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Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two

Page 21

by Armstrong, Ava

  ~ Lara ~

  There in the driveway stood a man she detested and a man she admired…and she marveled at the contrast. However, she managed a smile and professional demeanor as she approached Eric Henderson and Hawk. "Are you happy, Eric?" She noticed his genuine smile, "More than happy…his work is fantastic!" Lara noticed Hawk felt a little self-conscious, so she made an effort to get rid of Eric for a few minutes. "Do you mind, Eric, if Hawk and I go over a little business? Then, we'll come back and meet up with you here." Eric nodded and disappeared inside.

  With her iPad in one hand, Lara touched Hawk's arm with her other hand and they walked side by side through the beautiful transformation of the property. She listened intently to Hawk’s voice as he described every element of the design, right down to the sprinkler system. He was happy and the shyness had disappeared. That's what she noticed more than anything else about him. She had never seen him so animated and smiling. His hazel eyes lit up when he took her around the corner of the yard. "No peeking. You need to close your eyes…and I'll guide you." Lara giggled and now she was the self-conscious one.

  Hawk put his hands upon Lara's shoulders and for what seemed like forever, they wound through a path filled with a multitude of aromas. She heard bumble bees buzzing and birds singing. Finally, Hawk asked her to stop and whispered in her ear, "Now, you can open your eyes…" She was overwhelmed with the sheer beauty of the place. The whole garden was ensconced in privacy by a privet hedge, and she marveled at how he managed to transplant fairly mature ones to this location. They were perfectly trimmed. Lara was standing in the middle of a secret garden surrounded by trees, flowering shrubs and perfectly geometrical flower beds.

  Around her was a pergola filled with Wisteria and ivy; in the very middle of the structure was the most beautiful antique porch glider Lara ever laid eyes on. "Where did you get it?" She asked with genuine wonder. Hawk explained, "It was in a salvage yard and I painted it white and put waterproof cushions on it. I had to tinker with it a little to get it moving smoothly. Mostly sanding off the rust and putting a good lubricant on the mechanism." Lara sat in the glider and tried it out. It worked perfectly and she looked up at Hawk. “How did you know I love porch gliders?” It was one of the biggest smiles she had ever seen on his masculine face. Just as she put her hand on the cushion next to her, she noticed a small ragged book on the glider. She opened it and noted it was the collection of Shakespeare's 154 Sonnets. An antique volume, it appeared to be rare. "That's for you," Hawk said softly. "It just seemed to fit the atmosphere of this place, and it seemed to fit you. It belonged to my wife."

  As Lara fingered the parchment pages of the historic book, she felt transported back to another time, a hundred years ago when gardens like this were a family's respite from their working life and lovers sat and read Shakespearean sonnets. "Oh Hawk, I really shouldn’t take this. It must have special memories for you.” But he was insistent, “Please, take it. I want you to have it.” Lara took a deep breath before speaking, “This whole place is just beautiful. I can't tell you how pleased I am. And this book is a treasure. There are no words to describe this."

  ~Grant Hawkins ~

  For that one moment Hawk was happy; a feeling he hadn’t experienced for a long time. He sat next to Lara in the porch glider imagining what it would be like to live with her in the purple Victorian. If he could, he would read a sonnet to her in this garden. Everything he put into the design was representative of her, but she didn't know she was his inspiration or at least he didn't think she knew. He noticed she touched the book as one would touch a rare diamond. He knew she would appreciate the one-of-a-kind book so perfect for a one-of-a-kind woman. He broke the silence as he sat next to her in the glider. His large working hand slipped the dainty book from Lara, and he searched for a bookmark. "Let me see…" and he fingered a page that was well worn. He had a bookmark at William Shakespeare's Sonnet 18, and said, "That’s the one that made me think of you." He closed the book and handed it to her, his face suddenly blushed a deep shade of pink.

  He stood and took her hand as she rose from the glider. She stood in front of Hawk close enough for him to inhale the wonderful scent she was wearing. He allowed his eyes to look into hers just long enough to feel the unbridled fondness he tried so hard to conceal. Hawk wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms and kiss her. But the voice in the back of his mind reminded him, she is married.

  ~ Lara ~

  As she looked into his eyes, Lara felt a warm connection with Hawk. Taking his hand at that moment seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do. But she sensed he felt embarrassed when she did. It wasn't a romantic hand-holding, but a friendly one to say thank you. But still he blushed and looked away and made an apology, "I'm sorry, Lara, I just got caught up in the moment." But Lara didn't want Hawk to feel badly, "No need to apologize; you overwhelmed me with your presentation." Lara made an attempt to comfort him. She tugged his calloused hand and led him to another lovely section of the garden. "Topiaries, oh gosh, these are beautiful!" Lara gushed. Then Hawk took her to a huge bed of forget-me-nots, lilies, dahlias and gladiolas. She especially loved the purple lilacs. Finally, he showed her the mass of sea roses in various shades of pink surrounding another private seating area with a hidden screened gazebo. "I love this!" Lara said breathlessly.

  Meeting Eric back in the driveway was anti-climactic. Eric handed a bank check to Lara for the balance which she would give to Hawk once they were alone. Hawk was the consummate gentleman. He shook Eric's hand and thanked him profusely for allowing him to bring the Victorian garden back to its original glory. And, Eric asked Hawk to take care of the maintenance for him and signed a contract on the hood of the truck. Eric allowed Hawk to put a sign on the front lawn crediting "Secret Gardens" for the magnificent work. All was well as Lara watched Eric waltz back into his lovely Victorian still under renovation. But at least the landscaping was done.

  As she walked back to her vehicle Hawk trailed her to say goodnight. Lara handed him the check and he put it into his pocket. "Thank you, Lara. I appreciate your trust in me for this project. Most people would have tried me out with a smaller installation, but you took the chance right away." Lara smiled and said, "I knew you could do it. You have an eye for this stuff. And, I saw the work you'd done previously. I took a calculated risk on you, Hawk, and it paid off." Happy that she managed to get him to smile again, Lara got into the Fiat to head to Clearwater Farm. Home sweet home. She waved and beeped the horn as she left Hawk standing in front of the purple Victorian.

  When she got home, she stripped of her clothes and ran the bath water in the master bathroom. While waiting for it to fill, she took the book of sonnets and turned to the bookmarked page. It was Shakespeare's Sonnet 18…Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? How did Hawk know that was one of her favorites? Her phone rang and she was ecstatic to see Ben’s secure number on the caller ID. “Oh God, Ben, I miss you so much.” His voice sounded tense on the other end. Lara imagined his face, serious and somber as he spoke.


  He made an excuse to have Habib bring him into Springfield for more medications for the women and children on the compound. Habib welcomed any excuse to get off the property. The two men spoke freely and laughed about the terrible food. But Ben could not laugh for long. His mind was on the horrible crimes being committed daily on the compound by men he wanted to strangle with his bare hands. “How do you do it, Habib?” Ben asked his friend quietly. He watched Habib’s thoughtful expression, “I do it because I am helping to end it…it’s not easy. But it is my job.” Ben, suffering from depression and sleepless nights asked the question differently, “But how do you cope with what you are witnessing every day? Do you sleep well? Do you get frustrated or angry?” Habib narrowed his dark eyes and whispered, “I want to kill the men every day. I have to remind myself repeatedly that I have a specific job to do. I trust in your plan, good doctor. I know this mission will go well if you and I cooperate and stay strong.” H
abib pulled the Chevy into a shopping center parking lot. He put his hand out to Ben and they shook firmly. When Ben looked into his friend’s dark eyes he saw determination and spirit. The short conversation revived him. Habib went inside the pharmacy to pick up the ordered medication and some snacks for Ben.

  This was Ben’s chance to call Lara on the satellite phone, something he hadn’t done for two weeks. When she answered the phone she was running the water for a bath and he heard her turn the faucet off in the background. Her voice sounded soft and feminine, “I miss you so much…oh Ben, I’m glad you’re all right.” He could barely talk, he wanted to hold her so much he felt he might break down. Thank God the satellite phone did not have a video feature. He wanted nothing more than to see her lovely face and for a split second he imagined what she looked like preparing for her late afternoon bath. “I miss you…darlin’…I’ll be with you soon.” It was all he could say. She told him about the successful completion of the purple Victorian garden. She sounded upbeat and happy. Ben never missed her so much. Not wanting to hang up, he forced himself to do so, “I’ve got to go for now. I love you, darlin’…” and he ended the call. Habib hopped into the driver’s seat and they drove back to the compound talking about helping the women and children heal from their horrific abuse. Although the two were from different worlds they shared a strong camaraderie.

  ~ Grant Hawkins ~

  In late August the temperature soared to ninety degrees with high humidity and after a long workday Hawk took a cool shower and brushed his teeth before driving to Clearwater Farm. He looked forward with child-like anticipation to his appointment with Lara at 6:00 PM. His navy blue cotton polo shirt was faded from too many washings. His chinos were frayed at the bottom but freshly laundered and pressed. He was glad he saved the appointment for the last part of the day. He wanted to linger with Lara. From the moment he first met her he couldn't stop thinking about her. A visual feast for his eyes, she always looked like she just stepped off a magazine cover. Fresh and clean. The girl next door. And, that perfume she wore, whatever it was, made him want to stand closer to her so he could inhale the feminine scent even if for a brief moment. Whenever he had an appointment with Lara, the anticipation of seeing her only served to highlight the intense loneliness he felt. He so missed the company of a woman. And, not just any woman.

  As Hawk drove along the main route to her saltwater farm, he passed multi-million dollar estates. For a moment he wondered just how well her husband's security business was doing. He knew what the property taxes were in this neck of the woods and marveled at how people did it. As for him, he lived a life of simplicity and solitude. The physical labor he performed on a daily basis was his gym workout and the humble lifestyle he led kept him just this side of lonely. But when he was in Lara's presence, he didn't feel alone. In fact, he had never felt more alive.

  She was interested in his work and spoke to him as an equal instead of an employer. She was never demanding. She collaborated with him on designs. Often, she asked his opinion. When he showed her sketches, she asked design-related questions with depth and detail. It was as if she was trying to figure out how his creative mind worked. Whenever she complimented him, Hawk felt accomplished, significant, and appreciated for the first time in his life. On a few occasions he even smiled in her presence. Although he was fond of her, he guarded his outward demeanor carefully. He didn't want her to know he had a schoolboy crush on her. He had hoped, with time, the strong attraction would pass. But that hadn’t happened yet.

  No trailer today; just his truck, laptop and sketch pad. He had difficulty focusing on the landscaping as he pulled into the driveway of Clearwater Farm. He felt about the farm as he did about Lara; the beauty was stunning and left him speechless. The sun was low in the sky and in the late afternoon glow he could see the figure of Lara running on the sandy beach with a dog. He stood in the driveway for a few minutes as he watched her toss a ball and the canine retrieved it, then dutifully dropped it at her feet. The simplicity of the scene amused Hawk and he caught himself smiling again. God, she was beautiful, and she didn't even seem to be aware of that fact. He wondered how many men pursued her. He wanted to know all about her, but would keep his thoughts to himself. The voice in the back of his mind repeated, she’s married.

  ~ Lara ~

  Lara looked up and saw the rugged solitary figure standing beside the Chevy and immediately recognized Grant Hawkins, although for a split second she thought it might be Ben and her heart skipped a beat. She rinsed off the tennis ball at the water's edge and Einstein followed her from the beach to the porch where she met Hawk. "You're right on time, Hawk." Lara smiled. Hawk seemed shy and reserved every time she uttered a sentence to him, yet she found this quality endearing. He wasn't a pushy type of guy. He was quiet and his words were always carefully chosen. His eyes met hers for a moment and she could tell he was happy to see her. His voice was soft and deep, "Hey, Lara. This is quite a place. I'd like to walk the property with you and see the inside of the house. That way I'll get an idea of how to set the plantings so the windows will frame the view."

  Lara opened the screened porch door, "Let's start inside, Hawk." He silently followed her filled with anticipation. Lara's mother and Rusty were in the kitchen preparing food to be cooked on the grill. "Hello there, I’m Lara’s mother." Lillian extended her hand and Lara watched as Hawk extended his large calloused one to shake. "Glad to meet you, ma'am." he muttered. Rusty shook Hawk's hand, too, and Lara noticed Rusty giving him the once-over. "I’m Lara’s step-father. You're welcome to stay for some dinner. We have plenty here." Hawk smiled and despite the lines on his tanned face, he appeared young and handsome. "Thank you for that offer. I'll get my work finished with Lara and see if the offer stands after I give her the quote." His comment made Lillian and Rusty laugh. Lara smiled to herself and continued through the house with Hawk following closely behind.

  Getting down to business, Lara took Hawk to every window in the house as he sketched. She sensed he was impressed with the place, but he only focused on the views from the windows and made a few sketches as they walked through. Finally, she took him outside. "Here's where I'd love to have a patch of sea roses, something colorful and low maintenance." Lara said.

  ~ Grant Hawkins ~

  As he walked through the house with Lara he couldn't help but imagine what it must be like to live there with her. There was no sign of her husband. Hawk noticed no male items in the bathrooms or in the bedroom and thought that was a bit strange. But then thought maybe the guy was a minimalist. He did, however, hone in on Lara's items and his eyes took in everything in an instant. Her clothing was simple yet high-end designer labels, although he noticed some thrift store vintage thrown in. She had her own style and he loved that about her. He looked at the perfume on her vanity and all of the other feminine trappings. He tried to focus on the design process, but his thoughts were all about Lara. He listened to her lovely voice and made notes, but when she turned to look into his eyes his heart raced. Her physical beauty was matched by her innocent, honest, sweet disposition. When her eyes met his, it was as if he could see the kindness and sincerity that was in her soul.

  Outside the tour continued with Lara in the lead. Hawk could not take his eyes off her feminine figure and hoped she did not notice he was staring once or twice. He felt he could listen to her voice all day and all night. He sketched and took notes as she spoke, "I'd like a patio area here…and what do you think should be planted there?" He'd give her one-word answers and they'd move on. The sun was moving closer to the horizon and the whole atmosphere of the saltwater farm took on a luminous glow. In this light, Hawk stood closely to Lara and noticed how beautiful she was when the sun bathed her face. Her skin was flawless and her lips shimmered with a sheer pink lipstick. As he examined her beautiful face in the sunlight, the thought of kissing her flitted through his mind. He hated himself for having such feelings.

  He asked himself, Why does it have to be her? There were plenty of goo
d-looking women chasing him, but for some reason it was a turn-off to have a woman hanging all over him, telling him how "cute" he was. Lara was not that type of woman. She was dignified and elegant, yet down-to-earth and filled with humor and charm. He still couldn't take his eyes off her as the rays of the sunset illuminated her, he wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms. It was as if electricity traveled through him whenever he was in her presence. He did not want the tour of the property or the wonderful feeling to end.

  ~ Lara ~

  She knew he lived alone and wanted to get to know Hawk better, especially if he'd be doing an extensive landscaping job at her home. Lillian and Rusty set up a dinner spot on the expansive screened porch overlooking the sunset beach view. They cooked on the grill as Hawk sat next to Lara in a wooden Adirondack chair. She could see Hawk's rugged form through the polo shirt and loose fit chinos. He was shy with her, almost to the point of being unable to make eye contact sometimes. She angled her chair toward him and he was forced to look into her eyes as they talked. She listened as he articulated the landscape design he envisioned. As she held the sketch in her lap, he spoke in a soft low voice and leaned toward her. His hand lightly brushed against her arm as he touched the piece of paper on her lap. His deep voice was passionate as he spoke about the garden, "The patio would be here and I'd frame it with lilacs. They are hardy and would give you a bit of privacy. Eventually, they'd grow tall so you'd have to prune them, but they are very low maintenance and have a nice aroma." Lara leaned closer to him noticing his earthy masculine scent of sandalwood, suddenly missing Ben more than ever.

  "I love the design…Hawk." Lara beamed when he was finished explaining every little detail. "I wouldn't change one thing. In fact, I think you are an incredibly talented designer. You have made the view from every window a masterpiece for me to enjoy." When his eyes met hers he blushed ever so slightly at the praise she lavished upon him. She could tell Hawk wasn't used to working with people like her – unafraid to give a compliment when it was due. She imagined most of his clients were rich snobs who made impossible demands. Finally, Hawk was making eye contact and she sensed him examining her face whenever she looked down. She found him to be polite and charming.


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