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A Soldier's Gift

Page 9

by Lynne St. James

  Deepening the kiss, his tongue swept the inside of her mouth and slid against her tongue. Her arms wrapped around his waist and held him closer. He groaned. She’d have no doubt about him wanting her—his cock was hard enough to pound nails.

  Chapter Twelve

  Oh. My. God. Touching Mac was like hugging a hot, hard, mass of yummy. She melted against him, and when his hard cock slid against the “V” of her thighs, her juices soaked her panties. Holy hell. They were practically mauling each other in the parking lot and probably would have kept going until an elderly couple walked by and she heard the bitchiness in the woman’s voice. She probably needed to get laid. Not that she should talk, she did too. So now what? Pulling away from his demanding mouth, her heart beat double time and with the heat of her cheeks she had to be flaming red. Hopefully he wouldn’t be able to tell.

  “Wow. Just wow.”

  “What, baby?”

  “That was amazing.”

  He grinned. It was the self-satisfied look all men had when they knew they’d ‘gotten’ to a woman. She was happy to see he was normal in some ways at least. She’d been about ready to put him on a pedestal and call him Superman—able to heal broken hearts with a single kiss, heal broken daughters with a single story, and fix shattered dreams with a single dinner. Okay, maybe she was going a little overboard, it’d been a long time since she’d been with a man who she actually wanted—and oh hell did she want him. But was it lust or more? Pushing the question to the back of her mind, she was going to enjoy it while it lasted. She had no doubt it wouldn’t, especially if there was a chance he’d go back on active duty.

  “We can go to my place but Tag is there…” He stopped and left it there, leaving the decision up to her. She could hear Julie telling her to go for it. Her body was having a hissy fit and stomping its foot demanding she take him home.

  “How about we go to my house?” The heat of the sun couldn’t have warmed her any more than the light of his smile. Damn she had it bad. “I mean if you want to?”

  “Of course I want to.” He held open her door and waited for her to get in, then went to the passenger side and slid in next to her. Her car felt really small all off a sudden, having a six foot something man in the passenger seat might have a lot to do with it. She giggled thinking about it. “What’s funny?”

  “Umm nothing.”

  “If you’re nervous or second guessing yourself, we don’t have to do anything but talk. I’m a grown man, not a horny teenager. Okay, maybe a little horny,” he said with a chuckle. “But I can control myself.”

  “I’m okay, maybe a little distracted, that’s all.”

  They barely spoke during the ride to her house. She was having trouble concentrating on driving, all she could think about was him in her bed, naked, the feel of his hands on her. Almost missing a stop sign knocked the happy thoughts out of her head. If she wasn’t careful she’d kill them both.

  “I think your phone is buzzing.”

  “Oh. I didn’t hear it, it’s in my purse. I’m impressed.”

  “My hearing got a lot better or seemed to after I was injured.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t think about that. I keep forgetting you were wounded so badly.”



  “Because then you don’t think of me that way.”


  “Do you want me to get your phone?”

  “No, it’s okay. Whatever it is can wait till I get home. I’ve seen too many accidents to mess with it while I’m driving.”

  She’d barely turned off the car before he’d hopped out and come over to open her door. “You keep this up I’ll be spoiled.”

  “Fine by me.” He chuckled. It was quiet, something was missing. Bo! Her phone buzzed again reminding her of a message and she pulled it out as she unlocked the front door.

  Julie: Hey chica I stopped by and took Bo home with me. Thought you might like some private time. I’ll bring him to the store in the morning. See ya.

  She typed a quick response.

  Beth: I love you even if you are a nosy bitch.

  Julie: Yeah, yeah. Bite me.

  “Is everything okay? Hey, don’t you have a dog?”

  “Usually. He’s been dog-napped for the night. Julie is being a matchmaker.”

  “Nice. She’s a good friend.”

  “Yeah she is. So would you like some wine, coffee, something stronger?”

  “Stronger if you have it.”

  “Sure, follow me.” She pulled out a bottle of Johnny Walker Black and poured two glasses adding ice, then led him into the living room. The thought of what was coming next made her palms sweat and her stomach churn. Damn. Did I remember to shave my legs? Taking a large sip of the scotch she choked, and he pounded her on the back.

  “You okay?”

  “Uh huh. Went down the wrong way,” her voice raspy from coughing. Damn. She didn’t think she’d remembered, ugh. Maybe he wouldn’t be able tell. Dammit. She wondered if there was a way to sneak off and shave them real quick without him noticing.

  “What’s wrong? You’re practically vibrating.”

  Okay no sneaking off to shave. Fuck it. “I’m a little nervous I guess. It’s been a long time since I’ve been all alone with man.”


  “Yeah. I’ve only been on a few dates and they were all in restaurants and most of them were doubles with Julie. You’re the first man in this house.”

  “What about Doug?” Beth held back a laugh as he cringed, forgetting she could see it.

  “We lived in a rental then. I bought this shortly after the divorce. So nope, you’re the first man, the house is a virgin.” Wow that was an impressive comment—I’m an ass. Mac howled and almost spilled his drink trying to put it down.

  “That’s some funny shit right there.”

  “Sorry. I guess I’m more nervous than I thought.”

  “Baby, it’s okay. Seriously. Nothing has to happen. Since we’re drinking more, I can bunk on the couch. I’ve waited this long—trust me, I’ve wanted to kiss you from the moment I heard you crying in the hospital.”

  “Really? But you didn’t even know what I looked like. I could have been a wrinkly old lady.”

  “You mean you’re not?” She smacked him in the arm, and then felt bad.

  “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.”

  “For what? Like you could hurt me.” He kept laughing and she couldn’t hold back her laughter, and she relaxed against his side.

  “Whatever. Still, you didn’t know.”

  “I still don’t, not really. I can see your hair and how long it is, and your silhouette, but as for facial details, nope. I can’t even really make out what color your eyes are. But I don’t care. It’s you I care about. Well unless you have three noses that might be an issue.”

  “Nope, only one nose. But I might have three boobs.”

  “Woohoo…bonus. But I know that’s not true, I can see your body clear enough.” He reached for his glass and had a bit of a hard time.

  “It must be frustrating.” Crap she didn’t mean to say that out loud.

  “A little but it’s getting better.” He had a weird look on his face, like he wanted to say something but was almost afraid. It was weird, she didn’t think he was afraid of anything.

  “Okay, what’s going on in there?” she asked as she tapped on his forehead.

  “Empty as usual.”

  Without thinking of the consequences she pulled his face to hers and kissed him. Rubbing her lips back and forth against his, she pushed her tongue into this mouth. Deepening the kiss, his tongue tangled with hers and he scooped her onto this lap. His hard cock pushed against her hip. Her fingers followed the curve of his face and slid around to the back of his head, running through the short prickly hairs of his military cut. Trying to wiggle closer, he pulled her against his chest and his hands lifted her shirt, wandering up her back, and unhooking her bra.

  As it popped
open her heart skipped a beat in panic, but it passed as he continued to skim his hands up and down her back and shoulders, caressing and massaging away the tension. “Mmm that feels so good.”

  “You feel so good. If anything makes you uncomfortable, just tell me to stop. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She hesitated for only moment. “Actually I’m a little uncomfortable.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. I want you to come upstairs with me. These clothes are in the way.”

  He searched her face, even though she knew he couldn’t see more than a fuzzy outline with dark holes where her eyes were. “Are you sure?”

  “Hell yeah.” Taking his hand, she led him upstairs to her bedroom. Flicking the light switch as she walked closer to the bed, she pulled off her shirt and bra tossing them onto a chair, then she kicked her shoes into the corner and stepped out of her jeans. Then she stopped next to the bed wearing only her lace panties. “Your turn.”

  She laughed when he gulped, watching as his throat moved up and down and no words came out. Maybe she wasn’t the only one feeling nervous? She doubted it, but any excuse would work. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe deep inside she realized how much she needed this, but all her inhibitions were gone, leaving only desire. All she could think about was Mac’s naked body against her, in her. Hell. She hoped he’d fuck her brains out.

  Unbuttoning his shirt, one pain in the ass button at a time, she finally got it undone and slid it off his shoulders onto the floor. She didn’t realize he had tattoos, actually his chest and upper arms were covered with them, but none you’d see unless he was shirtless. Tracing the lines of the one over his heart she read it out loud, “Freedom isn’t free.”

  He was so still she looked into his face and saw appreciation and wonder. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Not even a little bit, I’m just pure American normal and I’m good with that. I know I’m not ugly but I’d never be considered beautiful. You, however, are outstanding. You could be a model. Holy shit. I knew you’d be hot but damn.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” He chuckled. “Do you want me to finish or will you?”

  “Oh me, definitely me.” Opening his belt, then the top button of his slacks, she held her breath. She’d been thinking about his cock since he’d pushed it against her in the parking lot. Teasing both of them, she eased the zipper down, and was surprised when his cock sprung out. “Commando? Nice!”

  “Glad you approve.”

  She wasn’t sure where her guts were coming from—maybe the combination of scotch and vodka, although she didn’t have much of either. Or maybe her horniness was taking over. Her panties were already soaked and he hadn’t even touched her yet. As she watched his rigid cock bob against his flat stomach, her mouth watered. A bead of pre-cum glistened on the head and without thinking, she slid it onto her finger and into her mouth.

  With a growl he lifted her and tossed her onto the bed, and followed her down. He slid two fingers under the side of her underwear and ripped it off, flinging it across the room. “Oh God, that’s so hot,” she whispered.

  “Are you sure about this, Beth? Because once I start I’m going to have a hell of a time stopping. I want you. I’m sure you’ve noticed.”

  She nodded, her eyes sliding down his washboard abs and resting on his cock. “I want you, hard and fast. Fuck me, Mac.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She’d expected him to slam into her right then, and she was surprised when he popped off the bed and grabbed his slacks. Then he came back with a little silver packet. Fascinated, she almost drooled as he tore it open with his teeth and rolled it down his long, thick cock. His mouth swooped down and took hers in a scorching kiss, his tongue fucking her mouth like she hoped his dick would fuck her pussy. Hot damn.

  “You’re going to kill me, woman. I don’t think I’m going to last long. I’ve wanted you too long.” Sliding two fingers along her soaked pussy lips, he stopped long enough to tweak her hard clit, then inserted them into her pussy.

  A gush of liquid ran down her thighs and she arched against his hand grinding against him. “Mac…”

  “Easy, baby. I want to make sure you can take me.”

  Groaning, she pushed harder against his hand with her pussy. Close to coming already, if he didn’t get his dick in her soon she’d cum anyway. His fingers taunted her G-spot and she cried out. As the moan left her lips he pulled his fingers out and plunged his cock into her pussy with one hard thrust.

  “Oh my fucking God,” he said between gritted teeth as he stopped to give her a chance to adjust to his intrusion. It hurt but only for a moment. Her pussy welcomed his invasion as it sucked at him, her muscles contracting around him, not letting go. She lifted her legs to wrap around his hips and he slid impossibly deeper.

  Her movements triggered his and he plowed into her over and over again. No romantic lovemaking, just pure, rough fucking, exactly how she’d wanted it. Needed it. Their breathing ragged as they tried to hold their orgasms in check. Hers broke through first, and she screamed his name as her release rolled over her.

  Two more thrusts and he yelled her name, almost collapsing on top of her, catching himself on his elbows. Kissing her, their sweat mingled as their bodies slid against each other and he rolled to her side taking her with him, still buried deep inside her pussy.

  “Holy shit, you’re still hard.”

  “You have no idea. I hope I didn’t hurt you,” he said as he touched his forehead against hers. Tears welled in her eyes as it felt incredibly romantic after what they’d just done. Stupid hormones.

  “Not really. You’re amazing. Wow.”

  “You totally surprised me.”

  “Really? How?”

  “I guess I expected you to be shy or something. Don’t get me wrong. You’re perfect and I am so happy you’re just the way you are.”

  “Good. Or I might have hurt you.”

  Chuckling, he reached down to hold onto the rubber as he pulled out. “Where can I toss this?”

  “Bathroom is through that door. Light switch to the left.”

  “Be right back.”

  Missing his warmth as her sweaty body cooled under the ceiling fan, she still wasn’t breathing normally. She’d never had sex like that in her life. It was definitely the stuff of romance novels, the stuff she’d never believed possible. Mind altering is what it was.

  Doug had been a lot different, and he’d been the only man she’d ever slept with. He didn’t like it when she used a “potty mouth”. Thank God Mac didn’t mind. She’d realized a few years ago she never was really herself with Doug. She turned into what he’d wanted. With that self-awareness she decided if she ever did have another relationship she’d be herself—for good or for bad. If the guy didn’t like it, he could take a hike.

  While he was in the bathroom she went to Dani’s bathroom, cleaned up a little and brushed her hair. Back in her room, she pulled down the covers and slid under them as he came out of the bathroom. He got under the blanket and pulled her against his side, her head rested on his chest, with his heart thumping under her ear.

  “Thank you, baby. That was fuckin’ incredible.”

  “Mmm, I thought so too. Thank you. I think I need a little nap before we go again…” She didn’t even hear his response, her eyes closed and she fell asleep with a smile.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Listening to her sleep, Mac yawned. What a little ball of fire. Totally unexpected and one hundred percent perfect. He couldn’t have created a more perfect woman if he was Dr. Frankenstein himself. All the women he’d dated before were fake, overly made up, and pretending to be what they weren’t, but not Beth. She was exactly as she seemed, except in bed, then she was fucking incredible.

  He didn’t want to sleep, he wanted—scratch that—needed her again. Stiff as a board and ready to go, but she was sound asleep, even snoring a little. She’d probably kill him if he said anything too. Thinking about it, he grinned. Unable to stop he palmed one
of her breasts. Massaging her flesh gently, her nipple hardened and poked him in the palm. Sliding his fingers together, he pinched it and she moaned. Maybe she wasn’t asleep after all.

  “Did I wake you, babe?”

  “Mmm, no…maybe…no. I was having this wonderful dream about a sexy man molesting me in my bed and here you are.”

  Chuckling, he pinched her nipple a little harder. “Ouch. Cut that out.”

  “Really, you seemed to like it.”

  “I did, uhh do. Oh fuck it. Yeah, I like it rough sometimes, does that freak you out?”

  “Not at all. It’s all about the pleasure for both of us. There is no right or wrong, it’s what makes us happy. That’s it.”

  Lifting her head, she kissed him and smiled. He could see that clearly at least. “What was that for?”

  “Being amazing.”

  “All right. How about a little more amazing. I have a little problem here.”

  “That’s no little problem. I’d say it’s a huge one, but I think I have a solution.”

  Before he said another word she moved down the bed and spread his legs. “Baby, you—”

  “Shhhh. It’s what I want right? You just said it two seconds ago. I want this.”

  What could he say? Nothing. Instead he plumped the pillows behind his head so he could watch her. She really was a fireball. Holy crap, it must be those romance novels, cause he sure as shit never had a blowjob like this before.

  She licked and nipped at his inner thighs making his cock twitch. Then he almost jumped off the bed when she sucked one of his balls into her hot mouth. Afraid to breathe, his breath whistled out of his mouth as her hand tried to circle the base of his cock. He was too thick for her to close her hand around, but that didn’t stop her from trying. He grabbed fistfuls of the blanket, straining to hold on, as she taunted him with her mouth and hands. “Beth…holy fuck.”

  Releasing his balls with a pop, she licked the head of his cock and exhaled her hot breath over it. If she kept teasing him he was going to blow his load before she ever got him in her mouth. She must have read his mind, because no sooner had the thought formed in his mind when she sucked on the head as she ran her tongue around the rim. Her fingernails slid along the vein from top to base. His back arched driving his rigid dick further into her mouth. How she opened wide enough to take him he had no idea, and after that things got hazy from the pure pleasure and trying to keep from coming.


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