Shamefully Shared: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance
Page 14
He turned the tempo of the machine up. Lacey grabbed the bench and squealed as the machine started to ram and rail her ass with quick, short strokes. Oh, fuck. She was going to come from being ass fucked by an inanimate object. She was going to come all over that thing, and she was going to do it under the watchful gaze of a man who engineered pleasure and pain to perfection.
Just when she thought she was about to come, he activated the final piece of the puzzle: the spanking machine. The paddle rotated around and caught her ass with a solid whack that made her jolt against her bindings.
“I know you can come while you’re being punished,” Brian crooned. “So do it. Let the pain make you feel better.”
The paddle landed again, stinging her ass terribly. She let out a shriek, but there was no quarter to be given, not from the dildo in her rear and not from the paddle itself. Lacey lay there, writhing in her bonds, her ass fucked and punished more thoroughly by Brian than by anyone. She stared at him in shock as the paddle made another rotation, searing her already tender skin.
The sensations were building in her already orgasm-fatigued body. Coming wasn’t as simple without stimulation against her clit or in her pussy. All she had now was the pain and the pounding of her ass… and Brian. Looking into those green eyes of his, she found herself flooded with heat. He was possibly the most dangerous of all of them, the youngest of the lot and by far the most devious. He had lulled her into a false sense of security, stolen her data, come in her pussy, and now he was tormenting her in ways Col couldn’t even begin to dream of.
“What have you learned, Lacey?”
“Not to fuck with you,” she gasped.
He smiled broadly and flicked the vibrator on again. The burst of sensation sent her over the edge immediately, making her convulse as the most powerful orgasm yet slammed through her body, every part of her flesh alight with desire as she screamed her release to the world. She could hardly breathe, she couldn’t see. Everything was bright and then it was dark and her body was trembling from head to toe as she shivered and writhed, whimpering for mercy as the waves began to recede and the vibrations became more uncomfortable than anything else.
“Shhh, good girl,” Brian said, finally turning the machine off completely. “We’re done, for now.”
“For now?” She asked the question weakly.
“Mhm,” Brian pressed an almost chaste kiss to her forehead as she lay there bound and desperate, her ass and pussy dripping with lubricant, semen, and her shameful feminine reaction to his sadistic punishment.
Two days later…
She was exhausted, but she was also almost done. There was just one man to go. It had taken several days to recover from Brian’s punishment, physically and mentally. He had taken her to places she hadn’t known it was possible to go. He had shown her the limits of her body’s orgasmic response, and shown her that in surrender there was more pleasure than she could imagine. He had also shown her that the same pleasure could be turned against her and used as a weapon of strict discipline.
She looked at him differently now. He no longer seemed like the shy little guy of the group. He was the dark horse, the one it was all too easy to underestimate. She’d never do that again.
“Are you alright?” Brian slid up to her with a small smile.
“Yeah,” she said, wrapping her blanket around her. “Just hoping to get this stuff with Rex over so I can get some new clothes. Kinda tired of running around naked all the time.”
“Well, why don’t you go see him? I think he’s in his room.”
She was nervous to go and see Rex. The leader of the pack had been aloof to the extreme since the incident. Lacey felt closer to everyone else than ever before, but he had absolutely pulled away, both from her, and by proxy, the rest of the group. He was quite often removed from the men, preferring to read in his office rather than socialize with them.
“I think he hates me,” she said softly.
Brian glanced in the general direction of Rex’s room, his eyes squinting a bit almost as if he was trying to see through the walls.
“He doesn’t like being defied,” Brian said. “And you really defied him. I don’t think he knows what to do with you.”
“He always knows everything.”
“Maybe not this. If I were you I’d go and apologize.”
Chapter Twenty-Two
A small knock at Rex’s door heralded the conversation he’d been avoiding having for a week. The boys had done an incredible job of bringing Lacey to justice for her actions. Rex was actually quite proud of them. But he was troubled too. It was one thing to punish her, but he had to be sure that the punishment would actually do something—and he wasn’t certain that it would. Lacey wasn’t the type to roll over and submit. She was strong minded and brave. And that made her a serious problem for him. They could spank her all they wanted, but when she got another idea in her head she’d be off to follow it and damn the consequences. It was just who she was.
“Come in.” He closed his book and sat up in his chair, waiting for her to enter.
She crept into the room, swaddled in a blanket. She wasn’t supposed to have any clothes, but it was a colder day and rules didn’t really apply to her anyway, apparently. At least she hadn’t managed to charm one of the others into going and buying her a new wardrobe yet.
“What is it, Lacey?”
“I’m sorry,” she said, looking down at her hands. “I shouldn’t have taken the van, and I shouldn’t have gone to the media. It was a mistake.”
Rex rubbed his hand over his jaw and looked at her grimly. Mistake was an understatement.
“I know you’re upset at me,” she continued, her voice small and wavering. “And I know it’s different for you.”
“What do you mean?”
She shifted nervously. “I mean, Chase and Max felt sorry for me and Col and Brian punished me, but it’s different for you. I didn’t really do anything to them directly. I mean, I did, but…” She looked up at him. “You’re in charge of us all, so when one of us does something wrong, it’s kind of… I don’t know how to say it… worse for you.”
Maybe she did understand the problem. Or maybe one of the guys had explained it to her. That was a start, but it wasn’t enough.
“It’s a problem, Lacey.”
Her face fell. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Are you?”
“Yes! If you’d seen what I’ve let them do to me to make up for this…”
“It’s not about making up for,” Rex said. “It’s about the discipline we live by. I have four strong-willed, intelligent, dangerous men out there. If they did whatever they felt like doing, this unit would fall apart in two seconds. They don’t do as I say because they don’t have their own minds, or because they always agree with me. They do it because they know this is the only way we can work together, stay together. So when you disregard my orders and go running across the country to yap on television, it’s not just that you defy me, it’s that you undermine everything we believe in. How can we keep you with us when we can’t trust you? We can’t constantly be on guard against you and what you might do. We can’t lock every door, hide every key. Not forever.”
“I know. And you don’t have to. I won’t do anything that stupid again, I promise. I learned my lesson.”
“Did you?”
“Yes,” she said, her eyes wide and earnest. “Please, Rex, sir, you have to believe me.”
He didn’t believe her. That was the problem.
“Just punish me, please,” she whimpered. “I’ll show you.”
“What would punishing you do? Discipline only works when you care about not wanting to be disciplined again. But you crave it, Lacey. You like pain. You like trouble. And that’s cute for five minutes, but it doesn’t work long term.”
Her lower lip quivered. “I’m sorry,�
� she said, sounding heartbroken.
“So am I.”
“So what are you saying? Do you want me to leave?”
Rex shook his head. “I haven’t decided what to do with you yet.”
She bit her lower lip. “Well, I’ve kept my side of the deal, so if it’s okay with you, I’d like to get some clothes, and I’m going to need some, er, feminine products.”
“Get one of the guys to take you out,” Rex said. “It’s fine.”
Lacey looked like she was going to burst into tears. “Please… Rex… I am sorry, really I am. And you did betray me…”
“Betray you?” He growled the words. “I did what I thought was best. I told you what you needed to know. If you had just kept your nose out of things, we would have saved ourselves a lot of time and trouble. As it is, I’m getting report after report of Fishland’s people looking for you. That visit to the TV studio put them on edge. You’re in more danger now than you ever have been.”
“I didn’t know that…”
“No. Because you didn’t need to, or at least, I didn’t think you did.”
“They still want me dead? What about the CIA?”
“They haven’t acted on the material yet.”
“I knew they wouldn’t,” Lacey scowled. “I told you…”
“No,” he snapped coldly. “You don’t tell me anything. You are the one who gets told. Get out of here before I whip your ass.”
Rex was furious. He wanted to take off his belt and lash her butt until she cried, but he was too damn angry to punish her right now. He understood Col now. The girl really had a way of getting under his skin, a combination of submission and rebellion that just didn’t work.
Lacey’s face turned red and she made a half turn before pivoting back to him. She opened her mouth…
“Go!” Rex thundered the word at her.
She fled.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“He hates me,” she sniveled against Chase’s chest. “He really, really hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” Chase soothed her, running his hand over her hair. “He’s just really not good with women and even worse with disobedience. He was a hard ass when we were in the service, and he hasn’t changed much since then.”
“He doesn’t want me to be here anymore. He wants to get rid of me. He’s going to send me away,” Lacey sobbed, totally miserable. Rex had been fucking terrifying when he yelled at her. She hadn’t expected him to be so angry. It had been over a week since she’d run off, and he didn’t seem to be getting over it at all. He’d screamed at her like he was a drill sergeant and she was some unruly soldier, and it had left her shaken.
“If he wanted to send you away, you’d be gone,” Chase said. “Besides, that ship has sailed. You’re ours now. Part of the team. Even Col has come around to that. Rex knows he’d have a mutiny on his hands if he tried to get rid of you now.”
“So he doesn’t want me, but he has to keep me,” she sniffed. “That’s even worse.”
“I’m sure he wants you,” Chase soothed. “Give him time, and some space.”
Just then, there was a tap at the door. “Is Lacey in there?”
“Yeah, she’s here,” Chase said, easing her up from his chest. Lacey looked around to see Max standing in the doorway.
“Come on,” Max said, jingling the keys. “I’m taking you for ice cream.”
“And tampons.”
He made a grimace. “I don’t think they go well together.”
“You’re so dumb,” Lacey laughed.
“And clothes,” he added. “It’s about time you got something that fits you. Can’t wear Chase’s castoffs forever.”
“Are you coming?” She looked back at Chase.
“I’ve got some work to do here. You and Max have a fun girl’s trip.”
Max twirled his hair and gave a faux giggle, making Lacey laugh. Rex might be crazy, but she loved these men so much. She wasn’t going to leave them, not for anything.
Chapter Twenty-Four
“I got Max to take Lacey out, because we need to discuss this situation,” Rex said. He’d assembled his remaining men into the living room: Col, Chase, and Brian. None of them were going to be on board with his upcoming suggestion, but they had to have this discussion regardless.
“Try to put aside your personal feelings for a moment and look at this situation objectively. We have a target we’re trying to protect, one who doesn’t want to be protected half the time and who is reckless enough to put herself in danger at any moment. Lacey is unpredictable. I don’t trust her.”
“She’s a pain in the ass,” Col agreed. “She’s reckless and undisciplined and she makes terrible decisions. But she can be taught.”
“I don’t think so,” Rex said. “We’re going to have to make a lot of decisions she doesn’t like over time. If she steals our things and runs away every time, it’s dangerous for her and for us. She’s a grown woman, and I reckon it’s too late to change her. She wasn’t trustworthy when we met her, and she’s not trustworthy now. You boys have put the work in on her, but I’m still not convinced. She was prepared to argue with me even after everything you did. That tells me she hasn’t learned much, if anything.”
“She hasn’t had enough time,” Brian interjected. “Discipline and obedience take time to instill. Especially in women.”
Rex looked at Chase, who shook his head. “You may be right. I think she’d be better away from this kind of environment. It doesn’t suit her.”
It was upside down day. It had to be. Col was arguing for Lacey, and Chase was saying she might be an ongoing issue.
“I’d go with her,” Chase said, suddenly making a lot more sense. “Make sure she doesn’t get into trouble.”
“You just want her to yourself,” Col said bluntly.
Chase looked over at him, his eyes narrowed. “I actually want what’s best for her. And that isn’t being constantly whipped and tied and put away. She deserves a real life. A house. A family.”
“Chase wants to marry her and knock her up and play tea parties,” Col snorted. “God, you don’t know her at all. She’d go crazy in that kind of life. And she’d drive you crazy too. You couldn’t handle her on your own. None of us could. Hell, she’s already broken Rex.”
“What’s that supposed to mean,” Rex growled.
“You’ve been sulking,” Col said. “Should have just fucked her ass nice and hard and taught her a lesson, but instead you’ve been moping around refusing to talk to her. As if she cares. She survived weeks of militia torture. Your silent treatment isn’t going to do shit to her.”
“The van’s back,” Brian said softly.
They all fell silent as Max and Lacey returned and came inside. Lacey was dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt that actually fit her. It was sort of weird to see her dressed semi-normally. To Rex’s relief she shuffled off quickly toward the bedrooms, leaving Max standing in the living room, giving them all a quizzical look.
“What are you talking about?” Max inquired.
“I was just saying Rex should punish Lacey and get it over with,” Col said, “‘cause the silent treatment doesn’t affect her. “
“I don’t know about that,” Brian interjected. “I think she’s pretty nervous. She keeps being sick.”
“Being sick?” Rex raised a brow. “What do you mean? Food poisoning?”
“I dunno. She was sick the other morning with me.”
“Yeah, yesterday with me too,” Max agreed. “But I think it’s just her period. She got some girl stuff today.”
“Girl stuff?”
“You know, period stuff. I don’t know. I let her get whatever she wanted. I wasn’t looking.”
“You weren’t looking!” Rex nearly exploded. “You just let her wander around in a store by herself?”
“I don’t know what girls need. She just grabbed a few things. She didn’t attempt
to take down a shadowy cabal or anything.”
“You let her loose in a fucking pharmacy. She could have gotten anything!”
“You want to check her tampons? Check her tampons,” Max snorted. “I wasn’t going to get into it.”
“She’s not bleeding though,” Col said. “I was with her last night.”
“They don’t bleed constantly, do they?” Brian spoke up. “Maybe she was in a non-bleeding part of it.”
Rex palmed his face. Five military men attempting to unravel the mystery of their captive’s menstrual cycle was ridiculous.
“Does it matter? We’re dealing with an ongoing security risk. We can’t trust her, and frankly, I don’t see how we ever will.”
“But we took her on,” Max said. “You can’t take a woman and get rid of her just because she’s trouble. There’s five of us and one of her. You’re just mad because she defied you. You should work it out with her.”
How was he supposed to work it out? Lacey was uncontrollable. She didn’t believe in loyalty. She didn’t believe in obedience. She didn’t believe in anything besides the next story, and sooner or later, she was going to go off in search of it.
Rex was worried for his men. He’d thought that they were the ones taking Lacey, but in reality, Lacey had stolen all of their hearts. Yes, even his. He loved the little spitfire, but he didn’t see how she could ever be contained.
At practically the worst moment possible, he heard her voice coming from behind him.
“Uhm… guys? I need to talk to you.”
“Fine, come in,” Rex sighed. She may as well be present for the conversation. Maybe they’d get somewhere with her in the room. Maybe not.
She did look pale and exhausted, he admitted to himself. She didn’t meet his eye, or actually, any of their gazes. She was twisting something between her hands, something long and pale-looking. Toothbrush shiv?
“I don’t know how to say this, so I’ll just show you.”
She put the slim panel of plastic down on the coffee table. Immediately, everyone started to talk over one another.