddess considers all of us her children. Take on one, you take on all,” Jasmine said, drawing on her energy and raising her hand toward Brenda’s heart. “You get everything we need?” she asked Silas.

  “Yes and no. Her mind is fascinating. I wish there was a safe way we could study her brain waves and patterns. For instance, she’s been sending out calls for assistance since you locked her down. I insulated the cops and security guard, and the ambulance drivers are female. No one’s close enough to respond. Angus was right, men can’t kill her, there’s some sort of protection built in, probably for sex with hybrids so she won’t break. But that doesn’t extend to women, she has no protection from females, that’s why Vanessa could attack her.”

  “And why she keeps men around for protection. Are you tempted to answer her call?” Jasmine looked at him, remembering how he’d faltered when it came to deal with Elyria.

  “No, but I feel her energy, do you?”

  “No. It must only work on men”

  “Like I said, fascinating. She’s tried to lock me out of her memories, and if I hadn’t tapped into your energy she may have been successful.” He told Jasmine of the innocent lives she destroyed, men who did her bidding and were in prison with no recollection of shedding blood or stealing money. She’d turned pack mates against each other, many died in frivolous challenges.

  “Should we take her to the compound and examine her?” Jasmine asked, just to be sure death was the only option on the table.

  “No. After Arianna, I won’t allow anyone this twisted and hell bent on destroying us in the compound. Besides, it’s not just our people she compels, she corrupts humans as well. Since most judges and officials are men, she’s a threat to everyone. I don’t see a way to save her,” Silas said.

  Jasmine agreed. She’d seen first-hand how destructive a twisted breeder could be. “In that case we end this now. Just knowing she calls herself a mother makes me want to vomit,” Jasmine said.

  “Agreed, but I think we should tell her who has passed judgment on her.”

  “You want to know who I am?” Jasmine asked Brenda.

  “One of the women who died, come back to hurt me?”

  “No, I’m La Patroness for the Wolf Nation and —”

  “That’s impossible.”

  Jasmine chuckled at the woman’s sour expression. “Obviously you prefer someone from the grave to send you to yours. But my mate, children, and the Wolf Nation needs me to remain on this side.” Jasmine sent energy into the woman to stop her heart.

  Brenda’s eyes widened. Her body trembled for a few seconds and stopped.

  Silas continued holding her for a few moments longer, nodded and snapped her neck. “Fulton will take care of her body. Send Shyla to Vanessa and Ethan.”

  “Shyla, thank you kindly for allowing me to merge with you. Your memories are your own and you won’t remember my words or actions during our merger. God bless you.” Jasmine eased out of the vibrant woman she’d love to talk with one day. Shyla was a woman of many secrets and talents.

  “I’m out, everything okay?” Jasmine left Silas on the sofa, walked into the kitchen, washed her hands and grabbed a cold drink from the refrigerator. When Silas came back, they’d shower together, and process what happened.

  “Yeah, just taking care of the details. Ethan said to thank you, Vanessa’s concerned and upset but he believes they’ll get through everything okay. Almost done.”

  “We need to clean up.” There were some cases, situations, whatever title she placed on it, that left stains. When the Goddess had informed her and Silas that Jasmine would be the one to handle Elyria, a very powerful and twisted, black wolf, because Silas wouldn’t be able to, she thought that was a one-time deal. It wasn’t.

  With half-breeds the Nation doubled in size and Silas needed help as La Patron, and she was the only person who could mirror his abilities. As necessary as it was to pronounce sentence and sometimes carry it out, most times she felt dirty afterward. So they’d created this ritual of cleansing for her.

  “Can’t wait.”

  She smiled at the suggestive leering in his voice as she finished her drink.

  Chapter 33

  Vanessa sat on her living room sofa, her gaze flicked between Shyla and Ethan. The hole in Ethan’s shoulder had healed by the time he saw the paramedics, who didn’t seem surprised at all. They gave him something to drink to replace fluids and left. Vanessa asked Shyla to come with them so they could talk, clear the air, and answer questions. What happened to Jim? What did Shyla do to Brenda? Where did Mr. White go and did she still have a job? Most importantly, Ethan. She had a ton of questions for him and his wolf side.

  What they’d just told her couldn’t be true, yet she had the strangest feeling it was. Shyla, her closest friend, could turn into a wolf at will, had no mate, and served as the local pack historian.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Vanessa shook her head to line up her thoughts. Ethan as a wolf was one thing, but a woman? Shyla? For some reason that was harder to accept.

  “You don’t need to say anything,” Shyla said, sounding like her old self. “I’m still me. Now you know my secret. Well, one of my secrets anyway.” She winked and took another sip of wine.

  “The one I know is more than enough
, thank you.” She looked at Ethan. “So you did know her when we met?”

  “No. She’d come to the house the night before to give me some information, but I never saw her face. I recognized her by scent in the restaurant.”

  It was all too bizarre. She inhaled, clasped her hands together. “What happened to Pamela?”

  Shyla shrugged.

  “She was a part of Brenda’s group.” He explained how Brenda and her small group searched for breeders and what they did to them.”

  “That bitch. I knew something was wrong with those two, they were just too petty,” Vanessa said, dreading the answers to several other questions. “What happened to all those women?”

  “She killed them,” Ethan said softly.

  Vanessa gasped. Her hand flew to her mouth. Her stomach clenched.

  “She’s got no heart,” Shyla whispered. “Just a shell of a woman with nothing but hate and anger inside.”

  Vanessa agreed with Shyla. Brenda had always seemed in control; it was hard to imagine the level of crazy she hid.

  Shyla stood, stretched, and walked to the door. “It’s late, I’m tired and there’s work tomorrow. Do yourself a favor and call in sick the rest of the week. School’s almost over anyway.” She tipped her chin toward Ethan. “Him I approve of, not just because he’s pack. Because of the look I see on your face, if you’d looked half as content and happy with the other one, I’d have backed him too.” She walked out the front door leaving them alone.

  Unsure how to ask the questions tumbling around her mind, Vanessa stared at her hands.

  “When I found out Jim and his goons came here, kidnapped you again, I lost it. I knew how scared you’d been from the last time. As I told you, I work for Alpha Jayden and La Patron. We set a trap and Jim stepped into it.”

  Vanessa’s mind had been on overload with all the titles and protocols but she needed to hear this.

  He explained how they arrived at the underground breeding pen, his search for her, and how they tracked Jim to the mountains.


  “Huh?” he frowned.

  “When were you and Jim in the mountains?” She recalled two men fighting, maybe he’d seen it too.

  “A few hours before I came to you.” He continued telling her of the challenge, the fight, and that he’d killed Jim. She was certain he’d left out a lot of details. Details that might make it easier for her to accept what he’d done.

  “Did you ask him about me?”

  “Yes, of course. He refused to tell me where you were.”

  “What did he say?”

  Ethan hesitated at first, and then told her Jim preferred her dead than with anyone else. “When he admitted to kidnapping you… it was over.” His gaze never wavered while admitting he’d killed Jim. “Those guys experimented with highly toxic drugs that altered them. “That surprised her. “Altered how?”

  “Made him huge, strong, mean.” Ethan shook his head. “Those pills, injections, whatever, were killing him, but he was strong.”

  An image of a large man lifting another one over his head crossed her mind. In that moment the notion of life without Ethan filled her with cold dread. She forced the words through a tight throat. “Did he try to kill you?”

  Ethan nodded.

  “Did he body slam you?” Once it appeared, she couldn’t get that image out of her mind.

  He frowned. “How did you know that?”

  She told him what she saw that day.

  “You never mentioned it before.” He moved close and took her hands in his, stopping them from trembling.

  “I thought I saw someone kill somebody and blocked it from my mind.” She tried to smile and failed. “Remember, Jersey? I’m good at that.”

  “You’re good at a lot of things, what you need is food and rest. I’ve been cooking most of the morning for us. I had a special dinner and night planned,” he said, sounding hopeful.

  She wasn’t sure. “I still have questions.”

  “And I’ll answer them, I promise.” He brushed a kiss against her forehead and held her tight.

  Nothing smelled as good as Ethan. Closing her eyes, she rested in the shelter of his embrace. Home. Peace. Safety. Could she trust him? Could she commit to him without understanding all this hybrid stuff? Granted she’d spent the weekend with him on her back, and a few other places, and that had been spectacular.

  “Explain this mating thing, what does it mean?”

  “We believe and serve the Goddess. In her infinite wisdom she chooses the person who completes us, the second half of a split heart. Until we meet or find our mates, we’re not functioning at our optimum abilities.” He touched her chest with his finger. “There’s something inside you that completes me, that will make me a better person, more well-rounded. Likewise, there’s something in me you need that will make you more well-rounded.

  “Goddess? A female god?” That was interesting. In time she’d like to learn more, maybe do some kind of study.

  He nodded.

  “So I’m your mate?” She wanted to hear him say it, to commit to her.

  “Yes, I’m your mate. I’m honored and humbled the Goddess chose me for you. I promise to never give you or her a reason to doubt or regret her decision.”

  Her heart melted at the sincerity she read in his eyes and heard in his voice. He brushed his lips across hers, soft at first, teasing her with small kisses. She grabbed the back of his head to hold him still and deepened the kiss. Swallowing his moan, she lost herself in his arms. They broke apart gasping and then he kissed her again. Need for him, sharp and demanding rose without warning. She yanked on his shirt, trying to get it off without breaking their kiss. His hands were all over her, removing clothes, rubbing skin, pinching her nipples. Pleasurable tingles zipped through her body. But she needed more and grabbed his pulsing cock.

  “Yes,” he said, pulling down her pants and tossing them aside. “I need you so bad.”

  His words stoked the flames burning inside her already throbbing core. “No talking, do it.” She pulled his cock toward her opening and he slid forward, filling her completely.

  “I love you Vanessa Prince and offer you my heart forever,” he whispered near her ear.

  “Just your heart?” She rolled her hips. “I want all of you.”

  “You have all of me.” He withdrew to the tip and slammed forward, in and out, over and over he thrust inside of her. Pulling her leg up, he pushed faster, and deeper taking her higher and higher.

  “Ethan,” she screamed as she nearer her peak.

  “I’m here. Take it, reach the top, I won’t let you fall.” His thrusts never slowed.

  “Iiieeeee,” she screamed as she flew apart. Body shaking, she couldn’t talk or breathe for a moment or two. Ethan growled as he stiffened and then shook a few times before collapsing on her. They lay still on the sofa for a few seconds. The scent of their lovemaking hovered in the air.

  Vanessa wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tight. “Ethan Mope, I love you and offer my heart to you forever.”

  He lifted his head and they stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds. “Thank you, BAE,” he whispered. “I’ll protect and cherish your gift forever.”



  Thank you for taking the time to read the fifth book in the La Patron’s KnightForce series. I love paranormal books and characters in general and shifter stories in particular. Throw in the romantic element, strong Alpha characters who bend beneath the power of love and I’m over the moon. Sighs…

  In KnightForce Ethan we see Ethan doing his Alpha’s bidding and literally bumping into his destiny. Should be easy, peasy. But no, his human mate is engaged to another human which creates all kinds of problems. In previous books we don’t talk much about breeders and what they’re capable of. It was fun and hopefully entertaining to watch the men strike out and the women save the day.

  Feel free to follow “Dressing Jasmine, La Patroness”!

ou’re invited to journey with me through all the books in this series. If you like fast paced action, suspense and great love connections like me, you won’t be disappointed. Feel free to drop me a line, or join my Facebook group, La Patron’s Den, where discussions regarding Silas and the Wolf Nation abound. Also you can find me at my website,

  Knight Chronicles is a newsletter for my Readers Group from the characters of the series to keep you informed of what’s going on in the Wolf Nation. Each issue has a personal message from Silas Knight, La Patron, or his mate, Jasmine. Character profiles with in-depth interviews and thoughts you won’t find anywhere else. Also works in progress, new releases and special giveaways in every issue.

  If you would like to receive Knight Chronicles click this sign up link! Thank you. (

  If you enjoyed reading about Silas, Jasmine and the Wolf Nation, I’d like to ask a favor. When you finish reading, please leave a review, whatever your opinion, I assure you I appreciate it.

  Thanks again








  Sword of Inquest

  Sword of Mercy

  Sword of Justice

  La Patron’s Christmas

  KnightForce 1

  KnightForce Deuces

  KnightForce Tres

  KnightForce Damian

  KnightForce Ethan

  Angus’ story – Fall 2016




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