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Sandman (Forbidden Love Series II Book 5)

Page 18

by Danielle James

Somnus had assumed, just like everyone else, that Rachel would want to move in, but by the shocked look on her face and the way she slowly lowered her food, perhaps he had been wrong. "Why would I move in here?" she asked seriously. "I was just kidding around because Rebel's such a good cook."

  Somnus turned to look at her. "You don't want to live here? With me?"

  He didn’t know how she made the face of a Fury apologetic, but she did. "I love it here. Everyone is great, but—"

  "There's just too many people here," Azerial finished for her. "Including your in-laws. We understand, child. Just don't stay away for long. We adore you here and can't wait to see you."

  Rachel nodded and lifted her food back to her mouth. She stopped just shy of her teeth and turned her head. "Somnus?"

  "I thought," he continued. "I thought you wanted to live with me."

  "I do!" she said, dropping her rib to the plate with a clatter. "Just, maybe at my house?"

  Somnus bristled. He could provide her with a place to live. He could provide for her. He didn't need to move in with her.

  "I just don't want to live with so many wonderful people," she continued. "I don't see why you can't live with me."

  Somnus couldn't stop the growl that rose up from his gut. What was he? Chopped liver? "I can provide a place for us to live together," he said definitively.

  "But I like my house," she said, wiping the sauce from her face.

  Somnus wanted to argue with her about the finer points of letting him provide for her, but Leigh smacked him on the back of his head. "Listen, dick rash," she said, "There is no sense in arguing with her. She's right. She already has a home and if she wants you in it, you should go. This isn't the stone ages where it’s all “you man, she female”, and she has to depend on you. She was supporting herself just fine before you came along, and you need to respect that. I don't think she's gonna quit working just because you're in her life now. Jeesh, I thought we taught you better than that."

  Somnus growled at Leigh who only raised a daring brow at him. Rachel giggled under her breath. "What?" he grumbled.

  "Even I know not to fuck with Leigh," Rachel said teasingly.

  Somnus sighed. He knew when he was outnumbered, and he knew when he'd lost. Always with the women in his family. "Fine, I guess I'll move in with you."

  Rachel smiled, and all of his reservations melted away. "Awesome." Then she went back to the work of eating. "I swear, I have never been so hungry in all my life."

  "It's your power," Frankie told her. "Oh, I almost forgot. I re-spelled your necklace. It's for balance and protection. It will help you control your power now." She passed the deep blue amulet across the table and Rachel took it.

  "I didn't realize it fell off," she said. "Thank you. It’s beautiful."

  "It goes well with your new skin color," Frankie smiled.

  "Yeah, about that. I don't know how to put it back," Rachel admitted.

  "Put what back?" Serena asked.

  "This," Rachel answered, waving a hand over her entire body. "I don't know how to put the Fury back and just be human."

  "Why would you want to do that?" Serena asked. "You're stunning just the way you are."

  "Yeah, but it might scare people," she pointed out.

  Somnus hoped she would never put it back. He loved her new look. "You'll figure it out," he said reluctantly. If he were to be rational, he could think of any number of reasons why she would want to appear human. Not that her human half wasn't nice to look at too, but he really, really liked this.

  "Holy shit man, why don't you just drag her off to bed by her hair," Jacque laughed.

  "I know, right?" Gage agreed. "I have to feel all this shit he's feeling and its driving me insane! I hope Serena has a lot of energy tonight."

  Rachel spewed her drink out of her nose and coughed. "What?"

  Somnus stood very quickly and took her by the arm. "You know, honey, I think I agree about not living here. Let's get out of here before anyone else invades our privacy."

  Rachel barely had time to grab another rib off the tray before Somnus ghosted them both away.


  Baku roared furiously as he searched the dream realm. He knew that the woman would have to dream eventually, but someone or something was keeping her away from him. Now that he knew what she was, he wanted her more than ever before. He no longer cared about the dream god, only the woman. Only the Fury. She was an incredible, rare creature—so full of power that he had to have her. She could not only get him out of the dream realm, but with her powers, he could stay out. He could keep her, as a pet maybe, for a very long time while her power slowly drained from her body to his own.

  Maybe he wouldn't kill her when it was done. Maybe he would continue to keep her.

  One thing was for certain: the vampire hybrid had to go.

  Baku blamed him for the dream gods keeping out of the realm in the first place. He didn't know how or why, but he knew that Somnus was responsible. Now, the demon had to bide his time and wait. He was unable to use the power he'd already acquired until he'd collected the rest he needed.

  If he tried to escape now, all he would do was drain himself of his precious stolen power and then he'd be stuck. Right where he'd always been. Well, that wouldn't do. Baku would bank that power for now, saving it, until he could capture the Fury. And the Fury would return. All creatures had to dream, and the vampire couldn't hide her forever.

  She would not come easily, he knew. Now that he was prepared for her, he looked forward to her struggle. He would not only enjoy the capturing of the Fury, but the continuing fight that she would give. She would fight him until she had nothing left. That would be a sad, sad day. But what a prize until then!

  Yes, Baku nodded as he entered his dungeon, he would have her. She was the key to his freedom and she would be his.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Rachel stalked her prey on silent feet. She had kicked her shoes off the moment she'd decided to go hunting. While she wasn't completely clear on how this was supposed to help her, if she'd learned anything at all, it was to trust Somnus. He had been right about everything so far, and even though it was hard for her to do, Rachel knew she had to trust his judgement.

  Tapping into her Fury, she kept to the shadows while following the woman with the red aura. Now, Rachel understood why people's aura changed. Different colors meant different things, but red was the equivalent of evil. This woman was evil in some way.

  Punish her....

  Shhh, Rachel hissed to herself. She needed to concentrate.

  Get off your ass and punish her!

  Okay, okay, I’m going. Sheesh.

  Let me show you how.

  I know what I’m doing.

  Do you? Do you really?

  You’re pissing me off.


  Just let me do it.

  Nope. Waited too long. I’m in charge now.

  Rachel knew what was happening but couldn’t stop it. She was now watching as if she were a spectator and not the one driving the freakin’ bus. The Fury had taken over, leaping out from behind the building’s cover and screaming into the night.

  Oh no, not again! Rachel thought.

  I got this.

  If Rachel had been the one in charge of her body, she would have crossed her arms and pressed her lips together, taking her best stubborn stance. However, the Fury was driving now, and she was in full flight, charging after the woman with the red aura.

  The woman screamed when she could run no further, backing herself into a corner of an alley. Why did women do that? There’s no escape route!

  The Fury landed gracefully in front of the woman, shrieking into the night air. “Punish…” she hissed.

  The woman brought her hands up to cover her head. “I didn’t do anything. I swear. I don’t taste good either!”

  “Tell me your sin,” the Fury compelled her, getting closer to her.

  The woman was helpless to keep from looking into Rachel’s da
rk eyes. As she watched them swirl, the woman became mesmerized and started talking. “I took money from the collection plate. I didn’t need it. I also stole from my husband. I blamed it on his drinking. I cheated on him and I gambled away our savings.”

  The Fury tipped her head back and howled, rattling everything nearby. “You deserve punishment,” she cried. She picked up the woman and tossed her across the alley like a rag doll. “Evil.”

  “I’m sorry,” the woman said, scampering to her feet. “I won’t do it again. I won’t!”

  “No,” the Fury growled, “You won’t.” She stalked toward the woman, claws bared and teeth dripping. “You won’t do it again.”

  The woman screamed and ran from the alley. She turned onto the street and ran so hard that in a matter of seconds, she was out of sight. The Fury laughed.

  You thought that was funny, didn’t you? Rachel asked herself.

  The fury only laughed.

  Okay, my turn, Rachel insisted and to her surprise, the Fury backed down and let Rachel have control. As soon as she walked out into the street, people noticed her. Some backed away, some ran, some screamed, and some screamed while running. She had to admit, it was a heady feeling to have that kind of effect on people. Rachel didn’t have any illusions about herself at that point; she knew she was as scary as they came.

  She opened her wings, tossed her head back and screamed. The eardrum shattering sound traveled throughout the city as a warning to anyone who would heed it. A man wearing pants that barely covered his ass turned the corner and nearly ran into Rachel. When he saw her, he stopped and immediately started to back up. Rachel could clearly see the gun he had tucked into his pocket and she knew without a doubt that he’d intended to rob the store on the corner.

  “Sinner,” she growled with a crazy grin. “Just in time for dinner.”

  The thug backed up faster, tripping over his own pants before turning to run. He pulled his gun and aimed it at Rachel. She batted the gun away and grabbed his throat. Lifting him off the ground in front of God and everyone, she held his face close to hers. “Sinner.”

  He didn’t beg for his life. He didn’t apologize. What he did do was piss his pants. Rachel rolled her eyes and tossed him aside. “Never again,” she warned him. He nodded while picking himself up from the concrete. As soon as he was vertical, he was running.

  “Are you having fun?” Somnus asked, appearing next to her in his ghost form.

  “Maybe,” she admitted. “Did you see that?”

  Somnus nodded. “Unfortunately, I did. Gross.”

  “I didn’t hurt anyone,” Rachel told him.

  “I told you so,” he answered. “Come on, let’s go home for the night.”

  Rachel agreed and opened her wings. She shot into the sky, loving the way the wind felt under her wings.

  We did good.

  Yes, she told her Fury. Yes, we did.

  When she landed back at her own home, Somnus was waiting for her on the porch. “I’m so proud of you,” he said, opening his arms for her.

  Rachel didn’t think twice about going into them. She had never been so happy before, and it was because of her dream god.

  Mine, the Fury reminded her.

  Ours, she reminded back.

  “What was that?” Somnus asked her, feeling the connection.

  “Oh nothing,” Rachel answered. “I was just reminding the Fury that you’re not just hers.”

  “The Fury.”

  “Yeah, about that,” Rachel said with a sheepish smile, “I may or may not have some multiple personality issues.”

  “Multiple personalities,” he repeated.

  “Yes. Was I mumbling? She talks to me.” Rachel leaned back in his arms so she could look up at his face. “I really don’t know how that’s gonna work, she’s pushy.”

  Somnus shook his head and pulled her back to him. “My aunt called,” he said, changing the subject. Just like a man, she thought. When the going gets tough, change the subject. “She wants us to come by. She thinks she may have an idea about how to stop the demon.”

  “Well, we should go,” Rachel agreed. “You can take us there in the morning.”

  “That’s what I told them,” he said. “I would like a night just to ourselves.”

  Rachel smiled and snuggled into his chest. “Me too,” she said. “Let’s go inside.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “What do you mean, ‘multiple personalities’?” Angel asked her. “I thought you and the fury were one and the same? That’s how demigods are.”

  “Well, she talks to me,” Rachel told them all. Everyone had gathered in the family room and waited for the details. “I can feel her. All the time. It’s like she’s somewhere in the back of my mind, prowling like a big cat or something, waiting for her turn to pounce.”

  “But she doesn’t control you,” Frankie said.

  “No, not exactly. But when I was on the streets, she took over. Like she was the one in charge and I was in the back. It felt like being a passenger in a car. I can see and hear everything that goes on, but I’m not making the decisions.”

  “This is a bit concerning,” Angel said, getting up and pacing the room. “You should always be in control.”

  Rachel nodded. “I talk to her. She isn’t unreasonable. I can feel what she feels, think what she thinks, it’s very hard to explain.”

  “My dragon is a bit like that,” Leigh offered. “Shifters have that kind of connection with their alternative forms. Maybe it’s multiple personalities with a twist. Who knows? But if it works, fuck it. Go with it.”

  “I feel horrible,” Rachel told them. “I kept her down all that time. Now that she’s out, I guess we’ve made up in a way. Like I said, I feel her. She loves all of you. I can’t explain how I know it, but she would never hurt any of you. Or anyone who didn’t deserve it.”

  “But how does she decide who deserves it?” Gage asked. “I am not only asking this as your family, but as the king, I have to keep my people safe. How do we know that she isn’t going to go off on a tangent and really hurt someone?”

  Rachel shrugged. “You don’t. but I do, so I guess you’ll have to trust me. I know it’s weird, especially since a week ago I had no idea that she even existed, but I won’t lock her up. Not ever again. Like you all said, she’s a part of me and I am a peaceful person. Mostly.”

  “I know she won’t,” Somnus added. “You can trust in me.”

  “I’m going to have to explain to the press what she is. By now, more people know about her than don’t. I can’t let the whole paranormal community go around in fear.”

  “Then make her one of us,” Sebastian offered.

  “I’m sorry,” Rachel told him, “But I don’t want to turn vampire. I like me the way I am. Finally.”

  Sebastian laughed. “I know. No offense taken, either. But what I meant was, why not hire you? You can be part of the guard or something. You can help me with the security measures. Or Jacque with the chemistry shit. Or hell, I don’t know. You can just hang out and help us with everyday stuff.”

  “No way,” Somnus said. “We already discussed it and we don’t want to live here.”

  “Maybe we don’t have to,” Rachel suggested. “You can get me here in a flash. I could just come in regularly like any other job.”

  “But Rachel, you work for yourself.”

  “I do. But things change. I’ve changed. We just need to find the right fit. We have to do what’s best for everyone, not just me.”

  “I have a suggestion,” Samuel said, coming over to stand in front of Rachel. “I don’t know if I’ve told you yet, but you look great. Love the hair.”

  Rachel could feel herself blush.

  “But that wasn’t the suggestion. How about she works on the council? She could help enforce our laws and no one would dare cross her.” Samuel looked to Somnus and then to Angel. “That way she could feed her Fury’s need for punishment and vengeance in a controlled environment.”

p; “You’re right,” Serena agreed. “Our laws are different than human laws and the repercussions are different.”

  “Much harsher,” Gage agreed. “And with her on the jury…”

  “Wait,” Rachel said, “You want to make me an enforcer of sorts?”

  “It makes sense,” Somnus told her. “If vampires knew that breaking the law, say, the one that says we don’t kill humans, meant that they would have to face you, I think a lot less would cross that line.”

  “Currently, the penalty for killing a human is death,” Angel reminded her. “Any malicious harm toward another in our laws is harshly punished. You are lovely, but also very frightening when you want to be.”

  “But I’m a computer geek,” Rachel argued.

  “Cybercrimes?” Jacque offered. “You could teach me to hack.”

  “You can hack,” Rachel scoffed.

  “Not as well as you can,” he told her. “I would love to pick your brain about the IT system you designed.”

  “You might as well agree,” Frankie laughed. “These guys will have you convinced by tomorrow anyway.”

  “I know,” Rachel agreed. “I’m happy to help however I can. Just remember that I have my own job to do too. I won’t write off my current clients.”

  “We would never dream of asking you to,” Angel assured her. “I will contact the press. We’ll have to hold a conference. I’ll make an announcement welcoming you into our family and explaining your special set of skills.”

  “I guess it’s a plan then,” Somnus agreed. “Let us know when to be here for the press release.” He got up and started heading for the door, holding his hand out to Rachel.

  “Wait,” Frankie said, moving in front of him at super speed. “You can’t leave yet.”

  “There’s more?” Rachel asked.

  “It’s about the dream demon,” Jessica told them, finally speaking up. “I had a vision.”

  Rachel wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but she sat right back down.

  “I have always had visions,” Jessica explained. “This time, it was about you.”

  “Did you see my Fury coming?” Rachel asked her. “Because if you did, that would have been nice to know in advance.”


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