by Karen Harley
"On yourself?"
Was he kidding? "Of course," she said irritably. Once, and it was squishier, and smaller, and I threw it away after that one time.
"No of course about it. Have you ever, er, allowed another person to use one on you?"
She felt him rest the dildo on her leg. "No. Are you being gender-neutral deliberately?"
"Sensitive, sensitive." His eyes ate her up. Again she had that sensation of being prey. Oh, God.
"Is that feeling good?" He nodded at her hand.
She flushed. She'd forgotten what her fingers had been doing. She'd only wanted to turn the tables on him, anyway. They quickly fell away.
"Hey, I wasn't trying to embarrass you. I'm serious. Is that how you like to be touched? The way you were sliding your fingers here, and here?" He demonstrated.
Jasmine felt herself turn to liquid. If you think your touch and my touch have anything to do with each other, you're crazy. But there's no way I'm admitting that aloud.
"One more question, Jas. Have you ever played with delaying your own orgasm?"
To answer that was impossible. Her lip stung under the clamp of her teeth.
"I'll take that as a no. So here's the thing." That made-for-sex voice was very much in evidence now. "I'm going to do things to you. I'd like you to just lie back and let me. I'm not going to hurt you. It will be frustrating as hell for a while, but I think—I hope—you'll like it."
Her belly clenched. "What are you planning to do?"
"Nothing too kinky. I'll be a good boy. I won't take off your bra or even play with your tits. But here's what you have to do. There's a line between pleasure and pain. I want you to tell me when you're crossing it. Do you understand?"
She tried to, but it was hard with his fingers making lazy circles around her clitoris like that.
His fingers abruptly stilled. "Sorry. This is important, sweetheart. You'll be crying and I won't stop, but if you tell me it's too much, I will. Just say, 'It's too much.' Okay?"
His palm brushed her belly. Just that almost sent her into an orgasm. She nodded tightly.
He continued to rub her abdomen for a few minutes.
Then he picked up the dildo again and trailed its tip along her inner thigh, across the pad of her crotch, and lower, until the head rested on the entrance to her vagina. The touch was so light it almost wasn't there.
An instinctive tensing in her loins prepared her for penetration.
But there was no penetration. He set it down in that position.
She peered up at him through heavy eyelids. With that expressionless look of his, he watched his own fingers stroke her thighs.
He looked impassive in exactly that way when he played with those silly children's toys. Even when he drove, sometimes. Intense. Nothing overtly sexual, only now she could not see it that way. Everything about him was sexual.
The caresses on her thighs were starting to drive her crazy. She considered bringing her legs together.
"No, don't do that. Can you keep them wide apart?" he said. She blinked. How had he known, she hadn't even…oh. His fingers must have picked up on the tensing of her muscles.
"It's kind of difficult when you do what you're doing."
He smiled. Not a wicked smile, or smug, or anything annoying. Just as if he were very happy.
The stroking on her thighs deepened into massaging. Jasmine's head fell back and she relaxed. Her eyes drifted shut.
She felt his hands sweep along her hips and meet at her waist. For some reason, she was reminded of the presence of the dildo, just barely brushing the slit of her entrance. Her hips twitched. That ridiculous sex toy was starting to be irritating. She really wanted to close her thighs now.
Something warm and firm stroked down the middle of her vulva.
Jasmine's eyes shot open.
He was watching her, his hand between her legs. "Okay?"
"Yes." It's just that my juices are running so thick and fast now that they're probably soaking the covers of your bed. But you know that already, because your finger's there, and besides, you can see everything.
He frowned a little, withdrew his finger, and repositioned the dildo, tilting it. She sucked in a breath of relief and anticipation for the thrust.
It penetrated about three millimeters, and then stopped.
Jasmine's gaze shot to his. Did he not know how much she needed penetration?
How could he know? Last he heard, I told him I didn't want him using it.
"Yeah, Jas?" He was still frowning, moving his body closer, bringing his leg over.
"You can…I changed my mind. You can try the…that…sex toy thing."
His eyebrows lifted. "Thanks."
Her head fell to the side. She felt the firm pressure at her vagina. The hard shaft was firmly lodged now. Not inside, yet, but soon…
Not that soon, though. She wanted to cry. One warm finger, trailing wetness from her own body, wandered down her ribcage, her hips.
Oh. It did feel good, but she was a little past wanting to be lightly stroked now. Jasmine's knee rose, seeking pressure between her legs.
"Try not to do that," he said. "Can you let your legs relax apart?"
That same finger swirled along the inside of her arm, lingering on the crease of her elbow, then up under the arm and over her collar bone and down between her breasts to her navel.
"Jasmine, your legs…"
"Oh." She was twisting them again. She tried to focus on keeping them straight.
The finger followed a straight path downward to her clitoris, and then two fingers pinched her.
She gasped and arched. Wetness gushed.
She felt him grasp that thing she'd become so focused on now. That hard plastic rod that was no longer anything in her mind but a source of pressure she badly needed. He moved it. Her hips thrust upward.
"Down, sweetheart. Try to relax."
Dazed, she opened her eyes. Relax? What was he—
The dildo twisted, turned, and—
Stayed where it was.
"Matt!" she cried out.
He bent over, his head came forward, and he gently took her clitoris between his teeth and tugged.
Oh, God. It hit her. What a dolt.
He was doing this deliberately. He wasn't going to move that rod.
A tide of unbearable heat raged through her. Jasmine moaned. She began to squirm and flail as she realized she wasn't going to get what she wanted.
And then Matt came down on her like iron, his hands pinning her arms spread, his legs thrusting between hers to keep hers widespread.
"Wait…" he said hoarsely. "Don't fight. Please."
Her gaze clung to his.
"I want…"
"Yeah. I know. It'll be worth it. I promise. I'm going to let your hand go. Can you keep it where it is?"
"I don't know, maybe—oh, God, Matt, what are you doing?"
But it was obvious. He was putting that damn plastic thing right back where it had been, on the cusp of entering her, and while he did it he rubbed his fingers back and forth across her clit.
Jasmine lost it again. She began to fight him like a she-devil. Once again, her arms and legs were pinned.
"Remember—do you remember—what I told you?"
It was Matt, she reminded herself through the fog of lust. Not some stranger trying to torture her with her own arousal.
"Pleasure—and pain. You need to focus—and tell me."
"All right," she almost yelled.
"I'll give you a couple of minutes."
She used that time to concentrate on her breathing. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She'd never gone crazy like that in her life. The feelings were still coursing through her, heat and tingles and an almost savage lust that made her want to rip the bedcovers with the claws of her fingers.
She nodded.
"I'm going to let go of your arms. Can you ke
ep them down? And your legs?
"I don't know."
"I want you to try."
"You know why."
"You keep saying that, and no, I don't!"
"Okay. I want you to keep your arms and legs down because it turns me on. And I think it turns you on."
How did he know? She wasn't even sure he was right. This wasn't like being turned on. This was feeling like if you didn't get touched in exactly the right place in the next moment, you were going to die.
So just tell him it's too much. He'll stop. You know he'll stop.
But she didn't.
When he released his grip and cautiously moved back, she was compliant. Staying still took every bit of her focus.
"Good. That's good." He kissed her belly, moved down lower, and she braced herself because now she knew what he was going to do.
Yes. The rod against her entrance. Pushing in just enough to feel herself stretched. She clenched spasmodically, trying to consume it. Couldn't. He kept it teasingly at bay.
And Matt's lips around her clit. Clinging.
Tears seeped out of her eyelids.
While she quivered, said prayers, and basically worked herself up to a heart attack, he kissed, licked, and tormented her.
It was impossible to stay still. Her limbs flung about like she was having a fit. But with all the writhing, she managed not to fight him.
What was even harder than not fighting him was not blurting out stupid things. Things that he wouldn't want to hear.
When he began to suckle more vigorously, though, Jasmine utterly failed to stop herself. Her hips jerked upward. The orgasm began to—
He pulled away.
She cried out helplessly.
"Okay, okay, sweetheart. Hold on. Let it fade. I'm going to move this thing away now."
She trembled. Oh, God. That was so close.
The dildo was suddenly gone. The relief was immense, not to have that pressure teasing her constantly. She sobbed.
But then his fingers were there.
Just where the dildo had been. Almost inside. Now in just a bit. Pulling apart. Stretching her. She thrust upward.
The fingers jerked out.
"Keep your hips down, Jas. If you stay still, I'll keep coming. But if you come forward, I'm pulling away. Got it?"
Jasmine whimpered.
"Tell me."
"I'm going to keep you on the edge for a while. Your body is going to try to come. When it does, I'm going to stop. The feelings will subside for a bit. Then they'll build again. When it starts to get really bad, you remember what to tell me?"
"Good. Before we do that, though, I'm getting a condom."
Jasmine could not stop shaking as she waited for him to unwrap the packet and roll the condom down his cock. He was going to fuck her tonight. Really fuck her.
His face still had no expression when he climbed back on the bed, this time stretching out beside her. But he was shaking, too. She could feel it when he touched her.
"You ready?"
"No," she said honestly. Delayed orgasm was one thing. Having Matt finally inside her was something else.
"You want me to wait?"
"I feel like I'll die if you wait," she said frankly.
"Oh, God, Jasmine. I—fuck. Just hold on to me."
It didn't take him long to bring her to the point of orgasm again. A few strokes with his fingers, and she was about to convulse. How he was able to sense it she had no idea. But he did just what he promised. The climax began, and he halted it and eased her down. Up and down. Rinse and repeat. Again and again.
She was crying by the end, just as he said.
One thing became clear to her. She was never going to tell him to stop. Never going to tell him it was too much. But it was.
It had been too much from the beginning.
So she just let him drive her to the edge until she was mindless. There was nothing to do but feel, respond, hold onto his arm, let him move her like a puppet. And silently tell him everything she'd always wanted to tell him.
At one point, he mounted her. She didn't know when or what changed. He was just there, and then his cock was pushing inside her, and she was coming around him, her whole body shuddering in a quake of epic proportions.
It didn't stop. He fucked her with hips that moved like pistons, their bodies so tight she felt like her bones were melding to his.
Orgasm followed orgasm. She didn't know what she said, what she did. Just that he was with her and close and giving her everything she'd ever wanted.
And he didn't just give, he took, too. She knew exactly when he came; his face became stony, he closed his eyes, and he drove in so hard she couldn't stop clenching, clenching on him. She felt him shuddering and smelled his lust, and he held her so tightly it hurt.
And then, unbelievably quickly, it was over.
They lay there, him inside her and her clasping him, their hearts thundering, for what felt like an endless age…until abruptly he jerked. "Shit. The condom."
They separated gingerly. "Is it okay? Did it leak?"
"No. I'm sorry. That was stupid."
No condom leakage.
"No harm done," she said blankly. And if it had? Wild thoughts. Foolish thoughts.
He looked at her.
"Are you okay?" he said.
She tried to answer, but that didn't work. When she finally found her voice, it enunciated something like "yes" or "fine"—she wasn't sure which.
She even managed to ask him the same question. Her ears kept straining for an answer that never came.
Maybe he hadn't heard her.
He got up to dispose of the condom, then came back into the bed and lay on his back, staring at the ceiling for a while.
"It's almost midnight, Jasmine."
She felt her gut tighten sickeningly.
"Did we really…"
"Fuck for four hours? Yeah."
"I guess we got through it, then."
His recoil was subtle, almost undetectable.
"Yeah. It's over."
That pretty much covered it, she thought.
He said abruptly, "You can stay here tonight if you don't want to go back to your place."
She looked at him quickly.
"There's the couch. Harrison won't mind."
Eight to midnight.
No leakage.
She shook her head. "I need to go." She sat up and looked around a little wildly.
"Come here." Matt stood up and pulled her up. Standing on two legs turned out to be difficult. Her muscles weren't working properly.
He steadied her, taking obvious care not to touch their bodies.
"Wait. I'll find your clothes."
She lingered, bemused, as he tracked down every item of clothing she'd come with, plus the earrings she'd left last time and her purse. While she dressed, he straightened up the room. Bag. Packaging. Sex toy. He rolled them up in a towel and threw it on the chair.
When he picked up the printout that had fallen to the floor, he seemed to debate with himself. Then he handed the paper to her.
She took it and combed her fingers through her hair.
He looked at her face.
In the other room, a door slammed. Harrison must be back.
Matt shook his head. "Wait. Let him…"
They waited in silence. By the time Harrison had shut the door to his bedroom, it was already a quarter past midnight. She'd put on her coat already. They didn't touch each other or acknowledge each other the entire time.
Only then did Jasmine let herself out of his bedroom. She thought maybe Matt would come with her, but he turned away with a brief wave and closed the bedroom door behind her.
She didn't look back as she left.
Well, this was awkward.
Harrison stood stiffly in Sara's living room, keeping hi
s distance, his Adam's apple bobbing. Pencil was bouncing around his legs, but for once Harrison wasn't paying him any attention.
"Come on, you." Sara scooped up the dog and plopped him in the kitchen, closing the door on him. Pencil howled a few times, then was silent. Probably curling up by his bowl of water, Sara guessed.
"So," she said, biting her lip. "You want something to drink?"
"No way," Harrison said incredulously. She winced. Oh, yeah. He'd be regretting that drunk in a big way tonight. If not for his overindulgence of port Tuesday night, he wouldn't be here tonight in Sara's apartment, about to start the Challenge with her.
Two friends having sex. Supposedly to help each other. One night a week. Eight to midnight.
Let week one commence, thought Sara.
"Oh, right. Okay. So…how was your day today?"
Harrison blinked. "It was fine."
"What did you do? Lecture? Grade papers?"
"I'm not teaching this quarter."
"Oh, right." Dumdum! She knew that. She was even more nervous than she'd realized.
Although her pre-date obsessing hadn't been that bad, considering. The biggest hurdle had been what to wear. The clothes she'd worn to work? As long as she was showering, anyway, then she figured she might as well put on something nicer.
But how nice? Harrison was used to seeing her in her casual clothes, jeans, sometimes a regular dress. Something too fancy might freak him out.
But she had to at least try to get him out of that frustrating see-Sara-as-a-sibling mode. Something low-cut or see-through? Tacky. This was Harrison, after all. If she approached him wearing an outfit one of his girlfriends might wear, he'd look at her with those puppy dog eyes like she'd betrayed him.
In the end, she'd chosen a short-sleeved fitted black V-neck tee embroidered with little butterflies and a pair of her sexiest skinny jeans. The wild card? No underwear. The lack of a bra put her breasts lower a couple of inches and assured that her nipples were clearly evident through the fabric. So he'd probably realize she was braless. But it was doubtful he could tell she wasn't wearing panties until her jeans were off.
"Sara…this is crazy," Harrison said now. "Are we really going to do this?"
"We said we were. I'm going to. Are you?"
"Well, I'm here. And they're doing it." He nodded towards the door. Sara knew he was talking about Jasmine and Matt, whom they'd left out in the hallway to start their part of the Challenge. "So I guess it's happening. But I still think it's a bad idea."