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Sandman (Forbidden Love Series II Book 5)

Page 9

by Danielle James

  “This is a lot of information to take in,” Rachel admitted. “But if Somnus has a mate, why isn’t he with her?”

  “Maybe he doesn’t know he’s met her yet,” Frankie suggested. “Or maybe he’s too stubborn to admit it. Either way, he’ll come around. They always do.”

  Rachel felt a stab of jealousy again and tears threatened her eyes. Why, all of a sudden, did she care so damn much about him and whether or not he had a mate? It was because somewhere, in the back of her mind, she’d entertained the idea of being with him, and if he was a mated vampire then he was off the market. It was too sad to think about.

  “Why don’t I make you some food?” Frankie said, already finding her way into the kitchen. “I can’t eat it, but I still love the smell of food.”

  “You really don’t have to do that,” Rachel said, following her into the kitchen. “In fact, I don’t think you can.”

  “Of course I can, I just need to—” she stopped mid-sentence when she opened the refrigerator. “Or maybe not.” Frankie laughed. “Girl, you’re as bad as I was. Are you hungry?”

  “Not really,” Rachel told her. She was stressed and the lunch she’d had had filled her to bursting. “I could use a drink though.”

  “Drinks it is!” Frankie exclaimed. “Come on, get dressed, we’re going out!”

  “Oh, but wouldn’t Somnus freak out about that?”

  “Absolutely,” Frankie told her. “But we don’t care. You’re perfectly safe with me and he doesn’t get to make all the decisions, no matter how badly he wants to. You can do whatever you want. Now and for the rest of eternity.”

  Rachel nodded. “Drinks it is, then.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  We do look pretty damn hot, Rachel admitted to herself as she and Frankie got out of the SUV in the Logan’s Roadhouse parking lot. It wasn’t the Ritz or even a proper club, but then again there wasn’t that much to choose from in her little town. They did, however, serve one hell of a margarita on Tuesday nights.

  Rachel closed her driver side door and met Frankie at the front of her truck. The vampire was wearing a yellow and blue sundress that showed off her slender figure, black high-top boots on her feet, and her hair pulled into a messy bun. The dark blue half-sweater she wrapped around her shoulders made her look almost innocent. In fact, if Rachel didn’t know she was a vampire witch, she would assume Frankie was harmless. But looks are deceiving, she reminded herself. She knew that under that country girl look, Frankie had the potential to be deadly.

  I wonder what kind of powers I would have, she thought to herself. If her heritage was in the gods, then maybe… oh, it was just silly. She wasn’t the child of a deity. She was just Rachel. Plain Rachel. Who looked amazing with her hair spiked around the crown of her head, the sleek black dress and her silver high heels. She would have made one kickass vampire, she decided. But who would she trust to turn her? The only man she could even imagine with his fangs in her throat was Somnus, and he had a mate. Was she pitiful or what?

  “I don’t know why you’re worried about it,” Frankie told her as they walked to the front entrance. “There isn’t a single woman on the planet that can compare to you in his eyes.”

  “Was I thinking out loud again?” Rachel asked, feeling the blood gather in her face.

  “No, that time you were projecting,” Frankie told her. “Come on, let’s get a couple of drinks in and then I’ll teach you to block your thoughts.”

  Rachel nodded, agreeing it was a good idea. She’d never considered blocking her thoughts before she met Somnus’ family. Now, everyone seemed to know exactly what she was thinking even before she knew it herself.

  They went inside and waited for the hostess to greet them. “Two tonight?” the young girl asked with a smile.

  “We would like to sit in the bar,” Frankie told her. “And we would like that gorgeous specimen to wait on us.” She gestured toward a young man who was carrying a tray in the general direction of the kitchen.

  “Can do,” the hostess said. “Follow me.” She led the women to a high-top table just to the side of the bar. People were talking and drinking while a ball game played on a big screen television on the far wall. “Jared will be right with you,” she said, laying silverware down in front of each woman.

  “I thought a mated vampire didn’t want anyone else,” Rachel said with a raised brow. “But you asked for this guy.”

  “Hey, a girl can still look at the menu!” Frankie laughed. “I don’t want anyone but Jacque, but did you see the way that man’s jeans fit on his ass? How can we not look at that?”

  Rachel let her eyes travel over the dining room until she saw the aforementioned man. Yes, those jeans did hug his ass in a way that should have been illegal. Then he turned and, dear lord! There was nothing left to the imagination. He made his way to their table and gave them a million-dollar smile. “Good evening, ladies,” he rumbled. “What’s your pleasure tonight?”

  “I’ll have a glass of red wine,” Frankie told him.

  “Margarita, rocks, salt, and lime,” Rachel said.

  “Can I get you girls something to eat with that?” he asked.

  Frankie looked at Rachel right about the time her stomach growled. There was no denying the fact she was hungry. “Yeah sure. What do you recommend?”

  “I would suggest the crab cakes,” he said. “But the wings are good too.”

  “How about both?” Frankie suggested. “Or a sampler? That way we can try a little of everything?”

  They decided on crab cakes, hot wings and calamari for their sampler. “I thought you didn’t eat,” Rachel pointed out.

  “I don’t,” Frankie answered with a shrug. “But I do love the smells and you need food.”

  I wouldn’t if I was a vampire, Rachel thought.

  “You don’t know that,” Frankie said, as if Rachel had spoken aloud. “Because of your lineage, even if Somnus turned you, the need for food may stay.”

  That brought Rachel’s head right back to the fact she had powerful blood. “What kind of power do you think I have?” she asked before she lost her nerve.

  “Don’t know,” Frankie said around her sip of wine. “Depends on who your ancestors were. I can do a spell to find out if you want.”

  “No,” Rachel answered quickly. “I don’t want any more spells.”

  “If you change your mind,” Frankie offered, “You know I’ll help you. You accessed part of the power at our house. You moved so fast. And let’s not forget that warding around your home. Did you do that?”

  Rachel nodded. “I just looked up a few spells on the internet.”

  “Well, they’re working,” Frankie continued. “And I’m willing to bet that if you tried, you could remember a time when you caused something to happen. Something you couldn’t explain.”

  Memories that she’d fought long and hard to bury came rushing back to her. “No,” Rachel said, cutting them off. “I don’t want any part of it. Except, I do want you to teach me to shield my thoughts.”

  “It’s actually really easy,” Frankie said, understanding written all over her face. She could see that Rachel was done talking about that and was willing to let it go. “Close your eyes. Wipe your mind clear of everything. Imagine a storage closet that’s full of nonsense.”

  Rachel did as she was told, not understanding why.

  “Now imagine a broom. Sweep all of that crap out of the closet. Sweep it clean. Got it?” When Rachel nodded, she continued, “Now, I want you to shut and lock the door.”

  In her mind, Rachel could see the heavy door closing and the lock clicking into place. “Now, imagine that same door as the door to your mind. Close it.”

  Rachel slammed the door closed in her mind.

  “Now, think something. Anything.”

  She thought of Somnus first. She saw his smile and the tips of those fangs in her mind first. Why did she have to think of him? Couldn’t she just be normal for a change?

  “I can tell by the sc
owl on your face that whatever you thought wasn’t making you happy, but I didn’t hear the thought,” Frankie told her.

  “I did it?” Rachel asked, feeling a heavy weight lift from her shoulders.

  “You did it.”


  “Now, keep that door closed until you want someone to hear your thoughts,” Frankie said.

  “I can’t see that ever happening,” Rachel countered.

  “Oh, trust me, it will. Especially during sex. Good lord! It’s so great not to have to tell Jacque what I want. He can hear it before I can speak it.”

  “So, that’s more than I needed to know,” Rachel laughed.

  Their food arrived and Rachel ate more than she expected to. She was really enjoying Frankie’s company and hearing her stories about the guys and their antics. By the fourth margarita, Rachel realized she couldn’t drive home.

  “No worries,” Frankie told her. “Along with my vampire super powers, I’ve got one hell of a tolerance. I can drive.”

  Rachel agreed and handed over the keys. Suddenly she was tired to the bone, and just wanted to lie down and sleep.


  “Yer late. Again,” Angus said with a scowl. The check-in meeting had already dispersed and Somnus was the only one there now.

  “I know,” Somnus answered, feeling guilty about it, but not so guilty that he was going to risk anything happening to Rachel to avoid being late again. “I’m checking in.”

  Angus nodded. “Darius is gone.”

  “How?” Somnus barked. “You told us all to stay out of the realm. Did this thing get to him while he was in the waking world?”

  Angus shook his head, lowering it slightly. “Darius had a charge, a little boy, that I suspect meant more to him than any normal charge. I have no proof, but if I was a bettin’ man, my money’d be on that lad being Darius’ boy. I wouldn’t stay out, either. Just like yer not gonna stay outta that young woman’s dreams.”

  Shock skated over Somnus’ body. Why would Angus think he’d break the rules? “I haven’t been in her dreams and I don’t intend to.”

  Angus walked over to his desk, his heavy boots thudding against the pristine tiled floors. When he sat in his chair, a long sigh escaped his body. “I know ye don’t intend to,” he said. “But that lass is special. She kin see ye and I reckon there’s more to it than that. I kin tell by the look in yer eyes that she’s more than a girl who kin see ye. I suspect she’s yer mate.”

  Why did everyone think Rachel was his mate? “I don’t have a mate,” Somnus corrected him.

  “Sure, ye don’t,” he said. “Were ye able to figure out what it is about her that makes her able to see ye?”

  Somnus nodded and took a seat in a chair adjacent from Angus. “She was adopted when she was very young. My aunts performed a spell to see what lineage she has. Somewhere along the way, a grandparent, maybe; she has latent big three powers.”

  Angus’ eyebrows rose and he leaned across his desk. “Which one?”

  “We don’t know,” Somnus answered with a shake of his head. “Just that information alone freaked her out on a serious level. She wouldn’t let us look any further. She denies that she has any power, but she managed to ward her home against just about anything; she sees through magic; and when she freaked out, I swear she ran like an immortal.”

  “And you’ll protect her,” Angus said. It wasn’t a question.

  “With my life,” Somnus vowed.

  A hearty chuckle rolled out of Angus’ mouth. “And yer sure she ain’t yer mate?”

  Instead of arguing with him, Somnus pressed his lips together and stared at Angus hard.

  “Ye ain’t scaring me, lad,” he laughed. “I think it’s wonderful that you’ve found her. Maybe bad timing, but wonderful just the same.”

  “Do we know what this thing is that’s invading dreams?” Somnus asked, firmly changing the subject.

  “Aye,” Angus answered. “Its name is Baku. Been seen by more than one Dream god. He’s a demon.”

  “A nightmare demon,” Somnus agreed. “I thought as much. Didn’t know his name. What the hell does he want?”

  Angus tossed a hand in the air. “Who knows with a demon. I reckon it wants power. Or revenge. Or maybe he’s just one sick fuck that enjoys torturing or whatever it’s doing with the dream gods. I don’t know, but we intend to find out. In the meantime, keep that lass away from him. If you reckon she’s having a nightmare, wake her up. If she were someone who knew of her power and could use it, she could protect herself. But seeing’s how she won’t admit she even has them, she’s vulnerable.”

  There was nothing Somnus wanted more than to spend every second with Rachel, but he had responsibilities too. “Do you think she’s paranormal enough to be affected in her dreams? And, what about my other charges?” he asked.

  “I got Romny on watchin’ out for them,” Angus said with a nod. “He can handle your share for a bit while we figure out what this demon wants with yer woman. I reckon he wants that power she don’t know she has.”

  Somnus nodded in agreement. He really wanted to ghost right back to her home and tell her the great news. Although, he wasn’t entirely certain she would think it was as great as he did.

  “Finish yer night tonight,” Angus continued, “Then do whatever it takes to keep her away from Baku.”

  Somnus nodded in understanding. “I can do that,” he said. “Thank you.”

  “Just be careful,” Angus smiled, “And let me know when the ceremony will be.”

  Somnus’ lip curled up at one corner. He didn’t know if it was because Angus wasn’t going to let the mate thing go, or if he was right. Either way, Somnus didn’t answer him, he just ghosted out of there to finish his work for the evening.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rachel recognized the dream as soon as it began. It was getting to be a little ridiculous. Dreams were supposed to be a way for the mind to relax, but lately, she was dreading sleep and dreading the dreams even more. It didn’t matter that Somnus had assured her the dreams couldn't hurt her. It didn't matter that she knew she was dreaming. All that mattered was that, in the end, she always ended up running for her life.

  She woke from each dream covered in sweat with her heart pounding. Hell, who needed the gym when there were nightmares to get a girl in shape? She walked through the empty city streets, looking over her shoulder as she did every night. After several minutes and when the demon thing didn’t appear, Rachel let out a sigh of relief.

  “Can I at least get some ice cream or something?” she called up to the sky. If she was going to be dreaming, might as well have something good about it. “No?” she asked when her call went unanswered. “Okay then. I’m just gonna walk over to the library and fetch myself a good book.” Rachel walked down the street, unsure of where the library would be in this ghost town, but at least she was moving. Maybe the demon had other dreams to ruin this time. Just as she completely let her guard down, the street in front of her began to stretch into unnatural proportions. The buildings grew taller and leaned slightly, the sky darkened, and the pavement took on the viscosity of a rubber band.

  “Oh goodie,” Rachel groaned. “I thought you’d forgotten about me.”

  “I could never forget about you,” a rough, deep voice said from all around her. “You’re my favorite.”

  Rachel spun around to see where the voice had come from. No one was there. “Who are you?” she demanded. Deep down, she knew that voice belonged to the demon. “Show yourself to me!” Well, that was stupid, she thought. Every time she saw it, she ran.

  “I have a proposition for you,” it growled from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

  “I’m not interested,” she answered. “Taking a job from anyone kind of beats the purpose of working for myself.”

  “You don’t have a choice,” it told her.

  “You can’t hurt me.”

  “I can do so much worse than hurt that pretty face of yours,” it reminded her.
“You’ll see.”

  Rachel huffed, realizing she was no longer afraid of this thing. She turned to walk away, to go in search of that library, when her phone rang. She reached into the back pocket of her jeans and answered it. “Hello?”

  “Hello. This is Amed Ballihadidlolua. I have great news! You’ve been chosen to receive a prepaid one-hundred-dollar gift card…”

  Rachel laughed and hung up the phone. No sooner than the screen went dark, it rang again.

  “This is Amed. We were disconnected. You’ve been chosen to receive...”

  Click. Nope. Not today, buddy.

  Ring. This time she chose to ignore it. Ring. Ring. Nope. Reject button. The damn thing kept ringing! After the tenth time she rejected the call, Rachel answered it. “What?!”

  “I am just needing you to advise us on the card on which you wish to charge the shipping so we can express your gift card,” Amed said cheerfully from the other end of the call.

  “For the love of god! No. Stop calling me!” she shouted into the receiver.

  “You called me,” he said.

  “I would never call you. I would never want to talk to you, and I will never give you my credit card number!”

  “Why would I want your credit card?” the voice asked.

  Rachel stared down at her phone in her hand. She blinked.

  She was back in her home, holding her cell.

  “Rachel? Rachel? Are you okay?” a deep, rumbling voice asked, but this time, it wasn’t Amed. No… it belonged to a six-foot six hunk of gorgeous. She looked at her phone again and realized she wasn’t asleep. Not anymore. She was holding her phone, and Somnus was on the other end.

  “Uh, sorry,” she said, wondering who had called whom. “Somnus?”

  “Yeah,” he answered. “What’s going on?”

  “I, uh, I think I sleep dialed you,” she said honestly. “I was sleeping and my phone was ringing and the next thing I know, I’m standing in my living room with you on the phone.”

  “Sounds like night terrors,” he said, but not from the phone. From right behind her.


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