clothing worn for
early disillusioning experiences of
equipment and supplies for
Fazenda Francesa and
film footage of
financing of
hardships of
indigenous artifacts collected by
see also Bororo; Caduveo
Brazil, CLS’s 1938 fieldwork in
bartering for artifacts in
boa constrictors and
brevity of
bureaucratic hurdles surmounted by
canoes in
capuchin monkey acquired in
clothing worn for
CLS’s depressive episode in
CLS’s field notes of
CLS’s preliminary reading for
drawings of
equipment and supplies for
ethnographic team of
eye infections contracted in
financing of
game hunting in
goal of
hardships of
hired crew of
indigenous artifacts collected in
material culture as focus of
and natives’ hostile actions
outbound journey of
pack animals of
photographs of
return trip of
river crossings in
route of
scale of
shooting accident in
subsequent evaluations of
telegraph line and
see also Nambikwara
Breton, André
CLS’s relationship with
in Greenwich Village
indigenous artifacts collected by
spontaneous creativity doctrine of
on Voice of America
Brillouin, Léon
Brown, Al
Brunschvicg, Léon
Bucher, Bernadette
film footage of
material culture of
nineteenth-century depictions of
painted facial patterns on women of
social organization of
wall-less huts of
Cahen, Léon
Caillois, Roger
Cain, Julien
Camus, Albert
Capitaine Paul-Lemerle
Carlebach, Julius
Carlu, Jacques
Caro-Delvaille, Henry
Cartel des gauches
Cartry, Michel
Castel, Louis-Bertrand
Castro Faria, Luiz de
on CLS’s fieldwork
field diary of
Quain encountered by
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Cervantes, Miguel de
Césaire, Aimé
Chamson, André
Charbonnier, Georges
“Chats, Les” (Baudelaire)
Chicago, Ill.
China, ancient:
art of
kinship system of
Chirac, Jacques
Chiva, Isac
Chomsky, Noam
Cinna (Corneille)
Clastres, Pierre
“Claude Lévi-Strauss detestou a Baía de Guanabara” (Veloso)
Clouet, François
Colbacchini, Antonio
“cold” vs. “hot” societies
Collège de France
CLS’s admission to
CLS’s inaugural address to
CLS’s rejections by
CLS’s research center at, see Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale
CLS’s seminars at
Collège de sociologie
Comité France-Amérique
Companie des transports maritimes
Comte, Auguste
Condamine, Charles Marie de la
Conrad, Joseph
Constructive Revolution movement
“Contribution à l’étude de l’organisation sociale des Indiens Bororo” (Lévi-Strauss)
Corneille, Pierre
Cornibert, Denis
Costa, Lúcio
Cours de linguistique générale (Saussure)
Courtin, René
Cresson, André
cross-cultural comparisons
Cru et le cuit, Le (The Raw and the Cooked) (Lévi-Strauss)
Bororo myths in
conclusion of
English version of
inversions and oppositions in
orchestral music metaphor in
raw/cooked polarity in
scatalogical references in
cultural evolution
cultural relativism
da Cunha, Mário Wagner Vieira
Dakar-Djibouti expedition
Darwin, Charles
Davy, Georges
Déat, Marcel
“Death of the Author, The” (Barthes)
Debaene, Vincent
de Beauvoir, Simone
CLS’s impression of
Structures élémentaires reviewed by
Debray, Régis
Debussy, Claude
de Catheu, Gilles
De Gaulle, Charles
American supporters of
de Gramont, Sanche
Degré zéro de l’écriture, Le (Writing Degree Zero) (Barthes)
de Heusch, Luc
de la Tour, Maurice Quentin
Delay, Jean
Deleuze, Gilles
Deluz, Ariane
de Montherlant, Henry
De près et de loin (Eribon)
Derain, André
Derrida, Jacques
de Saint Phalle, Niki
Descola, Philippe
Dickens, Charles
“Diogène couché” (Lévi-Strauss)
“Do Dual Organizations Exist?” (Lévi-Strauss)
Doniger, Wendy
Dosse, François
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Dreyfus, Pierre
dualism n-81n
Duchamp, Marcel
Dumas, Georges
Dumayet, Pierre
Dumézil, Georges
Du miel aux cendres (From Honey to Ashes) (Lévi-Strauss)
Durkheim, Emile
Duthuit, Georges
École coloniale
École des beaux-arts
École des hautes études commerciales
École normale supérieure
École pratique des haute études
CLS’s chair of religious studies at
CLS’s seminars at
“Effectiveness of Symbols, The” (Lévi-Strauss)
Elkin, A. P.
Emergency Rescue Committee
Endless Column (Brancusi)
Engels, Friedrich
“Enigma of Incest, The” (Bataille)
Eribon, Didier
Ernst, Max
Escarra, Jean
Essai sur le don (The Gift) (Mauss)
Estado de São Paulo
Étudiant socialiste
“Livres et revues” section of
exchange, types of
fairy tales
Faral, Edmond
Fazenda Francesa
Febvre, Lucien
Fédération des étudiants socialistes
Karaja clay dolls
Fiji Islands
Firth, Raymond
folk music
Fondation Loubat lecture series
Ford, Gordon Onslow
Fortes, Meyer
Foucault, Michel
Fournier, Marcel
Chamber des députés of
CLS’s hundredth birthday celeb
ration in
colonial empire of
ethnographic displays in
higher education expanded in
intellectual elite of
political Left in
postwar publishing in
press of
Third Republic of
trente glorieuses period in
TV arts programming in
France, in World War II,
Allied liberation of
CLS’s flight from; see also Lévi-Strauss, Claude, as exile in New York City
CLS’s military service in
épuration sauvage in
German occupation of
Jewish question in
Maginot Line of
postoccupation tensions in
refugees from
Resistance in
Vichy government of
France Antarctique
Francis I, King of France
Frazer, Sir James
1928 lecture of
Free French
French Committee of National Liberation
French Communist Party
French realist films
French Revolution
Freud, Sigmund
Freyre, Gilberto
Frigout, Arlette
Fry, Varian
“Funes the Memorious” (Borges)
Furet, François
Geertz, Clifford
Gellner, Ernest
“Geste d’Asdiwal, La” (The Story of Asdiwal) (Lévi-Strauss)
Gide, André
Gillen, Frank
Gobineau, Count
Godelier, Maurice
Gorky, Arshile
Gourou, Pierre
Gracchus Babeuf et le communisme (Lévi-Strauss)
Granet, Marcel
Great Britain
Expeditionary Force of
India and Pakistan partitioned by
withdrawal from India of
Greimas, Algirdas Julien
Griaule, Marcel
Gris, Juan
Groupe des onze (Group of Eleven)
Groupe socialiste interkhâgnal
Guggenheim, Peggy
Guilbaud, Georges
Guillaume, Paul
Guimet, Émile
Gurvitch, Georges
Haka Chin
Hamilton, Ron
Handbook of South American Indians
Hare, David
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Heidegger, Martin
Henry, Maurice
Héritier, Françoise
Herrmann, Claudine
Histoire de la folie à l‘âge classique (Foucault)
Histoire de Lynx (The Story of the Lynx) (Lévi-Strauss)
Histoire d’un voyage fait en la terre du Brésil, L’ (Léry)
Homme nu, L’ (The Naked Man) (Lévi-Strauss)
Homo Academicus (Bourdieu)
“hot” vs. “cold” societies
Hourcade, Pierre
Hughes, Robert
Hugo, Victor
Humboldt, Alexander von
Husserl, Edmund
Hyppolite, Jean
I Bororos Orientali (Colbacchini)
Immémoriaux, Les (Segalen)
incest taboo
modern view of
“Indian Cosmetics” (Lévi-Strauss)
Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud)
“irrational awareness,”
Izard, Michel
Jakobson, Roman
Jakobson, Svatava
Jaulin, Robert
Jaurès, Jean
jazz bands
Jeune République, La
Journal de la Société des Américanistes
Journal of American Folklore
Jouvet, Louis
Jubiabá (Amado)
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry
Kant, Immanuel
Keck, Frédéric
Kermode, Frank
Khrushchev, Nikita
kinship systems
of Australian Aborigines
avunculate relationship in
of Bororo
classical Chinese
cognition in
mathematical symmetry of
in matrilineal vs. patrilineal societies
models for
moieties in
totemism and
of Tupi-Kawahib
women as reciprocal gifts in
see also incest taboo; Structures élémentaires de la parenté, Les
Kirchoff, Paul
Kitses, Jim
Koestler, Arthur
Kojève, Alexandre
Koyré, Alexandre
Kris, Ernst
Kristeva, Julia
Kroeber, Alfred
Kubrick, Stanley
Labiche, Eugène
Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale
expansion of
Human Relations Area Files at
Lacan, Jacques
Lam, Wifredo
Claude Levi-Strauss: The Poet in the Laboratory Page 45