by Karen Harley
Then she just had to kiss him.
At first he seemed to flinch, but then his lips were soft and full and clung to hers, and his tongue thrust deep. That made her wild. On her knees now, she grabbed his shirt front and almost tore the buttons off, she was so desperate.
"Oh, God, Sara, I didn't—"
"Please let me touch you."
He hesitated, then shifted her until she was straddling him. She strained to get closer, hugging him with her thighs, rubbing her breasts on his chest. He was much taller than she, but she didn't feel small sitting on him this way, she felt perfectly matched to him and as if she'd die if he didn't put something inside her now.
His hands cupped her ass, stroked up her spine. That made her want to purr, but nothing like when his palm slid between her thighs and he started slicing the rigid edge of his hand back and forth across the crotch of her jeans, right in the valley of her sex. She cried out and came.
"Damn, I can feel you wet through the denim," he groaned.
He kept it up, and Sara was in agony, coming and coming without anything inside her. "Please," she managed to squeak. "I need you in there. Your fingers. I don't care what. Please. Hurry."
"God, I'm sorry, I—" His hand burrowed into her jeans from behind and somehow managed to wedge it right where she needed it, just one finger, but he thrust it in and Sara gave a scream, muffling it with the back of her hand.
"Do you need another one?" Without waiting for an answer, he was slithering his hand out, and then his fingers went to her fly and unzipped it and his hand was in there, working her clit and sliding into her sex and just doing everything that felt good, right when she needed it.
When he finally eased his hand out of her jeans, Sara was slumped on him, panting like she'd just run a marathon. He held her by the waist and carefully set her back from him.
Then silence, broken up only by the sound of heavy breathing.
Sara's mind was numb.
That had been…unbelievable.
Hotter than she'd ever expected. Ever experienced. And with…with….
"Well, that didn't go as planned." Harrison sounded shell-shocked.
She chuckled weakly. To say the least.
"Were you—"
"Did I—"
They both started, and then stopped, at the same time.
"Sorry," he said. "What did you want to say?"
"No, you first."
He hesitated, then reached out to stroke the side of her breast. "Did I hurt you? I thought I squeezed you pretty hard."
"No," she said airily. "It was fine."
"I know I pinched them too hard."
"Really, it was okay."
"This doesn't hurt?" He brushed his fingertip over one taut tip.
Jesus, was he trying to arouse her again?
"It doesn't hurt," she choked.
He smiled. "So what were you going to say?"
"Were you mad when I attacked you?"
"Attacked me?"
"Yeah. You know. Climbed all over you and started tearing your clothes off and…what is so funny?"
"Nothing. Just…come here." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. She kissed him back. Pretty soon she was squirming against him again.
"Oh, no." He set her away from him. "You do that and I'm not going to get to that massage." He rose, pulling her up with him.
To her disappointment, he zipped up her fly and snapped it shut, fumbling a bit. She'd really hoped he'd thrown out the idea of her "chastity belt," especially when he'd opened her jeans a few minutes ago. But it looked like he was still determined to keep her closed off from at least one part of him.
Then he looked down at himself. "I need to change. I…you know what happened, don't you?"
With the back of her hand, she petted his crotch. "You had an orgasm."
"Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm not…like I said, I'm not any kind of super lover."
She giggled.
Harrison scowled. "Hey, thanks."
Sara drew in a breath. "No, I didn't mean—Harrison, seriously. Not any kind of super lover? When you just did what you did?"
He flushed. "That wasn't skill. That was pure—I don't know what that was."
"Whatever it was, it was fantastic. I still have ripples."
"You know. Where you keep having these little earthquakes inside."
"No. I don't know. You liked it, huh?"
"You know it was rapturous. The toes, the—the—everything."
"The toes were skill," he admitted. Almost absently, he cupped her breasts. "I take credit for the toes. Actually, one of my girlfriends gets the credit. She had a…what's it called…"
"Foot fetish?" Sara murmured.
"Mm, yeah. Damn. I really do need to change."
"Do you want to get some clothes from your place?"
He gave a bark of laughter. "Uh, no, not really."
"Why—oh. I forgot. We're not supposed to go in there now."
"Yeah." He squeezed her breasts. "I don't think Matt and Jasmine would appreciate an interruption."
She nuzzled closer. "Do you think they're doing what we're doing?"
He shrugged. "What else would they be doing?"
"It's so weird when I think about it." She paused. "Actually, it's not that weird."
"Haven't you felt it? Every time Jasmine's around, Matt goes bonkers."
"Bonkers? No, I can't say I've noticed."
"I noticed it the other night. It's not the first time, though. He's always been a little edgy with her, so I wasn't sure if I was imagining things. You know, he says snarky things. Tries to rile her."
"I tend to be oblivious to these things. Though actually, I have noticed Jasmine being snarky with Matt." He frowned.
"What is it?"
He looked down at her chest. "What I'm doing. Holding you like this, your letting me play with you…maybe we should stop talking so much."
"Stop talking?" She was loving the talking.
"It's leakage in the other direction. We're doing the Challenge."
"So we should just stop talking like friends and just focus on the sex?"
"Yeah. Otherwise it's going to be hard not to reach out and grab you when—after midnight. And tomorrow. It'll be as if…" He didn't finish, making her rabid to know what he'd been going to say.
"We might not even see each other tomorrow."
"Yeah, but we'll definitely encounter each other sometime this week, and…." Again he fell silent.
She let her own mind drift forward in time. Quickly she decided that was not where she wanted to be. "Okay. Let's just shut up then and do the down and dirty."
"Speaking of which, I think the shower's going to have to come first."
She stood back while Harrison went into the bathroom, looking down at her own bare boobs. Wow. She couldn't believe what he'd just done to her.
Things had definitely taken a turn for the bizarre. Harrison had said he had "no problem" getting hard around her. Did that mean that he actually, maybe, had a little bit of a thing for her? Even if he didn't particularly want to, because he liked her as a friend?
And if so, was that a good or a bad thing?
She heard the toilet flush. The shower began to run. The thought of him making himself entirely at home in her bathroom was an unexpected turn-on.
When the bathroom door opened and Harrison appeared nude in the doorway, she found herself blushing.
She saw him go through a similar kind of shock, looking her up and down, then shaking his head as if to clear it.
He swung the door wide and stepped aside as she falteringly joined him.
"This is so weird," she couldn't help saying.
He slid open the shower door, took her by the arm, and yanked her a little too hard towards it. "Come on."
"What—in my jeans?"
"Yeah, I told you."
"I didn't think you were serious. Do you know what happens to denim when it gets wet
He didn't seem to hear, intent on getting her into the shower. She, meanwhile, was intent on getting a good look at his body. The guy swam, which meant he wasn't just born with a face like an Adonis, he actually had the muscles to go with it.
It was frustratingly hard to see him because of the close proximity. Yet standing in the tiny, steamy shower with water pouring down on her and a naked Harrison crowding her made her incredibly happy, too.
He grabbed a washcloth hanging on the bar. "Is this yours or Jasmine's?"
He rubbed soap on it and began to meticulously wash off his cock.
"Do you, uh, want help with that?"
He glanced up, then wordlessly offered her the washcloth.
Fuck that, Sara thought. She tossed the thing down and grabbed the bar of soap. Then she ran lather all over his soft cock, his heavy balls, and the hair on his pubis that was several shades lighter than the hair on his head. She was intrigued to see he wasn't circumcised.
"Sara." He was staring down at her, his eyes wide.
She grinned at him. "Having fun?" She projected her voice so he could hear her above the noise of the shower.
He nodded.
She slowed down, taking care to get all the nooks and crannies. As she washed him, she became aware of the hot water soaking her jeans and making them a drag on her legs.
But she wasn't about to complain, because this was one of the hottest showers she'd ever had in her life. Harrison was standing there looking dazed, growing stiffer and bigger in her hands so that when she finally cupped her hands and rinsed him off, his erection was the center of both their attention.
He seemed to hesitate then. Finally coming to a decision, he took the soap from her, lathered his own hands and then he was washing her breasts, her belly, belly-button, arms, and feet, including between her toes. Sara could tell he was enjoying it as much as she did. He used a light touch, almost reverent.
He spoke, but Sara couldn't make out the words.
"Can you turn around so I can do your back?" he said loudly.
She did so and felt him smear lather over her back, down to the curve of her waist, and up to the point it flared out into the now sopping-wet waistband of her jeans.
He nudged her under the stream of water. She felt almost like a child as he tilted back her head and made sure the water soaked her hair through. The scent of peaches hit her, and she recognized her cheap shampoo.
Then his hands were in her hair, his fingers massaging her scalp, and it was gloriously decadent. She leaned back into him and felt the hard thrust of his cock against her mid-back.
Her legs wobbled.
"Are the jeans too heavy? Maybe you're right and this wasn't the brightest idea."
Harrison opened the shower and helped her out. She stood there, dripping, and contemplated her absolutely soaked jeans as he finished his own shower.
"You're not drying off." He stepped onto the bath mat next to her.
"What's the point? Look at me."
"Yeah. This is going to be interesting. Getting those jeans off, I mean."
"I get to take them off?" Woohoo.
"Don't get excited. Your closet's over there."
Frustrating was the term, she thought fifteen minutes later, not interesting. It took that long to peel the wet jeans off her legs, and by then they were cold and clammy. He threatened more than once to just get a pair of scissors. But finally she stood naked in front of him.
Kneeling in front of her as he was, his mouth was right on par with her sex. He circled her waist with his hands, then slid down one thumb to probe her damp curls. He parted her. "Damn. First you don't wear any underwear, and now…"
"I've thought about this a lot since Tuesday, Sara. About what your body would be like," he confessed. "I knew you'd be pink and plump and a redhead down here, too. I didn't know how wet you'd be, though. You're the wettest…." He drifted off. His tongue darted out and caressed her clitoris, sending shock waves through her entire body. "Go put on some dry jeans, please."
"Why?" she said stubbornly.
"Because it's time for your massage and I don't want another accident like before."
Harrison was not an expert at massage. She could tell as soon as he turned her onto her front on her tidily made-up bed and just stood there for a while, not touching her.
"Harrison?" She twisted her neck around to look.
"I'm thinking."
"Would you like some pointers? I've learned stuff from my coworkers. There's the effleurage stroke, where you sweep your hands down—"
"No, thanks. I'll figure it out."
He might not know all the techniques. But, as she quickly learned, he could give a dreamy massage.
She didn't know what those other women were thinking, to prefer romance and flowers from this man when he could stroke, knead, and rub a woman's body like that. Tackling her back first, he worked down from her scalp to her feet, not even neglecting her legs through the denim of the jeans she had reluctantly donned. Then he turned her onto her back and worked his way up. When he reached her waist, he circled it with his hands and kissed her belly.
"You're soft," he said.
He lightly skimmed over her breasts, just stroking them. Her arms were stroked too, not rubbed. He ended the massage on her face, using his thumbs to make tiny circles all over her cheeks. She thought she must look pretty silly, with the facial contortions it would cause, but he wasn't smiling.
"How do you want me to make you come?" he asked softly.
"With your penis inside me," she answered honestly.
That kicked him back. "I'm not going to fuck you. Don't ask me again tonight, Sara. Please."
"Then with your mouth."
He nodded once and unsnapped her fly and lowered the zipper of her jeans. But he only tugged them down a little way, just enough so he could part her and slide his tongue into her folds. He made a little sound and his tongue started slurping, and Sara moaned and began to shove her jeans down, because she knew she was about to come.
He pulled away. "What are you doing?"
She grabbed his hand and brought it where she needed it.
"Oh, are you—oh, Sara." And he was doing everything she needed, his mouth, his finger, his hand clenching on one of her buttock cheeks to raise her up to him.
"You're easy," he said afterward, pulling back and looking at her almost with awe.
She was embarrassed but pleased he seemed happy. "What do you mean?"
"Most girls—I mean—" He seemed to struggle with himself. "I didn't know a girl could come that fast. You just—you seem to get so turned on when I touch you and before I've barely started, you're already there."
"Yeah." How to tell him that this wasn't typical? That it was him that made her react so crazy?
Not that he needed to know that at this point. No, it struck her as very unwise to spill all her secrets on the first night of the Challenge.
"You're pretty easy, too," she said.
"You can say that again. The shower was supposed to come afterwards." He grabbed a handful of her bedcovers and wiped up his face. The movement was so cute she had to grin. He'd seemed so unconcerned with spreading her juices all over himself while he was using his mouth.
"No, I was talking about what I said before in the living room," she told him.
"Oh. You mean when you thought I'd have a hard time getting it up with you."
"I still can't believe that. You're always walking around in those clingy clothes and you have, uh, all the right parts. What's not to make a guy hard?"
"Well, you hid it pretty well. I never had a clue."
"Yeah, I guess so." He looked uncomfortable. "I don't want to talk about that. I don't want to think about what it's going to be like after tonight. When we can't…."
Her heart began to race. Was he as bummed about it as she was?
"Sara? Would you mind�
Her head filled with possibilities, it took a moment to realize he was asking her something new.
He looked really uncomfortable now. He opened his mouth, shut it, opened it again.
Then he said forcefully, "To hell with it." The next moment she found herself pulled by her shoulders so she was propped up before his spreadeagled knees, and his groin was right there.
Oh. That. Her mouth parted. His erection was huge. She couldn't believe she'd been so selfish. She hadn't even thought about him.
"I want your mouth, Sara. I know I'm not supposed to—I know I said I would do all the touching, but tasting you like that and watching you —"
She didn't hesitate. Her head moved forward and she engulfed him in one slow movement, not even giving him a chance to change his mind. Oh, God, he felt lovely on her tongue, his flesh clean and silken.
"Damn." His body bucked, and he fell back on his hands. As he thrust forward, she could tell he didn't have much control of his body. She didn't want it to be too fast for him, so she slowed it down, pulling out and using just her tongue and fingers as lightly as she could.
When she looked at his face, he was watching her as if bewitched.
"I've wanted to do this to you for ages," she confessed, running her tongue around the head of his cock.
His brows drew forward.
Oops. She remembered she wasn't supposed to say that kind of thing. But he was so sweet, it was easy to forget to stifle her foolhardy impulses.
His testicles were heavy on her palm. As she took his shaft deeply into her mouth, slowly this time, she let one finger wander to the tender spot behind his balls. He gave a surprised-sounding groan. That sound was irresistible.
She didn't know what came over her then. Just that she wanted to make him feel better than he'd ever felt before. She wanted him to know how much she adored him.
So with her finger, she stole some of the saliva she was using on his cock and let that finger wander further on past his perineum to the tight puckering hole of his anus and slide in smoothly. Before he could do more than yell, "Holy Christ!" she pumped her finger into him and her mouth over him in perfect synchronicity, and he made an anguished sound and came, his seed hot and savory as it poured down her throat.
She slowed her thrusts, focused on keeping tune with his orgasm. As long as he was coming, it was easy and instinctive. But when it was over and he pulled away, staring at her with a stunned expression, she realized his shock was a hundred percent mutual.