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His Virgin Bride

Page 9

by Sam Crescent


  Three weeks later

  Tillie stared at herself in the dressing room mirror. She and Kurtis had been dating for three weeks, officially, and five weeks unofficially. He kept surprising her every moment she spent with him. Even though he declared that she belonged to him, he didn’t invade her time with Cynthia and Collette. He gave her space, and he even went out with Steve and Danny while she had a girly day with her friends.

  She wasn’t allowed to sleep in her own room. He’d personally removed her clothes from the guest room, and placed them beside his stuff. Kurtis had made a space for her in his life, and she didn’t know what to make of that. Did she trust it? Did she trust him?

  He was so attentive, charming, and sweet. Who knew that Kurtis could be sweet? She hadn’t.

  They had all gone out to dinner last night in a sweet little Italian restaurant, and it had been utterly romantic. The only downside to the night was the waitress flirted outrageously with Kurtis. That wasn’t what had taken Tillie by surprise. Kurtis was a sexy man, and anyone would want him. He’s also fun to be around, which she liked. What had surprised her was the fact he didn’t pay the waitress any attention, and in fact called over her manager, and had her removed from their table for service.

  “Come on, baby, let me see.”

  She stared at the white summer dress he’d demanded that she try on. Their friends had refused to go shopping with them, and when she’d not wanted to go, Kurtis insisted that she needed to go. Tillie didn’t understand him. She didn’t want to shop to spend his money, and yet he was being a pain in the ass and insisting that she did.

  Opening the stall door, she stood in front of him. She didn’t own a dress. Yes, it was completely crazy to think that she didn’t have a single dress in her possession, but it was true. “What do you think?” she asked.

  “You look beautiful. I don’t want you to take it off.” He walked past her, bundling up her clothes, and taking hold of her hand.

  Over the past couple of weeks she’d noticed that he did this a lot where he’d take over, ordering her around. She should be pissed about it, but she found it to be quite charming about him.

  I must be going insane.

  No woman in their right mind liked being bossed around.

  Today had been kind of tense between them though. Last night she’d finally wanted to have sex, real sex, where his dick finally slid inside her. She’d expected him to be all for it, but what did she get? He turned her down.

  She didn’t think she was so irresistible that he couldn’t turn her down. They’d been messing around for five weeks, experimenting with each other. She’d even ridden his face as she sucked his cock. They’d dry humped for hours on end, kissing and touching each other. She was twenty-one years old, and she’d been more than ready to take it to the next level. What happened? He turned her down, kissed her lips, and put a movie on for them to watch. That was it.

  No sex.

  No foreplay.


  “Where are we going?” she asked, curious about the rush in him.

  “I’ve got somewhere to be, and you look perfect.” They walked up to the desk, and Kurtis snapped the tag off and pretty much ordered the assistant around. Tillie wasn’t shocked by the fact they all did exactly what he said.

  Tapping her foot she waited, uncomfortable, while he paid for the overly expensive dress. He’d insisted on a designer boutique. She’d have been happy to not go shopping. Once her old clothes were placed into a bag, Kurtis took over once again, taking her hand, and walking her back to his car.

  Once she had her seatbelt on, she turned toward him. “Are we going to talk about what happened last night?” she asked.

  He glanced over at her yet didn’t linger. She was used to his lingering looks.

  Stop sounding like a spoilt child.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “For the past five weeks we’ve done everything apart from sex. Now, you’re acting like I’m trying to steal your virginity.”

  “I told you I wasn’t going to pressure you.”

  “I don’t feel pressured, Kurtis. I was ready.”

  “Are you still ready?” he asked. “If you want I can pull this car up and we can fuck right now.”

  She shook her head, letting out a growl. “Last night we were in bed, and in private.”

  “Sorry, baby. I’ve got other plans.”

  “Why are you being so hateful?” She yelled the word, angry, and frustrated with him.

  “Look, there’s a time for us to go to the next level. Now is not that time.”

  “What? It’s my body, and I was ready. I am ready.”

  He sighed. “I’ve got something planned for you, baby.” He reached over taking her hand. “I need you to trust me.”

  Suspicion filled every part of her.

  What did he have planned?

  What was he going to do?

  He’d seemed pretty determined that morning to get her out of the house.


  She’d not heard from Cynthia and Collette.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “You’ll know soon.”

  He didn’t speak for the rest of the drive toward their beach house. The moment he pulled up, he shut off the engine, and gave her his full attention. “I want you to wear this.”

  “What is that?” she asked, staring at the piece of blank fabric.

  “It’s a blindfold.”

  “Kurtis, I’m not sure about this.”

  “I’m never going to hurt you. Never, I swear to you.”

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat, and nodded. “Okay.” Shuffling in her seat, she gave him her back, and bit her lip, waiting. He placed the blindfold over her eyes. This was showing a lot of trust.

  “I’ll be around in a moment to help you.”


  The sound of him getting out of the car, along with the door closing, seemed incredibly loud. Biting her lip, Tillie pressed her fingers to the blindfold. She couldn’t see a thing. It was a good, thick blindfold. She dropped her hands to her lap, and a second later her door was opening.

  “Come on, beautiful.”

  Her heart skipped a beat like it always did when he reached out and touched her. She climbed out of the car, and his hand rested at her hip along with him holding her hand. With his arms wrapped around her, she felt safe. Kurtis always left her feeling safe. She did trust him.

  “Right, while I’m taking you to where I want to take you, I’m going to tell you a few things.”

  They were moving achingly slowly. Blowing out a breath, she leaned a little heavily on him, waiting.

  “Okay,” she said, letting him know that she did in fact hear him.

  “Good. Now, the last three years I’ve not exactly left the best impression on you. I know that, I get it, but I want you to know I’ve changed.”

  Tillie had witnessed the difference inside him over the past couple of weeks. He was in fact a changed man, strange yet true.

  “Tillie, I’m in love with you. I’ve always been in love with you, but I’ve been too much of an asshole to see it. I’ve blindfolded you because I know you’d be too embarrassed right now for me to say this to you. I’m hoping by the time I’m done, you’ll accept my words, and relish them.”

  Her heart was pounding. He loved her, and she loved him.

  “Now, I’ve told my father about you, and my mother. They know how I feel about you, and even though you’ve never told me that you love me, I believe that you do, you just don’t know how to tell me.”

  There was a small gap of silence.

  “I do love you,” she said.


  He kept on moving. “I can be a pain in the ass, I get that. I like to be in control. I will never let you go, Tillie. You’re the love of my life, and I want you to be my wife.”

  Suddenly they stopped, and the blindfold was removed from her eyes. She blinked from t
he sudden ray of sunshine shining in her eyes. Tillie gasped as the backyard was filled with their family. Lewis, along with the rest of her brothers, was standing with an older man who looked like an older version of Kurtis.

  Pulling her attention back to Kurtis, her eyes must have widened because he got down on one knee.

  “Tillie, will you marry me?”

  “You did all of this?”

  “Yes. I even had to get you to leave with me so I could buy you something that resembled a white dress. You’re my virgin bride, Tillie. You deserved the best. So what do you say? Will you marry me?”

  This was all too much, and yet the moment she looked into his deep blue eyes, all the panic calmed within her.

  “Yes, Kurtis, I’ll marry you.”

  Chapter Ten

  “You smug little bastard,” Steve said, tugging Kurtis into his arms, and slapping his back. “I can’t believe you went ahead and married her.”

  Yes, he’d married the love of his life, who was currently surrounded by all of her brothers. He’d married her exactly like Lewis had wanted him to. Their wedding had taken place at the back of his beach house, their beach house. He’d not demanded a pre-nup even though Tillie had wanted to sign one.

  His father had witnessed her nervousness, and found her particularly charming.

  “Tell me about it, Cynthia’s told me that you know how it’s done. I can’t believe it. I’ve been dating my woman for three years, taken her on dates, done everything with her. Yet it was your marriage proposal, and five weeks of romance that won the day,” Danny said.

  “Who cares? He’s the first one of us married. Just to let you know, we’ve booked into a hotel for the night. The girls agreed that you and Tillie deserved your privacy.”

  “Thank you, man.” He shook hands with both of his best friends before making his way toward Tillie.

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, he kissed the side of her neck. “Hello, Tillie Spencer.”

  She chuckled.

  “You better treat her right,” Lewis said.

  “I will. Just so you know, we’ll still be coming to visit. My folks have bought a place out near where you live so we can all get to know each other as a family. I’m not going to be taking her away from you. You’re just going to have to put up with me.” He stood up to each of them, and let them know without question that he wasn’t going to back down, nor was he going to go away. Tillie belonged to him. She was his woman, his life, and he was going to spend the rest of their life cherishing her.

  They celebrated well into the night, and it was close to midnight when they finally saw the last guest off. Her family, along with their friends, and his mom and dad, were all staying at nearby hotels.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he rested his chin on her shoulder.

  “How are you feeling, beautiful?” he asked.

  “I’m in a little daze at the moment. I feel like at any moment I’m going to wake up.”

  “You’re not. This is very real, and there’s no escaping from this.” He turned his head, and started to kiss her neck.

  She didn’t make him wait long for her lips, and the moment he claimed them, a deep need to own every part of her overtook him.

  Ravishing her mouth, he moved her to the closest wall. Pressing her hands above her head in the grip of one of his own, he sank his fingers into her hair, fisting the length. She melted against me.

  “Tell me to stop. If you’re not ready for me, baby, I’ll stop.”

  “I want you, Kurtis. I want this, I need it, please don’t stop.”

  Staring into her eyes, he saw the lust shining back at him, showing him that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. It was the most amazing sight to him. He needed her. His cock was so damn hard, and all he wanted to do was tear her clothes off, and fuck her with a passion that scared him.

  Instead, he released her hands, and pushed the straps of her bra down her arms. She moaned, and helped by wriggling her body so that the dress fell down her body, pooling at her feet.

  Next he removed her bra so that she stood before him naked.

  “You’ve got me. Now, what are you going to do with me?” she asked.

  He knelt before her, kissing the rounded curve of her stomach. She gasped, arching up into his touch. Kurtis loved watching her relax and let go.

  “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he said.

  Sliding his fingers up the inside of her thighs, he teased her legs open. Finally looking away from her eyes, he stared at her creamy pussy that was glinting at him. She was so fucking creamy, juicy even.

  He needed to taste her. Before he even made it to his bedroom, he wanted to taste her, explore her, and devour her. Kurtis stroked his tongue through her slit, teasing around her clit. She sank her fingers into his arms as he held her hips, keeping her steady.

  “Lift your thigh for me,” he said, muttering the words against her pussy.


  She lifted her leg, and Kurtis took advantage, nibbling on her little clit.

  “That feels so good,” she said, whimpering in pleasure.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Tillie. Once I take what belongs to me, I’m going to show you how damn good it can be between us.”

  He flicked his tongue over her clit repeatedly before sucking the swollen bud into his mouth. She shook in his arms, and he wanted her cream.

  “Come for me.” He couldn’t pull away from her pussy even if he wanted to. She was so fucking beautiful, and her taste was addictive.

  Her stomach shook as he pushed her toward orgasm. Only when she screamed his name, and begged him to stop, did he swipe his tongue over her pussy a final time, then get up.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he plundered his tongue into her mouth. “Do you taste yourself? You’re fucking perfect, baby. So damn perfect.”

  He moaned, sinking his fingers into her hair.

  “Fuck me, Kurtis,” She said.

  “Oh, I’m going to fuck you, baby. I’m going to have you begging for me.”

  He led the way toward his bedroom. He had always planned for Tillie’s first time to take place in a bed. Kurtis wanted to take her virginity, and for her to remember it completely.

  Placing her down on the bed, he stepped back, and tugged off his shirt. He smiled as her gaze followed a path down his body. In quick time he stood before her completely naked.

  “Do you like what you see?”

  “Yes, and it’s all mine.”

  “You better believe it, baby. No one is ever going to have me again. I belong to you, just as you belong to me.” He took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. Kurtis tilted her left hand toward him, and kissed the gold band that decorated her hand. “You’re beautiful, and you’re all mine.”

  “You’re very possessive.”

  “And you better get used to it.”

  She turned her head to his hand, and pressed a kiss over the band on his finger. “Then you better expect the same.”

  He smiled. “You going all possessive on me is turning me on. It’s fucking hot.”

  Pressing a kiss to her lips, he started to push her up against the bed until she fell against the pillows.

  “You’ve got to use a condom,” she said.

  “I’m going to. I’m not ready to share you with a kid yet.”

  She smiled, touching his face. “I can’t believe this is my wedding night.”

  Claiming her lips again in another searing kiss, he bit her lip before sliding down the bed to suck her nipples, giving each of them his undivided attention.

  “Please, Kurtis, I can’t take anymore.”

  Kissing the tips of her breasts, he reached over his bedside to grab a condom. Kneeling on the bed, he felt her eyes on him as he tore into the condom, sliding it over his length. He was careful to press the tip so that no air was inside.

  Moving back over her, he kissed her deeply. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “I’m more than ready.
I want you, Kurtis. I belong to you.”

  She was his virgin bride. He’d never gone out with the intention of her remaining a virgin until now, but once he started making the arrangements for their wedding, he’d not been able to stop.

  Staring into her eyes, he aligned the tip of his cock to her entrance.

  Tillie swallowed, and her hands were poised on his arms. Neither of them moved.

  “I love you, Tillie. You’re my whole world.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Kissing her one final time, Kurtis tensed, slamming the entire length of his dick inside her. He pushed through her virginity, feeling it tear as he seated himself at the hilt within her. She screamed out, and Kurtis wrapped his arms around her, surrounding her with his warmth in the hope of taking away some of the pain. He didn’t want her to hurt.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”

  And he wasn’t ever letting her go. Tillie belonged to him, and he was more sure of that now than ever before.


  Tillie was shocked by the pain of his claiming. Sure, she didn’t think she’d get away with just a sting, but she’d not expected it to be this painful. It was like a burning between her legs. Kurtis wasn’t a small man, and so of course it would hurt.

  The hot length of him pulsed between her thighs, and she gritted her teeth.

  “Ouch,” she said, trying not to think of it.

  Kurtis kissed her lips, and she moaned, leaning up to press her lips to his. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  She didn’t regret it, not for a second, and it hadn’t even got to the good part.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Like someone with a very large cock has fucked me.”

  He chuckled. “I can live with a very large cock. I was going to say medium.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh, and the action had him driving a little deeper inside her. It didn’t hurt her, and she moaned, pressing up against him.

  “Fuck, baby, if you keep doing that, I’m not going to last.”

  “I need you to move. I want to feel you, Kurtis. All of you. Don’t hold back.”

  He locked their fingers together, pressing them on either side of the bed. She stared up into his eyes as he slowly eased out of her body. She winced at the action, but it wasn’t painful, simply new.


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