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Game of Temptation

Page 9

by Anda J. Santoso

  "That is why the Imreal is in their care and not in yours! They use the Imreal to breathe life to Rehanathi, not take it away. They have done good with such a power and you want to destroy everything just to have everything you want?"

  "Not everything, my dear, little mouse. Only those who oppose me."

  "To what end?"

  "Does power need an explanation?" The smile on her face faded. "Too long I have been denied of what was rightfully mine. Your soldiers crushed our village as we housed the guerillas and tended to their wounded. You took everything from me!"

  "It was an action in remiss." Alethi stood straight. "We have said our apologies and are trying to rebuild with the guerillas. And now, there is peace, though a fragile one. I assure you, it will never happen again."

  "Damn right it will not. Because I will be queen. And I will destroy those who are not at peace with me." Niraya extended her hand. "Hand over the Imreal and I will only send you to the dungeons. If you do not, I will kill you and have it anyway."

  Alethi glared at her, fiddling with the tube under her coat. "You will kill me, whether or not I give this to you. I am a stumbling block to your ambitions."

  The evil smile returned on Niraya's features again. "Very perceptive. But you see, I do have a merciful side. I will kill you painlessly if you give it to me. A streak through your skull should suffice."

  "Such a coward to not kill with your own hands." Alethi smirked, herself. "But I guess that is the way of an invalid. Magic is your crutch and will be your downfall. I assure you, when I am dead, the meisters will know magic has been used. Magic different form the elves. And who to blame but you? Such a pity for your reign to end so short. You know how this hall records magic. Of course I do not wish to die painfully." She tossed the tube to Niraya. "I wait my painless death."

  Niraya caught the tube and opened it. She howled seeing only the poison she used fall into her hands. "Where is the Imreal?" She screeched.

  "That is the poison you used to kill my father and frame Orrin, yes?"

  Niraya took a deep breath and composed herself. "You come here only to hear the truth of things? You do not have the Imreal." She laughed. "Such a fool I had been. Yes. Is this what will silence you in your grave? Yes. This is what I used. And I have considered your advice. I will kill you with my own hands. You think I am incapable? We shall see."

  Alethi took the vial of Imreal in her hand and ran to the curtains behind the throne. "You want it?" She threw the vial behind the curtains to the ground ten spans below.

  Niraya's eyes lit with burning rage as she screamed rushing toward her, spewing out profanities. Alethi knew the woman to be quick, agile and better than her at combat with all the time the woman had spent living with the guerillas. She had too little time to dodge and her she felt her throat constrict painfully as the bitch witch's hand collided into her and pushed her out to the balcony railings, pinning her there.

  Alethi's vision was going white and her mind did not comprehend anything but pain and suffering. She could not breathe and her body felt like it was being snapped as she was held bent over backwards on the railing. She could feel her neck collapsing in on itself as she struggled to claw and kick her way out of her grasp. It was a useless battle and as she felt herself getting weaker, she could only think about how she would disappoint Arun. Dead, she could never be his bride. Could never tell him how she truly felt about him. Could never feel what it would be like to be held in his powerful arms, sheltered from the world. Could never even so much as say his name. Never feel what it would be like to be finally free to act on the primal need she felt every time he drew near.

  The only thing that she could understand aside from the pain was that dying felt the same as falling.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Arun could not relax as the scene played out before him and all of Dosalam. He had been worried before Alethi had established contact with him through their family insignia, but he became even more fretful as he channeled all the events in the throne room. She was angering the older woman and he could feel that she was indeed powerful. His heart nearly went into an arrest as the contact broke. The woman was trying to kill him by disallowing any contact with her until she made contact with him. Niraya might find out, she said .Blast the woman for twisting his heart painfully in anticipation!

  Prince Arun! The house breaker's voice rang in his head. I see the princess above me. The woman is killing her. I cannot scale up more to aid her. The walls are sheer and the vine ends a few spans below.I cannot attract attention lest she kill me as well.

  Arun pushed the rising panic away from his chest, but his thoughts were tumbling demanding where they were. He wasted no time as he was told of the location. Above him, he could see Alethi's struggles were growing faint as she tried to fend off the witch. Bent over backwards, he could see the pain clearly in her face with his heightened sight. He growled and restraint fled from his mind.

  Catch her. He sent the house breaker and with a roar, destroyed the wall the balcony was attached to as he ran under it, binding and gagging the older woman as he did so.

  The house breaker did catch her but a chunk from the balcony hit his hand sending them both hurtling downward. Cursing, he let Niraya fall toward the trees and called for the plants to create a web that would break their fall. They crashed and Arun prayed to all the gods that he knew that she is safe and alive.

  He cared not a whit for the guerillas Orrin gathered running in another direction in a rage, nor did he care for the raucous rioting that was beginning all around. There was nothing more important to him than to know that his Alethi was alive and well. And run with the speed of the wind he did.

  Arun reached them and saw the house breaker groaning in pain, Alethi on top of him. He pushed feelings of possessiveness aside as he touched their foreheads. The man was fine but for a few bruises and scratches, but Alethi…he saw blood mar one side of her head and he gathered her quickly in his arms. Worse, contact poison was on her throat and was slowly destroying her from the inside.

  Cursing, himself, Arun wished he had learned the ways of healing. But he knew that even if he did, he was not deft at it. The most he would be able to do was close her wound. He was born a fighter, not a healer. He called on one of his elves and pleaded Orrin to handle whatever was going on in Dosalam, relaying what had happened after the images vanished.


  A soft breeze fluttered the curtains as dawn flitted through the windows casting Alethi's skin in warm light. The touch of dawn did not reach Arun as he sat by her, his mood dark. He had come so close to losing her and sent him into a fit of madness. He could only thank Orrin and Leanne for holding him back or he would have destroyed…so many things.

  He held her hand. Warmer now than days before as her body took over healing itself. He twined a lock of hair between his fingers, wishing he could do more. It took all of his restraint to keep himself from sharing her bed and holding her. It will not do if she suddenly awoke or if Orrin suddenly entered for another counsel with him. The man had come often as soon as he calmed down asking how he would handle nobles, questions and claims. He aided the soldier in meetings with people of import as the latter repeated whatever it was the men and women he talked to said.

  All of it was a welcome distraction, but they were few and far between. Worrying over Alethi consumed most of his time, even taking from him sleep and weariness. He wanted to protect her. Shelter her from the world. He knew it was not possible to encase her, but he would protect her and surrender to her everything, including his life.

  He wanted to take her to Rehanathi away from the politics of Dosalam. Elfin politics might be long and difficult, but human politics were swift and unforgiving. If he were to marry her, he knew that it was he who would be leaving everything. And by the gods, he would! He did not care if it took him hundreds of years to get where he was and lose it all in a heartbeat.

  Alethi's eyes lethargically opened and Arun immediately hovered ove
r her. Her hazel eyes met his and relief flooded over him, suddenly feeling as if he would collapse. But he held himself hovering on top of her.

  "How do you feel?" he asked.

  "Well, though a little tired." She said smiling. "It seems that you are the one not well, my prince."

  Arun shook his head. "'This nothing. If anything, I am better. Get more rest, love."

  Alethi looked unconvinced and so she asked him a different question, "How long have you been watching over me?"

  "Five days. But you need not worry," Arun immediately added when she realized how long she has left Dosalam untended, "Orrin is seeing to things. He has done a splendid job. I will tell you a few things only so you can relax. He has assembled the noble houses and is setting things back to rights. He also leads the planning of your coronation. The guerillas are coming to peace and are working with my kin to rebuild what short rebellion some noble tried to raise. Leanne has not been readily accepted by the nobles, but she is carrying the favor of many of the common folk and even those underground and rallying them to you. So is Silas. The thief was even hailed a hero for saving you. The woman is bound and sealed in the dungeons until you have decided what to do with her. And so you see, all is well."

  She touched his cheek and he ached to touch her intimately as well. But she was sick and he might cause her undue stress. "What of you, my prince? What part do you play?"

  "Nothing much."

  "I doubt you are here only to watch over me. I shall not stop asking unless you tell me."

  Arun smiled. Hard-headed indeed. He was going to do a lot of bending. "Very well. I counseled all of them and orchestrated the affair in your absence." He kissed her forehead. "Now sleep, my queen. There is much for you to do once you are fully well."

  "The people are accepting your kin's help?"

  "After your and Niraya's exchange, they would rather much work with us than to work with someone like her. Perhaps the only reason if because you trust us, or my kin has charmed many women. Begrudgingly trusting, I suppose, but it is much better." He smiled.

  Arun felt sender fingers close on his wrist. There were a few calluses there, but it made her all the more endearing. A woman – a high-bred lady – who does not fear to labor. "Yes, love?"

  "Rest beside me and hold me," she said, her face flushed, looking away in embarrassment. "I am in need of comfort. And for once, I am not shamed too admit it. Not if it is you."

  Overwhelming emotions forced his face into a huge smile. He felt light and heady, but perhaps it was his tiredness causing such headiness. But it did not matter. She wanted and needed him and he was only happy to comply.

  "As my queen wishes."

  He slipped in beside her and held her close as she turned back to him. He couldn't help but sigh as she pressed her warm body against him. He took in the scent of her, intoxicating him with wonderful memories of her. It took great effort not to let his hands explore her body, soft and firm in all the right places, only allowing his lips to touch the silken skin at the back of her neck. She sighed contented and for once, he was able to stomp down on all his urges to take her as violently as they roiled in his loins. The moment was just too perfect to ruin with his raging lust. He knew it would not stretch forever and so he relished every moment he spent holding her close to him until his tiredness forced him to sleep.

  He would protect his Alethi, his queen. Hell itself would have to go through him if it wanted to take her. And if it did, he would come along and be with her still.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alethi reminisced the warmth of Arun's body enveloping her when she woke up in the morning. His refusal to rest all those five days she had taken a toll on him. He did not wake even as she prepared with her handmaids. She had memorized every line and contour of his handsome face from the golden locks that swept across his strong features to the lush lips that had taken her captive time and again. The image of him calmed her and calm was what she needed now.

  She looked at Niraya from her seat at the throne. The public trial had not gone for long and already nobles and citizens alike were already passing judgment on her: a traitor's death. Such a punishment had not been pronounced for thousands of years and she was loath to be the one to break it. An ancient torturous death was not her way, and of course, she would have to begin the torture herself and watch as she suffered and died. It was in the law to do such a thing in the name of honor and courage.

  Niraya's confession at the eve of her own coronation doomed her as the cries for traitor's death grew louder. Alethi wished she had taken Arun with her as she judged, but it was apparent that her people still saw them as man-slaughterers. Bringing him with her would only taint her and leave her enemies with openings to plot against her. Her handle on her own country was straw-thin enough as it is.

  She held up a hand to silence the crowd. "Do you believe yourself a traitor, Niraya ka'Avenda?" Alethi asked as the crowd hushed, her own last name tasting like bile in her mouth as she applied it to the witch.

  The keeper of her cell gripped the whip, ready to strike should Niraya decide to recite a spell rather than answer. The horse's bridle ready on the hands of another to silence her.

  "I am traitor to the vengeance of my people whom you have killed." Ice. It was the only way Alethi could describe her voice. Cold, unforgiving ice.

  "Do not lay the sins of the past on her! Let her prove herself to be the queen that befits her lineage." one of the nobles cried out causing another uproar from the crowd.

  Alethi held back a groan. The speech indicated an unspoken threat: we are watching and if you do not do well, we will overthrow you. Lineage, indeed! She was not her father's daughter and if anyone found out she was a bastard…

  She had to do what she must. Her ancestors had designed the punishment for a traitor in their famed level-headedness. An elfin trait, no doubt. How ironic for people to hate the very blood her ancestors had. To break such a tradition would be a mark of her weakness. Her hand raised to silence the crowd once more. "Niraya ka'Avenda, wife and murderer of our beloved King Solon Avenda, traitor of Dosalam, I pronounce you a traitor's death. As soon as you are led out."

  By the gods, she would make it a swift sentence, not because she was eager to be rid of her, but because she was eager to have the business done with. Her day had already been long enough in dealing with the nobles. She wished for nothing but the day to end and to curl up in Arun's arms for comfort. The gods know she would need it after staining her hands with Niraya's blood. Literally and figuratively.

  * * *

  Alethi sagged to the floor after closing the door of the Red Room. She had not known a human to have bled so much. Niraya's screams still rang in her ears and it was all she could do not to remember the whole ordeal and retch on the floor. Torturing and killing people was a horrid business she prayed to never come across again. She had never felt faint at the sight of blood and after outwardly watching the torment with calm, she believed she could no longer stand the rouge ink of life. Just the thought of it threatened to make her swoon. She had to think of something else!

  Strong arms encircled her from behind, encasing her in the familiar warmth and scent of Arun. His presence comforted her and she leaned on his strength wanting to feel more of him. "You should not be here. You should stay in my room."

  "I saw what happened from your window. I saw you tremble and I knew I had to come for you. I knew you would not make it to your room."

  His low, sensuous voice drove images of horror away from her mind. Arun was, if anything, most adept to fill her thoughts with him and him alone. His mating scent was enough to destroy any other thought that invaded her mind and the feel of him made her mad with craving for more. Just like that, Niraya's death became a distant memory of someone else, but it was not enough to drive the weakness from her limbs.

  Without a word, Arun lifted her onto the table where she held strict confidence with a select number of nobles and her trusted aides. Her eyes found his and she los
t herself in his emerald depths. In them reflected a concern that knotted her insides. His hands never let go of her waist and his closeness comforted her, as if she could throw all precaution to the wind and everything would be alright.

  His finger traced her cheek down to her lips and he smiled. "My brave queen is suffering on the inside. Perhaps, I can be of assistance."

  Alethi opened her mouth to speak, but it was immediately covered by his familiar warmth. By the gods! The elf's lips were probably the only part of him that was soft and its contrast to his overall hardness was driving her insane. His caresses in her mouth were gentle but urgent and she wanted nothing more but to relish in his warmth.

  Her responses were bolder, meeting each thrust and plunder he demanded from her. She held onto his neck tightly and felt delicious friction when he wedged himself between her legs. She felt her wetness pool between her thighs as he kissed her lower.

  "Alethi, let me end our torment," he whispered in between ragged breaths. "You and I long for this. I know."

  Her eyes snapped open and gently held his face in her hands. Her heart screamed for more of his ministrations, but she held onto the barest scrap of self-control she had. She was no longer afraid. She wanted this, but there were so many things to consider. Arun's eyes were hot and dark with desire and she almost let go of him to let him continue, but she shook herself to focus on what was important. "Arun, you know I cannot."

  Arun's jaw clenched and despair replaced desire in his eyes. "Then, you do not accept my proposal?"

  Alethi shook her head violently. "No! I…I am not rejecting it."

  Hope flared back into his stunning bright eyes. "Then there is no problem, is there?"

  "There is," her voice trembled. Those beautiful eyes made it almost impossible for her to rebuff his efforts toward her. "I really do want to wait for marriage before we complete our union." Damn it! She wanted him to fuck her right then, right there! Completely overpower her and take what they have been aching for, for a long time.


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