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Player in a Suit (Cockiest Suits Book 3)

Page 9

by Alex Wolf

  I hold her out at arm’s length. “No. No more.”

  “No more what?” She sniffles.

  “No more apologies for that piece of shit. It’s not your fault.” I stare around the room. I want this asshole tied up until the cops get here. He’s not going anywhere. I’ve seen enough movies to know him lying there not moving isn’t good enough. “Get the gun. I’m tying him up.” I sprint to the closet where I think there’s some rope or a belt or something.

  Right when my hand hits the handle I hear it.



  Over and over. My ears ring and I can’t hear anything after the second one, but I can feel the shockwaves.

  I spin around.

  Jenna’s standing there, the gun smoking while she empties the entire magazine of lead straight into his chest.

  She pulls the trigger three or four times after it’s spent. It just keeps clicking and clicking. She’s screaming and crying. I’m not even sure if she’s using real words. I can’t make them out at first while my ears still adjust.

  I haul ass over to her.

  She screams at him the entire time as I grab her by the shoulders. “You motherfucker! I hate you! I hate you! You stole my life from me! I hate you!”

  When I spin her around so she doesn’t look at him anymore, she drops the gun at her feet and starts apologizing over and over. She cries in my arms.

  “What did I do? Jax? Oh my God, what did I do?”

  “Nothing.” I stroke her hair. “You did nothing wrong. It’s okay. I promise.”

  She shakes her head. “I just wanted him gone. I didn’t want to worry about him the rest of my life. I’d have nightmares, even if he was in jail. I’d never know—”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m going to go to prison. I’m going to—”

  I kiss her as hard as I can. A kiss that tells her everything is going to be fine. That she did nothing wrong. A kiss that’s a promise to protect her always, and that she’ll always be safe in my arms.

  When our lips finally part, I cup her cheeks in my hands. “It’s going to be fine. I’ll take care of this.”


  “Just do everything I say. We don’t have much time.”

  “What? How? What?”

  “Jenna?” I give her a quick little shake because I need her alert and not rattled for the next five minutes.


  “I’m the best fucking attorney in Dallas. It was self-defense. We will fix this. Nothing will happen to you.”

  She nods, the tears still flowing down her cheeks. “Okay.”

  I grip both of her wrists and hold them in front of me. “We got this.”


  Three months later

  I watch Jenna, smiling the entire time in front of the huge ribbon. She deserves every second of this. She worked her ass off to make her dream come to life. It’s the grand opening of her charity Walker’s Hope.

  Brooke left her job at her firm to be Jenna’s partner.

  Weston fiddles with his watch next to me while we watch them cut the red ribbon. Jenna’s old ranch has been totally rebuilt and renovated.

  The Hunter Group invited all our top clients to raise money for additional funding even though the firm already made a sizeable donation.

  Jenna and Brooke want to work with battered women and children. Give them somewhere to go to get away from their troubles while finding work. The horses are all service animals and it gives the women an activity and a new bond.

  The future couldn’t look better for us.

  A round of applause erupts as the ribbon falls to the ground and they’re swarmed with people offering congratulations.

  Jenna looks so damn happy and it’s good to see her smile. She’s been going to counseling to deal with everything. Personally, I think the ranch and the charity is the best therapy for her, but it can never hurt to get extra help.

  As far as I’m concerned, Leonard got exactly what he deserved. He’ll never hurt anyone again.

  I’ve had to watch Jenna closely. I know the guy put her through hell, but it’s just complicated all around. She’s always been someone who cares about people, even if they’re a despicable human being. I want to make sure she doesn’t blame herself for what happened to him. Assure her constantly that it wasn’t her fault. Fact is, I was relieved when she did it.

  Weston got there right before the police. I told him exactly what happened. We told the police that I tackled him. The gun fell to the ground. I got away and Jenna unloaded on him. It wasn’t technically a lie. It really was all in self-defense from the beginning, as far as I was concerned.

  Charges were never brought.

  It’s a relief every day to just put it one more day behind us.

  Maxwell leads my sister off. I don’t like the way that bastard looks at her, but this isn’t the place to confront him. I know they have something going on, though. I’ll find out what it is.

  “You notice it too?” Weston grins at me.

  “I’ll talk to him. Not here, but it’ll happen. I might kill his ass.”

  “Go easy on him. I think he’s in love. I think Claire is his kryptonite—”

  I whip my head over and point a finger, but halfway smile at the same time. “Don’t you dare say it.”

  He laughs. The prick will have too much fun with this shit.

  I leave Weston to go find Jenna.

  They’re giving tours of the property to all the people. Showing them what their money will go toward.

  An office building now sits where the main house was.

  They’re building even more new stables so they can house more horses. Many of the horses are rescues. They have an entire area for training the new arrivals, making sure they’re ready to pair up with one of the women staying there.

  I see Weston grinning as he catches up to Brooke and places his hands on her ever-growing baby bump. I knew they were expecting but Brooke wanted to wait until she was past the first trimester before announcing it. She suffered a miscarriage a few months into their marriage and was scared.

  I can’t blame her there.

  It had to have been a hard ordeal.

  We just found out Jenna is pregnant a few days ago. Seems my methods of putting a baby in her worked. Of course, like an idiot, I announced it immediately. I couldn’t keep that to myself. Was too proud and excited. I don’t think Jenna minded at all. She’s just happy to be free and have a life now.

  I find her by one of the stables talking with a potential donor.

  I wait off to the side, just watching her shine. She’s so in her element and happy. This is her big moment and she’s handling it like a pro. It’s all just—perfect.

  I planned a surprise of my own today.

  When she’s done, I grip her lightly by the hand. “Walk with me?”


  I’m quiet as we walk along the property. Nerves swell up in my stomach and my heart races. My hands grow a little clammy and I hope she doesn’t notice. I’m a cool customer. Always good under pressure. Jenna’s the only one to ever make me nervous about anything.

  When we get to the old barn Jenna gives me a stern look. “Please tell me you’re not sneaking me off for a quickie in the middle of the grand opening?”

  “Get your mind out of the gutter.” My fingers brush up against the box in my pocket. “Come on.” I take her by the hand.

  “Okay.” She draws out the word and gives me an interrogative side eye.

  I didn’t want her climbing the ladder to the loft while she’s pregnant, so I had everything set up on the ground level.

  I open the doors to the barn.

  There’s a table in the center with fine linens and candles lit. Servers rush around, smiling.

  “Jaxson, what is this?” She turns to me.

  “Congratulations, babe. I’m so damn proud of you. All that you’ve overcome. All that you’ve accomplished. We’ve already been
through so much. I can’t wait to start a family with you. But, there’s one thing I haven’t done yet.” I go down on my knee and pull out the box, opening it up and holding it up in front of her.

  She gasps and covers her mouth.

  “I’ve never been a man who asks for things. It’s not my style. I always know what I want, and I go after it until it’s mine.”

  Happy tears stream down her cheeks and her face flushes bright pink.

  “And what I want is for you to marry me and be my wife.” I shake my head. “I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll go after it every day for the rest of my life if I have to.”

  “Jaxson!” She’s practically trembling as she nods and pulls me to my feet. “Yes. Of course, yes!”

  I claim her with a kiss and a round of applause erupts behind us.

  Weston had gathered everyone up and brought them over to witness the proposal.

  My hand roams down to her belly, the main place it stays these days. My other hand grips the back of her neck and pulls her even harder into the kiss. Our foreheads meet and for a moment we’re alone, just us, eyes locked onto one another.

  I stare into her eyes and I see everything. My whole life right there in her irises. “Mine.” I growl the word at her.

  “Always.” She smiles back.

  Then I drop to my knees and both of my hands go to her belly. I don’t give a shit who’s watching us. This is my family. Mine. And I will protect them at all costs. I drop kisses on her stomach over her top. “You’re mine too. Got it?”

  Jenna whispers down at her belly. “You’ll get used to how bossy he is.”

  “Got that right.” I smile at my baby and then up at Jenna.

  We may have taken an unconventional road to get to this point but there’s no other woman out there for me. None. Jenna is it. I can’t wait for the wedding day to make it official in the eyes of the law, even though it’s been true our entire lives.

  I get back to my feet and wave everyone off behind us. “Sorry to cut things short, guys. But I need to have a meal with my fiancé and my kid.” I smile at Jenna. “A family dinner.”

  Everyone walks away, and I lead Jenna over to the table and pull the chair out for her.

  “You spoil us.”

  I smirk. “Get used to it, future Mrs. Black.”

  Preview Devil in a Suit

  I’m a devil in a suit.

  I don’t play nice.

  It’s not my style.

  I’m the best attorney in Dallas and I have a reputation to maintain.

  If opposing counsel smells weakness, they walk all over you.

  Not on my watch.

  Life was good until I met her—Brooke. I had more money than I could ever spend. More power than one man should possess. People respect me and it’s for a reason. I demand it.

  Brooke’s nothing but another encounter.

  She’ll end up beneath me. They all do. I’ll keep it casual. Nothing more.

  I don’t do relationships. I don’t do love. It’s counterproductive to the lifestyle I lead.

  But, no matter how hard I fight it, I want more. Brooke doesn’t take any sh*t and she gives it back twice as hard. She turns me on in ways that can’t be explained with her tight body and snarky mouth.

  I’ll take whatever I want from her and then some.

  Because I’m Weston Hunter, Attorney at Law.


  If ever there was a day for some bullshit, this one takes the cake.

  I throw up my hand in frustration. “Oh, come on!”

  Some jerk just hopped in the cab I was waiting for. His dark eyes meet mine through the window as a cocky grin spreads across his face. Rubbing his chin, he says something to the driver.


  I’m tired after my flight, and all I really want to do is get home and crawl into bed. My one-bedroom studio apartment is my sanctuary. God, how I’ve missed the comfort of living on my own after spending Christmas with my folks and our extended family in Vermont.

  My Aunt Susan and her divorce was all everyone wanted to talk about. Depressing is what it was.

  I look down the line of cars hoping another cab is mixed in there somewhere. Traveling during peak holiday season is a real bitch and right now so am I. I could’ve called Misty to pick me up, but she’s perpetually late for everything.

  My flight was terrible. I was seated next to an overweight man who kept sniffling and blowing his nose, coupled with excessive coughing. Every time he went through the motions he elbowed my right tit. I probably have a bruise, and the last thing I need is to get sick with the caseload I know is sure to be waiting for me on my desk when I return to work. I would’ve asked to switch seats, but the plane was full.

  When I pull out my cellphone to get an Uber, a deep voice calls out to me. “Wanna share?”

  His tone vibrates through me, and he smirks when I look up from my purse.

  My first inclination is to flip him the bird, but I want to get home more than I want to tell him to shove his head up his ass. “Oh, gee. Thanks.” I roll my eyes as I tug my luggage behind me.

  The cabbie hops out, takes my belongings, and places them in the trunk.

  The back passenger door hangs open, held by the cab thief and his charming grin he seems to wear with pride.

  I stop by the door, waiting for him to move out of the way so I can get in. His gaze travels up the length of my legs, not stopping until our eyes meet when I slide into the seat next to him.

  The first thing I notice about him is a small dimple in his left cheek, next to his well-groomed beard.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I scoff, unable to stop the shocked smile turning up on my face. “I think what you mean to say is, ‘sorry I jacked your cab.’”

  He holds out his hand expecting me to shake it. “Weston.”

  I accept it to be nice. His grip is firm and swallows mine. He’s definitely muscular, but not bodybuilder huge.

  “Nice name for an asshole.” My tone is half-joking as I release his hand.

  The annoyingly attractive man’s jaw ticks as he loosens his tie. I suck in a breath as the intoxicating scent of his cologne invades my senses. It’s a smell that I can only describe as pure male—woodsy and natural.

  His tailored suit tells me he comes from money. The gray jacket hugs his biceps. I spot a hint of a tattoo under the collar of his shirt and I can’t help but wonder what it looks like.

  The cabbie closes his door and turns to me. “Where to?”

  “Village apartments. North side.”

  The man nods and pulls into the traffic leaving DFW.

  The world’s most annoying ringtone sounds from Weston’s pocket, and he flashes me an apologetic smile as I scrunch my nose at the whistling sound. My temples throb in warning of a headache. I’m sleep deprived.

  He pulls his phone out, texting furiously.

  I lean my head against the window, anxious to get home and fall face-first into my bed.

  I don’t know what I was thinking flying home the day before New Year’s Eve.

  My cellphone chirps from inside my purse.

  Pulling it out I see I have a text from my mom.

  Mom: Did you make it home safe? I worry about you traveling alone. Should have come with you and caught up with the girls.

  Ugh. I love my mother, but I’m glad she didn’t. My mother thinks my friends are her friends.

  Brooke: I’m alive. Tired. Call you soon.

  “Boyfriend?” Weston, the cab thief, stares at me when I shoot a glare in his direction.

  His breath tickles my ear as he leans in, invading my personal space.

  “None of your business.” I hit send and stick my phone back in my purse.

  “So, he dumped you.” He chuckles to himself, clearly having much more fun with this situation than I am. His eyes roam up and down my body once more, then his eyebrows raise. “Makes sense.”

  This prick.

  “I’m glad you had a moment
of human decency back there, allowing me to ride in my cab, but I’m not in a chatty mood. I want to go home, take a nice hot bath, listen to an audio book, and enjoy a glass of wine.”

  “I prefer whiskey, but I’ll settle for the wine if it’s a good year. We could help get you over this man that stole your heart and left you so bitter.” He has the audacity to wink at me and my traitorous body absolutely takes notice. The man is attractive and exudes confidence.

  The way he stares at me seems to heat the cab up twenty degrees, and it’s not from the air blowing out the vents. Everyone thinks Texas is hot year-round. But in the winter things can get chilly.

  “Wow. I mean, that’s some offer right there.” I roll my eyes.

  “I don’t make bad offers.”

  I close my eyes and count to three, trying to ignore my attraction to the raven-haired hottie who knows how to wear a suit and press my buttons. My eyes meet his again and what a mistake that is. His eyes are like dark pools threatening to drown me. “Jesus, you’re full of yourself.”

  “You can be full of me too, if you play your cards right.” He smirks.

  I look out the window, because I’m afraid he just made me blush, and I don’t want to give him the satisfaction. “Jesus.” I shake my head and realize I’m biting my lip.

  “Just making conversation. Passing the time.” He whistles and looks off out the window.

  “Right. Do you normally have women falling at your feet to worship you when you turn on your charm? Your game needs work.”

  “Usually on their knees for other endeavors but worshiping me sounds nice too.”

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Never said I wasn’t.” He grins.

  The cab rolls to a halt in front of a giant high-rise building. This must be the asshole’s stop.

  “I’d love to continue this conversation, but this is me.” He flashes me a panty-melting grin as he pulls a money clip from an interior pocket of his jacket and slips the driver a few bills. “Keep whatever’s left over after you drive her home.”

  Part of me wants to smack the shit out of him. I know the type. Act like assholes, then play the victim. If he wasn’t so damn hot while he did it, I might’ve.


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