Game of Temptation

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Game of Temptation Page 8

by Anda J. Santoso

  "Is it supposed to be difficult? Or…is it difficult for you to bind yourself to me?"

  Alethi could see the hurt behind those emerald eyes. It was not that she did not want to. Unlike elves, she would have to endure the pain of a heartache without the escape of death. And it frightened her more than death did.

  "Now is not the time," she said instead. "Marriage is perhaps the only thing about us humans that takes a long time. Unless it is arranged."


  Alethi was glad for the derailing of the topic. At least it was more comfortable talking about marriage in a detached manner. "Noble families often do it to bind their riches and power together. Three thousand years ago, it was also done to forge the truce between our races, though I doubt that either was not a willing party."

  "Are you willing, then?"


  Arun said nothing knowing that she knew exactly what she meant. Whatever she said, and no matter how much she derailed, she knew the conversation would go back to his proposal. She had imagined how her future husband would propose when she was younger and Arun's belonged to the unromantic half. It disappointed her a little, but what could she expect from someone who does not know what it was like to be human?

  And by the gods, she did not mind him binding her in every sense of the word!

  Arun's nervous laugh caught Alethi by surprise. "Gods! You really like to see me writhe like a worm!" He took a deep breath. "I am not asking you just to tie our kingdoms or to satisfy my need for the year. I am asking you because I want to be with you. Truly. Perhaps this is not the best time to ask. Not when you have so many things on your mind. I only need to know one thing – and you do not have to answer. Could you see yourself sharing your marriage bed and your whole life with me?"

  Her heart wanted to scream yes, but her head strangled it from ever getting a word out. There was too much to be done especially in the way of her reputation and her standing with the nobles. Even being just his lover could prove fatal for her hold of the throne. She looked away finding herself staring at him for too long. She could only hope that he did not read what was in her heart when she stared at him.

  She stole a glance at Arun and saw him seat back and his lips curl up in a knowing grin.

  Chapten Thirteen

  Alethi's pink, swollen lips haunted him. The image burned deep into his mind after kissing her three times. He wanted more because – fuck it! – that was all they ever did. Once by the lake, another at the treetops and once in his room. He was going delirious with need and he was still far from even having the rights to touching her ample breasts.

  Who had ever heard of an elf going for two seasons in his mating year without sex? The longest he had heard of one without going on an animalistic rage of lust was seven days. And he had gone far longer than seven days – with a constant temptation dangling itself in front of him. Sometimes, he could think of nothing but tying her up and claiming her, and to hell what her protestations might be. But he could not because she was a fucking virgin. A virgin without a barrier if she always rode astride as she did now. And her deftness at riding suggested that she always rode astride – and frequently.

  Perhaps it would not be too bad for him to push himself into her…

  Arun noticed Orrin's horse slow and shut down her thoughts about Alethi. The man was observant and protective – a dangerous combination in a father. If he did not guard himself, the man would know the sick and dirty designs he had for his daughter. Probably sick and dirty to the old man but to him, he was only imagining heaven.

  "My lord prince," he began showing no signs he knew of whatever was in Arun's mind, "I cannot thank you enough for your aid."

  "You can thank me if we succeed. To be honest, I still do not approve of this. Have you tried talking her out of it?"

  Orrin chuckled. "I see you have not heard of the legendary hard-headedness that courses through her mother's family. To try and make them see other things than what they have set their minds on is an effort of epic proportions. And one with a lower will than them would fold without question. As I did." He looked beyond and smiled remembering a distant memory. "I remember her mother. She loved the king with a passion, but the problem of his impotence proved to be too great for her to ignore. Snuck into my chambers the moment the opportunity presented itself, she did. I was not exactly reluctant when she demanded intercourse, and I was much younger, then. To bed a queen was frightening, but also impossible to refuse. Only after that one night did she and I become friends and I've always bent to her wishes, no matter how much older and more seasoned I grew. You must prepare yourself for much bending if you wish to have Alethi."

  Arun choked on nothing in surprise. The man knew his intentions? Although, perhaps, he should not be surprised. He was Alethi's father and she could have told him. Or word of his near-demise at her parting could have reached him. Either way, he felt that the news reached her father too soon. It was one thing to be much older than the man, but it was quite another when the younger man was the father of the object of his desires. He could not stop acting like he was hundreds of years younger!

  Orrin chuckled again. "You seem surprised I know. I do not know how far you two have gone, but the way you look at each other – or in her case, avoid looking at you – there is just too much to read."

  By the gods! He hoped he did not read all the fucking he thought in his mind. "You have no objections?" he asked regaining his composure.

  "She came to trust you despite the difference in your lineage and despite you holding her prisoner, did she not?" Arun nodded and he continued, "Then I see no problem. She may choose whom she wishes. She can think on her own. But if you hurt her, I have no other option but to act as a father should and try to kill you, though I know I will not succeed."

  Arun noticed that though his smile was one of amusement, it carried a deadly seriousness. A father's protectiveness was not to be tested, and he gave off the same feeling a wolf mother had for her pups.

  "Even in captivity, I have never thought of hurting her."

  Orrin clapped him at the back. "We are on good terms, then." The old man smiled and trotted back to beside his daughter.

  Arun smiled. It was a brief clap on the back, but he felt warmth in it. The same warmth a dear and close friend might give. Was that what it was like to have a family? He would not know. Not until he had Alethi for his…wife. Gods! The word was like another creature he was tentative to approach, but would approach if only because of his need and his longing. Need and longing that manifested in every opportunity he touched the small of her back, hips, thighs, neck and ears, and in every time they kissed. And she responded with her own longing – restrained and timid. Virginal.

  Thinking about that made him stiff. Quite a bad moment for that on a saddle. What he needed was a distraction. Or perhaps a pause so he could take her behind the large tree at the edge of his vision. He shook his head. He could not believe he was thinking of such things when she would be putting herself in danger in two nights! The thought was enough to settle him down as worry replaced lust.

  Soon, light was fading and they were beginning to set up camp. Arun found many of the rituals of men in settling for the night quite interesting. They needed so much when all elves truly needed was a sheet to tie between trees to sleep in.

  "I will be gathering wood for the fire," Alethi told her father.

  "Be careful, now. And do not stray far," Orrin said.

  She giggled and hugged Orrin. "It is just firewood, father. I will not be hunting a boar with children. At least, not in the dark."

  Orrin looked at the deer he was gutting, considering to leave it and go with her.

  "I will go with her," Arun volunteered. To keep her safe. That was his intention. But as Orrin nodded, it dawned on him that they would be alone. Just him and Alethi. Away from everyone. And with him by her side, his worry fled like a gazelle pursued by a lion. His longing for her took over as her calves peeked out from under her
dress, picking her way on the incline.

  Arun was half-hearted in his attempts to look for wood, having only a few in his arms. He was more interested in watching the way her hips swayed on even ground and how delicately she picked her way through. Of course, he would always watch out for the unlikely case that she would fall…

  His eyes saw her foot step on loose, muddy soil and he barely had time to drop his load to catch her. And – sweet child of the gods! – her warmth gave new life to his libido. Not least because his hand latched onto her full breast as he unwittingly caught her.

  Unlikely chance of falling, indeed! He thanked the gods for giving him such a wonderful opportunity. The problem was how we would get through the night without taking her. The gods know how much he needed his release!

  "Wow…thank you." Alethi's head turned to face him. "I did not even have time to react. That was stupidly careless of me."

  "The woods are treacherous even in daylight." Arun grinned. "Perhaps you would not deny me a reward for that."

  "Perhaps." Her eyes wandered to his hand on her breast, her face visibly red even under the light of only the moon. "Um…I am safe now."

  "I know," Arun breathed on her neck and was rewarded by a gasp and a shiver. "My reward?"

  Alethi's eyes went wide at him. "Su-surely you do not suggest…"

  Arun held her close and let her feel his longing for her. He restrained a groan and he felt his hardness nestle in her soft behind. He fought the urge to tear her clothes apart and take her. It was just not practical. Not out here where her father sat waiting just below them. "Do not deny you want this," he hissed trying to keep a measure of control over himself, but found it impossible not to feel more of the exquisite softness in his hand.

  He was rewarded by a moan that nearly rent his control apart. For all his restraint, he could not help but feast himself on her exposed neck. He trailed feather-light kisses from her jaw to the base of her neck, nipped at her skin with her teeth back up before tracing it back down. He smiled as she gasped when he sucked at the point where her neck and shoulder met. His.

  "Arun," she whispered in between shallow ragged breaths, "we cannot—"

  He covered her lips with his own. No! He would not hear of her protest. Not this time. He nibbled at her lower lip before entering the familiar sweetness of her mouth. He plundered her, making his claim as best as he could and tasting her everywhere as his fingers located the stiffening peak of her arousal. She arched toward his hand and moaned in his mouth as her own tongue met his, sagging against him.

  His other hand slowly raised the hem of her skirts and he reluctantly tore away from her mouth, watching her expression and his hand wandered along the insides of her thighs. Her face was arrested with pleasure, making her glow and unfold to be more beautiful as every moment passed. Her eyes fluttered most enticingly as his hand followed the path of the sweetness that trailed downwards. He stopped before reaching his destination and his hand hovered to the other side of her thigh following the pattern of her juices.

  "Arun…" she groaned, jaw tight as she battled within herself. "We should stop…"

  "Do you truly want that?" he growled as he nibbled her ear. "Truly?" He placed a finger on her coveted treasure and she gave a strangled cry as her hips thrust to meet his fingers. He chuckled loving his control over her. But blast those damp drawers! He would tear them from her body if he surrendered to his animalistic need. "I believe you need to be soothed first."

  "Arun! Alethi!"

  Arun bit back a howl of frustration as Alethi's eyes shot wide open, though still unable to tear herself from him. Arun tried to ignore it, but the call came again, this time, nearer. He produced a string of curses, including the gods that taunted his vulnerability. Damn them for making him get this far, but no further!

  Alethi, found her own strength and moved away from his slackened hold, albeit on shaky legs. She started picking up what they have gathered and he joined her.

  "Arun! Alethi!"

  "Over here!" Alethi answered her father and looked apologetically at Arun as they both stood.

  "Ah! There you are." Orrin smiled. "Well, dinner is ready and everyone is waiting for the both of you. Especially you, my prince. Your elves would not eat without you."

  "Thank you," Arun said, a little too stiff for his taste.

  He lagged behind as father led daughter into the clearing, thanking the night for covering any traces of his debauchery of her. His mark would be covered by her long hair, unless she decided to hold them back. Hopefully, tonight, she would not.

  He ate in silence trying to find a way to deal with his raging lust until he could no longer take it.

  "What is it, my lord?" Liushan asked when Arun took him aside.

  "Punch me. Here." He pointed at the point just below his ribs.

  "That would hurt."

  "That is the point."

  Liushan looked at him oddly. "What for?"

  "I believe I would rather be gutted than to prick my dick with pins of ice again."

  Liushan's brows raised in understanding. "So that was why she…" The wretched elf smirked. "You did not finish with her, did you not."

  Arun grit his teeth. "Do it now, Liushan!"

  One thing Arun was certain, being gutted was a better idea than punishing his already-tortured dick.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Alethi wondered how the chiseler – Baronet Leanne, she should start remembering that – could be so calm and confident in impersonating Duchess Sirien. Sure, the woman rarely left her estate because of her frailty and Leanne had been impersonating her for so long. But still…how could she not worry about being caught?

  "Abiel," Leanne turned to her, "please make yourself scarce among the servants. I shall send for you when I feel faint. Run a long now."

  "Yes, my lady," she bowed and wandered off not daring to lift her head, lest she be recognized. She went unnoticed by nobles as she made her way through the gardens to the servant's hallways, and when she was certain no one was looking, she veered off.

  Alethi clutched the tube in her hands, hoping that no one would stop her. She hoped that she would not have to use Leanne's tactic to get past guards and not raise an alarm.

  Arun had told her that the Imreal they let the lieges of Niraya discover was at the private library where many other secrets were stored. And as she neared it, she ducked behind a wall and hissed. There was one guard. She knew him and remembered he was one of the good soldiers his father had. He was supposed to be an officer, but he was relegated to such a duty. She knew him enough to not complain and he did his job well. It was a pity he had to bar her way. She would not take her chance at pleading with him.

  "Oh dear!" she threw herself on the floor, clutching her ankle.

  The soldier looked at her, tense with a hand on the pommel of his sword. Seeing her, he relaxed. "You are not supposed to be here, miss."

  She sobbed, the cowl of her hood hiding the fact that she did not have any tears. A horrid actress! That was what she was. "I know. But a rat!" she sniffed, trying to still her wildly beating heart. What she didn't feign was her trembling. The gods knew how nervous she was. "A horrible, vile creature, that! It chased me and I stumbled. Could you please help me up?"

  He came to her and put his arm around her. At once, she applied pressure beneath his ear, brought her fist to his throat to stifle any sound and stroke the nape of his neck. She sighed and the frantic beating of her heart eased somewhat. She thanked herself for her stubbornness and refusal to listen to her father when he did not want her to be about Orrin and the king's guards as they trained. It made her hands rough and callous, but it did serve a purpose.

  She hoped Arun did not mind such ugly hands…

  She shook the thought off. She had to get what she came for and be quick about it. She dragged the unconscious guard into the library and opened a box that was not there the last time she came. In it contained different vials, most of them, full. She easily recognized Arun's cry
stal vial and saw one that was less. Her father's poison. She took both vials and placed them in the tube.

  Alethi ran quickly up to the throne room where Niraya would be pronounced queen later. The house breaker – soon-to-be merchant – should be in his position for her getaway. If not, well, perhaps it was her time to die. She also hoped that Orrin had gathered as much as he could and was ready at their stations. She had given him so little time, so she could not expect so much.

  Her hood dropped as she lifted the Imreal from the tube for a quick check to see if she got the right one. She nodded to herself and burst inside the throne room. She approached the insignia of her family and traced the gem-encrusted symbol with a finger. This was her father's pride. It was what he and generations before him ahd worked for – peace to Dosalam and she would be damned if she let Niraya ruin it! She would rule Dolsalam. With Arun. The elf could protest all he wanted but once she was through with all this political business, it would be his turn to be her prisoner.

  "I thought I saw a little mouse run up here. With something of my own."

  Alethi's back stiffened and she straightened to face her. "Hello, bitch witch."

  Niraya smirked. "Funny you should call me that now. I always knew you suspected, but your father was a very foolish, passionate man. I thought his death would grieve you to death, but I see you are still here."

  "My desire for vengeance runs deeper than my grief, Niraya. As is my desire to see the country that my father loved and ruled prosper. You will ruin all of Dosalam with your desire to be at war with the elves! And for what?" She clutched the tube to her heart.

  "Dear, sweet child, you have no idea about the power of the Imreal, do you?" Niraya laughed a melodious, but wicked laughter. "The elves do not know the power that they have. With it, they can raise entire cities and destroy them. They can even raise the dead and have a whole army of unfeeling, mindless creatures at your command. Think about it. You would have the whole world at your hands and nothing could stop you."


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