Holloway, James E. Jr.
Holloway program
Holmes, D. Brainerd
Hoover, Herbert H.
Hope, Bob
Hope, Delores
Horn, Robert
Hotz, Robert B.
Houston, Ron
Houston, Willard Jr. “Sam,”
Houston, Texas: Armstrong family home in, Armstrong family move to, Armstrong’s return to, following Gemini VIII, celebration for Apollo crew in, fire at Armstrong home in, and “Giant Step” tour, and return of Apollo See also Ellington Air Force Base; Manned Spacecraft Center; Mission Control
Hromas, Les
HSFS. See High-Speed Flight Station
Hsu Lo
Hughes, Howard
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Husband, Rick
hypersonic research
Iacocca, Lee
ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile)program
infectious organisms: and training for Apollo
Institute of Aerospace Sciences (IAS)
Institute of Engineering and Medicine (University of Cincinnati)
instrumentation ranges
Intelsat III
International Committee on Space Research
International Petroleum Services
International Space Station
Iran: and “Giant Step” tour
Iron Cross test rig
Irwin, James, “Jim,”
Isalm: rumors of Armstrong’s conversation to
isolation tests
I’ve Got a Secret (CBS)
Janis, Martin
Japan, Armstrong’s views about, and “Giant Step” tour, influence on
Armstrong of, “rest and relaxation” during Korean War in
Jarvis, Gregory
Jefferson, Ohio
Jenzano, Tony
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
jet transition unit (JTU)
jets: Armstrong’s first flight in, carrier landings of, and See also specific model
Jewish Hospital (Louisville, Kentucky)
Johnson A. A.
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson Space Center (Houston, Texas): and Columbia accident
Johnsville centrifuge
Johnsville Pennsylvania: navy medical aviation laboratory in
Jones, Eric M.
Jones, Francis N.
Jung, Carl
Juniper Hills, California: Armstrong home in and move to Houston
Kanneberg, Ken
Kaps, Robert J. “Bottle”: assignment to VF of, and Banshee accident on Essex, and Cheshire’s death, and Christmas during Korean War, and Essex voyage to Korea in Korean War and news of return to U.S., and return to U.S. and Rikelton’s death
Karasek, Marvin
Karnoski, Peter J. “Pete,”
KC-135 Stratotanker
Keats, John
Keel, Alton G. Jr.
Keiber, Ned,
Keldysh, Mstislav V.
Keller, John K.
Kelley, Grace
Kelly, Raymond G. “Gene,”
Kelly, Thomas J.
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,”
Kennedy, Eunice
Kennedy, John F.: assassination of and Bay of Pigs commitment to space program of, and deadline for Moon landing loss of child by, Mars landing proposed by, and Nixon state dinner, quotation of
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennedy Space Center (Florida): and Apollo Apollo launchpad at, Armstrong at, and Challenger construction of and Gemini program, and Gemini VIII, and Gemini and launch of Apollo training for Apollo crew at. See also specific person
Kennelly, A.E.
Kinchole, Iven,
King, Martin Luther Jr.
Kirkpatrick, Jeane J.
Kissinger, Henry
Kleuver, Emil “Jack,”
Knight, Andrew
Knight, Molly
Knight, Ralph
Knight, William J. “Pete,”
Knudegaard, Aubrey
Koenig, J. R.
Koenig family,
Komarov Mrs. Vladimir
Komarov, Vladimir
Koos, Richard “Dick,”
Korean service Medal and Engagement Star: Armstrong awarded
Korean War, Aldrin in, American casualties in, Armstrong in and Armstrong’s assignment to ComAirPac, Armstrong’s awards and honors for
and Armstrong’s return to U.S., Armstrong’s September episode in, Battle of Bloody Ridge in, Battle of Heartbreak Ridge in, beginning of, bridge strikes in, Battle of Heartbreak Ridge in, beginning of, bridge strikes in, and call up of Holloway scholars, Christmas during, helicopters in, interdiction program in, proposed truce in, public opinion about, “rest and relaxation” during, in, See also specific person, squadron, or airplane model
Korspeter, Caroline. See Engel, Caroline Matilda Katter (grandmother)
Korspeter, William Ernst
Korspeter family
Kosygin, Alexei
Kozlowski, Leonard R.
Kraft, Christopher C. Jr. “Chris”: and Apollo fire, and Apollo investigation, and Armstrong’s historic first words, and Armstrong’s LLRV/LLTV accident, and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, autobiography of, and first-out decision, and Gemini VIII, and launch date for Apollo and LLTV program, and Luna flight, and mission rules, and Moon landing, and pictures of Moon walk, professional background of, and selection of astronauts, and Soviet Luna flights, as Space Task Group member
Kramer, Kenneth E. “E.C.,”
Kranz, Eugene “Gene”: on Armstrong’s character and personality, and assignments for astronauts, and Gemini VIII, and mission rules, and Moon landing, and outbound flight of Apollo and pictures of Moon walk, and training for Apollo
Kundel, Keith K.
Kuralt, Charles
Kuttner Al
Kutyna, Donald J.
Kutz, Joseph
Ladbergen, Germany
Lafayette, Indiana: airport at, See also Purdue University
Laman, Franklin H.
Lambert, Skip
The Land of Egelloc (musical)
landings: jet carrier, VTOL, See also Moon landing
Lange, Frederick Carl
Langholm, Scotland
Langley Air Force Base (Virginia)
Langley Research Center (NASA): Petersen as director of
Langsam, Walter C.
Las Alamitos Air Station (California)
Last Ridge
Latin America: goodwill tour of
L/D (lift-drag ratio) landings
Lebanon, Ohio: Armstrong family move to, Armstrong’s homes in, Armstrong’s office in, Armstrong’s retirement to
Leitz Corporation
LEM. See Eagle; KN (lunar module)
Leoni, Raul
Leonov, Alexei
LePace, Bill
letters to Armstrong
Levin, enneth L.
Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory (Cleveland, Ohio), See also specific person
Liberty Bell spacecraft
Lick Observatory (University of California)
Lier, George
Life magazine: and Apollo and Apollo launch, Armstrong interviews with, Collins interview for, Gemini VIII story in, and Glenn’s Friendship orbits, Janet Armstrong’s interviews with, and Korean War, Lindbergh’s (Anne) description of Apollo for, Malier as reporter for, nd Moon landing, publicity about stronauts in, and wives of astronauts
lift-drug ratio. See L/D (lift-drag ration) landings
Lilly, Howard C.
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Lindbergh Memorial Fund
Lindsay, Hamish
Lindsay, John
Link Trainers
Linkletter, Art
Lisbon, Ohio
LLRF (Lunar Landing Research Facility)
LLRV (Lunar Landing Research Vehicle): accident
investigation of
Armstrong’s accident with Armstrong’s involvement with Armstrong’s views about design and development of, and Drake group, at Edwards, and training of astronauts See also LLTV
LLTV (Lunar Landing Training Vehicle): accident investigation of Armstrong as pilot of Armstrong’s accident with Armstrong’s involvement with Armstrong’s views about astronauts who flew design and development of fuel in, grounding of and Moon landing and training of astronauts, see also LLRV
LM(lunar module): and Apollo and Apollo and Apollo for Apollo and Apollo and Apollo mission scheduling design and development of and first-out decision and Gemini XI and Grumman Corporation and LLRV Matranga’s views about and mission rules, and missions of Apollo and most dangerous phase of Apollo Slayton’s assignments and training for Apollo See also Eagle
Lackheed Aircraft Corporation. See also specific model of plane
Lollobrigida, Gina
London, England
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Looney, William R.
LOR(Lunar Orbit Rendezvous)
Los, Alamos, New Mexico
Los Angeles, California: Armstrong home in goodwill tour to
Love, Betty. See Scott, Betty
Love, James “Jim.”
Love, John
Lovelace Clinic (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Lovell, James A. Jr. “Jim”: and Apollo and Apollo and Apollo and Apollo crew s celebrities, and Apollo and Apollo and Armstrong’s role in space program, and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, astronaut training of, celestial navigation training for, educational background of, and Gemini IX, and Gemini VII, and Gemini VIII, and Gemini X, and LLTV, as naval aviator, personal and professional background of, personality of, press conferences of, and rendezvous in space, and Slaton’s meeting about Apollo program, and UFOs, at White House, and White’s funeral
Lovell, Marliyn Lillie Gerlack
Low, George M.: and Apollo and Apollo crew assignments, and Armstrong’s historic first words, and Armstrong’s post-Apollo career plans, Armstrong’s relationship with, Armstrong’s views about, at Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space, and design of Apollo, and first-out decision, and goodwill tour of Latin America, and impact; of Apollo explosion on Apollo program, decision and professional career of, and scheduling of Apollo missions, and training of astronauts, views about Armstrong of
Low, Mary R.
LRRR experiments
Lucie, Frank
Luke Frnk
Luna (Soviet Union)
lunar contamination
lunar dust
Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (LLRV). See LLTV
lunar landings: See also LLRF; LLRV; LM; LOR program
lunar litter
Lunar Orbiter spacecraft
Lunar Receiving Laboratory (Houston, Texas)
Lunar Rover
Lund, Robert K.
Lunken Airport (Cincinnati, Ohio)
M2-F2: Peterson’s accident with
Mach number heat transfer research
Mackey, William A. “Wam”: achievements of, Armstrong flies with, on Beebe’s aggressive approach, and Cheshire’s death, as Golden Eagles member, and jet planes, in Korean War, naval background of, and Rickelton’s death, VF-51 assignment of
MacLeish, Archibald
Macleish, John
Magruder, William M. “Bill,”
Mailer, Norman
Major, James Willis
Mallick, Donald
Man on the Moon (CBS)
Manke, John
Manned Spacecraft Center (Houston, Texas): and Apollo, Apollo crew’s thank you to, construction of, and first-out decision, and Gemini V, and LLRV/LLTV, offices of, training of astronauts at, and wives of astronauts. See also Mission Control; specific person
Marines, U. S.: in Korean War
Marshall, Daniel V.
Marshall Space Flight Center (Alabama). See also von Braun, Wernher
Martin Company
Marx, Michael L.
Maryland: Naval Flight Test Center in
Maskelyne Crater
Maskelyne W
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Armstrong applies to
Matranga, Eugene J. “Gene,”
Mattern, Jimmy
Matthews, Charles W.
Mattingly, Ken
Maxson, Jerre
McAuliffe, Christa
McBroom, C. C.
McCain, John Sidney Jr.
McCall, Robert
McCandless, Bruce: and Moon walk, and outbound flight of Apollo, and return of Apollo
McCarthy, Eugene
McClain family
McClintock, Mr.
McCollon, Francis N.
McCool, Willie
McDivitt, James A. “Jim”: and Apollo and Apollo and Apollo astronaut training of, and first-out decision, and Gemini IV, and Gemini V, and Gemini VIII, personal and professional background of, press conferences of, and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo program, White House dinner for, and X-15 program
McDivitt, Patricia Ann Haas
McDonald, Allan
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation. See also specific model of plane
McDonnell, James
McGee, Frank
McKay, John B. “Jack”: and air launches at Edwards, and Armstrong’s last days at Edwards Air Force Base, and Armstrong’s X-5 incident, combat record of, at HSFS, personal and professional background of, and X-1B program, X-15 program, and Yeager-Armstrong flight
McKenzie, S. W.
McMahon, Ed
McNaught, Donald C.
McNeill, J. W.
McTigue, John
Mechem, Charles S. Jr.
Medal of Freedom
medallions, commemorative
media: and Aldrin’s celebration of Holy Communion, and Apollo fire, and Apollo, and Apollo anniversaries, and Armstrong family, Armstrong’s views about, and Armstrong’s views about space exploration, and Challenger investigation, and Columbia accident, and corporate work of Armstrong, and Cueva de los Tayos expedition, and fire in Armstrong Houston home, and first-out decision, and Gemini VIII flight
media (cont.) and “Giant Step” tour, and launch of Apollo, and Moon landing, and “Mr. Gorsky” comment, and Nixon state dinner, and outbound flight of Apollo, and personal lives of astronauts, and PPKs, and return of Apollo, and Rogers commission, and sale of some of Armstrong’s hair, and Soviet trip of Armstrong, and University of Cincinnati position of Armstrong, and wives of astronauts. See also press conferences; television broadcasts; specific person, network, or journal
Meet the Press (NBC)
Memorial High School (St. Marys, Ohio)
Menefee, O. T.
Mercury Project: administration of, and applications for astronauts, and Armstrong’s decision to be an astronaut, Armstrong’s views about, and astronauts as heroes, astronauts in, background of astronauts for, and “blunt-body” principle, building of, celestial navigation training for, contractors for, criticism of, design of, and Eagle’s ascent from Moon, Gemini as bridge between Apollo and, medical and psychological testing of astronauts for, and mission rules, as NASA’s first priority, naval aviators in, and PPKs, and Redstone and Atlas rockets, simulation for, souvenir items of, Space Task Group as managers of, suborbital flights of, and UFOs. See also specific person or flight
Messerschmitt, Willy
MH-96, system
Miami University (Ohio)
Michener, James A.
Mid American Show (Columbus, Ohio, 1972)
MiGs, Soviet
Miles, Marvin
Miller, Luke H.
Miller, Ron
Minneapolis-Honeywell Corporation
“The Missile with a Man” jet plane
Mission Control (Houston, Texas):
and Apollo, and Armstrong’s views about Apollo, and assignment of astronauts, and Eagle’s ascent from Moon, and Gemini V, and Gemini VIII, and Gemini XI, and launch of Apollo, and mission rules, and Moon landing, and Moon Walk, and “Mr. Gorsky” comment, and outbound flight of Apollo, and return from Moon walk, and return of Apollo, SimSup at, and training for Apollo, and training of astronauts, and wives of astronauts
mission rules
Mississippi Moonshinres
Mitchell, Andrea
model, airplanes: Armstrong’s interest in
Molly Brown spacecraft
Mondale, Walter
Montclair, New Jersey: celebration for Aldrin’s return in
Moody, D. L.
Moon: Aldrin’s celebration of Holy Communion on, Aldrin’s description of, American flag on, Apollo 8’s view of, Apollo 10’s view of, Apollo 11’s first view of, Armstrong and Aldrin on the, Armstrong’s early interest in, Armstrong’s guided tour of, Armstrong’s views about, ascent from, color of, first few hours of Armstrong and Aldrin on, and future of U.S. space program, length of time of Apollo on, litter on, Luna 15’s crash into, mementos left on, and Outer Space Treaty, plaque on, sleeping on. See also Moon landing; Moon walk
Moon landing: Aldrin’s views about, and amount of time on Moon, anniversaries of, Apollo as dress rehearsal for, Apollo 11’s Armstrong views about, Armstrong’s ambitions for, and Armstrong’s heartbeat, Armstrong’s reactions to Kennedy’s commitment to, Armstrong’s views about, and astronauts as Boy Scouts, benefits to U.S. of, Collins’ views about, Cronkite’s comments about, disbelief about, as engineering feat, first few hours after, as G mission, and Gemini III mission, and Gemini VIII, as “giant leap,” historical significance of, and how to go to moon, ignorance about exact location of, impact of Apollo explosion on, Kennedy’s commitment to, Kennedy’s deadline for, Kuralt’s essay about, Lindbergh flight compared with, and mission rules, Moore’s comment about Armstrong’s, naval aviators on, optimism about possibility of, and PPKs, public interest in, reactions of Armstrong family to, reasons for, religious significance of, Safire’s memo about, selection of Armstrong for, selection of Tranquility names for, as shared global event transcending politics, site for, spiritual reflections on, as supreme challenge of Armstrong’s life, and symbolic items left on Moon, television coverage of, and touchdown, transformation in views about, U.S. sense of pride and accomplishment in, and wives of astronauts
Moon walk: Armstrong’s heart rate on, Armstrong’s views about, and astronauts as Boy Scouts, and egress from Eagle, experiments during, and first-out decision, first step on, first words on, Hasselblad photographs of, and ingress into Eagle, lack of pictures of Armstrong on, last tasks during, lunar samples collected during, and memorial items, Nixon’s call while on, permission for, plan for, and PPKs, preparation for, return from, simulations of, See also Moon; Moon landing
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