Flawless: A Relentless Series Novel (The Relentless Series Book 4)

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Flawless: A Relentless Series Novel (The Relentless Series Book 4) Page 10

by Alyson Reynolds

“Adam, you have to stop or I’m going to pee myself.”

  “That might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I think I’ll tickle you to make it happen.”

  He took two steps towards me and I held up my hands in defense. I jumped up and started running through the park, dodging families playing and people milling about. Adam caught up to me easily, his strong, muscular arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up, pulling me back into his body. At the contact, I sucked in a breath. His sudden gasp told me he felt the spark of electricity running between us too.

  I stopped struggling against him and he slowly put me down, my back rubbing against his front as he lowered me. His arousal pressed against my back and my entire body felt flushed. I angled my body back towards his, making sure he saw me bite down on my full bottom lip. There was always a crackle of awareness in the air between us, but this was the first that he had shown he was the least bit affected by me since the first night we met.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled letting me go. “Do you feel better or do we need to find a bathroom,” he said, trying to break the tension.

  I laughed and tried to act normal. “As long as you refrain from tickling me, I think we’ll be okay.”

  Even with the confusion of his hard on pressing into my ass, I was happy that I had agreed to meet Adam for a picnic. Lexi was trying to finish up some work so she could play tonight, and I hated being alone with my thoughts. My mood had been pretty dark since the miscarriage and being around Adam helped me lighten up. The carefree doctor was sexy as hell and fun to be around. His arm dropped around my shoulder and we started walking back towards Lexi’s apartment.

  “How are you feeling today?”

  I cocked my head as I looked at him. “Are you asking as Adam or Dr. Parker?”

  He shrugged. “Both.”

  “Things are okay. It helps when I get out of the apartment. I’ve been really busy with work too, so that helps.”

  “I’m glad the paparazzi quit following you.”

  “You’re just happy they aren’t printing things about the sexy, single doctor I’ve been hanging out with anymore.” I bumped him with my hip and he laughed.

  “It was a little surprising to see my face plastered on gossip websites. I’m not going to lie.”

  We walked in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Our hands lightly brushing with each step.

  “So, I need to go to a showcase tonight. Lexi and Luke are coming along, do you want to come with us?”

  “I would,” he started, a blush covering his handsome face. “But, I have a date.”

  “Oh.” My confidence evaporated. That little bit of happiness I’d felt drained away. I didn’t know he was seeing anyone and I suddenly felt stupid for how I’d been acting this whole day. We had been flirting and having fun, but now it felt different. “Well, if you guys want to come, I’ll leave your name at the door. Just text Lexi for the info.”

  “Emmy, I didn’t want to—”

  “Don’t worry about it, Adam.” I smiled brightly as I could. “I need to go start getting ready, okay? I’ll talk to you later.”


  “Bye, Adam.”

  I crossed the street and started jogging towards Lexi’s apartment. Adam called out behind me, but I ducked into the back entrance of the building before he could catch up to me. To my amazement, the elevator was open and waiting on the ground floor.

  “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid,” I said, hitting my head against the door with each word. The elevator seemed to take forever on its climb to the penthouse apartment. Why had I thought Adam would actually be interested in me? We flirted all the time, but why would I think that meant he would be interested in someone that’s broken? My life was out of control right now. It made sense that Adam was going out with someone, but it didn’t help the disappointment I felt. I choked back a sob as I let myself into the apartment. After all this disappointment over the past few months, I was done. Emotionally and physically done. Adam had bruised my pride and my heart, but this was my new reality, I should just get used to it.

  I stared out my office window as I thought back to the first time I actually admitted to myself that I had feelings for Adam. The night had ended up with me getting drunk off my ass and confessing everything to Lexi. She’d tried to calm me down and tell me that Adam felt the same way, he was just being cautious because I kept pushing him away, plus he didn’t know where I stood with the whole divorce thing. None of that had mattered at the time though. I was so far gone that I couldn't take in anything she was trying to say. The hangover from hell had made me swear off drinking for a long time. Lexi still has a hard time getting me to drink vodka.

  If I thought I felt stupid then, it had nothing on how I felt now. I hated that I’d hurt Adam, but I hadn’t wanted to lie to him. Everything in our relationship had been easy and fun up until it wasn’t. He respected the fact that I had walls up and I wanted things to move slowly between us. I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t want anything else to do with me, but I hoped that he could forgive me one day.

  I glared at the legal sized envelope in contempt. These weren’t supposed to be here yet. Realistically, I knew that they were coming, but I needed more time to prepare myself. The week that I’d been in Savannah was awful. My trip hadn't given me the answers I wanted, instead it only seemed to give me more questions. No matter how much I demanded answers from Mason, he would just clam up, which wasn’t like him. He was the kind of guy to fight for what he wanted. The passion that still existed between us surprised me. How could he not fight if that was still between us.

  I didn’t know what to do with and of it. So I did what any sane, self-protecting woman would do, I shoved those feelings on a little shelf in my head and ignored them. Mason wasn’t the same man I’d left and he didn’t have a good excuse for why he had never filed, not one that he would give me anyway. All he would do was mumble that he was sorry, over and over again. When that didn’t get the reaction he wanted and I slid a new set of divorce papers across the table, he smirked at me as he signed them. It was beyond me how he could act so remorseful one second and like a cocky asshole the next. Then he said it was a good thing I was leaving, because he couldn't wait to start having sex again.

  It was a moot point because when I went to smack him, he grabbed my wrist, pulled my body to his, and kissed me again. We’d ended up having sex on the dining room table. Hot, dirty, kinky, angry sex. Real classy, I know. My body was a traitorous whore, but the sex was probably the best we’d ever had.

  Everything in my head was driving me crazy. I picked up the vase sitting on the entryway table and flung it across the room. Lexi winced, but didn't say anything. The sound of the glass shattering wasn't nearly as satisfying as I had hoped for.

  I flinched at the feeling of her hand on my arm. It barely even registered that she was still in the same room as me.

  "We've been expecting these," she said softly.

  I glared at the stupid envelope again. "I know, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm divorced at twenty-seven."

  "You thought you were divorced at twenty-six.” She fought back a smile. “We can always go back to plan A and try an experimental drug on him. You'll figure out how to get me off with a temporary insanity plea or something."

  I choked back a laugh. It sounded scary, even to my own ears, so I could only imagine how it sounded to Lexi.

  "How could he do this?"

  "I don't know, honey."

  "Lexi, I only found out I was still married because a journalist decided to do an expose on me. What would’ve happened if that had actually gotten out to the media? It would have ruined my career. If he were here right now, I would punch him."

  "Heaven help him if you get your hands around his neck."

  I flopped down on the couch next to her. "I still love him."

  She patted my knee. "You were with him for forever, that's understandable."

  I tried to keep the tears at bay, but one slipped down my chee
k. "Why didn't he just file the divorce when he was supposed to? And why in the hell can’t I just get over this?"

  She tucked me under her arm and pulled me closer in a hug. "I don't know, sugarplum."

  I was quiet for a minute, trying to figure out what to do or say next. The pain of betrayal felt worse this time somehow.

  “I don’t want to feel like this anymore. I want to switch it off and fast forward through all this bullshit. I should be over it, but now it’s like I’m losing him all over again,” I ended on a whisper.

  “Mason was a huge part of your life. Not that you want to think about this, but I’ll bet he’s going through something similar.”

  “I can only hope.” I laid my head on her shoulder. "Sorry about the vase."

  She laughed. "If that's all you broke than we're doing pretty good, cookie."


  It was taking time, but I was slowly moving on with my life. I was invited to a Marine Recruitment ball when Luke offered to perform for some of his friends. I still wasn't sure how my name had even come up, but Luke made sure that I had several tickets so I could bring Lexi with me to help support him. He mentioned Adam, but I cut him off before he could ask any questions about why he wasn't coming with me. It wasn't typical for me to attend events with my clients, but Luke was special. He was my friend before he was my client. Lexi hadn't been excited to give up one of her free nights to go out, but I convinced her it would be fun and if nothing else, she would have plenty of Marine eye candy to look at and an open bar.

  Lexi deviated from her typical black wardrobe and opted for a navy blue sleeveless, boat neck gown, while I had chosen a red sweetheart hi-lo dress. We were putting on lipstick when the front desk called to say the car was waiting downstairs. This was the most dressed up I had seen Lexi in a long time and as much as she had complained, I think she was actually looking forward to the evening. Putting on a pretty dress had a way of doing that sometimes.

  The large ballroom had floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the Manhattan skyline. It was a gorgeous view and I could only imagine how much they had spent renting out the beautiful space. Lexi disappeared as soon as we walked in the door, leaving me to wander through the crowd by myself. As Luke was setting up, I looked towards the stage, but my gaze caught someone staring at me from across the room. I watched as a tall Marine in his dress uniform walked in my direction. He crossed the room gracefully and as he got closer I realized it was someone I hadn't seen a long damn time.

  "Nicholas Cross," I said with a smile.

  "Emerald Carter."

  His muscled arms wrapped around me and picked me up in a hug. I squealed a little as my feet left the floor. He set me back down and grinned at me.

  "How are you? It's been forever."

  "Probably three or four years,” he said, as he looked me over. “I heard you and Mason got divorced. I was sorry to hear it."

  "That’s a long story, but thanks all the same."

  I stared up at the handsome soldier and remembered a thousand stories from our childhood. The town we grew up in was small and everyone knew everyone. Nic had been good friends with Mason and Stephen in high school, but as we got older, things changed. Nic enlisted, Stephen started acting, and Mason went to law school, everyone had separate lives and drifted apart.

  Luke started playing a soft slow ballad to start the night. It was one of his older hits, one that everyone loved to hear. Nic smiled at me again.

  "Dance with me, Emmy."

  I nodded and smiled back, letting him take my hand and lead me out to the dance floor. Nic was surprisingly graceful for someone his size. He was probably 6'3" or 6'4". We swayed in time to the music and he even dipped me once.

  "So, who’s the girl staring daggers at me?"

  "It's my wife," he said grinning.

  "Oh great, she already hates me," I said giggling. "When did you get married?"

  "After I got back from Germany and out of the hospital. She put up with a lot, I was lucky she stayed by my side."

  "Hell Nic, Mase and I visited you and you never said anything about being married. What gives?"

  "I was a moody son of a bitch back then. I was convinced she was going to leave me after I lost my leg, so I didn't want to tell anyone about her in case she did." I gave him a hard look. "I know, I'm an asshole. Mason read me the riot act when he found out too."

  "I'm glad he did. I would like to meet her tonight."

  "Ha ha," he said, dryly. "I would love to introduce you."

  The song finished and Luke stepped off stage. Nic and I walked over to where Lexi was standing so she could say hello. To my surprise, Adam was standing next to her. He smiled at me as we came up. I wanted to wrap him up in a hug, but I wasn’t sure how he would respond. Not being on even footing with him was making me nervous.

  Lexi grabbed Nic and hugged him tight. I stepped closer to Adam and he placed his hand on my lower back. The reassuring move made my stomach settle a little as we stood there. Nic's wife had made her way over to us with another Marine in tow. We all stood around awkwardly for a few moments before I started the introductions.

  "Nic, this is Dr. Adam Parker,” I said, silently urging him not to comment.

  "Damn, Em. What a lawyer wasn't good enough, you had to move up to a doctor?" Nic teased me while he shook Adam's hand. No such luck of course.

  "Don't be an asshole, Nic. Introduce your wife and friend," I said, narrowing my eyes.

  "Emmy, Lexi, this is Miranda. And this asshole next to her is Staff Sergeant Liam Cole."

  "Tell us how you really feel, Nic," Lexi said holding her hand out to Liam. "I'm Alexis Davenport. My friends call me Lexi."

  Uh oh. I had a feeling she’d just found her fun for the night. Lexi stared at the handsome marine as they shook hands. She looked like she wanted to eat him for dinner, and they had literally just met one another. If the look he was giving her was any indication, he has similar ideas going on in his head. Miranda looked at me for a moment before blurting out, "You were Mason's wife right?"

  I winced. Not exactly what I wanted Adam to hear right then. "Yeah, we were married briefly."

  "Well this has been fun," Liam said, trying not to laugh. He had an adorable accent, probably from Louisiana, or Alabama. "Want to go get a drink from the bar?" he asked Lexi.

  "Yes. God yes," she answered quickly, grabbing his arm and escaping the awkwardness.

  "Emmy, I'm going to go talk to Luke before he starts playing again," Adam said, kissing me on the cheek before he walked away too.

  "I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking blunt sometimes,” Miranda said. “I didn't realize you were that Emmy until it was already out of my mouth."

  "It's okay. We don't run into friends from back home often, so when we do, it's weird for people to see me with someone other than Mason. We were together for over ten years, so it's only natural."

  "You know we ran into Mason a few weeks ago and he looked like hell. I think he misses you something fierce, Emmy," Nic said quietly.

  I shook my head. "It's over, Nic. Don't go there."

  "Sorry, I just—”

  "Please don't. Everyone always tries, and I'm sick of it. No one realizes he's the one that left me. Yes, I left the state, but he's the one that gave up on our marriage." I sighed. "It really was nice to meet you, Miranda."

  "Emmy, I'm sorry. I didn't know,” he said, reaching out to stop me from walking away.

  "Really, it’s okay.” I smiled sadly. “I miss him too, but…I'm sorry, Nic. It was good seeing you."

  I crossed the room and went over to where Adam stood with Luke. Luke shot me a curious look and I deftly ignored it. Talking about what happened wasn’t something I wanted to do any time soon. Adam wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his side. Luke looked up at us and a huge smile covered his face.

  "You guys are too damn cute, you know that?" I laughed as Adam nuzzled my neck. "Seriously, it makes me kinda sick to my stomach."

  The music sh
ifted and Luke got ready to go back on stage. I was happy that he would be getting a few breaks throughout the night. He was only going to be onstage for a few songs, giving him plenty of time to socialize. Before Adam showed up, I honestly thought I would be nursing a seat at the bar all night. Now things might be a little different.

  I tugged on Adam's hand and he followed me to the middle of the dance floor. My head settled on his chest as we swayed to the music. The steady beat of his heart calmed me. Seeing Nic had brought back some of the memories from my time with Mason. I didn't want to deal with them tonight. The only thing I wanted tonight was to figure out if I had a future with Adam.

  "You look gorgeous tonight,” he murmured in my ear.

  "Thank you." I was quiet for a few moments. "Not that I'm not thrilled, but why are you here?"

  "Lexi. I asked her what you were doing because I wanted to talk to you. Do you want me to go?"

  "No, of course not. I'm just surprised."

  He cleared his throat. "Emmy, I've thought a lot about us over the past few weeks. I miss you."

  "I've missed you too."

  He nuzzled my neck. "I want to try being friends."

  I rested my cheek against his chest. "I'll take anything you're willing to give me."

  Adam pulled me in tighter as we finished the song in silence. We needed to take things slow. At least he was talking to me again. After a few drinks, we both seemed a little more relaxed than when we’d first come in. A long talk was in order soon, but for now this was enough. When Adam and I decided it was time to go, Lexi decided to stay longer, saying that Liam would take her home later. I winked at her as we left and practically squeezed Adam's arm off as Lexi grinned back.

  My cell phone was ringing for the fifteenth time of the day. I sighed as I picked it up without looking at the caller ID, waiting for my next bit of bad news of the day. This whole week had been a clusterfuck of awesomeness.

  “This is Emerald.”

  “Well, Emerald. I know that since I called you.”


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