Moore, Elaine
Moore, Garry
Moore, John
Moore, R. D.
Morehead, John Motley III
Morehead Planetarium
Morgan, Henry
Morrow, Pat
motion sickness
Mougey, Jim
Mount Marilyn
“Mr. Gorsky,”
Mueller, George E.
Muroc Field (Nevada)
Muroc Flight Test Unit: development of
music: during Apollo flight
Music out of the Moon (Hoffman)
musical interests: of Armstrong
Myerson, Bess
N-1 rocket, Soviet
NACA. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
Napoleon, Prince
National Academy of Engineering
National Academy of Sciences
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA): as predecessor of NASA, research pilot culture at, transformation into NASA of, Yeager’s views about, See also National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); specific person, program, or facility
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and accident investigation of Apollo, Agnew as chairman of, and Apollo launch, and Armstrong as celebrity, Armstrong as consultant for, Armstrong’s resignation from, and Armstrong’s September 3, 1951 episode, and Borman as Nixon’s special space consultant, and celebrations for Apollo, creation of, criticisms of, decline in support for, funding for, and goodwill tour of Latin America, Mercury project as first priority of, “mission rules” at, and Moon landing as hoax believers, NACA as predecessor of, NACA transformed into, public affairs at, and Rogers Commission
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (cont.) recommendations, and UFOs, and wives of astronauts, See also specific person, program, or facility
National Center for Resource Recovery
National Honorary Council
National Press Club
NATO Advisor Group for Aeronautical Research and Development: Flight Mechanics Panel of
Naus, Ed
Naval Aviation college Program
naval aviators: training of
Naval Research Laboratory
Naval Reserve Aviation Squadron Armstrong flies with
Naval Reserve, U.S.: Armstrong in
Naval ROTC: at Purdue
Navy, U.S.: Armstrong accepted into scholarship program of, Armstrong promoted to ensign in, Armstrong resigns from, casualties in Korean War of, and Holloway program, See also specific person or squadron
Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum (Wapakoneta, Ohio)
“Nellis Affair,”
Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada)
Nelson, Gaylord
Nelson, William
Neumeister’s Bakery (Upper Sandusky, Ohio)
New Jersey (battleship)
“New Nine,”
New Orleans, Louisiana: celebration for Collins’ return in
New Trier High School (Winnetka, Illinois)
New World Symphony (Dvorak)
New York City: goodwill tour to
NF-104 project. See F-104 Starfighter
Niefer, Earl K.
Nikolayev, Andrian
Nixon, Julie
Nixon, Patricia
Nixon, Richard M.: and Apollo 11 launch approves Borman’s call to Soviet scientists, call while on Moon walk from and goodwill tours on Hornet and Lindbergh and opening of Armstrong Museum and prayers for Apollo and return from “Giant Step” tour and return of Apollo and Soviet tour by Armstrong, and spiritual meaning of Moon landing state dinner for Apollo 11 crew of and Vietnam War
Nixon, Tricia
Noble, Harry
Noble, Vernon
North American Aviation, Inc., See also X-15 program
North American Rockwell. See North American Aviation, Inc.
North Island (California): VF-51 at
North Korea: and USS Pueblo Incident
North Pole: Armstrong journey to
North, Warren
Northrop Corporation, See also specific model of plane
NT-33A Shooting Star: Armstrong as pilot of
Oberg, James
Octave Chanute Award
Oelrich, Laura
Office of Advanced Research and Technology (OART): Armstrong with
Office of Naval Research
OFK (Official Flight Kit): of Apollo
O’Hair, madalyn Murray
Ohio: astronauts coming from, settlement of, See also specific city or town
Ohio Commission on Public Service
Ohio Historical Society
Ohio State University: Armstrong commencement address at
Okinawa: and Gemini VIII
Old Mission Cemetery (Upper Sandusky, Ohio)
olive branch: and symbolic aspects of Apollo 11 mission
olive-branch pins
Olympic Games (1968)
O’Neill, Gerard K.
Onizuka, Ellison
Orbit Attitude and Maneuvering System (OAMS)
Outer Space Treaty
“overshoot to Pasadena,” Armstrong’s
Owen-Corning Fiberglass
Paine, Thomas O.
Paine Commission
Palmer, Betsy
Panther jets: and Armstrong’s September 3, 1951, episode, Armstrong’s views about, and Banshee accident on Essex flameout problem in in Korean War MiGs compared with, and VF-51 assignment, See also specific model
Paraglider Research Vehicle (Parasev)
Paris, France: and “Giant Step” tour
Park City, Utah: Janet and Armstrong vacation in
Parker, Carroll N.
Passive Seismometer Experiment
Patrick, Edward A.
Patuxent River Naval Flight Test Center (Maryland)
Paul VI (pope)
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii)
Pearlman, Robert
Pénaud, Alphonse
Pensacola, Florida: flight training at, training of astronauts in
Perry, Chris
Perry, Emily
Petersen, Forrest S. “Pete,”
Petersen, Richard H.
Peterson, Bruce A.
Petrie, Nicholas
Petrone, Rocco A.
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
philanthropy: of Armstrong
Philip (duke of Edinburgh)
Phillips, Hewitt
Phillips, Samuel C.
pilot, Armstrong as: and Armstrong gets pilot’s license, and Armstrong’s post-Apollo 11 career, first solo flights of, “magic moments” of, piloting technique of, See also test pilot, Armstrong as
Pilotless Aircraft Research Station (Wallops Island)
pilots: views about Armstrong’s abilities by
Pinkel, Benjamin
Pinkel, Isadore Irving
pins: Gemini VIII commemoration
Pioneer Parachute Company
Piper airplanes
plaque: on Moon
PNGS. See Primary Navigation, Guidance, and Control System
politics: Armstrong’s views about
Popson, Raymond
Port Koneta airport (Wapakoneta, Ohio)
Powers, Shorty
PPKs (Personal Preference Kits)
Pratt & Whitney
Present, Stuart
President’s Commission on White House Fellowships
press conferences: for Apollo and first-out decision, and Gemini III and Gemini VIII flight, and “Giant Step” tour, of new astronauts and rumors of Armstrong’s conversion to Islam, and Soviet Luna flights
Primary Navigation, Guidance, and Control System (PNGS)
private life: Armstrong’s views about having
Propeller Research Tunnel
Purdue Exponent
Purdue University: AE program at Aero Flying Club at Aeromodelers Club at, Armstrong as student a
t, Armstrong’s activities on behalf of Armstrong’s flight to Armstrong’s graduation from Armstrong’s honorary degree from and celebrations for Apollo and Cernan at, Dean Armstrong at, Hallmark settlement donated to home economics program at, Janet Armstrong at, and mementos on Moon, Naval ROTC at
quarantine: and return of Apollo
R4D Gooneybird
Ranger spacecraft
Reaction Motors
Reagan, Ronald
Ream, H. e. “Bud,”
Reddick, E. C.
Redstone rockets
Reeder, John P. “Jack,”
reentry-heating problems
Reinhardt, Thomas T.
relativity theory
religion: and Aldrin’s celebration of Holy Communion on Moon, Armstrong, and Armstrong family background, and Armstrong’s conflict-avoidance strategy, Armstrong’s views about, and Engel family, and Moon landing, and Viola-Stephen relationship
rendezvous in space
See also specific flight
Republic Aviation
rescue concept
Resnik, Judy
Reuber-Staier, Eva
Reynolds, Osborne
Rhodes, James
Richthofen, Manfred von
Rickelton, Glen H. “Rick”: and Banshee accident on Essex and Christmas during Korean War, death of diary of, and Essex voyage to Korea, in Korean War, and news of return to U.S. assignment of
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Ride, Sally K.
Rieveschl, George
The Right Stuff (film)
The Right Stuff (Wolfe)
river Road farmhouse: Armstrong family at
Rivers, L. Mendel
Rivers, Lee R. P. “Chipper,”
RMI titanium Co.
Robbins Company
rock samples/boxes: from Apollo program, at Armstrong Museum, Armstrong takes pictures of, Armstrong’s views about, and Moon walk, and return of Apollo
Rogallo, Francis M.
Rogers Commission
Rogers Dry Lake (Nevada)
Rogers, Russell L.
Rogers, William P.
Rogers Commission
roll coupling problem
Roman, Ilan
Rome, Italy: and “Giant Step” tour
Rooney, Mickey
Rosamond Dry Lake (Nevada)
Rostine, Robert E.
Rotary National Award for Space Achievement
Royal Air Force (RAF)
Ruhe, Nick
Rummell, Rober W.
Rusworth, Robert “Bob,”
Rusk, Dean
Russell, Ernie
Russell, George E.
Russell, Rosalind
Ryan Aricraft
Ryken, John
S-IVB: astronauts visits to
Sabin, Albert B.
Safire, William
Salinger, Pierre
San Carlos Hotel (Pensacola, Florida)
San Diego, California: Armstrong assigned to
San Diego Naval Air Station: and Armstrong’s return to U.S.
Santos-Dumont, Alberto
Santos, Joe
The Saturday Evening Post: Michener’s articles in
Saturn rockets: and Apollo and Apllo and Apollo and Apollo and Apollo and Apollo and Apollo program, and assignments for astronauts, design and development of, and Gemini program, and options for lunar landing, Titan compared with and von Braun’s research
Sauflety Field (Pensacola, Florida)
SC-1 machine
Schacher, Leon
Scheer, Julian
Schirra, Walter M. Jr. “Wally”: and Apollo and Apolly Armstrong’s relationship with, and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, astronaut assignments for, celestial navigation training for complaint to Slayton about Apollo and Slayton about Apollo and Gemini program, and Holloway Plan hometown of, Houston home of and LLTV accident investigation board and Mercury project, and Moon landing, as navy pilot, personal appearnces of and rendezvous in space, retirement of
and return of Apollo and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo progra, and small towns
Schmitt, Harrison “Jack”
Schmitt, Joe
Scholarship Aptitude Test
Schoumacher, David
Schriever, Bernard A.
Schrolucke, Grace Wierwille
Schuler, Dudley
Schuler, Charles
Schwan, Harold C. “Hal”
Schweickart, Russell L
Scobee, Dick
Scott, Betty
Scott, David R. “Dave”: as air force pilot and Apollo and Apollo and Apollo launch and Apollo and Apollo and Apollo and Armstong’s character and personality, and ARPS, astronaut assignments for, astronaut training for educational background of and Gemini VIII, and Life articles about Gemini VIII and LLTV and Moon landing, motion sickness of, and PPKs, promotions for selection as an astronaut of, and SimSup, and Slayton’s meeting about Apollo program
Scott, Herb
Scott, Lurton
Scott, Walter
Scott, Wiley A
Screaming Eagles
Sea of Tranquility See also moon landing; Moon walk
Seamans, Robert C. Jr.
Sears, Norman E
Seattle, Washington: Armstrong family visit to, Armstrong’s visits to, conference on the peaceful Uses of Space in, World’s Fair in
See, Elliot M. Jr.: Armstrong’s drive to Houston with, Armstrong’s relationship with at ARPS, astronasut assignments for, astronaut training of, death and funeral of, Gemini VIII, Houston home of, Personal and professional ground of, press conferences of
See, Marilyn Jane Denahy
Seiberlich, Carl J
September, episode
Service, Ken,
service module (SM): design and development of, and most dangerous phase of Apollo See also command and service module (CSM)
Sevareid, Eric
Sevastyanov, Vitaly I
Severn School (Maryland)
Sevilla, Bernard “Benny”
Shaker Heights, Ohio: Armstong family moves to
Shapley, Willis
Shaw-Kuffner, Alma Lou
Shawnee Council Boy Scout camp (Defiance, Ohio)
Shea, Joseph F. “Joe”
Shearon, Clarence
Shearon, Janet. See Armstrong, Janet Shearon
Shearon, Louise
Shepard, Alan B. Jr.: and Apollo Armstong’s relationship with, and assignments for astronauts, astronaut assignments for character and personality of, as chief of astronaut to fly in space, health problems of, hometown of, and LLTV and Mercury project, as navy pilot and PPKs, professional experience of, and selection of astronauts
Shriver, R. Sargent
Siegel, Jerry
Sieger, Hermann
Silverstein, Abe
Simpson, Wallis
simulations: Armstrong’s views about, Armstrong’s writing and presentations about and comparison of Gemini VIII and Apollo at Edwards, electronic fixed-base, for Gemini program of Moon walk, and return of Apollo, simSup, and training for Apollo, and training of astronauts, and VTOL
Sinatra, Frank
Sistunk, Frank
The six Million Dollar Man (television show)
Skelton, Red
Skylab missions
Skyraiders: in Korean War
Slayton, Donald K. “Deke”: as air force officer, Apollo program meeting of, and Armstrong’s first words, Armstrong’s relationship with and Armstrong’s selection as an astronaut, assignment of Apollo crews by and assignments for astronauts autopbiography of, death of and first-out decision, and future of Apollo 11 crew with space program, hometown of and launch date for Apollo 11, LM assignments by and media for Apollo 11, and Moon landing and Moon walk, and Nixon’s telephone during Moon walk, and pictures of Moon walk, and PPKs, and religion on Apollo flights responsibilities of, and return of Apollo 11, Schirra’s
complaint about Apollo 2 to, selection of astronauts and selection of crew for Apollo 11, and simulations, and souvenir items of astronauts, and training of astronauts, and White’s death, and wives of astroanuats
Sleeping Indian Ranch (Colorado): Armstrong stay at
smalltown virtues
Smith, F. B.
Smith, James “Jim,”
Smith, Loren D.
Smith, Malcolm C. Jr.
Smith, Mike
Smith Ranch Dry Lake (Nevada)
Smith, Robert W.
Smith, Tommie
Smith, Wendy Jane
Smith, William
Smithsonian Institution
SNB trainers (Beechcraft)
Snider, Arthur J.
SNJ trainers
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (musical)
Society of Experimental Test Pilots
soil mechanics investigation
Solacoff, Doris “Doriem”
Solacoff, Konstantine “Kotcho,”
Solacoff Perry, Kathy
Solar Wind Composition Experiment
sound barrier: Armstrong’s breaking of X-1 breaks, 123; X-2 breaks, Yeager breaks
Soviet Union: and Apollo 11 right Armstrong’s trip to, Borman’s tour of, and criticisms of U.S. space program, as impetus for U.S. space program, and launch of Apollo 11, Luna flights of, and N-1 accident and optimism about U.S. Moon landing and Outer Space Treaty, rescue of astronauts by, Soyuz flights of space program of and space walks, Sputnik program of Zond flights of
Soyuz flights
space: Goddard’s views about Tsiolkovskii’s views about, See also space program, Soviet; space program U.S.
Space Act (1958)
Space Age: emergence of
space program Soviet
space program, U.S.: Aldrin’s views about Armstrong role in, Armstrong’s views about, benefits of Bush (George W.) plans for congressional support for, criticisms of, declining support for, emergence of, founding fathers of, future of Apollo 11 crew with, and Paine Commission, role of Apollo 11 crew in, Soviets as impetus for
Space Shuttle program
Space Task Group
space walks: and first-out decision for Gemini IV, for Gemini IX, for Gemini V, for Gemini VIII, and Gemini X, and Gemini XI and Gemini XII, and Gemini XIII of Gemini program and “mission rules,” Russian. See also specific person
Spann, Pat
sports/exercise: Armstrong views about
Springer, Ken
St. Johns, Ohio
St. Mary’s Glass Block Company
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