Legally Yours

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Legally Yours Page 4

by Manda Collins

  He raised a brow. “Do you?”

  “Well, no,” she admitted. “But I might have!”

  He took a sip of wine. “I figured that since we’re on a deadline here, your birthday right around the corner and all, we should probably just get down to business.”

  “But you brought a bag!” she huffed.

  “You don’t want me to wear this same suit all weekend do you?” He shrugged. “I didn’t take you for the au natural type. But if BO is what turns you on I guess I can’t judge. I’ve got some pretty weird turn-ons myself. This one time…”

  “Stop!” This was getting ridiculous. “I’m not into BO. And I guess it’s fine that you brought a bag. I was just…”

  Matt stepped closer until he loomed over her, his height making her feel tiny and feminine. “Just what?” he asked softly.

  “Surprised,” she said just as softly.

  “Then let’s just chill for a little while,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “Have some dinner and relax. No pressure.”

  “You’ll have to eat what I cook,” she said a little petulance still in her voice.

  “I’ll eat it and like it,” he said, licking her ear.


  “Okay, the first rule about blow jobs…”

  “ you don’t talk about blow jobs,” Julie finished for him.

  They’d finished the pasta primavera Julie cooked and channel surfed for a while before Matt’s casual arm around her shoulder had turned into some hot and heavy kissing. At which point, Matt declared that they should go ahead and have the lessons before he got carried away and wasted his valuable erection.

  Now they were naked and lying side by side on Julie’s bed.

  “No, smart ass,” Matt said, rolling onto his back. “The first rule of blow jobs is that there is no such thing as a bad blow job.”

  Julie snorted. “Yeah right. You say that now, but in the locker room…”

  “No, seriously,” he insisted. “There is no way that you can fuck up a blow job. Just the fact that you’re willing to put your sweet, sweet mouth in the general vicinity of my junk is hot. Like, seriously smoking hot.”

  She bit back a grin at his terminology, but she still didn’t quite believe him. “Then what’s the point of learning how to give a blow job? I mean, if there’s no way I can mess it up, then why bother?”

  “Well, just because all cake is good, that doesn’t mean there’s no such thing as a well baked cake.”

  “I guess that makes sense,” Julie said. She felt dumb even going through this whole charade, but one of the reasons she’d written the Before Thirty List was because she wanted to take care of all those things she’d been too afraid, or too reserved to try. And though she’d never had any complaints about her blow jobs, it was something she’d never quite felt like she’d mastered. And anything worth doing, to her mind, was worth doing right. Hell, maybe after Matt went back to D.C. she could use all the stuff she was learning from him to…but she stopped herself there. Live in the moment, Jules.

  “Okay,” she said aloud. “So what’s first?”

  “Let me first state that this might not work for all men,” Matt said, propping his head up on his arm. “Never having given a blow job myself, I can only speak to what I like.”

  “Hmm, so you’ve never…ah…experimented?” Julie considered for a moment the picture of Matt going down on another man. It was hot. Way hot. “Not once?”

  “Hell no!” he said with typical heterosexual male discomfort about the very idea. “Not that there’s anything wrong with it.”

  “Yeah, right, big guy. No man on man action for you. I get it.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re disappointed?”

  “Not disappointed, exactly,” she said with a laugh. “But the same way men like to think about women together, I can see why women might like to think about two men together.”

  His eyes darkened, as if he were thinking of ways to use this revelation against her. Then snapping out of it, he brought the focus back to their lesson.

  “So, the next rule about blow jobs,” he said, “is that you must not be afraid of the penis.”

  A laugh burst from her. “I am not afraid of the penis!”

  Matt tilted his head, “Really? No fear at all?”

  She stopped to think about it. “Well, maybe a little,” she admitted.

  “So, to get rid of some of that fear, touch me.”

  He waved a hand toward his semi-erect member. Which, like a sunflower turning toward the sun, rose to full mast under her gaze.

  This was ridiculous, Julie thought, feeling like a child being dared to touch a spider. Still, she extended her hand and stroked the soft skin of his penis, felt the rise of the veins along the sides that made it possible for it to grow in response to her touch, marveled anew at how “other” it was. How the skin slid over the hardness inside. How wonderfully different it was from any part of her body.

  “It likes you,” Matt said with a grin. “I can tell. I think you should give it a kiss.”

  “A kiss, huh?” She looked up and into his eyes, noticed that his smile was a little strained. Served him right for teasing her. “All right, maybe a little one.”

  She moved down on the bed, so that she could move her face closer to that part of him that had given her so much pleasure of the past week. Leaning forward, she pressed her open mouth to the tip, slipped the tip of her tongue into the slit.

  “Like that?” she asked, giving him an innocent smile from her position, letting her hair fall onto this groin.

  “Exactly like that,” he hissed. “In fact, I think you should do it again.”

  Leaning forward again, she opened her mouth over the head, and using her hand she stroked him upward from the base. Stopping when she reached her lips. At his strangled sound, she did it again, moving her mouth down over him as far as she could go, loving the way his hips pressed upward following her as she moved her mouth up.

  Feeling bolder, Julie sucked him harder, and moved her hand downward to cup his testicles. Squeezing lightly.

  “Ah, god,” Matt groaned. “You are killing me.”

  Pleased with the results of her experiment, Julie increased the pressure of her strokes at the base of his penis, and lightly skimmed the head with her teeth. She’d heard about how sensitive the male prostate could be, and wondered if that was true with Matt. With her other hand, she stroked her middle finger back behind his scrotum, and followed the path toward his puckered hole, pressing gingerly inside.

  “Jesus,” he gasped. “Harder.”

  She wasn’t sure which part he wanted her to do harder, so she tried it with all three.

  Without warning, she found herself flipped over onto her back, with Matt plunging hard into her.

  “Lesson’s over,” Matt ground out. “You’re an expert now.”


  Matt took her mouth in a driving kiss, while he stroked his rock hard cock into her. Much more of that and he’d have come in her mouth. As it was, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to wait for her to orgasm first. He’d thought letting her practice her blow job technique would be a fun little game, but he was unprepared for the intensity of the pleasure he’d felt when she’d placed her mouth on him. That little finger trick had almost been his undoing. If she’d found his prostate it would have been like setting a match to a stick of dynamite.

  He took her knees and bent them against his chest, giving him a deeper angle of penetration. Julie’s gasp at the change, and the way she moved her pelvis to meet his thrusts told him she liked it.

  Desperate now, he took her nipple into his mouth and lightly scratched the surface with his teeth. With his hand he thumbed first her clit, then reached under her to thrust his finger into her nether hole.

  Her response was immediate. With a cry that could probably be heard on the other side of town, her hips jerked against him, out of control, her inner muscles gripping his cock as her orgasm overtook her.

st weeping with relief, he let himself go, pounding into her, unable to hold back from the intensity of his need to bury himself in her body.

  “So fucking sweet,” he gasped against her neck, as he felt the beginnings of his own release start at the base of his spine. Trembling, he stroked once, twice, three times before with a guttural cry, he went over the edge, a pleasure more intense than any he’d ever known overwhelming him.

  Too spent to hold himself above her, he rested a minute letting his weight press her into the mattress. When he realized he was crushing her, he rolled to her side, and held her tightly against him.

  “Sorry about that,” he said, when they’d both gotten their breath back.

  “For what?” Julie asked, craning her neck to see his face. “For fucking me senseless?”

  “Well, no, but that was supposed to be a lesson,” he said, feeling sheepish. “I think you ended up teaching me. “

  “But you didn’t like my experiment,” she said, softly, hiding her face in his neck.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “You stopped me before I found it.”

  She felt him raise his brows. “It?”

  “The magic button,” she said. “Cosmo says…”

  “Okay, let’s get something straight here,” he said, holding her back from him so that he could look into her eyes. “For the record, that little trick just gave me the best fucking orgasm I’ve had in my life.”

  She frowned. “It did? But then why did you stop me?”

  He shook his head. “Because it almost made me shoot my wad into your mouth. And a gentleman has rules about that kind of thing…”

  “Really?” Her grin told him this pleased her.

  “Really,” he told her, kissing her softly. “And for what it’s worth you have nothing to worry about technique wise. Though I’m more than happy to offer myself up to your further education whenever you like.”

  “While you’re here, you mean,” she said, sigh. “I guess I’ll just have to find some other willing victim to practice on when you go back to D.C.”

  The punch in his gut at her playful tease took Matt by surprise. He suddenly wanted to punch a wall. But unwilling to let her see how he hated the thought of her with another guy, he laughed it off. “Maybe we can try again later. Or you can get some practice in on a banana or a cucumber.”

  “But I’m not hungry for fruit,” she said wickedly.

  And just like that, he felt his cock stiffening again. Throwing a leg over hers, wanting to make his mark on her, even if it was only temporary, he gave himself over to her while he still could.

  Time enough to miss her when he was gone.

  Chapter Six

  Sunday evening, after they’d grabbed a late dinner at Chez Lulu in Mountain Brook Village, Julie dropped Matt off at his corporate apartment, with a sizzling good bye kiss.

  Julie was torn between relief at having her house back to herself, and missing him like crazy. She hadn’t realized how lonely her space had become since Lily left. They had gotten along surprisingly well all weekend. Matt had even taken out the trash, which was a little thing, but one of those chores she hated. Not since her father died had she had someone do little things like warming up her car on cold mornings, or making the coffee before she woke up, as Matt had done that morning. It was far too easy to imagine what life would be like with a partner who was willing to shoulder some of the burdens of daily life. As much as she loved Lily, her sister had looked to her to fill the void left when their parents died. And though she’d been happy to do it, she’d missed being able to rely on someone else.

  When she got home, her cell phone, which she’d forgotten on the hall table, was ringing. She recognized the tune as the one she’d programmed for Lily’s calls. Of course as soon as she picked it up, the phone stopped ringing.

  Crap. Lily always called her on Sunday evenings. Guilt at her selfishness assailed her. She’d been so caught up in her extracurricular activities with Matt that she’d completely forgotten her responsibility to Lily.

  Looking at the screen she saw there were three missed calls. All from her sister.

  She hit the redial button and waited for Lily to pick up.

  “Finally,” came her relieved voice. “I thought you’d been kidnapped or murdered.”

  “Not likely.” She held the phone in the crook of her neck while she sorted laundry. None of her weekend chores had gotten done this weekend, though it was hard to feel disappointed about it.

  “Where were you?” Lily demanded.

  “Out to dinner with a friend.”

  “A friend?”

  “So, what’s up with you?”

  “Why are you changing the subject?” Damn it, why did her sister have to be so nosy? “Were you on a date?”

  “No!” Julie said too quickly. “Not a date. Just dinner.”

  “But it was with a guy, wasn’t it?” Julie could hear the suppressed excitement in Lily’s voice.

  “Yes, it was with a guy. But it’s nothing to get worked up about. It’s just someone from work.”

  “Ugh, I thought you hated those jerks. It’s not Clay is it?”

  “Of course not!” Julie shuddered. She had some standards. “He’s married and he’s an asshole. The only reason I even have coffee with him at work is if we happen to be in the breakroom at the same time.”

  “So, who was it then? I think David has a thing for you.”

  “Wait…” Julie paused, averting disaster by dropping the red sock into her hand into the colored basket. Then realizing what Lily had just said, she squeaked. “David does not have a thing for me. How do you even know what he thinks? You’ve never met him!”

  “I can tell by the things you tell me about him,” the younger woman said. “But if it wasn’t David who took you out, then who was it?”

  Julie stood and carried the basket of whites to her tiny kitchen washing machine.

  “Nobody you know,” she said, wishing Lily would drop the subject. She didn’t like talking about whatever it was between her and Matt. Not only because it was too new, but also because with him leaving in two weeks there was no possible way that it could last. Which made her sadder than she’d ever admit. “One of the corporate counsels visiting from D.C. for the RFG case.”

  “I thought you always hated those guys. City Slickers who underestimate the local firms.”

  It was a well worn topic of conversation between them.

  “I do, usually,” she admitted, “but Matt is different. He’s a good guy.”

  “Tell me about him,” Lily demanded. The background noise on her end was ramping up. Her room mates must have just gotten in.

  “Nothing much to tell.” Julie said.

  Lily paused. Julie could almost hear the wheels turning in her sister’s head.

  “You don’t want to talk about him because you like him.”

  She knew she shouldn’t have told Lily about him.

  “You like him and you’re afraid it won’t work out.”

  “There’s nothing to work out. He’s only in town for a couple of weeks. Then he’ll fly back to D.C. and his life there. We’re just hanging out while he’s here.”

  “That doesn’t mean that you can’t work something out,” Lily argued. “Planes do go back and forth between Birmingham and D.C. daily.”

  “Like that’s going to happen,” Julie sighed. “Look, it’s fine. He’s a good guy. We’re having fun. And when he goes back home I’ll be fine. I like being alone anyway. I like having my own stuff and my own space.”

  “Jules, you don’t have to spend the rest of your life alone. You’re smart and funny and gorgeous. If you’d put yourself out there you could have a different guy for every night of the week.”

  “Yeah right.” She appreciated Lily’s loyalty, but Julie had been out there in the dating pool and it was not filled with the kinds of eligible bachelors that she was looking for. “Look, I know you mean well, but I am seriously not on the lookout for
my perfect match. And if this thing with Matt is meant to be, then it will work out. Otherwise, it will run its course and when he’s gone I’ll go back to my regular life.”

  “I don’t mean well,” Lily protested. “I want you to find someone so you’ll stop focusing so much on me.”

  Julie paused.

  “What did you say?”

  “Jules, you know I appreciate everything you’ve done for me since Mom and Dad died. You quit law school so that I could have someone to take care of me. And I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay that.”


  “But, it’s been seven years now. I’m in college. I don’t need you to stick around at home every night on the off chance I’m going to call with boy trouble.”

  “I don’t…” Julie heard the panic in her voice, and said in a more moderate tone, “I don’t sit at home every night waiting by the phone, Lily. I have a life. I go out with my friends and I take care of myself. And I take care of you. Maybe I’ve had a little trouble letting go since you went to school but…”

  “It’s not that, Julie. You’re not listening to me,” she could hear the frustration in her sister’s voice. “You go out with your friends, yes. But you don’t go out to meet anyone. You go out and you stay there in your little bubble where it’s all safe and secure. You talk to guys, but you never give them the chance to ask you out. Why is that? Why are you so careful not to get involved? Even with this guy Matt I can hear the detachment in your voice.”

  “Look, if you called to tell me everything I’m doing wrong in my love life, I’ve got better things to do,” Julie said hotly. She was damned if she’d sit here and be lectured on her lack of emotional availability with a 20 year old college student with one long term relationship under her belt.

  “That’s not what I’m doing and you know it,” Lily snapped. “I am trying to get you to open yourself up before it’s too late. Statistically, the older you get, the less and less likely it becomes that you’ll find a husband. If you keep on shutting out every possibility then you’re going to end up alone.”

  “What’s wrong with being alone?” Julie demanded. “Has it perhaps occurred to you that I’m happy alone? That after all these years of taking care of someone else, I’ve been looking forward to only having to worry about myself? What’s so great about having a husband anyway? It’s just someone else to take care of. Someone else’s mess to put up with. Someone else’s drama to deal with. For the first time in my life I’m alone and I love it!”


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