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Game of Temptation

Page 11

by Anda J. Santoso

  He smiled. "And the matter of lady Shanel?"

  "Consider her the Minister of Trade." She took a deep breath. "Now, kiss me you stupid elf."

  Arun grinned only glad to comply, careful not to let his growing stiffness touch her or he would be kissing another set of lips instead.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Everything was perfect. There was just one problem. Arun was leaving. For how long, Alethi didn't know, but she had to let him go if she wanted the support of all Rehanathi behind her as well. That and to get her head back right.

  How could she have demanded him to kiss her? It was downright embarrassing!

  She had been mad and she didn't think straight. It killed her to see Arun flirting with Shanel. The woman was more skilled than her in dealing with men and if she ever managed to make Arun look twice at her…

  Alethi shuddered. It was such a horrid thought that it sent her into a fit of worrying driving any other thought away. Arun did propose to her, but it was not official. Was it? Did that count? And even if it was, she had not formally accepted. Which meant they were not betrothed. She did not have the right to Arun in any way.

  By the gods, she wanted to lay her claim on him, but it was not yet time. Her hold on Dosalam was not yet slid and Shanel knew their secret relationship. If she did, who else knew and was holding it as a trump card to use at an opportune time? But if it came to that, could she leave Dosalam for Arun? Could she leave Arun for Dosalam?

  Her lips thinned in a line. No. She could not do either. She would have both or…or what? If she did not have Arun, Dosalam still needed her. If she did not Have Dosalam, Arun would need her to live. Liushan did say elves could only love one in their whole lives if they allowed themselves to.

  Which got her thinking. Why had he opened himself to her? No. That thought was wrong. This was Arun. He was probably being the overconfident, overbearing elf that he was and thought himself impervious to her. It put a smile on her face. She did not exactly love that part of him, but if that was what brought them together, she would bring herself to love it. To love all of him.

  Unlike elves, humans were not beholden to one person, but no one had affected her as much as he did. Perhaps humans had that spark as well. If only they dug deep and did not let themselves become like elves, numbing themselves. Become like Shanel.

  Bringing her back to the issue of the wanton high lady taking her Arun away from her.

  Blast the woman! She knew tricks that would lure a man and there was no doubt in Alethi's mind that she had her sights on Arun. It was a declaration of war, albeit a subtle one. And she was not going to lose. But the question was, how was she going to win? The woman had the body of a whore, a face of a beauty queen and the tongue of serpent. That did not even include all the tricks she knew to bring men down to their knees.

  Alethi was going up against that? It was insane. That was what it was. Pure insanity. She needed help and she needed to know better tricks than Shanel despite her years of experience.

  She spun in surprise hearing a knock on the door. It was not the time to be rattled. Not now! She had to focus. Her problems with Shanel could be dealt with later. She just had to remember that she did need the woman and that she was a good person overall…if a whore. There would be time enough for her to learn about how she could win over the woman.

  "It is Liushan, your grace," his muffled voice came through the door.

  Alethi sat herself on the chair behind the large desk, composed once more. "Enter." She motioned for him to sit on one of the chairs and let him speak.

  "Prince Arun would have come to tell you himself," he began, "but he wishes to complete his preparations as soon as he could to…get back to you soon."

  Alethi could tell that Liushan still could not come to terms with his lord's decision to tie himself to her. At best, he would only have about sixty years left to live if neither of them was killed or died of illness earlier. Once she expired, he would certainly go as well. Both of them knew and Liushan was not taking it as well as she had hoped. He would feel grief for his master's death and if he loved him as a dear friend and brother, it would certainly cause him grief and he would follow as well.

  No matter what, the lives of two noble beings were in her hands and hshe felt the weight of it press down on her. It was inescapable and she had to bear it all alone. Inside she trembled remembering Niraya's horrid death. That was one life in her hand. One life that she did not care for and she felt sick sentencing her with death. And now, these were two lives that were more precious than hers. Two lives that she did care about. One perhaps more than her own. And she had sentenced them both to die.

  It was all she could do to keep herself from folding at the crushing weight and cry.

  Liushan cleared his throat and continued. "He has appointed me to stay and ensure your safety. It is not that he does not trust Orrin's or his men's capability. But he would be more comfortable knowing that…he has a link with you. More than magic."

  His hesitation gave it away. It was wither not what Arun said or he had not stated his reason at wall. Whichever it was, Liushan supplied the excuse to make sure that she did not doubt Arun. Loyal to the core. Liushan would die with his master.

  Two lives at her mercy. Gods help her!

  "Tell him I am very grateful. And Liushan," she took a deep breath. "Forgive me."

  Liushan shook his head, knowing what she meant. "It was my lord's decision. Not yours. You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I would like to thank you. You have given him life. I have…never seen him with so much passion and force in what he does. Meeting you, he has become more alive. And he has never been happier. He told me that a long life was meaningless without purpose. Often we delude ourselves with vain purposes that do not fulfill us. And he has found one that does. You. It seems that a worthwhile short life is better than an aimless eternal one."

  "But what about you?"

  "I am satisfied that my lord is happy."

  "Are you fulfilled then?"

  Liushan smiled. "I believe I am. Prince Arun's happiness is mine. But you have to tell me something. You seem troubled. I do not wish to explain to the prince that I do not understand why you have been very worried when he returns. I am sure it is not just about his leaving."

  Alethi sighed. "Am I that transparent?" At Liushan's nod, she sighed again. "I am afraid of others luring him. Dreadfully afraid. I know I can trust him, but it is others I do not."

  Liushan laughed. "I see. Shanel threatens you and you want to match up to her toe to toe. Truthfully, you need not do that. About the only thing missing in your relationship is a collar on his neck tied to your wrist. You practically have him jumping when you say frog."


  "I understand, but I cannot teach you anything. Not even if you are willing to touch me, which I highly doubt." He smirked at Alethi's mortified look. "I can tell you things, but it still is not the same. Perhaps you can ask Leanne? She does have quite an extensive experience with such matters."

  "Could you bring her in? I want this to be settled before I see Arun off. And please, do not breathe a word of this to him? I want to be the one to tell him. I will take his anger."

  Alethi watched Liushan leave and sagged in her seat. What was she thinking? In no way was this a decent route to take for a lady such as herself. If Orrin found out about this, he would likely have a fit and…goodness knows what he would do! It was the way of harlots, but hers was a different matter all together was it not? She was going to seduce no one but the one she was going to marry.

  Marriage. She bit her lips. Marriage was something she had not planned on so early. She had wanted to wait until she was in her later years when Niraya fell ill and knew her father would not be far behind if she died.

  Traditionally royalty was married in their sixteenth to eighteenth year. That she had gone into her twenties without even a betrothed worried her father. All his planning dissolving into nothing. And now, without even a plan,
she had decided to marry Arun. All that was left was to tell him.

  "Fuck me! I'm not ready!" She muttered. But ready for what? She was ready to be with Arun. Ready to give up her freedom for him. What was she not ready for? She was already queen and if she did have children, he would make a fine king to do what needed to be done.

  Whatever it was she was not ready for, she had to remedy fast. She could lose Arun anytime, not just because of some other woman, but because of a myriad of other things that could kill him.

  Leanne had a grin on her face when she entered. Likely, Liushan had already told her what Alethi had called her for. Leanne waited for Liushan to seat himself before she started. "Why, our young queen is ready to become a woman, is she?

  Alethi felt her face burn. She would tolerate the woman's teasing. After all, she was proving herself to be loyal. And perhaps, proving herself a friend the more they knew each other.

  "I have great fears."

  "I understand completely. Not to make worry more, your grace, but every woman…and possibly some pretty boys, are interested in the elves in Dosalam, most especially the Prince. I have to say, there is a certain lure to him. Something addicting when we get close to him. I admit, I do get…charged when he is around."

  Alethi's habd fisted underneath the table. "It is his mating year. A natural course for elves."

  Leanne looked inquisitive and Liushan supplied the explanation. "We do not think much of sex after we have all agreed to put love and infatuation out of our lives. Of course, we can have sex like normal humans, but none of us bothered. The elders feared the death of our race and so we are all set a spell at our birth so that we will procreate no matter our distaste for the act. It is more of a means for our race to survive."

  "I see. And his scent is an indicator?" Liushan nodded. "And this happens?"

  "Once every seven years." Liushan answered.

  "Well, so much for my lesson about elves." Leanne turned to Alethi. "So you want to keep the Prince panting after you away from the clutches of Shanel. If you are willing, I can teach you things that not even Shanel would dream of. The woman is a first rate actress and I can only teach you so much of that with the time that we have, but I do not think you need it. What you feel for the prince is genuine enough. What we have to work on is your seduction. And that you are not such a novice in bed."

  If Alethi's face had burned before, now it was a conflagration. The woman knew she was a virgin!

  "Oh, come now dear, you would not be asking my help if you have had any experience. Or reacting any more if I told you I am going to make you watch and learn with a naked man in front of you.

  Alethi's jaw dropped and her eyes went wide.

  "You have not seen someone of the opposite sex naked before?" Liushan asked showing genuine surprise at her shock. "It really is nothing to see one another's bodies. It is a gift. Why should anyone be embarrassed? I reckon you should have bathed in Rehanathi when all the elves were bathing."

  Leanne made an effort to hide her laughter in vain. "Forgive me, your grace, but it seems we have to get rid of your modesty first before we do anything else. And I doubt, Liushan would let me take one of my man-whore friends to strip before you. Perhaps, you would be of assistance, Liushan."

  Liushan nodded. "I could take the fall for my lord's anger. If it means that he would be happier at the end of this."

  "You are going to go naked?" Alethi almost shrieked.

  "And we will experiment on him." Leanne's grin widened.

  "Just you, Leanne." Liushan interjected. "I will risk his wrath, but I would not betray him. Besides, even if it was not betrayal, I doubt our timid queen would have the strength to touch me. Would you?"

  Alethi only vigorously shook her head in response.

  "Well, that settles it, then," Leanne nodded. "We will start tomorrow night and I will see if I can ask Iden to craft some realistic body part for you to try some things. I will use Liushan so you could see responses. Besides, I have yet o know if men and elves respond the same way."

  "We will find out."

  Without Alethi's word, both have already decided the course of action as if she was not there. She was not certain it was the best, but they did know better than her.

  Just the fact that they had experience and she did not was proof enough. And the fact that they were older.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Arun looked at the discussing elves without interest. He knew how these discussions would go. They would go back and forth discussing one issue only. Not once in his life had he felt such a strong pull from anyone, and yet here he was eager to finish the dealings of the elves quickly. It was so un-elfin-like that if he pushed them to rush the discussions, they would know. He was not certain if they would be accepting of his human interest, but that would be his first mission. To know how they would react.

  For now, he would tolerate such a laggard discussion for now to let himself dig deep into his memories. Of Alethis scent still clinging to his unwashed clothes. They had kissed one last time before they left, and as always, she had left him with an unsatisfied, aching longing. He wanted more than her soft, pliant lips and her hot, wet mouth. Her soft, delicate body pressed against him had teased his senses into madness and it took every sense of being an elf to let go of her.

  He had already taken from her once. When he closed his eyes and remembered, he could still feel her tight around his finger. He could only imagine what it would be like to have his throbbing ache inside her instead. The thought sent delightful shivers through him, but he knew from experience that with her, his imagination only limited him to what she could truly offer.

  Arun knew he needed to be back and console whatever it was that was causing her to be embarrassed and flustered. He stomped down on the feelings she was sharing with him through the necklace and returned to the matter at hand.

  "…In the end, it is the security of our race that must be of the greatest concern," the king said, "We have not an assurance that allowing alliance would be better than the silent truce we had before this proposal."

  Arun wanted to say something to that but he knew the king was not finished. He had been speaking for quite a while and the one issue about how many lives would be preserved by the alliance had dragged on for three days already. By the gods, he wanted to leave the lot of them and return into Alethi's arms!

  "We have coexisted for so long without the spilling of blood. We have no use to change what works. Friendship with humans have only caused us grief and the lives of elves before. What is to say it will not happen again?"

  "And what is to say the likes of Niraya would not rise again?" Arun spoke out of turn in his impatience. All the elves in the council looked at him horrified. That anyone would speak out of turn was rude, but blocking the king's speech was quite unheard of. He knew it and he did not care. He looked at all the princes of the different clans. With his seat at Rehanathi, he was the second most powerful elf in the room next to the king and he was using that to his advantage. He had had enough of these elves and she-elves wasting their time talking. Now he knew why humans did everything so hastily. And he was certainly acting in haste.

  "They lay siege to us because they do not understand. My king, and princes of all clans, I ask you forgive me for speaking out of turn, but in truth, I am not sorry. While we contemplate on numerous accounts of the benefits or harms of what we are about to do, generations of humans are passing by without knowing us. Humans grow to be more distant to us by the second. Our nature and theirs are different and for eons, they have followed our lead because they thought us wiser. But the truth is, we are nothing but old invalids discussing while many humans have already passed their time accomplishing a great many things.

  "I have been with humans and they are truly amazing beings. We, through our old age have much to learn from them. If you all only open your eyes! You will see the truth in my words. Humans have progressed so much, thinking of things we have never even imagined, while we remain wastin
g away. This council needs to act more."

  "Are you quite done?"the prince of Yuatah asked seemingly unaffected by his passionate speech.

  Arun clamped his mouth shut deciding to keep himself from pushing his luck and saying anymore.

  "That is another matter of concern, then, Prince Arun," the king nodded. "We will discuss that after we have discussed the issue of the lives of our people."

  Arun's knuckles went white gripping the armrests of his seat, wanting to scream in frustration. At this rate, it would take years before they came to a conclusion and none were giving away anything about what they might thought of his choice to love a human.


  Arun retired to his quarters feeling drained and irate. He unclasped the brooch clamping his mantle. Talk. It was all elves ever did. Talk. Generations of humans would pass before any of these elves would act!

  "My lord?" a feminine voice called from beyond the shroud to his room. "The Council has sent me to you."

  Arun's brows furrowed. Was it a message? A reprimand? Whatever it was, he knew it would be tied in to his antics at the Council Chamber. It would be best to get it over with before he meets Alethi. He wanted to devote all his time to her and want no form of distraction. Not even from the King himself.

  "Enter." He rolled his shoulders feeling the weight of what he had to do. If he were to achieve something, he would have to employ human politicking tactics, otherwise, he could do nothing.

  He discarded his mantle not really looking at the woman. Just waiting for whatever missive she was sent to him for. He tried not to look tired, but without his lady love, he felt drained. Gods, how he missed her! He missed her laughter, her mind, her gentleness and her stubbornness. And he could not forget how much he missed her body – every curve made to fit his as if they were missing halves of one another.

  Arun grinned inwardly. The woman was a feisty, sensual goddess that lured out the beast in him while keeping him chained at the same time. And he let her. He let her torture him, make him throb and ache for her even with just thoughts of her. And he was throbbing and aching now.


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