Game of Temptation

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Game of Temptation Page 5

by Anda J. Santoso

  "You have taken our sister. Raped her until she died of grief and shame. The truce was supposed to lend credence your honor, but here you are wrapping our prince in your little scheme." His hand snaked up to her throat and held her tightly below her jaws. "You are taking advantage of his weakness and I will not allow that. What I will do is fuck you raw so you won't even have the strength to do anything to him. I promise you, it will not be pleasurable for either of us, but I will do what I must."

  Panic rose inside her and she found that she could not even move, but she let none of it show in her face. Outwardly, she knew she looked fierce and challenging because Liushan slapped her. She saw nothing but white and her cheek stung. Her jaw felt bruised and her ears were deafened by a single tone. But it was her throat that pained her the most. He did not let go and she could only gasp and cough as she felt herself choked.

  "We will see how defiant you are when we're through. Princess." He said her title as if it were a mockery. "Have you anything to say princess? No?" His hand manipulated her head and found herself staring straight at him again when her vision cleared. "Well, first, let's see if you like how you're being treated right now."

  Her eyes widened, disgusted at the hand he was bringing up her inner thigh. It didn't matter that he was perfection himself with his blue eyes and dark hair. She was disgusted to her core. She wanted to close her legs and stop him, but she was still unable to move. Most of all, she could not let him know that she had not yet fully recovered from her earlier ordeal, nor with the sensations brought by Arun. Despite her fear and disgust, her fearless look never wavered and Liushan's face flash a hint of frustration that was immediately gone.

  "Hmmm…I can heel your heat from here," he said, his hand about three fingers away from where no one has touched her before.

  She wanted to cry, but she kept up the façade. She could not let this creature be the first one to touch her there. Even she had not allowed herself to do so! He had no right, but she could not do anything about it. His hand crawled up higher then suddenly stopped.

  "If you do not stop, I will be forced to harm you. Do not let that happen, Liushan."

  She knew that voice though it took on a dangerous tone. Hope flooded through her and tears she had been keeping threatened to spill.

  "If you proceed with this, it is tantamount to harming the princess and it will shatter the truce. I will not let it be said that the truce was broken because of elfin idiocy."

  In an instant, his hands let her go and so did the tightness of her throat as she dropped to the ground, shaking. Nothing had ever frightened her as much as what she had just gone through. Her senses closed in about her as if compensating for her helplessness earlier. He was so close and she could not do anything to protect herself. The tears were there, but she just could not show them to the man who sought to defile her.

  "…thi? Alethi?"

  Her eyes saw him, but it was not after a little while that she recognized him.

  "Are you well? Did he…did he touch you?"

  Alethi could hear the anger in his soft tones. His eyes shifting from worry to outrage, flitting like a hummingbird.

  "You came just in time." She could not get the quiver out from her voice. "Thank you."

  His thumb brushed her cheek and it was only then she noticed that she was crying. Something about his tenderness let out all the fear, anger and anxiety that she walled in. The torrent of emotions denied her the ability to speak. But words were insignificant as her tears spoke her emotions and comfort came in the warmth of Arun's embrace.

  Chapter Seven

  "Prince Arun!"

  Arun blinked and looked at the female above him. Her beautiful brows kit in frustration and her jaw was set in determination.

  "My lord, you are not responding."

  Arun looked at her perfect skin, every curve made to perfection. His eyes looked past her naked form and then at himself. She was right. He was limp and there was absolutely no feelings of arousal in him. He looked up at the face of the female elf and sighed. "I am just…not in the mood."

  "Not in the mood?" she demanded. "How can you not be in the mood? It is your mating year. I would understand if it is any other year, but you should be at your peak now. A whole season, you have not acted on your lust because of your role. I have heard you complain about it. Now that you have the chance, you are not in the mood?"

  He knew she was right. Ever since his year started, he was not able to do his duty and impregnate anyone. He had often been stiff doing his work and by the time he was done, he was so tired. Now that the opportunity presented itself in the form of a perfect nubile body, he could not even get aroused!

  She was beautiful and compared to Alethi, the elf would definitely eclipse her. But those eyes that were staring back at him were dead. There was no fire, though her eyes were of the color of sapphire. Alethi's hazel ones held a conflagration enough to inspire something in him in and more.

  "Now we're getting somewhere."

  Arun looked at the grinning she-elf as she traced her hands all over his body. Despite her noted skills, the act did not do anything more. It was his thoughts of Alethi that roused him. Damn the woman! What had she done to him? He only thought about her eyes and it made him throb. The gods knew how he would react thinking about other parts of her body.

  Sighing, he pushed her hands away and stood to dress.

  "My lord?" her voice was filled with horror though he did not see her face. "Have I not pleased? Have I done something wrong?"

  Arun faced her and shook his head. "You have done well. I am the one with the problem. Forgive me, I have to leave." And leave he did without waiting to see her reaction.

  That Alethi was the only one he was reacting to was bad news enough, but to receive the news about Dosalam was even worse. The problems were making his head ache, fraying his mind. He wanted to lie down and relax. And unfortunately, his imagination took him into Alethi's arms. Which prompted only one reaction.

  "Down boy," he told himself. "It is not yet time." But if he told her what he knew, there would never be a time. Damn it! He should release his own spell and just have his way with her. She was ripe for the picking – almost begging to be taken. The coy virginal play was driving him insane and it took all the control he had as an elf to keep himself from tying her up and playing with her.

  He hissed at the pain that was starting to stir in him and muttered the words. By the gods, if he was going to suffer, he was going to make her suffer with him. Let her feel all the twisted things his mind wanted to do to her.

  He had not intended his spell to affect her strongly – just enough to tease, but not so much that she would writhe. But sometimes, his lust was so elevated, he had to pass them onto her whenever she was not around. If he did, seeing her so stimulated would just heighten the vicious cycle of lust.

  Just behind the vine curtains of his room he magnified his senses. He could hear her pant as the spell expired, accentuated by tiny whimpers. Her intoxicating arousal reached him and he immediately toned down his senses. This time, he knew she came, if the shudders he had detected in her breathing had been any indication.

  The room was strong with her scent when he entered. He swallowed and thought of the scene of a battlefield after a war, focusing his thoughts on dead, mutilated and crushed bodies. He even put in a dead baby and a bearded woman for good measure. It did not calm him down, but it did not start the pain of going over too much either.

  Alethi sat on the floor, her head hidden by her arm on the bed. She was obviously making the effort of steadying herself as shudders continued to hit her body. He could hear her breathe heavily as her hand slowly let go of the sheet. Sweat glistened on her exposed neck and it made her dress cling to her prostrate form.

  Decaying battlefield, dead babies, bearded women…

  She lifted her head and took a deep breath. When she turned, she paled against her flushed skin, seeing him. A look of horror passed on her face, her supple mouth open.

  "How long have you been there?" she asked tentatively.

  He cleared his throat silently, surprised at the sudden tightness. "Just arrived. Are you well?"

  For a while she said nothing, but it was obvious she was in deep thought. "I need your help," she finally said. "I did not want to tell you this, but I have to. I think I cannot hold on to my sanity any longer." She took a deep breath. "Something strange is happening to me. I am not quite sure what it is but…I believe you were just being polite to let me finish. I do not know why I feel so…wanton all of the sudden, but there it is. It has never happened before. Perhaps you would be able to find out what is wrong with me? You are skilled in healing, are you not?"

  Arun could only clear his throat at her confession. Why would she tell him something so…intimate? Why not other female elves? He did not know how to react to her request when he had caused it himself. He continued to stare at her eyes wide, mouth hanging open.

  In response, Alethi reddened even futher. "Fuck me! I-I did not know what came over me. I…" she stammered, "You do not have to. It was foolish of me. Stupid, Alethi. Stupid!"

  He wanted him to fuck her? By the gods, he would! He would make her forget all her childhood trysts with what he had in mind for her. "I would be obliged."

  "You would?" Relief washed over her. "I cannot ask anyone else this. I know an elf's healing is worth its weight in gold. I promise to pay you when I get back."

  Arun blinked, her words finally sinking in. Healing? But she just said…oh. It was an expression. Shit…he was so stirred up about that, and she had to ruin it. But at least, he would be able to touch her again legitimately. It was not a total loss. And perhaps, he would be able to touch further knowing that humans no longer knew how his kind healed.

  "Let me see, then." He held the sides of her head and his fingers gently massaged her head through her hair. Alethi's eyes closed and her mouth parted. He staed at her full lips and resisted the urge to kiss them. His hands worked their way down, his fingers sensually massaging her ears, neck and shoulders. With each area that he passed, she let out a sigh.

  Arun felt the familiar stirring but did not stop. He wanted to touch her. He wanted her to know his touches. As a near immortal prince, he had everything and wanted nothing – except her. His hands splayed on her stomach, fingers aching for skin to touch skin and then…the pain. He backed away and grit his teeth breathing deeply to calm himself and tolerate the pain.

  He had never gone without sex for a whole season in his life. There were always others who were willing to father his children. Women presented themselves to him, but this lust-controlled human would not throw herself at his feet! He wanted to take her so badly he was often sleepless lying next to her. He could only touch her as her unconscious form opened to him.

  He, Prince Arun of Rehanathi, Commander of the Grand Legion, High Intelligence of the Council of Minds and Ambassador to the Seven Clans, was helpless with lust for a woman who would not beg to copulate with him!

  As soon as Arun calmed himself, he opened his eyes and stared into the worried eyes of Princess Alethi. The object of his desires. "It is complicated. I will have to ask the healer. Wait here." He hurried out. He did not know how much longer he could stand staying next to the only woman he ever lusted hungrily after. He wanted her so much, he wanted to claim more than her body.

  Chapter Eight

  "Stupid, Alethi. Stupid!" Alethi berated herself once Arun was gone. She had admitted that lust was enslaving her to an elf – a being that believed just so! What's more, she used an expression both Orrin and the king would give her an earful for. And how apt was that expression for her self-abandonment? Fuck me? She could have just said shit and it wouldn't have been as embarrassing. And it wouldn't have been closer to the truth of what she wanted.

  By the gods, she wanted him to have his way with her! But it was not right and she wouldn't do it. Never do it. Was this the reason why her kind had raped an elf? Because they were much too alluring and tempting? Was this the only reason why her people committed the sin the elves could not forgive? Now she knew what it was like to call on the last vestiges of self-control in front of an elf in heat. Even she would blame the elf if she ever jumped him, claiming that he had compelled her.

  She understood now the root of their differences. Elves were the epitome of control and patience. Their nature allowed them to do so and they expect humans to exert the same measure of control by the strength of their wills. It was why the races had trusted each other before the divide. The loss of control by her people over an elf who tested the limits of human endurance was the only cause.

  Perhaps the division could be reconciled. And she would do her best to reconcile them once she has the throne. The races were each other's better half and it would be better for both if they worked together instead of working apart.

  Alethi took a deep breath and changed. Again.

  The thoughts that were plaguing her would make her go insane. That and the fact that she was spending too much time in the prince's chamber that every thought she turned to always went back to him. She had to get it out of her system. She had to exert the control the elves were no longer expecting of her. Her efforts would be the only way any semblance of confidence could be restored to humans. And against, the express order of the prince, she went out and took a walk.

  The visions of Rehanathi cleared her thoughts and the melodious merriment of the elves from the direction of the lake where they bathed calmed her. Part of her was amazed at how the elves retained control of their lusts as they bathed in the lake together. Another part of her was puzzled at how they could display themselves at each other so easily. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why a man and a woman's union meant so little to them. They did not share the intimacy of a husband and wife who would only bare all to their mates.

  There was a lot both races could learn from one another. Her dread to rule slowly turned into excitement at the prospect of making the two races see eye to eye once again. She only had to return to Dosalam and play the politics of her kingdom right. It would be difficult to reconcile them again after all the bloodshed, but it was not impossible. She was with the elves and she could see that acceptance of them was easy for her as long as she forgave their atrocities and she let go of her own prejudice and hatred of them.

  An elf landed in front of her stopping her in her tracks. Her hands gripped her skirts and her jaw clenched seeing Liushan. He was not weaving any magic on her. At least, none that she could tell. But he stared at her with an intensity she had only felt when Arun looked at her. But it was not the same feeling. Arun's piercing stare made her feel vulnerable and open to him – but safe. Liushan's own made her feel as if she were a condemned prisoner. He felt like a judge trying to find more faults in a horse thief than stealing the crown's prized steed.

  "Liushan," she regarded him and thought about her earlier thoughts. It was possible to reunite them if she, herself begun the process. "How are you? I hope you are well."

  "Prince Arun has commanded you to stay in his chambers," he replied cuttingly, "And you go against his express command. Do you not know that he will be responsible for anything that you do or anything that happens to you? Or do you wish to bring evil on him and give his enemies reason to strip him of his titles?"

  Alethi was taken aback. She knew he was keeping her for her own protection. Though how grave the consequences were, she did not know.

  "We are not like you humans who come by status because of birth. We work for it." His hand gripped the pommel of his dagger. "I swear, by the gods, if you destroy the prince, I will kill you at the cost of my life."

  With her new perspective, Alethi could see Liushan in a new light. His actions could only be attributed to loyalty – if one that is based on blind faith. A loyal liege like Liushan would be difficult to find among humans, and maybe even among elves. Doubtless, he was an important part of Arun's power base and she was thankful she told him she did not want him punishe
d when Arun asked.

  "Forgive my ignorance," she said, "Will you walk with me back and ensure my safety?"

  Liushan looked at her with suspicion. "You ask this after what I have done to you?" The grip on his dagger tightened.

  "No," Alethi shook her head, "I do not trust you as much as you do not trust me. But I ask this on the loyalty that you serve your prince and the honor I owe him." She didn't blame him if he suspected her of pulling tricks on him. She would be wary of such sudden kind responses from nobles as well.

  He nodded and walked an arm's length beside her, his hand never leaving the pommel of his dagger. His head held high and straight, but his eyes were wary and watchful. It was all the more reason for Alethi to steel herself as she felt the familiar stirring between her thighs. It was a light stirring, unlike earlier, and though she could feel herself get more and more sensitive, she held herself together, hopeing that his senses were not open enough for him to notice the wetness that was beginning to pool in her.

  "I want you to know," Alethi looked at him to steel herself as they walked, "that I hold no grudge against what you did. You acted on what you thought was right and I commend that. I am just a little frightened at the zeal in which you accomplish things. I wish for there to be no barrier between us."

  He only grunted in response, but it was enough for Alethi that he knew she was not an enemy and that she wanted to mend things. It was not a large step, but at least, it was a step toward progress.

  Liushan drew back the curtains to Arun's room and his face wrinkled. He glared at Alethi. "Cheap whore," he growled and stormed off.

  Alethi bit her lower lip as the pressure between her legs increased. She didn't know if Liushan noticed her current arousal or – she shuddered – that she came in Arun's room, but she knew she had just destroyed whatever positive rapport that she built up with him. At the same time, she was also glad he left as her breath hitched at the sudden assaults she was experiencing on her sex.


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