Game of Temptation

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Game of Temptation Page 7

by Anda J. Santoso

  She opened her eyes, surprised to find herself in an open field near the forest of Rehanathi itself. Beside her, Liushan peered over the distance into Dosalam.

  "Elfin politics are long and troublesome, but human politics are quick and harsh." He turned to her. "I take it you are no longer in line for the throne?"

  Alethi shook her head. "I still am. I have not been officially unseated, but I am sure Niraya would be more than happy to take my place." She sighed. "I know you helped me get out of there with good intentions and I thank you, but now that you have saved me, it only made the people believe that I have sold Dosalam to your kind. Now they believe that I am, indeed, a traitor. Has Arun sent for you?"

  Liushan peered into her eyes for quite a while before he backed off. "No. I went on my own accord. To see if I can get you back. And I will not apologize for what I have done, if that is what you are aiming for."

  "No, I do not wish for you to apologize. If you did, I would doubt your true intentions. But tell me, why do you wish to get me back?"

  Liushan's shoulders slumped and his face lined with worry. "It's the prince. Since you left, he has not been out of bed. He was saying he feels weak. The healers could find nothing wrong with him and they think it is the loneliness of standing alone in elfin politics that is causing him distress. But I do not believe so. He had stood alone for too long for it. No. What I think is that your absence is causing him grief, but knowing that you might still need him, " he touched the pendant of her necklace, "is keeping him alive."

  Alethi's eyes widened at him. Arun was dying because he was grieving her leaving him. He grieved for the hatred he thought she had despised him with. She had cursed him and screamed at him and he took it passively though Alethi could see he was dying inside with her words. She was sentencing him to death when she gave him the impression that she shunned him.

  Liushan wa suggesting something. And she understood and knew that…

  "He loves you, Alethi. It is not just infatuation, else it would go away. I can see that even if you are both blind to it. I do not know if you love him back. How human emotions work is beyond my comprehension, but I ask you to see him. I despise you for bringing him this low, but I owe my life and my whole being to him and I would do anything to help him." He knelt in front of her. "I will ask you again. Please, return with me. For once we love, we only love one for eternity and that is a fear run away from at all costs. It is the death sentence that has made our society callous about intimacy, romance and sex. You have poisoned him, Alethi, but he has taken care of you. Please…"

  Chapter Eleven

  Days were becoming longer for Arun as he lay in bed, refusing to give in to death. He knew Alethi would need him. She was strong, but she was not stupid to refuse help if she needed it. What frightened him was not her stupidity, but the likelihood of her pride refusing help. She had gotten to the point of storming out on him that coming back to him for help would be wounding to her pride. It was probably why she had yet to call on him no matter how bad things have become at her captial.

  He felt fingers touch his wrist but he did not open his eyes. It was not as if their constant checks on him would change his state. He did not even bother to listen to their murmurings. Let them speculate that his peerless political standing was the root of it all. At least, Alethi would be safe from them.

  "Prince Arun? Please open your eyes."

  Arun sighed and forced his eyes open. Liushan looked down on him looking so concerned. The elf was more loyal than a hound taken care of since it was a pup. Arun did not know whether to be thankful for his zeal or to curse it – especially when he had almost robbed Alethi of her purity.

  "My lord, I know exactly why you are like this. Do not do this to yourself. Forget her. She is not worth it."

  Arun smiled at his liege in pity. "I am afraid, you will never understand, Liushan. I have tried, but it is not that I cannot. It is that I will not. It is easy to convince oneself to forget another, but would it really be worth the exchange?"

  Liushan shook his head. "Exchange of life for being rid of one woman, who could even be counted as your weakness, forever? I believe it is a fair exchange. More than fair. Rehanathi and its inhabitants need you. And the council, though they despise you, knows how valuable you are. As we speak, they have instituted a regent in your place, afraid that elfinkind might question your sudden deposition. You have so much power – you can change so many things! – why waste it on a human?"

  Arun closed his eyes and held the elf's hand. He looked into his liege's eyes to give him the truth that his words would not be able to convey. "It is difficult to explain, Liushan. But have you ever wondered what the point is in living so long? In going through the battles of everyday life? To what end do we keep ourselves alive? Our long lives have cursed us. It is because of this we have become so bitter and numb with every gift this world has given us. Tell me, Liushan. Have you come to love anything in this world and live for the sake of it? Not just live for the sake of living, but to live for a goal."

  Liushan bit his lip thoughtfully and shook his head after a while. "All I live for is for your safety."

  "And if I die, will you?"

  The younger elf shook his head. "I will continue living. Perhaps because I am afraid of death."

  "As we all are." Arun nodded. "But what if you have been given to see the world in a new light? What if you have been given the chance to remove the pains of living for life's sake and live because you find joy in it? Would you take it, Liushan?" His liege nodded and he continued, "I have found that joy being with Alethi. It was not just the game of wills that had made life more exciting. It is seeing her with a smile on her face and the gift of hope that lies in her. Humans have a short life and there is much to learn from them in the matter of loving and enjoying life. I fear I will never learn it, but I do know that she is the reason I have found a purpose in life."

  "And what purpose is that?"

  "To make her short life well worth living." Arun smiled seeing incomprehension etch Liushan's face. He knew the younger elf understood his reasons and emotions, but he had yet to experience it himself so he could not understand what madness had taken over Arun. "You would never understand unless you have experienced it, Liushan. You cannot talk me out of this. I know she is still alive and unhurt. The gem tells me so. And until she is well and…someone else is taking care of her, I will continue to live. I love her, Liushan. I love her more than my own life."

  Liushan forced a weak smile. "My lord, you have gone insane."

  Arun could not help but chuckle in response. "I know." He closed his eyes as Liushan stepped back and bowed to leave. He wished he knew more about where Alethi was or how she was, but he would not know. Not without her express wishes.

  He did not understand how one woman could change him so, but he did not care. He understood why love was the deadliest trap. It was not because it was impossible to run from, it was because no one wanted to run away from it once tasted. And it did not matter if she loved him in return. In truth, he did not expect anything back. All he wanted was to give her his love.

  His bed moved and he reined in his annoyance. Whoever was crawling up to his bed hoping to coax him out to mate with him, hoping to distract him from his "loneliness in politics", can wait all their lives and nothing would come. Perhaps after this third attempt, they would stop. The movement stopped and Arun felt nothing. Perhaps this she-elf was playing a game. Or observing him. He did not care. He did not even bother to bring to normal his dimmed senses. Anything short of news of Alethi would not stir him.

  A finger traced his cheek and he resigned to thinking of Alethi touching him that way. He would not grant, whoever the intruder was, the pleasure of rousing him. Teeth grazed at the tip of his ear and he grunted , his eyes opening. It was a very personal spot. One that we would deign for anyone to touch.

  "That got your attention."

  Arun's thoughts on the curses he would give died before they even reached his
lips. Alethi was there, lying beside him in her usual place. He extended his senses and searched for any magic around her. All he got was her scent and her soft smile. Somehow, those little things gave him strength, but it still failed to give him the power to speak.

  "I used to lie here awake at dawn watching you sleep. And I always thought to myself how perfect you are." She shrugged and sat up. "But I see you are not truly perfect after all."

  Arun grabbed her wrist. "Why are you here?"

  "I see you do not want me here."

  "No! No…I just…I am pleasantly surprised." He smiled at her.

  She smiled back and he felt at the peak of his prime. He did not know whether to kiss or explain to her first. Thinking a kiss might prove offensive, he opened his mouth to speak.

  "Do not mistake my visit for anything else, Arun." She spoke before he could say anything. "I am here because I need your help."

  "Of course." Arun said, sitting up. "What is it you need?"

  "I need to steal my throne back."

  Arun blinked at her, not knowing what she had in mind. "Anything under my power are in your disposition. But you have to tell me what you are planning."

  Alethi nodded. "A fair enough exchange. I have talked to Liushan and he is willing to help if you order him to. And I need him because he knows where Orrin is. I know the secret passages that will enable his freedom. And the freedom of a chiseler and a house breaker."

  "Thieves?" Arun asked. "What need have you of thieves? You have our magic."

  "And so does she." Alethi eased herself from the bed and walked to the chair near his bed. "She knows I am with you and she will be expecting magic. She is a beguiler, herself, but more a seductress than anything else. The bitch witch thinks herself untouchable by anything less than other witches and elves and so we strike at her arrogance. Besides," Alethi gave a coy smile, "she had offended my two little thieves far enough that I would not be surprised if they are desperate enough to jump at any opportunity to take her down."

  Arun nodded. "How many would you need to take the throne back once we free them?"


  "Three legions, then."

  Alethi's laugh surprised Arun. It was more melodious and comforting than any other sound he knew of, including an elfin singer's voice.

  "Three elves, my dear Arun. Not three legions," she said after laughing, "I told you, I will only steal my throne. There is no need for a war. Liushan and two others besides you."

  "I do not know what you are thinking of now, and truth to be told, it frightens me," Arun admitted. He at least knew how much power Alethi's step mother was wielding and if they were correct, nothing short of a war would tear the throne off her fingers.

  "Worried, are you? Not to worry. Your team of elves will be safe. I promise you."

  He shook his head. "It is not them I am worried about. It is you. Alethi, if his proves to be too dangerous—"

  "It is either this or an eternity of blood feud." Alethi stood and faced the window, the sunlight highlighting her gentle features. "My father always said that a ruler must exhaust all his options first. I do not wish another war between our races. If I do not succeed, then there would be no more bond or possibility of truce left. And if she succeeds in taking the Imreal…" She looked at him, her eyes pleading. "I ask you to trust me, Arun."

  What else could Arun say? He trusted her with his whole life else, there would be nothing left for him. "I do."

  "Thank you."

  For a while, neither of them spoke, but Arun did not mind. He was relieved she was with him and that she did not hate him. He did not know what tomorrow would hold for them or if he would continue to be a part of her life. He did not even know how his political opponents would move with the knowledge of his sudden strength at her arrival, but he was certain of one thing. He had the opportunity to be with her now and he would take it.

  "I have one request."

  Alethi bent her head to one side. "And that is?"

  "Before we leave, I would like to ask you to be my guest once again. For old times' sake," he added the last part hastily fearing she would recoil at his advance.

  A grin touched the corner of Alethi's mouth. "If it is not much of a bother, my prince."

  "Not at all, my queen. I assure you, you would be safe," he took a deep breath, "even from me." Arun noted her smile and something in it was slightly disturbing. He knew something was in her head, but she would not share it with him. At least, not now.

  Chapter Twelve

  Docile-sheep Arun did not last long. After his initial recovery from his dying state, he was back to his domination of everything. Not that Alethi really minded. She rather like this Arun, though the docile sheep that confessed in his delirium would be a nice change every once in a while.

  His confession gave her power. A leverage she could use to take her throne back. It was also a leverage she did not want to lose. She was not exactly sure why, but she rather liked his attention. It was strange. She never liked to be showered with it when men from her kingdom posed to make their move on her. But what Arun gave, she welcomed with open arms. Even when he admitted to what he had in mind when she kept her captive and to be the culprit to her sudden bursts of…experiences, she could only pretend to be so furious. And the attention she got from him after that…Maybe she should pretend to be furious at him more often.

  She looked at Rehanathi from the tops of tower-like trees, sipping tea. Though the place was foreign, it felt like home. It gave her another reason to take the bitch witch down. Rehanathi was a place she should protect – and a place other Dosalari should be able to visit and calm themselves without fear.

  Alethi smiled. So much work to do and yet, she looked forward to doing them. Reconciliation would be the first on her agenda after consolidating her own power base. It would be a grand headache of sorts, and that was the part she did not look forward to.

  "I still worry about this plan of yours," Arun said beside her. "Must you go in there yourself?"

  Alethi placed her empty teacup on a flat branch beside her. "Yes, else it will not work. Does Orrin have the essence of Imreal again?"

  "They have found it moments ago. Shall we give it?"

  Alethi shook her head. "We time it with the coronation. Have you word yet of when it is?"

  "In seven days." Arun turned to her. "Money, titles and position. Is that all humans are interested in?"

  "It is what we call bribe. I personally find it a cheap and utterly revolting practice, but for now it serves a purpose for the greater good. At least I know these two will not betray me when I come into power. They would do well at the new posts I will be giving them. Very well." She chuckled. "Pitiful, is it not? We find pleasure in temporal things. And they mock us in reminder that our own time in the world is short."

  "I find it rather amusing to be attached to something that reminds you of the short time you live. Strange, but amusing."

  Alethi watched the corner of his lips pull up in an amused grin. She could never forget those soft lips that she fully surrendered to. He had been her first kiss and likely an experience she would never forget. He knew exactly what to do and where exactly to touch her to please her. And that tongue! She shuddered, feeling the familiar heat between her legs. And this time, she could blame no one but herself for it.

  Arun raised her eyebrows at her. "You look red in the face. Are you well?"

  She mentally stomped down on the thoughts in her head. Such thoughts were dangerous around Arun. "I am well, thank you." Very dangerous.

  "Let me have a look." He touched her burning face slightly. "As your host," he said, his face inches away from hers, "it is my duty to ensure that you are well."

  She swallowed, unable to resist him. Oh, yes. She wanted him to touch her badly. But it would not do! It would not do to—

  Any other thought she had in her mind got shut down as his lips met hers. By the gods! It was maddening! His lips were warm, soft, comforting…and wet. Perhaps as wet as
she was starting to get down there. She felt his tongue touch her lips lightly and they parted to accommodate his exploration, his kiss becoming more and more aggressive. Her tongue caressed his as he plundered her with a rough, hungry kiss. A soft moan escaped her and the heat in her turned up in her mindless need to have Arun.

  She wanted to feel more of him. Wanted to feel more than his mouth on hers, his hands caressing her back and her bottom, her chest on his, and his…

  She tore away feeling…the thing. She felt dazed and her mind was slowly taking in what had happened. But more importantly, she was becoming aware that she was straddling Arun in his seat! How she came to be in that position, she had no idea. But it felt right. So right to be there – she pressed precisely against his hard, firm body.

  "Fuck me! We can't do this!" She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts.

  Arun raised an eyebrow. "I will be happy to fuck you, but no kissing? Surely, we can do both. You are learning very well."

  Alethi scowled, still feeling her face flushed from the contact and his compliment. By the gods, she wanted to do both! "That is not what I am trying to say!" She backed away and returned to her seat. "We cannot do this. I cannot."

  Arun met her gaze and it took a solid iron will not to look away or let her emotions get the best of her. None of them spoke and Alethi could tell that he was not about to give up.

  "Then marry me," he said with utmost seriousness.

  Alethi's composure fell and her mouth hung. She wanted to say a million things to him, but all of them were pushing out of her thoughts at the same time that she could get none of them out.

  "Is that such an absurd proposal?" Arun asked in all his innocence.

  "Do you really have any idea about the institution of marriage?"

  "If I am not mistaken, it is the eternal binding of two people together and creating a family. Am I wrong?"

  Alethi scratched her head. "No, but you make it sound as if it is something that can be done easily."


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