by Karen Harley
"Well, I don't," she said. "Look, it's not like we didn't go over all this before. We decided to do it, and here we are. We might as well go into the bedroom and get started."
She held her breath to see if that would fix his wagon. He was tipping back and forth on each forefoot, looking as skittish as a wild horse, and she wouldn't be surprised to see him just stomp out.
"I want to get it straight first. What we're doing."
We're going to fuck like bunnies, Sara almost blurted out. But she clamped her lips together. He was right. This wasn't just about living out her fantasies, as much as she wanted it to be.
"I'm going to teach you how to have a good time with a woman," she said. "Is that straight enough?"
"And how are you going to do that?"
"Who knows?" What she really meant was that she hadn't yet narrowed down which of the thousand ways to seduce him she'd imagined, but she refrained from saying that.
"That doesn't exactly help." He frowned disapprovingly. "Look, I don't like not having a plan." He went over to the sofa and plopped down, folding his legs up, then reached in his pocket for his mini tablet and stylus. Sara watched in disbelief as he started to tap.
"What are you doing?"
"Have…a…good…time. Okay. What does that involve?"
"Yeah, obviously. I mean specifically. Are you going to play music? Feed me bonbons? Teach me to dance? What?"
She smothered a giggle and strolled over. "Um, no. I was thinking more like taking off your clothes with my teeth."
His fingers were arrested. He peered up at her. "C'mon, get serious. Just let me be anal about this, okay? This is hard enough on me as it is."
"I understand. I am serious, though. Well, maybe not my teeth. But we do need to get naked, right? And then we'll go ahead and do the sex thing. Do you really want to write everything down?"
He stared at the tablet. "Yeah. I think I do."
"Well, okay." She closed her eyes and wrinkled her nose. "I guess I was thinking about sucking your toes one by one into my mouth. Then maybe giving you a massage all over. Back first, then front. And then maybe taking a shower with you and soaping you from head to foot. Um…what else…"
"That's enough," he said hoarsely.
Her eyes flew open. Whoa. Caught you. Harrison was actually staring at her body. Sara felt giddy. Was it really so easy? Was this going to work?
He cleared his throat. "Sara, you really want to do that kind of stuff with me?"
Why did he sound so astonished? "Well, sure. I mean, that's how to give you a good time, right? Surely lots of girls do that kind of thing with you."
He shook his head as if to clear it. "Some. Yeah. But…you? I know that's the kind of thing you must do with your boyfriends. But you can't want to do that with me."
Okay, she needed to nip this in the bud right now. She faced him with her hands akimbo. "Listen, Harrison. I know you think of me as your little sister. But I'm not, okay? I'm not even remotely related to you by blood. I mean, we're friends and buddies, yeah. But it's not like it's incest if we had sex. And I do know about guys."
He gave her a once-over that made her nipples peak. "I know you know about guys. You obviously know too much about guys." He sounded annoyed.
"And that's the other part of it, remember? Are you going to tell me your plan for me? To help me so I—"
"Sure." She had the distinct feeling he was formulating his plan right now. He was really angry, she realized. "Do you have a chastity belt?"
Sara's mouth fell open. "What?"
"Because that's my plan. Unfortunately, I don't have one. I've never even seen one. So the plan is…you're going to keep your jeans on all night. Don't take them off, except to, uh, use the bathroom."
"But—but—why? And how are we supposed to have sex if I'm wearing my jeans?"
"Without penetration. Your plan doesn't say anything about penetration. Just that we have sex. Which if you know anything about it, then you have to know is not just about intercourse."
Oh, God. She'd wanted to bring him out of his shell. To get him to look at her as a woman for once. But this was too much. "Do you usually talk to your girlfriends like this?"
"No, of course not. But you're not my girlfriend. You're my friend friend. And I want it to stay that way. If I fuck yo— I mean if I —"
"You can say it. Fuck me."
He winced. "If I put my penis in your vagina, then I'd have to treat you like a girlfriend."
"Just trust me."
"Well, would that be so bad?"
He wasn't going to help her with this one, she saw. She wanted to stomp her foot. "How is this supposed to be good for me?"
"Hell, I don't know. Didn't I hear you say something the other night about not being able to say no to guys? I guess you'll have a hard time saying yes with your pants on."
She'd never realized he thought she was so slutty. She bit her tongue and made herself speak evenly. "Yes, but the other part is that I'm always helping guys feel better and don't get it back. How is keeping my jeans on supposed to make me feel better?"
He looked thunderstruck.
She softened. "Harrison, you're not getting the whole point of this thing. The idea is for you to unlearn your habits, or at least, change them. You have a habit of penetrating your partners, right?"
He flushed. "Right."
"And you said Jean wasn't satisfied in bed, right?"
"That's a low blow."
"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be mean. You said it yourself, even if you were toasted when you did. So obviously you're not happy about it or you wouldn't have mentioned it. So don't you want to learn how to satisfy a woman in bed?"
"I already know—look, I'm not a newbie to sex or a selfish bastard. I just—"
"I didn't say you were. Boy, you don't like constructive criticism, do you?"
Now his face was livid. "Sara, you don't have anything to criticize. I've never even touched you. You have no idea how satisfied women are in bed with me."
"I know, and it's looking like I never will. Which is just great." She knew she was getting too emotional, but she was still reeling from the jeans-stay-on thing. "I thought we were both on board. But whatever. I knew you'd get out of this some way or other because of your stupid big-brother complex. I just didn't know it would be this way."
"I'm not trying to get out of this. I just don't want to stick my dick in you and I want your jeans on. That doesn't mean I don't want to put my hand down your pants and feel you get wet all over my fingers and…ah, fucker."
Her hand flew to her mouth.
"Forget I said that."
"Do you want to do that?" she breathed, kicking off her shoes and collapsing onto the other end of the sofa, wrapping her arms around her knees.
"Well, obviously." His voice was stiff. "I like sex, who doesn't? And you're, you're…" He gestured. "I'm not a great lover or anything. I know that."
"I didn't say—"
"My problem with women, since you bring it up, is that I don't give them enough attention. It's hard for me to stay focused on them. They want to be wined and dined and romanced, and I don't know how to give them what they want."
"If you know that's what they want and you can't give it, then why do you go out with them in the first place?"
He shrugged.
"I'll tell you why you go out with them. You go out with them just because they asked. In fact, now that I think of it, we have the same problem. You can't say no."
He opened his mouth, then shut it again.
"We both need to learn to be more assertive about what we want."
"I'm plenty assertive."
"Are you? I think you say 'yes' way more than you say 'no.'"
"You could be right," he allowed.
"I'm absolutely positive there are women out there who don't care about being wined and dined." Beca
use I'm one, myself. "You just have to find them."
He spoke warningly. "I don't want you setting me up with anyone, Sara."
"Why would you think I'd—"
"It's the kind of thing you do. You get involved. Like this thing. The Challenge."
She couldn't argue with that.
He flung his head back onto the sofa back, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. "Okay. Look. This is what we'll do. You keep your chastity jeans on. That's non-negotiable." He shot her stern look. "But we focus on you. Only you. I pleasure you. All those things you were going to do to me, I'll do to you."
Sara drew in a breath, shocked.
"Maybe not the shower," he mused. "Although…no, I think we can do the shower. Even with your jeans."
"Thats…that's…not what I had in mind at all."
"Too bad." He reached over and took hold of her foot.
She regarded him suspiciously. "You just want to do it the way you say because I bruised your ego a minute ago about not satisfying women."
"Yeah, probably." He was peeling off her sock, which had dragonflies on it. His hand held her bare foot and he regarded it thoughtfully.
"But what about you? What if you get turned on?"
He glanced sideways at her with a look of disbelief.
"I know, it's a stretch." She rolled her eyes. "But it might happen. And if it did, you'd get frustrated. What then?"
Now his expression was definitely when-did-you-manage-to-grow-that-other-head. He shook his head exasperatedly.
"Harrison? I mean it. I think you're being—" She let out an involuntary sound and suddenly realized that he'd been stroking her ankle and the sensation was like having her clitoris stroked.
She yanked her foot back. She looked down at it and then back at him accusingly.
"What's wrong?"
"Uh—" She felt foolish. "What were you doing?"
"Touching your foot."
"Oh." That was the plan, she remembered. Sucking every one of his toes. Only now my toes are the ones scheduled to be sucked. Oh, God.
He held out his hand. "Can I have it back?"
"Uh, sure." Tentatively she moved her leg. But he didn't start stroking her. He was frowning down at her foot.
"Sara, were you serious just now? About my getting turned on?"
"Yes, of course. See, a man's body—"
"I know all about a man's body," he interrupted dryly. "What I mean is, how were you planning to have sex with me if you didn't think I'd get turned on by you?"
"Oh. Well, guys are pretty simple, right? It's not hard to make a guy, well, hard, is it? I've learned some things, working in a massage therapist's office. You'd be amazed how easy—"
"I really don't want to know."
"But you asked."
He sighed. He set her foot down on his lap. She felt his tensile swimmer's legs under her calf and had to fight the urge to scuttle closer.
"So you think if you use your special techniques to make a guy hard you could manage to give me an erection."
"I definitely could. I'm sure of it."
"That is amazing."
"You don't believe me?"
Now he looked flabbergasted. "You're really serious, aren't you?"
"I could too do it, Harrison." She suddenly wanted to cry. "But anyway. It doesn't matter. It's not like I'll get to touch you tonight. Although I do think you might be surprised to find that even fondling somebody who reminds you of your sister could make you a little bit aroused when things start getting hot."
"I don't have a sister."
"Whatever." Her knee folded up and she realized he'd moved a bit closer and was taking her foot and rubbing the tender sole firmly with his large thumb. Her foot was tucked into the fold of his crotch.
"Mm." God, what he was doing felt good.
He sighed again. "Haven't you noticed—never mind. Why don't you lie down?"
She did so cautiously, accepting the cushion he offered her for her head.
The next few minutes were pretty luxurious, she had to admit. She loved having her foot rubbed, pressed, stroked, probed. When he was done with the first one, she started to offer her other leg.
"No, it's toe-sucking time," he told her. He was grinning. A very sweet look, but somehow mischievous.
She couldn't help smiling back. "Okay." She wiggled her toes.
The sight of her foot rising in his hand to his mouth was such a turn-on just on its own that Sara had a premonition of…
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
His tongue. His lips. Rubbing over not just one toe, but the whole row of them, side to side. Just the pads.
It was like he'd just pressed his mouth against her pussy.
This time she managed not to yank her foot away. But it was close.
Now his teeth were there. Barely biting, just scraping, nibbling on each toe. And then, when she felt like the sensations were almost crossing the border into pain, he sucked in her big toe all the way.
Sara's head fell back.
She barely noticed Harrison shift position. Her universe had now shrunk down to her toes, toes that she'd had no idea were so all-fired sensitive before now. She was dimly aware of her hips twitching, of the moisture that rushed to her sex. One toe after another. Gentle, warm suckling.
"Okay, now let's do the other one."
His husky voice almost knocked her out of her erotic trance. Her eyes flew open.
He was watching her face, his own features flushed. It hit her then. He could probably tell exactly how aroused she was. He must have seen that thrust of her hips that she couldn't control. She wouldn't be surprised if some of her moisture had even seeped through her jeans. She'd embarrassed him.
"Oh, my God, I'm sorry!" She did jerk her foot away this time, clutching it protectively as if she could compress out the sensations still tingling there.
"Why are you sorry?"
"I got…what you just did kind of…turned me on."
"Kind of turned you on?"
She flinched. "I don't know what happened. That's never happened to me before. I'm sorry, I, uh…"
"Why do you keep apologizing?"
"I don't know. I guess…well, you look like you're really uncomfortable. Do you want to stop this? It must be so weird. Maybe we should just stop this."
If he'd looked flabbergasted before, now he looked dumbfounded. "Uncomfortable? Sara, what are you talking about?"
She was confused. She, too, was beginning to think they weren't having the same conversation. "Look, let's just start over. I think you might be right and this whole thing is a bad idea. Maybe we should just stop it," she said again.
"I don't want to stop it now."
"You don't?"
"Sara, are you that clueless?" She felt him haul up her leg, the other one, the one that still had the sock on its foot. She felt him twist it unceremoniously so the bottom of her foot pressed deeply into his crotch.
Sara gasped.
"Now are we on the same page?"
She nodded dumbly.
"No more wondering about whether I might possibly get a little bit aroused from fondling you?"
She shook her head.
"No more accusing me of treating you like a sibling?"
Her mouth opened, but nothing came out.
"Sara, I've never, not once thought of you as a sister."
"But…you said I was the sister you never had. You always say things like that."
"How do I know what having a sister feels like? I just meant that I appreciate you as a platonic friend. But I don't have any trouble getting hard around you. Believe me."
This was surreal. Like the world had rotated a hundred and eighty degrees.
"But then why were you so against the idea?"
"I told you. You mean too much to me to ruin our friendship, and I always screw things up in the romance department."
"Oh. Then…"
"No. We'r
e not stopping now. I don't want to. I can't watch you almost have an orgasm right there on the sofa and just stop, Sara. I'm sorry, but I'm not that noble."
She found her voice. "I didn't exactly—well, I guess I did. But I wasn't trying to, um, do it. It just happened."
"Yeah, I know. I want to do that to your other foot now. Then I want to do everything you said, starting with your taking off your tee-shirt. I know you're not wearing a bra. Okay?"
She nodded.
She lay back and let him do it. The other foot's tease happened just as before, only he started by licking and nibbling her heel, and then the deep arch, and then finally, when she couldn't bear another minute, her toes. Sara didn't even try to control the moan that came out of her throat then. Nor did it occur to her to resist taking her other foot and sliding it back and forth over that huge, stiff, unbelievable erection that strained his pants so blatantly she couldn't believe she'd missed it before.
"Sara, did you hear me? Come on. Sit up."
Oops. She hadn't heard him, but now she did she could only respond like a puppet. She felt her arms lifted and her tee shirt tugged over her head and then the cool draft wash over her bare nipples.
There was a moment when everything was motionless.
"Do you have any idea how sweet your tits are?"
Then his hands were there, massaging both her breasts firmly, fondling both nipples at the same time, pulling them taut, stroking and plucking them. She couldn't stop squirming. "Please don't stop," she begged, watching his long-fingered hands work their magic. She felt him lower her onto her back, still caressing one breast while his mouth came down on the nipple of the other one and sucked it hard. His teeth started working on it at the same time he pinched the other nipple.
She felt the dual sting like a bolt of lightning in her vagina.
"Oh, damn, damn." And then her hand was grabbed and shoved against his crotch. She felt him jerk, heard his low groan, and then warmth seeped through his pants and into her palm.
Sara twisted to a half-sitting position to put her other palm over him and worked him with both hands through his pants. She looked up at his face, contorted in adorable masculine anguish for several exquisite seconds before his climax subsided and it went slack.