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Archie's Accidental Kidnapping

Page 11

by Toni Griffin

  Hell, Archie usually slept in Saturday mornings. But he hadn't been able to get his mind to settle enough once he'd woken up, needing to pee, to be able to get back to sleep.

  Archie snuggled down under the covers, Bael held closely as he explored his new phone some more. When a message came through, breaking the silence of the room, he almost jumped. Archie clicked on the message bar that had appeared at the top of his screen, and the phone opened up the message conversation.

  I'm glad you liked the gifts, it was my pleasure. I love Bael's name BTW

  Archie grinned as he typed a reply. Seemed appropriate to me for some reason

  He waited impatiently as the little speech bubble appeared with three dots to let him know that someone was typing on the other end.

  Can't think why that would be. LOL

  The little speech bubble popped up again almost immediately, Archie waited what felt like forever for Adze's new message to come through. When it finally did Archie stared at it, he had no idea how to answer.

  Would you have lunch with me today?

  Archie continued to stare at the screen, his fingers hovering over the keyboard, but not typing anything.

  Another message popped up when Archie still hadn't responded after several minutes.

  It's okay if the answer is no. I understand.

  Archie wanted to. He really did, he hadn't stopped thinking about the damn man with his golden eyes for days. But after everything that had happened, after everything Archie had learned he just didn't know if it was a good idea to get involved. His fragile worldview was barely holding on. Nephilim. Hellhounds. What else could there be? Archie wasn't sure he wanted to know. A little too much Alice in Wonderland for him.

  I don't know. Archie typed back then sent.

  What's holding you back? Came the immediate reply.


  Nice, all-encompassing and easy to deal with. ;)

  Archie snorted. He couldn't help it. He knew exactly why he was hesitating. After everything that had happened the other night, a person would have to be insane not to hesitate if a so-called hellhound asked them out for lunch.

  Come on, one meal. That's all I'm asking. If it doesn't work out, then I'll leave you alone.

  Archie shook his head.

  Why do I not exactly believe that you'd stick to your word on that?

  Adze's reply came back quickly.

  You know me too well already. You're right, I wouldn't leave you alone, but I will give you time to come to terms with everything.

  Archie sighed and gave in, his heart said it was inevitable after all. One lunch.

  Great, I'll pick you up at 11:30.

  What? Today? Archie furiously typed back. He wasn't expecting the man to want to go out today.

  Yes, see you in a couple of hours.

  Archie lay there and stared at his phone for a while trying to comprehend what the hell had just happened. Had he really agreed to a date with someone not quite human? Said human was gorgeous and kissed like a porn star. But said human was also a hellhound—probably. When his brain finally kicked in Archie checked his watch then swore, threw his phone down, and jumped out of bed. He really did hate being late after all. It was almost an automatic response despite his reservations about the situation.

  Fortunately, Amal was still in bed despite the late hour. No questions to field there. The first few days after the kidnapping Archie thought Amal would have a coronary trying to keep track of him. But they both tended to spend Saturday morning's in bed, so his friend was still tucked away without a worry.

  Archie closed the bathroom door behind him and quickly took a piss before jumping in the shower. He washed quickly, too keyed up and nervous about his upcoming date to pay more than cursory attention to his dick. Clean, he rinsed off then turned the water off and dried himself.

  Back in his room, Archie had no idea what to wear. He didn't know what Adze had planned for their date. After going through his meager pile of clothes that didn't consist of business suits and waiter outfits, Archie settled on a well-loved and worn-out pair of jeans, along with a Wonder Woman DC shirt.

  If he wasn't dressy enough then that was Adze's fault for not telling him where they were going.

  Dressed and ready, Archie thought about getting something to eat but his stomach was roiling with nerves, and he honestly didn't think he could keep anything down at the moment as he was so nervous.

  Trying to distract himself for the next hour until Adze arrived, Archie flicked on the television and clicked onto Netflix. He could lose himself in some mindless TV for a little while.

  Amal came out and grunted in Archie's direction as he walked in nothing but boxer shorts to the kitchen. He scratched at his stomach as he let out a massive yawn. His hair stuck up each and every which way, and Archie could still see the pillow creases on the side of his face. He grunted at Archie again on his way back to his room as he told Amal he'd be going out, this time he was carrying a box of Nutri-Grain, the bottle of milk and a spoon.

  Archie didn't even want to know how he was planning on eating that.

  The knock at the door had Archie startling out of his musings. He tried to ignore that fact that his heart rate kicked up, and his palms were suddenly sweaty. Archie wiped them on his jeans, picked up the remote and clicked the TV off.

  He took a deep breath and made his way across the small apartment to the door. Nervous didn't even begin to describe how Archie felt. He didn't know if he was doing the right thing by agreeing to go on a date with Adze, but he had to admit, if only to himself, that he hadn't been able to get the sexy as sin guy outta his head since they'd met. Resolved to whatever was going to happen Archie opened the door. Standing there, looking even hotter than the last time Archie had seen him was Adze, his dark hair looked thick and luscious, making Archie want to run his fingers through it.

  Adze wore jeans, black biker boots, a tight grey shirt and a black leather jacket. He looked fucking edible. Archie had to stop himself from just dragging Adze back to his room and feasting on him for lunch.

  "Morning," Adze said, his voice smooth and velvety.

  Archie was afraid he'd swallow his tongue if he tried to say anything. So instead he stood there, staring at the man like a total creeper.

  Adze chuckled, then winked at Archie. Archie felt his cheeks heat and wanted to close the door to put some distance between them.

  He'd never had such a reaction to anyone before and was having trouble reconciling what the hell was going on in his body.

  "You ready to go?" Adze asked him.

  "Uhhh." Archie took a step back and tried to concentrate on what the hell the man had asked him. "Shit, right, going, yes… Ummm…. Let me just grab my keys, and I'm good to go."

  Adze waited for him with an indulgent smile.

  Archie grabbed his keys and then patted his pockets, making sure he had his wallet and phone.

  Adze stepped back as Archie walked through the door, pulling it closed behind him.

  They made their way downstairs. Archie, even more, nervous now that Adze was actually with him, couldn't help but blurt out, "Thank you again for the gifts yesterday, you seriously didn't have to."

  "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. I hope you liked them."

  "I love them all. Bael is gorgeous, and so soft, and smells amazing."

  Adze laughed. "I'm glad you liked him."

  They made their way outside the building.

  "So where are we going?" Archie asked Adze, hoping to get some idea of what was in store.

  "You'll see when we get there," Adze said as he pointed Archie in the direction of where he had parked. Archie stopped still in the middle of the footpath. He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat, never in his life did he ever see himself riding on a motorbike. He shook his head involuntarily, he didn't know if he could do this.

  Adze must have noticed Archie was no longer beside him and turned around, his expression concerned. "Everything okay?"

  "I've… never ridden on a bike before."

  "Awesome, you'll love it," Adze said as he reached out and took Archie's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before pulling him along behind him. Adze's hand felt massive wrapped around his own, warm and calloused and a little scratchy in places, but it felt so good.

  Adze picked up the spare helmet off the back of the bike and handed it over to Archie. "Here, you need to put this on."

  "But, my hair!" Archie said in mock outrage as he took the helmet and placed it on his head.

  Adze chuckled. "I'm sure your hair will forgive you."

  Archie may have drooled a little as Adze swung his leg up and over the bike to sit straddling it. His jeans pulled tight in all the right areas, and Archie wasn't strong enough to tear his gaze away. He was only a man after all.

  The deep rumbling gurgle of the engine gave Archie pause for a second before Adze held out his hand.

  "Step up to the bike and swing your leg over the back just like I did. Then place your feet here when you're seated." Adze pointed out where Archie needed to rest his feet to avoid injury.

  Archie took Adze's hand, stepped up and tried to do as he was instructed, but nearly overbalanced and fell, thankfully he landed against Adze, the man's hard body stopping Archie from causing himself an injury.

  "You okay back there?" Adze asked him.

  Cheeks heating once again, Archie nodded, then realised Adze couldn't see him and mumbled, "Yeah, sorry."

  "No worries. Now get your feet sorted, then scooch forward and wrap your arms around my waist."

  "Seriously?" Archie asked. "This was your plan all along, wasn't it?"

  Adze laughed. "Can you really blame me?"

  Archie didn't say anything but did as he was told, he tentatively placed his arms around Adze's middle. Adze patted his hand, then slowly pushed the bike back.

  "Ready?" he asked.

  Archie wasn't ready. He didn't feel safe at all on this death trap. Why couldn't Adze drive a car like a normal human being? Then Archie remembered Adze wasn't a normal human being, he was a hellhound. Before Archie could say or do anything Adze revved the engine, and they took off into the street to join the traffic.

  Archie tightened his grip on Adze immediately, plastering himself to Adze's back. The heat radiating from Adze's body had Archie wanting to snuggle closer as the constant cool breeze blew passed them as they travelled through the streets of Melbourne city. The longer they rode, the more Archie relaxed until he was finally enjoying the ride.

  Twenty minutes after they left Archie's apartment Adze pulled the bike to a stop at the Fitzroy Gardens.

  Archie loved this place but didn't get to come here anywhere near as often as he'd like. Archie untangled himself from around Adze, and somewhat more gracefully than he'd gotten on, managed to climb off the back of the bike.

  He thought he still felt the vibrations from the bike even as he stood on the side of the road and waited for Adze.

  They removed their helmets, leaving them with the bike. Archie ran his fingers through his hair, not really caring about his hair being flattened by the helmet, but wanting to look his best all the same. This was the first date after all.

  Adze took out his phone and checked something on it. He then held out his hand for Archie to take and with incredibly little thought on his behalf Archie placed his hand in Adze's. Warmth spread through Archie at the simple touch, and he wondered just what the hell had happened in his life that this man could affect him so greatly with a mere touch. Were these feeling due to Adze being a hellhound? Did it happen with every person that Adze touched? Or was Archie special? Archie didn't know if he wanted the answers to his questions.

  "Can we see the miniature Tudor village?" Archie asked before he could blurt out a different question. Plus, he did love those little English houses.

  "Anything you want." Adze grinned at him, then checked his phone again.

  Archie caught a glimpse of the screen. It looked like Adze was following a map of some kind.

  He didn't ask where they were going, just enjoyed the walk through the beautiful gardens, massive trees shading the walking path, flowers in every colour blooming.

  "Ahhh. Here we are," Adze said as they rounded the corner. Set up on a large patch of grass on the opposite side of the lawn, out of the way of the walking paths, and under the shade of a large tree was a picnic.

  This wasn't like any picnic Archie had ever seen, though.

  As they walked closer more and more things because obvious to Archie. Thick blankets were spread out on the ground, with large cushions for them to lounge on. There was a couple of large metal tubs with flowers in them, wicker baskets held games, enough food to sink a ship was laid out perfectly in the centre of the blankets, glassware sat on a thick wooden board, and there was a blackboard sign leaning against a small white wooden table:

  Welcome to your picnic Adze and Archie. Enjoy xx

  Was written in white chalk.

  "Holy shit!" Archie breathed out as they made their way over to the beautiful setup. His stomach was doing summersaults even as his heart melted a little more toward the man beside him. Adze smiled shyly at Archie, almost like the big tough man was afraid of Archie's reaction. Archie wanted to lean over and kiss Adze for what he'd done. Archie had never felt so special in his life. Not sure he was quite ready for that he squeezed Adze's hand in thanks. Adze's large hand felt warm and comforting surrounding his own.

  Archie had never seen anything like it and had trouble believing Adze had done all this for him. His gaze roamed the picnic, unable to take everything in all at once. He was flabbergasted at what he was seeing.

  They were greeted at the blanket by a shorter, slightly plump lady in a summer dress.

  "Good afternoon gentlemen," she greeted them.

  "Hi," Adze said. "This looks incredible."

  "That's an understatement if I've ever heard one," Archie whispered. The urge to glance around again over took him, and Archie started to notice all the little things he hadn't been able to see before.

  "Thank you. We hope you have a most enjoyable picnic. I'll just quickly run you through the menu we have for you today, then I'll leave you to it."

  "Thank you," Adze answered.

  "Today we have a roast chicken and pesto and prosciutto and parmesan baguettes," she pointed at the rustic bread rolls stuffed with fillings. Then she pointed to the next platter. "Over here we have some marinated feta and double brie cheese, with some shaved leg ham and mild Hungarian salami. This has been paired with Moroccan hummus and spicy capsicum dips."

  Archie's mouth watered, the food looked and smelt delicious. He subtly wiped his mouth to make sure he wasn't drooling. There were also carrot and celery sticks for dipping, marinated olives, and stuffed peppers, along with crackers and a plate of fresh fruit.

  "Lastly, for those with a sweet tooth, today we have a fresh lemon tart and a baked berry cheesecake," she finished.

  "It all looks wonderful," Adze said. His eyes bright and his smile wide as he watched Archie.

  Archie felt like a little kid, wanting to bounce on the spot. He couldn't wait to run and play, and lounge in the thick comfy pillows and blankets. He felt the unnerving need to impress Adze, so he bit his bottom lip as he tried hard to hold himself still.

  "We hope you enjoy. I'll be back in a couple of hours to see how you're getting along." She smiled and left them to it.

  "Adze," Archie whispered as he stared in awe at the picnic in front of him. He'd never seen anything so beautiful.

  "Let's get comfortable, hey?" Adze suggested.

  Archie grinned at him. He let go of Adze's hand, which he hadn't realised he'd still been holding and leaned down to take his sneakers off. There was no way he was traipsing over the pristine blankets in his dirty shoes.

  "You too," he pointed at Adze's feet.

  Without complaint, Adze leaned down and started undoing his laces. Smiling, Archie stepped onto the thick blanket in his socked fe
et and got himself comfortable with the cushions. Archie sighed in pure happiness as he snuggled down in the middle of the Fitzroy Gardens. Adze joined him, his expression one Archie hadn't ever seen directed his way before. It made Archie's heart beat a little quicker. For a second Archie thought Adze might lean in and kiss him, and oh how the thought of Adze's lips pressed against his own was becoming something Archie thought he wanted more than anything else in the world. Then Adze broke their eye contact and turned away toward the wicker baskets.

  Adze pulled a chilled bottle of water out of the wicker basket. He poured them each a glass then placed the bottle back to keep it cool.

  "Adze, this is amazing, how did you even pull this off in such a short time?"

  "As much as I'd love to take credit, all I did was find them online and place the order. They did everything else."

  "I didn't even know there was a company that did things like this!" Archie said, still impressed with everything. "Surely they can't have done all this since this morning when you asked me? That was less than two hours ago."

  Archie looked at Adze and thought he looked a little sheepish.


  "I may have placed the order a couple of days ago, on Thursday."

  "You what?" Archie gasped. "Seriously?"

  "Yeah, well I knew I wanted to take you on a date, and I wanted to make it special. The only unknown factor was your reaction to the request, so I thought the longer I left it before asking, the more time that gave you to process everything that happened the other night."

  Archie could understand that. There was no way he would have agreed to go out with Adze if the man had pursued him as soon as Archie had left their apartment a week and a half ago. He was smart to let Archie have some time to wrap his head around everything that had happened.

  "Anyway, let's not talk about that, you hungry?" Adze asked as he picked up the platter with the baguettes on them and held it out to Archie.

  "I'm starving. I was too nervous to eat anything this morning." Archie reached out and picked up one of the pesto chicken rolls.

  Adze placed the wooden board down and picked up one himself.

  There was so much food, there was no way they would get through everything, but Archie was determined to try at least a little of everything.


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