Going Down Fast (Billionaire Bad Boys Book 2)
Page 16
“I was at the doctor confirming the pregnancy.”
“You went alone?” Hurt flickered in his gaze and her heart cracked open.
How could she have done this to him? He’d been nothing but giving, kind, and loving. Willing to open himself and his heart to her, and she’d kept him in the dark.
There was nothing she could say to make it better.
She could only tell him her truth and hope he would forgive. “The minute I sat down in the room, undressed in that gown, and waited for the doctor, I knew I’d made a huge mistake. I wanted you there as much as I realized I wanted the baby.”
He remained silent, so she continued.
“I left the office planning to come straight to you and fill you in, but then…”
“Bernardi,” they said at the same time.
She let out a nervous laugh.
Lucas didn’t say another word, and in the silence, she began to wonder if she’d pushed him too far, hurt him too much. Everyone had their limits, and in not telling him about the baby, maybe she’d surpassed his.
She curled her hands into fists, digging her nails into her skin. She’d thought losing another baby was the worst thing that could befall her, but she realized now there was something equally devastating.
Losing Lucas.
* * *
Maxie might have a concussion, but Lucas was the one whose head was spinning now. A baby? She’d been pulling away because they were having a baby? Of all the scenarios that had gone through his mind, Maxie being pregnant hadn’t been one of them.
“Lucas, say something. Please. I’m sorry I pushed you away, and I never would have terminated the pregnancy,” she reiterated. “I swear it never crossed my mind.”
He grasped her hand and looked into her eyes. “Maxie, you have to understand we have nothing if we don’t have honesty. You don’t have to be happy about something, but you can’t keep something so important to us to yourself. You can’t push me out in some misguided attempt at independence.”
“I know why you’d think that, but this had nothing to do with standing on my own. You’d already proven to me how much you value me and that you allow me to make my own choices. This was sheer panic. I fell back into that depression that—”
“Shh.” He placed a hand over her lips. “I know and I understand. I’m not angry. I’m overwhelmed. And before I even begin to express how else I’m feeling, I want things crystal clear between us.”
She blinked, her eyes big and wide. “Okay.”
“I need to know you trust me enough to come to me when something’s wrong. No matter how big or scary.”
She nodded. “Yes. I understand that now. I swear. I’ve made mistakes but I love you.”
“I love you too, beautiful.” He grinned now, big and wide. “A baby?”
“You’re happy?” she asked.
“Not completely.” As long as he had her where he wanted her, he was going for the full monty.
Her bottom lip trembled, and he didn’t want to torture her. “Do you know why I wasn’t here with you earlier?” he asked.
She shook her head, her eyes narrowed in confusion.
“Because we aren’t married. I’m not your husband. I’m not legally the person who can make decisions for you or be told about your condition. So no, I’m not completely happy.”
Sudden understanding lit her gaze along with a spark of happiness and excitement he hadn’t seen in too long. “Say what you mean, Mr. Monroe.”
He tipped his head back and laughed, knowing that finally, everything was as it should be. As it should have been since they were silly teenagers unwilling to admit their feelings.
“If I’m going to be a father, you’re going to have to make an honest man out of me,” he said with a wink.
“Oh, Lucas.”
He gently clasped the back of her neck and eased her forward until their lips touched. He slid his mouth over hers ever so lightly and whispered, “Will you marry me?”
A salty tear slipped between them, and he leaned back, capturing it with his tongue.
“Yes,” she said, wrapping her arms around him in a grip so tight he might never extricate himself. Which was a good thing, because he didn’t want to.
“Thank God,” he muttered. They’d finally gotten it right. Finally found their time.
“Excuse me.” The same nurse who’d led him in here poked her head in.
Lucas pulled back. “Yes?” he asked, trying not to sound annoyed.
“I have people here who are demanding to see Ms. Sullivan. I really can’t have more than one or two at a time in here,” she said.
He turned to Maxie. “Kade, Derek, and Lexie are here,” he said.
“That’s so sweet. Go get them,” she said, poking Lucas in the shoulder. “We have our whole lives to be alone. And not in a hospital cubicle.”
He growled his objection but he understood. His friends had been waiting for word, putting up with his worry and mood.
Besides, she was right. They had their whole lives.
* * *
A week after the incident with Bernardi, Maxie dressed for a dinner out with Lucas. She hadn’t had a concussion, but to appease him and the doctors, she’d taken the rest of the week off from work to rest. After a few days in the house, she was dying to get out of the apartment. Lucas promised a special night, and he’d made a reservation at an exclusive restaurant that usually booked out months in advance.
She chose a fitted black dress she probably wouldn’t be able to wear much longer and a pair of heels. She finished her makeup and had just completed curling the bottom of her hair when Lucas came up behind her in the bathroom.
He clasped his hands around her waist and pressed a soft kiss to her neck before sliding his palms across her stomach. “You know I’m going to be here for everything. Every doctor’s appointment, every kick.”
“Every midnight craving?” she asked with a laugh. She was trying to focus on being positive and not thinking about the past or scary possibilities.
“Every last one,” he promised.
From the second he’d found out she was having their baby, Lucas had done a pretty darn good job helping her, always making her laugh, showing her how excited he was, how much he loved her. She’d done the same, determined to never hurt him or push him away again.
She stepped back and took him in. He looked incredibly sexy in a pair of black pants and a white dress shirt, unbuttoned enough to reveal his tanned skin and light sprinkling of chest hair she enjoyed running her fingers over at night.
“Stop looking at me like that or we’ll miss our reservation,” he said on a low rumble.
“You can pick up right here when we get home.” Her stomach chose that moment to let out a very unattractive hungry rumble. “I’m not only eating for two, I’m hungry for two,” she said, feeling her cheeks flame.
“Let’s go. I need to feed you both.”
She swiped a hint of gloss on her lips and let him lead the way.
To her surprise, he’d hired a car service for the night. “I want everything about tonight to be special,” he said, his breath warm and sexy in her ear.
It was so wonderful not to have to focus on anything but being happy, the past and Keith permanently in their rearview mirror. Happiness was something she was getting used to, but Lucas made it easy.
The car pulled up to the restaurant, and Lucas helped her out, leading her inside with a hand at her lower back.
He gave their name to the maître d’. “Right this way, Mr. Monroe. I have a private table for you in the back, just like you requested.”
Feeling special and very loved, she walked to the back, leaning against Lucas as they made their way to the table.
“Surprise!” a loud group of people yelled out, and Maxie blinked, jerking back into Lucas.
Kade and Lexie, Kendall, Derek, her friend Bailey and her boyfriend, and to Maxie’s utter surprise, Lucas’ parents were there as
“What’s going on?” she asked, glancing up at Lucas.
“We waited a long time for our time. To get things right. And I thought you’d want to be around people who love you when we celebrate.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Celebrate what?”
“Our official engagement,” he said, reaching into this pocket and pulling out a small black box.
She sucked in a shallow breath. She’d agreed to marry him at the hospital, but she hadn’t been sure it wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment question born of frustration that he hadn’t been able to get in to see her. They hadn’t discussed it again since.
Clearly he’d been planning though.
He popped open the box, revealing a huge round stone in a classic Tiffany setting. “Lucas!”
“I might not always act like I’m a billionaire, but my wife is going to look like she’s married to one.” He lifted the ring from the box.
She couldn’t help but notice his hand was shaking, which endeared her to him even more. Because she was trembling too. How could she not be when all her dreams were finally coming true?
He knelt down on one knee. “Maxie Sullivan, I have loved you my entire life and plan to love you for eternity. Will you marry me?”
Her eyes welled up, threatening to ruin the makeup she’d put on so carefully. “Yes. Of course!” She held out her hand.
He slipped the ring onto her finger, where it fit perfectly. “Lucas, I love it and I love you.”
He rose and leaned in for a kiss, which resulted in a round of applause from their company, who she’d almost forgotten was there.
A glance told her everyone looked happy for them, including his mother and father.
“How’d you manage your parents being here?” she asked quietly.
“Believe it or not, that was easy. In the end, they don’t want to lose their family. They love you.” He pulled her against him, heedless of the people waiting to congratulate them. “And so do I.”
With that pronouncement, he kissed her again, for a long, long, long time.
Preorder the next Billionaire Bad Boy’s story (Derek’s story) in GOING DOWN HARD—HERE.
Billionaire Bad Boys: Rich, Powerful and sexy as hell.
Derek West rose from poverty to take the tech world by storm. He’s sexy, confident and has no problem making a play for the opposite sex. He never anticipates that the one woman who has him going down hard, is going to make this bad boy work for what he wants … and needs.
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Meet the Dares!
Dare to Love – Book 1 Dare to Love Series – (Ian Dare)
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Billionaire Bad Boys Reading Order:
Book 1: Going Down Easy
Book 2: Going Down Fast
Book 3: Going Down Hard
Book 4: Going in Deep
Dare to Love Series Reading Order:
Book 1: Dare to Love (Ian & Riley)
Book 2: Dare to Desire (Alex & Madison)
Book 3: Dare to Touch (Olivia & Dylan)
Book 4: Dare to Hold (Scott & Meg)
Book 5: Dare to Rock (Avery & Grey)
Book 6: Dare to Take (Tyler & Ella)
*each book can stand alone for your reading enjoyment
DARE NY Series (NY Dare Cousins) Reading Order:
Book 1: Dare to Surrender (Gabe & Isabelle)
Book 2: Dare to Submit (Decklan & Amanda)
Book 3: Dare to Seduce (Max & Lucy)
*The NY books are more erotic/hotter books
Read on for an excerpt of Dare to Love, Ian and Riley’s story.
Dare to Love
Order and Start Reading Dare to Love NOW!
Chapter One
Once a year, the Dare siblings gathered at the Club Meridian Ballroom in South Florida to celebrate the birthday of the father many of them despised. Ian Dare raised his glass filled with Glenlivet and took a sip, letting the slow burn of fine scotch work its way down his throat and into his system. He’d need another before he fully relaxed.
“Hi, big brother.” His sister Olivia strode up to him and nudged him with her elbow.
“Watch the drink,” he said, wrapping his free arm around her shoulders for an affectionate hug. “Hi, Olivia.”
She returned the gesture with a quick kiss on his cheek. “It’s nice of you to be here.”
He shrugged. “I’m here for Avery and for you. Although why you two forgave him—”
“Uh-uh. Not here.” She wagged a finger in front of his face. “If I have to put on a dress, we’re going to act civilized.”
Ian stepped back and took in his twenty-four-year-old sister for the first time. Wearing a gold gown, her dark hair up in a chic twist, it was hard to believe she was the same bane of his existence who’d chased after him and his friends until they relented and let her play ball with them.
“You look gorgeous,” he said to her.
She grinned. “You have to say that.”
“I don’t. And I mean it. I’ll have to beat men off with sticks when they see you.” The thought darkened his mood.
“You do and I’ll have your housekeeper short-sheet your bed! Again, there should be perks to getting dressed like this, and getting laid should be one of them.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” he muttered and took another sip of his drink.
“You not only promised to come tonight, you swore you’d behave.”
Ian scowled. “Good behavior ought to be optional considering the way he flaunts his assets,” he said with a nod toward where Robert Dare held court.
Around him sat his second wife of nine years, Savannah Dare, and their daughter, Sienna, along with their nearest and dearest country club friends. Missing were their other two sons, but they’d show up soon.
Olivia placed a hand on his shoulder. “He loves her, you know. And Mom’s made her peace.”
“Mom had no choice once she found out about her.”
Robert Dare had met the much younger Savannah Sheppard and, to hear him tell it, fallen instantly in love. She was now the mother of his three other children, the oldest of whom was twenty-five. Ian had just turned thirty. Anyone could do the math and come up with two families at the same time. The man was beyond fertile, that was for damned sure.
At the reminder, Ian finished his drink and placed the tumbler on a passing server’s tray. “I showed my face. I’m out of here.” He started for the exit.
“Ian, hold on,” his sister said, frustration in her tone.
“What? Do you want me to wait until they sing ‘Happy Birthday’? No thanks. I’m leaving.”
Before they could continue the discussion, their half brother Alex strode through the double entrance with a spectacular-looking woman holding tightly to his arm, and Ian’s plans changed.
Because of her.
Some people had presence; others merely wished they possessed that magic something. In her bold, red dress and fuck-me heels, she owned the room. And he wanted to own her. Petite and curvy, with long, chocolate-brown hair that fell down her back in wild curls, she was the antithesis of ev
ery too-thin female he’d dated and kept at arm’s length. But she was with his half brother, which meant he had to steer clear.
“I thought you were leaving,” Olivia said from beside him.
“I am.” He should. If he could tear his gaze away from her.
“If you wait for Tyler and Scott, you might just relax enough to have fun,” she said of their brothers. “Come on, please?” Olivia used the pleading tone he never could resist.
“Yeah, please, Ian? Come on,” his sister Avery said, joining them, looking equally mature in a silver gown that showed way too much cleavage. At twenty-two, she was similar in coloring and looks to Olivia, and he wasn’t any more ready to think of her as a grown-up—never mind letting other men ogle her—than he was with her sister.
Ian set his jaw, amazed these two hadn’t been the death of him yet.
“So what am I begging him to do?” Avery asked Olivia.
Olivia grinned. “I want him to stay and hang out for a while. Having fun is probably out of the question, but I’m trying to persuade him to let loose.”
“Brat,” he muttered, unable to hold back a smile at Olivia’s persistence.
He stole another glance at his lady in red. He could no more leave than he could approach her, he thought, frustrated because he was a man of action, and right now, he could do nothing but watch her.
“Well?” Olivia asked.
He forced his gaze to his sister and smiled. “Because you two asked so nicely, I’ll stay.” But his attention remained on the woman now dancing and laughing with his half brother.
* * *
Riley Taylor felt his eyes on her from the moment she entered the elegantly decorated ballroom on the arm of another man. As it was, her heels made it difficult enough to maneuver gracefully. Knowing a devastatingly sexy man watched her every move only made not falling on her ass even more of a challenge.
Alex Dare, her best friend, was oblivious. Being the star quarterback of the Tampa Breakers meant he was used to stares and attention. Riley wasn’t. And since this was his father’s birthday bash, he knew everyone here. She didn’t.