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His Virgin Bride

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “He’s got a point, Collette,” Cynthia said. “We’ve heard a lot of bad shit about Brandon.”

  “He showed an interest in her.”

  “Yeah, and Tillie hasn’t shown an interest in anyone else. In fact, she’s shown more interest in Kurtis than any other guy.” Cynthia surprised him by sticking up for him. He wasn’t used to it.

  “I know you guys are worried,” Tillie said, shocking them all. She’d come out of her room and approached without any of them knowing it. “You don’t have to worry. I’m fine with Kurtis. He’s not going to do anything to hurt me. I trust him.”

  She was dressed in another pair of shorts and a cropped shirt, only this time she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were rock hard and pressing against the front of her shirt. It was hard for him not to stare at the beauty. Fuck, she was turning him on.

  “I’m worried about you,” Collette said.

  “Don’t be. We’re all friends, and when the summer is over, we’ll all be friends again. It’s not going to change.” She gave him a smile, moving into the kitchen.

  She brushed past him, and it took every ounce of willpower not to grab her, and fuck her. Damn, maybe their little deal last night wasn’t going to be that good. It was going to test his control at every turn, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready to be tested that much.

  Running fingers through his hair, he checked out her ass as he made them some breakfast. They were all chatting about what they were doing. Every now and then, Tillie would respond, declining their offer to leave. When her cell phone went off, he frowned as she went back to her room to answer. If he found out that Brandon was calling, he was going to kill the little bastard.

  He didn’t like him at all.

  “That’s probably Lewis or one of her brothers,” Collette said. “They’re all very protective of her, and want to make sure she’s safe at all times.”

  “Is this your way of reminding me that I’ll get my ass kicked if I hurt her?”


  Kurtis shrugged. “I’m fine with that. I have no intention of hurting her.”

  He grabbed her food and left them behind.

  “Everything is fine,” Tillie said, talking on the phone as he entered. “Seriously, Lewis, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I’m fine.” There was a pause. “No, there’s no one else here.” Another pause, and he took a seat listening. “Honestly, you don’t have to worry, and I promise I will have fun. I miss you guys, too. I’ll phone every day if you don’t phone first.”

  The call lasted another few minutes before she hung up. She smiled at him, dropping the phone into her lap. “Sorry about that.”

  “Your brothers are worried about you. I get it.”

  “You’re an only child. Do you ever get lonely?”

  “I’ve never thought about it. Steve and Danny have been in my life for so long. You ever wanted to be an only child?”

  “No, not once. My brothers have been amazing. Don’t ever mention this, but Tristan and Jack would play dolls with me growing up so I didn’t feel left out. They were so relieved when I made friends with Cynthia and Collette.”

  He laughed imagining those large guys playing with a younger Tillie. “I’ll keep it to myself. I promise I won’t say anything.”

  “I’d be careful. They will punish you if they ever find out I told you the truth.” She chuckled along with him.

  She took the plate of food from him, and started to eat.

  “I don’t imagine they’d take that kind of shit from me.” He watched her eat. It wasn’t long before they were talking about their friends, and their struggle to understand what was going on between them.

  “Collette is worried about you,” he said.

  “She would be.”

  “Cynthia believes it’s time for you to experiment.”

  She didn’t look upset by what he’d said. “That doesn’t surprise me. She was always trying to get me out when we were younger. My brothers were on the one side trying to keep me safe. Cynthia wanted me to live my own life. She was more worried about me living my life instead of the life my brothers always wanted.”

  It made sense to him.

  “So, are you a virgin because you want to be?” he asked.

  She bit her lip, and he watched as she squirmed on the bed. “I don’t know. I mean, at first I wanted to date like every other girl. After Lewis came to my rescue more than enough times, embarrassed me and stopping what was going on. I don’t know. It just changed. The guys went from being appealing, to assholes.” She shook her head. “Before I knew what was happening we were in college, and I just didn’t want to give it up to anyone. My virginity is mine. It’s not something to be taken from me, or to just get rid of.”

  “I’m not interested in you because of it,” he said.


  “No. The moment Brandon Sparks paid attention to you, I was pissed.”

  “So this is all because you don’t want another guy to have me?”

  “Not at all. You were always supposed to be mine. I just wasn’t ready to claim you yet.”


  “You do know how insane, and crazy that is, right?” Tillie asked.

  Kurtis shook his head. “It’s not. You’ve just got to realize who you belong to.”

  She stared down at her empty plate. Climbing off the bed, she started to make her way back into the kitchen. He followed her, and she found that the house was empty. There was a letter on the table from their friends letting them know they had gone out shopping.

  “They’re gone,” she said.

  “Good. Follow me.”

  He didn’t give her the chance just to follow. Kurtis grabbed her hand, and took her toward the back yard. They exited the beach house, and he took her to the pool. Without giving her a chance to respond, he picked her up, and tossed her into the water. She screamed, and the sound was muffled by the water.

  Breaking the surface, she took a gasp, wiping the water from her face. He swam toward her, chuckling. “You could have given me a chance to get my suit.”

  “Nah, you’d have found an excuse not to come back out.” He circled around her. “Now though, you can get naked.”

  “No. You’re not naked. I’m not getting naked.”

  Within seconds, she watched his jeans sail through the air, landing onto the edge of the pool.

  “I am now.”

  Growling, she shot him a glare. Why couldn’t he just make it a little easier for her, and leave her alone?

  Turning her back to him, which was crazy considering what they’d done to each other last night, she started to wriggle out of her clothes.

  She tossed her clothes toward his. Before she could turn back to him, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and tugged her back. The hard length of his cock pressed against her back, and she moaned.

  “We’re all alone now, baby,” he said.


  “I like having you to myself. I’ve not got your friends to worry about.” He chuckled. “They don’t have a clue what we’re going to be doing to each other.”

  His hand moved from her stomach down to cup her between her thighs. She didn’t fight him, resting her head against his chest, and gasping.

  Kurtis slid a finger through her pussy. He pinched her clit then moved down to her entrance. She tensed up, and he shushed her by licking over her pulse. “You don’t have to worry, baby. I’m not going to take what you’re not ready to give. I can wait.”

  “What if I’m never ready?” she asked.

  “Then I’m more than happy to keep doing what we did last night.” He bit her ear, and she arched up. The pleasure from the bite of his teeth was just a little too much for her to handle, but she didn’t want it to stop.

  Tillie stayed in his arms, and they stayed still within the pool.

  “Do you trust me, Tillie?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You can trust me. I’ll never do anything to hurt you. I’
ll take care of you.”

  She believed him, so she nodded. “Yes, I believe you.”

  “Thank you, baby.”

  He moved her toward the edge of the pool. She squealed as he lifted her up so that was she sitting on the edge. Gripping the edge of the pool, she shot him a glare. “What are you doing?”

  “Trust me. You’re going to love what I’m about to do you.”

  She didn’t believe him, but when he spread her legs open, she froze. There was nothing between them now, and he had a clear shot between her thighs. “Don’t tense up, baby. I won’t hurt you.”

  He palmed her thighs and tugged her a little closer to the edge. Kurtis was standing between her thighs.

  “I’ve never done this,” she said.

  “You don’t need to tell me what you’ve done. I already know.”

  Kurtis sank his fingers into her hair, and tugged her down. He took a kiss, and she moaned. Kissing Kurtis was becoming one of her favorite things to do. He knew what to do with a kiss.

  Moaning, she gripped the back of his head, holding him in place as she kissed him back.

  Kurtis tugged away first, kissing down her breasts, then going down toward her stomach. She gasped as his tongue glided down her flesh, lighting a path of fire. Her pussy had to be slick, she was so aroused. This time Tillie didn’t try to stop him. She wanted his touch, craved it, and needed it.

  Looking down between her thighs, she watched as he spread her flesh. Before she knew what was happening, his mouth was on her, sucking and licking at her. She couldn’t believe how amazing it felt.

  Closing her eyes, she thrust her head back as she enjoyed what he was doing. He kept her thighs opened wide.

  “Watch me, baby,” he said.

  She stared down as he made her watch him tongue her clit, sucking it into his mouth. When he used his teeth, she cried out in pleasure. It was too much, and yet it wasn’t enough. He kept her at the brink of her orgasm and yet wouldn’t let her find release.

  “Please, Kurtis, I need you, please,” she said, panting.

  “You want to come?” he asked.


  “Then let me hear who you belong to?”

  She couldn’t believe that he was determined for her to admit she belonged to him. The pleasure he was creating with his mouth wasn’t something she wanted to give up. It was too much, and yet it wasn’t enough.

  “You, I belong to you, Kurtis Spencer,” she said.

  “Good girl.”

  He took her over the edge, and she screamed out her release, gripping onto his hair as she rode the wave of pleasure.

  Chapter Eight

  Three hours later and they were inside his room this time. They had just taken a shower together, and were camped out on his bed.

  “Earlier, you didn’t, erm, you didn’t find release,” Tillie said.

  Kurtis found her blush to be utterly charming. He’d never known a girl to blush in his presence. “I didn’t. I was more interested in eating out your pussy.”

  “Do you always have to be so blunt?”

  “You like it.”

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  He slid his hand up the inside of her thigh to cup her pussy. Just like he knew she would be, she was soaking wet. Her cream coated his fingers. Holding his slick fingers for him to see, he sucked them into his mouth, and moaned as he did.

  “I love the way you taste.”

  “I’m never going to get used to this.”

  “You better get used to it. I can’t wait until I can have you screaming out as you ride my cock. The first time I fuck you, I’ll take it nice and slow, and make sure you’re going to enjoy it. There’s not going to be any fun if you’re not enjoying it. I’m not interested in hurting you, or making you hate sex. I want you to love it so you’re more than willing to fuck my dick whenever you want to.”

  Her eyes had dilated, and her lips were open.

  “You see, baby. I’m going to spend a great deal of time fucking you once I get you where I want you. I’m never letting you go, not even if you want me to.” He moved over her, trapping her to the bed.

  Kurtis massaged her ass, spreading the cheeks open wide so that he got a good view of her asshole. “One day, after I’ve fucked your pussy, I’m going to take your ass as well.”

  “Kurtis,” she said, moaning his name.

  “What’s the matter, baby? Is that too much for you? You need me to slow down or keep on talking?”

  “You’ve got to keep on talking.”

  He smiled. This was exactly what he wanted from his woman.

  Coating his fingers in more of her cream, he pulled them back to the puckered hole of her ass. She tensed up, but he didn’t try to penetrate her ass. He took his time, stroking over her, letting her get used to the feel of him touching her ass.

  While he played with her ass, he wrapped his fingers around his cock, and started to stroke the hardening length. He loved the sight of her beneath him.

  In that moment he could admit to himself that he would imagine her in place of many of the other women he’d had before him. Fuck, Tillie had gotten into his mind and under his skin a long time ago. He was the fool who hadn’t realized it. Now, it was up to him for her to realize that was where he was with her. Kurtis had no intention of going anywhere. He was going to stay with her.

  “Kurtis,” she said, gasping his name.

  “What, baby?”

  “I want to suck your cock.”

  Her words made him pause. Did she even realize how fucking hot that sounded? He couldn’t even think straight with her.

  Climbing off her body, he watched as she turned around to face him. She pressed a hand to his stomach, and urged him down.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing, but it’s something I really want to try.”

  “Baby, you don’t see me complaining. You go right ahead and play to your heart’s content.”

  She gave him a wicked smile, and his cock pulsed with fresh arousal.

  “Are you going to teach me, Kurtis? Are you going to tell me what you like?”


  Her hand stroked down his chest until she cupped his cock. He hissed out a breath, and waited as she started to play. She licked her lips, and her gaze stayed directly on his cock. Kurtis wasn’t interested in rushing her. She looked so damn happy touching him, and he wasn’t going to stop her from doing something she clearly enjoyed.

  “What do I do?” she asked.

  “Whatever you want to. You can use teeth, but don’t bite too hard. I’m not a big fan of a lot of pain over my dick.”

  She chuckled. “Just a little pain.”

  “Only enough for me to handle.”

  Kurtis growled as she leaned down and flicked her tongue over the tip. That simple action was enough to turn him on. He was turning into a fucking pussy, and it was all because of Tillie. She turned him inside out, and had done from the first moment he met her. She was the first woman not to hang off his every word, and she never expected anything from him.

  Her entire presence in his life had been a surprise, and yet it had made him a much better person.

  She started to work his cock, going from the tip down to the base then up again, creating her own, slow pace. It was driving him crazy, and she’d not even taken him fully into her mouth yet.

  Gripping the edge of the bed, he counted to ten so that he didn’t take over, thrusting his cock deep into her mouth.

  After what felt like hours but was probably only a minute, she took the tip of him into her mouth. The moment he entered her mouth, he almost blew his load into her throat. Fuck, this had to be the hardest, yet best, experience of his life, which was such a fucking contradiction.

  “Yeah, baby, fuck, that feels good,” he said.

  She hummed around him, and that just made it all worse. The vibration was bliss, and he growled out, touching her face.

  “Fuck, baby, fuck.”

  He couldn’t stop saying
or thinking the word fuck.

  “I’m going to come soon.”

  Tillie closed her eyes, and he didn’t like it. With her eyes closed she could be thinking about someone else, and he didn’t like the thought of anyone else in this moment. She had his cock in her mouth, and it was going to be him that she thought about.

  “Open your eyes, Tillie. Look at me. It’s my dick you’re sucking.”

  She opened her eyes, and he couldn’t help it. He thrust into her mouth, going deeper into her throat. Tillie didn’t fight him. She relaxed around his length, and took him down without complaint. Why had he fucking waited?

  “Tillie, baby, you’ve got to let up or I’m going to come in your mouth.”

  A little disappointed, Kurtis accepted it as she came off his cock, and started to work his shaft. She didn’t stop, even as he came, and she pointed the tip so his cum spilt over his stomach. Some of it landed on his chest. The orgasm went on and on, and he didn’t want it to end. When it did, he became too damn sensitive to her touch, and so he made her stop with his shaking hand over hers. “You need to stop, baby. I can’t take much more.”

  “Are you a little sensitive afterward?”

  “With what you do to my dick, I’m sensitive all the time.”

  She chuckled. Her gaze landed on his cum, and he watched her nibble her lip into her mouth. “I’m sorry I couldn’t keep sucking you.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Some chicks dig it, others don’t.”

  He wasn’t going to hide his experience away from her. The difference between now and then was the fact that this time he wasn’t going back to anyone else. The women he’d been with, the one night stands, they were all over.

  Some of the strands of cum had landed on his chest. He went to move, but Tillie stopped him, pressing her hand in his cum, and pushing him down. She didn’t say anything, simply leaned in close. She pressed a kiss to his lips, and then, looking into his eyes, she leaned down, and swiped her tongue through his cum.

  It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. She didn’t stop there. She moved down his chest, licking a little more of his cum.

  “The only reason I stopped was because I didn’t want to spoil it. I’ve never been with a guy. I’ve never given head, and I’ve never swallowed.”


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