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Stryker's Desire (Dragons Of Sin City Book 1)

Page 64

by Meg Ripley

  As if they had choreographed it, both men suddenly moved. Damian withdrew from her and moved to her side while Remy held her head up off his lap and eased himself around to her other side. She felt him push gently on her shoulder so that she curled over onto her hip and he tucked forward to mold his body to hers. Remy's hand came between her knees and he pulled her top leg up and back so that it draped over his, allowing him to enter her again.

  This new position afforded Damian an unobstructed view of her and he watched hungrily for a few seconds before leading her head toward him so that she took his shaft in her mouth. Nixie whimpered, nearly overwhelmed by the pure, unrelenting pleasure of both men worshipping her body and allowing her to worship theirs. The harder Remy thrust into her, the hungrier she became and she soothed that hunger by sucking Damian deeper into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip of his erection and gathering the drops of salty-sweet fluid that formed there.

  It was the perfect balance, an extraordinary sense of completeness and fulfillment she had never experienced. Remy's hand cupped her breast, both kneading into it and using it for leverage as he pounded into her. She reached back to grab his hip, keeping them tightly connected in a way that allowed him to increase his speed and pressure. Damian completed the circle, letting his hand trail down her stomach before his fingertips touched her swollen bud, applying just enough pressure that within seconds she crashed into an all-consuming climax.

  Her body shuddered with the tremors that rocked through her and she opened her mouth further, allowing Damian to thrust into her throat several deep times before his body tightened and he growled with release. At the same second Remy grunted and bit down into her shoulder to muffle his own sounds as he spilled into her. Nixie moaned as the boys filled her, both clutching at her and gasping for breath as she swallowed deeply to pull Damian in further and milked Remy with the final tremors of her climax.

  Finally, the three collapsed onto the blanket together and Nixie entangled herself in both of her boys, cuddling back into Remy's body while draping an arm and a leg over Damian. She kissed both of them and they nuzzled her, their hands stroking tenderly along her body as they all cooled and relaxed.

  "So how many times have you done that before?" she asked when she finally felt like she could speak again.

  "Never," Damian replied and she felt Remy shake his head in confirmation.


  Remy kissed her shoulder.


  "Are you going to do it again?"

  "With you?" Remy asked.

  Nixie nodded and saw Damian grin, those craving-inducing eyes flickering to Remy over her shoulder and then back to her.

  "Absolutely," he said, leaning forward to kiss her.


  A week later, Nixie sat on her usual stool, watching Patrick try to master a pink and blue princess-themed cocktail that she felt was way too complicated considering it contained so many different types of liquor the person drinking it would have no idea what it looked like after one sip.

  "A literal roll in the hay?" he asked, dropping a cherry down into the drink and creating a murky-looking blend of colors. "Dammit."

  "Mmmmm," Nixie murmured her affirmation and took a long sip of the far-less complex drink in front of her.

  "How much tequila did you have exactly?"

  Nixie laughed.

  "Two shots. Trust me, I was fully cognizant of everything that was happening." She sighed, "Everything."

  Patrick started to say something, then looked down sharply, dropping several more cherries into the drink with quick succession. Nixie felt a kiss come to either side of her neck and reached up with both hands to touch Damian and Remy's faces.

  "Hi, boys," she said happily.

  Remy climbed up onto the stool beside her and Damian patted her hip until she got up and let him sit down so he could pull her down to sit between his legs.

  "Did you have a good ride, gentlemen?" Patrick asked and both of the guys laughed. Patrick reddened and struggled to come up with more words, "I mean on your horses. Your horses! You are cowboys, right? I mean… that's what cowboys do. You ride…horses. I'm going on break."

  They were still laughing as Patrick scurried away from the bar. Nixie intertwined her fingers with Remy's and turned to kiss Damian on the cheek, nestling back against him contentedly.

  "Hi, Nixie."

  A familiar voice broke the comfortable, happy moment. She turned to see Bryan standing a few feet away.

  "Hello, Bryan," she said icily.

  She held Remy's hand a little tighter and felt Damian tighten his grip on her protectively.

  "I see you still come here on Friday nights," he said awkwardly.

  As if you didn't know that and didn't come here the last two weeks expressly for that reason.

  "Every Friday," she confirmed.

  Bryan reddened slightly and he shifted uncomfortably.

  "Yeah," he said, "I heard. I wanted to say I'm sorry about the whole party thing last week. I should have picked a better place. Um, speaking of that… can I talk to you for a minute?"

  Nixie stared at him blankly. For the first time, she really felt nothing for him. There was no sadness, no anger, no frustration. She honestly hadn't thought about him for a single second in the last week and it was an amazing feeling.

  "Go ahead. Talk."

  Bryan shifted again, his expression becoming more and more agitated with each passing second. She could see his eyes jumping back and forth between her hips tucked between Damian's thighs and her hand holding Remy's.

  "I've been thinking a lot about everything that happened and I…Do we really have to talk about this right here?"

  Nixie nodded.

  "Yes. I'm done doing things on your terms, Bryan. If you want to talk to me, it's going to be right here, right now."

  He gave a deep sigh.

  "Fine," he said, "The day after the party I found out that Angela has been sleeping with my best man."

  Nixie fought to withhold the triumphant laugh that was building in her chest.

  "That's so sad for you," she said, trying to sound as genuine as possible.

  "Yeah, well, it got me thinking. Maybe I was too quick about everything. I just got so wrapped up that I made a really stupid decision ending things with you the way I did and maybe we could have another chance."

  Both of the men holding her tensed, but Nixie rubbed their hard, jeans-covered thighs soothingly, her body already tingling at the thought of how those thighs felt without the jeans covering them. She gave each a deep, connecting kiss before turning back to Bryan with a smile

  "I'm sorry, Bryan, but that's just not going to happen. You see, while you thought you were celebrating finding 'the one', I was absolutely celebrating finding my two."


  Riding The Cowboy Brothers

  Story Description

  Left with zero job prospects despite graduating at the top of her class, Olivia is forced to admit defeat and return home to her family’s ranch. Nearly penniless, she uses the last of her meager savings to make the shameful trek back home. Little does she know, her luck is about to change in ways that she could never have imagined.

  Soon after arriving home, curvy Olivia catches a glimpse of Dean, an irresistibly hot ranch hand who’s been a staple on her parents’ ranch for years--and her long-time crush. That afternoon, she also happens to meet Christian, Dean’s gorgeous younger brother who can’t seem to keep his hands to himself.

  Later that evening, she finds herself in an empty barn with none other than Dean and Christian, who are anything but shy about showing their intense desire for her. Will voluptuous Olivia be able to resist their temptations, or will she end up showing them just how much of a woman she's become and allow them to satisfy her voracious appetite?

  “OK, I guess that's everything,” Olivia sighed as she closed the trunk of her navy blue Focus. She turned to Michelle, the young woman standing behind her, and wrapped
her arms around her tightly. The two had been roommates, classmates and best friends for the past three years. Olivia swallowed hard, fighting back tears that were brimming in her blue-green eyes.

  “I'm going to miss you so much,” Michelle choked, and Olivia nodded in reciprocation.

  Olivia felt like the proverbial lion with her tail tucked between her legs. She couldn't believe she was heading for home. No doubt, her family would view her as the petulant child, determined to do things her own way until she realized mommy and daddy had known best all along. She'd driven away from her family's ranch three years ago toward a better life; a life in the glamorous fashion industry—or a two-year program at a prestigious fashion school to be precise.

  She'd decided there was no way she was going to spend her life surrounded by cows, horses, chickens, goats and every other animal that made her feel like she was living in a petting zoo. “And somehow that seemed unfair,” Olivia thought ironically. With the nearest neighbor living miles down the road, Olivia was the only creature on her parents' ranch who was not getting any petting.

  But, a year after graduating at the top of her class and absolutely no job prospects in sight—unless one would call a part-time job at the local Walmart a prospect—and Olivia was forced to admit defeat. Nearly penniless, she was using the last of her meager savings to make the shameful trek home.

  “Just think, I'll be the most stylish woman on the ranch. And you never know. One day Diane Von Furstenberg's car might break down right outside and she'll be so impressed with the fashionable girl who gives her car a boost that she'll take me under her wing. I could be designing for one of the most prestigious fashion houses in no time,” Olivia tried to lighten the mood.

  She released Michelle then and slowly made her way to the driver's side door. Olivia waved goodbye, slid into the car and slowly drove out of the apartment building's parking lot. And in just a few short hours, she'd be pulling into the ranch's long front drive.

  “It isn't all bad,” she reassured herself as she drove.

  In truth, she'd missed her family terribly, finding it strange and difficult to see them so infrequently. She had assumed she'd get used to it, but even now as she drove home in defeat, she knew that at least a small part of her was already excited to see her parents once again. They had empathized with her when she called to tell them she'd be moving back home, but the tone in their voices was hard to miss—they were sad to hear their daughter was struggling but obviously happy to have her back. Olivia smiled. She supposed she could have it worse. Sure, she'd bombed in the real world, but her family was right there waiting for her with open arms.

  Still, she had absolutely no idea what she was going to do now, and her thoughts meandered through the limited possibilities as she merged onto the highway that would lead her home. “Do I resign myself to an ordinary life on the ranch?” she wondered. “Bring modern fashion to the countryside in hopes of eking out a meager existence dressing the local ranchers in style? I could always become the first fashion designer for farm animals,” she considered wryly, and then giggled aloud at the ridiculous images the thought brought to mind.

  It was enough to jostle Olivia out of her misery. “That's the end of it,” she determined as, hours later, she pulled off the highway and onto the road that was so familiar. Just twenty more minutes and she'd be home, and she would sulk no more. Sure, she had no idea what lay ahead of her, but she was young and had time to figure it out.

  A smile returned, as she used up the brief remaining moments of the drive to reminisce over her years away from home. She'd left the ranch an inexperienced juvenile, eager to sample everything the big city and life in the fast lane had to offer. She'd met a multitude of wonderful people—and a few creeps and degenerates—along the way. She'd grown in so many ways over the past three years that, even if her adventure in fashion ended here, she was a better person for it.

  Olivia took a deep breath as she spied the gates that marked the entrance to her parents' ranch, and she whispered as she exhaled, “Home.” Another minute and she had pressed the buzzer and the gates had opened before her. She began to ascend the long drive to the sprawling house at the top, vaguely able to make out the two figures awaiting her on the front porch—her parents, no doubt. But her attention was drawn elsewhere.

  A new figure appeared from beyond the side of the house, moving easily but deliberately toward the home's front porch. Even after such a long absence, she would recognize his confident stride anywhere. Dean. She'd spent countless hours watching him throughout her teen years and even more conjuring images of him in her adolescent fantasies. Oh, she'd almost forgotten how hot and bothered he'd made her, but it was coming back to her quickly now.

  Olivia had never been quick to envy—she was generally happy to see others get, even when she didn't, but she remembered one evening Dean had forced her to succumb to the green-eyed monster. She'd been sixteen at the time. She had walked into the horse stalls late in the day to find him brushing down one of the family's horses after a hard ride. She'd never before thought she could be so jealous of a horse. She'd stood there, unable to move or tear her gaze away, watching the taut, sinewy muscles of his arms flex as he moved along the horse's body. He'd obviously gotten a good workout too; his naked torso still glistening with sweat. God, how she'd wished she was the horse right then. Hell, she would have been happy to be the T-shirt casually draped over his shoulder. He spoke and her eyes were drawn to his lips, watching them move as he talked softly to the horse. Until then, she had no idea a man's lips could be so captivating, but her body had begun to ache and throb as she imagined all the wicked things those lips could do to her.

  Olivia shook her head, trying to stem the flow of arousal that had begun to course through her veins and force her thoughts back to the present. She'd been just twelve years old when nineteen-year-old Dean had first come to work on the ranch, and only a doe-eyed virgin seventeen-year-old when he'd left at twenty-four to attend to some family matter. He'd never seen her as anything other than the rancher's kid. Olivia had left for college while he was still away, but seeing him now told her absolutely nothing had changed. “Damn!” she cursed quietly, begrudgingly acknowledging her hopeless infatuation with her parents' number one horse wrangler.

  She slowed as she approached the top of the drive, giving herself an extra moment to regain her composure. Dean had reached the porch at the same time she slid her car into park, and she watched as he spoke with her father, doing her best to keep her gaze from settling on his lips.

  “Enough! Let's go, Olivia,” she chided herself, forcing the car door open and stepping out onto the pavement.

  Dean had just begun to turn away, heading back in the direction from which he'd emerged. But he saw her then and stopped, and Olivia could have sworn his mouth dropped open for the briefest of seconds. His eyes swept down her body and back up to meet her eyes as she ran her fingers nervously though her long, auburn tresses. Dean's jaw took on a harder edge before he turned quickly and headed around the side of the house.

  It happened so fast that Olivia wondered if perhaps she'd imagined his response to her; years of longing leaving her just a smidge delusional. But her parents were already descending the front steps, hurrying toward her, and just seconds later she was wrapped in her mother's arms. She forced Dean to the back of her mind once again. It seemed inappropriate to be thinking about the hot horse wrangler as her father leaned down to kiss her forehead.

  “Hi Mom. Hey Dad,” she greeted them, returning her mother's hug and kissing her father's cheek. “I've missed you guys.”

  “And we've missed you terribly,” Olivia's mother uttered as she fought against the tears welling in her eyes, squeezing her daughter tight for one more moment before releasing her hold. “We're so sorry it didn't work out like you'd hoped, but you're here now, and we'll figure something out. Miracles happen, Olivia,” her mom told her emphatically.

  From birth, everyone had called Olivia the miracle baby. Her
parents, Christine and Robert, were much older than most, told for years they would never conceive a child of their own. And then one day, years after giving up on ever having a baby, Christine had surprised everyone by announcing she was pregnant.

  Can't argue over miracles with Mom, Olivia thought wryly, nodding her acquiescence instead.

  Robert turned toward the house, leading the small group inside and out of the blazing heat of the midsummer's sun.

  “So, your mother has a surprise for you, Olivia. Might as well get it out of the way now, Christine,” he mentioned as casually as he could manage. She eyed her mother suspiciously.

  “Well, you know we're just so glad to have you back home for now, Olivia. And there are others here who have missed you while you've been away, too.” Christine paused, but Olivia remained silent, waiting for her mother to continue.

  “I know you're not one for big parties and such, but I was just thinking a little gathering to welcome you home wasn't too much,” Christine smiled innocently.

  “And all the fun starts in a little over five hours,” Robert grinned, no doubt knowing Christine had planned on breaking that part to their daughter more gently, but unable to resist getting his wife into a little trouble.

  Olivia feigned an angry look, but couldn't help joining in her father's joviality with a grin of her own. Truth be told, she'd become much more accustomed to large crowds since going away to school. While the college campus wasn't large, she'd attended her fair share of parties both on-campus and off, and even frequented the occasional nightclub to further her worldly experience in the big city.

  “It's OK, Mom. I know you couldn't resist,” Olivia smiled and kissed her mother's cheek before turning past the main foyer and through the open concept living area toward her bedroom beyond. She paused mid-step, realizing her parents might have changed things around while she'd been gone; perhaps they'd turned her bedroom into a sewing room, or replaced her bed with a billiard's table. Her parents must have understood her hesitation.


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