Landes, Ruth
Language and Mind (Chomsky)
Laporte, Yves
Lapouge, Gilles
Laugier, Henri
Lautréamont, Comte de
Lazareff, Pierre
Leach, Edmund
Le Brun, Charles
Le Corbusier
Leenhardt, Maurice
Lefort, Claude
Lefranc, Georges
Léger, Fernand
Leiris, Michel
Leroi-Gourhan, André
Léry, Jean de
Lettres Persanes (Montesquieu)
Lévi-Strauss, Claude:
aesthetic preferences of
American crime fiction read by
appearance of
background of
birth of
country château of
death of
funeral of
humor of
Jewish roots of
marriages of
old age of
personality of
photographs of
play written by
popular culture rejected by
self-description of
self-education of
self-effacement of
unfinished novel of
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, as anthropologist:
aesthetic sensibility of
anti-Western rhetoric of
camera owned by
caricature of
ceremonial events disliked by
coherent theoretical outlook of
conservative opinions of
culture universals derived by
doctoral thesis of
global fame of
historical approaches rejected by
influence of
intellectual trois maîtresses of
journalism career considered by
lecture style of
method of
philosophical orientation of
political involvement avoided by
progressive isolation of
prose style of
public persona of
racism as viewed by
retirement of
“sensible” vs. “intelligible” sought by
stature of
theoretical radicalism of
TV art programming interviews of
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, as exile in New York City
antique Tuscan sideboard purchased by
ethnographic materials brought by
French surrealist emigrés and
at New York Public Library
teaching positions of
transatlantic journey of
on Voice of America
see also New York, N.Y.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, in early years
abortive political campaign of
agrégation passed by
anti-Semitism encountered by
artistic sensibility of
astrology book purchased by
avant-garde influence on
Cahen’s assessment of
childhood of
dissertation of
extended family of
Frazer’s 1928 lecture missed by
Freud’s influence on
hiking of
law studies of
literature read by
at Lycée Condorcet’s hypokhâgne
at Lycée Janson de Sailly
military service of
miniature Japanese furniture collected by
musical interests of
philosophy studies of n-n
political idealism of
reality vs. analytical subtext in thinking of
at Sorbonne
teaching career of
Lévi-Strauss, Dina Dreyfus
ethnography course taught by
eye infection contracted by
fieldwork of
fieldwork techniques taught by
in French Resistance
marital relationship of
marital separation of
in São Paulo
teaching career of
wedding of
Lévi-Strauss, Emma Lévy Lévi-Strauss, Laurent
Lévi-Strauss, Matthieu
Lévi-Strauss, Monique Roman
Lévi-Strauss, Raymond
abandoned silk farm purchased by
bourgeois lifestyle of
CLS painted by
death of
Exposition coloniale Madagascan pavilion decorated by
financial problems of
modernism as ruinous to
at São Paulo
in World War II,
Lévi Strauss, Rose-Marie Ullmo
Lévy, Rabbi
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien
Lewisohn, Ludwig
Lewitzsky, Anatole
anthropology and
sound analysis in
see also structural linguistics
Linton, Ralph
Lipkind, William
Livingstone, David
Loewenstein, Rudolph
logical positivism
Lomax, John
Lourau, René
Lowie, Robert
Mac Orlan, Pierre
Maheu, René
Malaurie, Jean
Malinowski, Bronislaw
CLS’s tribute to
functionalist approach of
Mallarmé, Stéphane
Manifesto antropófago (Cannibalist Manifesto) (Andrade)
tattoos of
Maranda, Pierre
Margueritte, Victor
Maritain, Jacques
Marx, Karl
masks sxwaixwe
Massey Lectures
Masson, André
matrilineal societies
Matta, Roberto
Maugüé, Jean
Mauss, Marcel
CLS’s portrayal of
fieldwork seminars of
material culture emphasized by
reciprocity thesis of
“total social fact” idea of
in World War II,
Maybury-Lewis, David
Mead, Margaret
Meillassoux, Claude
Méliès, Georges
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Merquior, José Guilherme
Mesquita, Júlio
Messiaen, Olivier
Metastasis (Xenakis)
Métraux, Alfred
CLS’s relationship with
suicide of
Metz, Christian
French exiles in
Gualupita terra-cotta figurines of
Meyerhof, Otto
Micheau, Jeanine
Milhaud, Darius
Milliet, Sérgio
mind, human
native’s murders of
Mitterrand, François
modern art
CLS’s criticism of
of avant-garde fiction
in history
in music
in visual arts
Monbeig, Pierre
Monnet, Georges
Monod, Jacques
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem, Seigneur de
Morgan, Lewis Henry
Morphology of the Folktale (Propp)
Motherwell, Robert
Mounier, Emmanuel
Murphy, Robert
Musée de l’ethnographie
Exposition coloniale at
Exposition du Sahara at
Musée de l’Homme
CLS’s indigenous artifacts collection at
Indiens du Matto Grosso exhibition at
1937 Exposition internationale des arts et techniques dans la vie moderne at
Musée national d’Histoire naturelle
of Bororo
modernism in
of Nambikwara
orchestral, as metaphor
of Tupi-Kawahib
Mythologiques quartet (Lévi-Strauss)
as authorless
CLS’s mathematical formula (“genetic law”) of
clusters of
convergence of
culture variations of
fairy tales and
inversion in
jaguar’s wife as element in
language and
in modern films
modern novel and
oppositions in
psychoanalysis and
scatological material in
walking difficulty as element of
amorous play of
CLS rescued by
CLS’s thesis on
as CLS’s ur-culture
curare arrow poison of
eye infection contracted by
honey types gathered by
internecine feuds of
intertribal meeting of
kinship system of
language of
material culture of
monkeys kept by
murderous attacks by
music of
nakedness of
pidgin communication with
tobacco smoked by
“writing” experiment on
Napoléon III, Emperor of France
Nathan, Marcel
Nazi Germany
anti-Semitism of
Brazilian Integralists and
Czechoslovakia invaded by
France occupied by
labor camps of
racism of
refugees from
Needham, Rodney -
“Ne visitez pas l’Exposition coloniale” manifesto
Newman, Barnett
New York, N.Y.
American Museum of Natural History
Barnard College
CLS’s feeling of indebtedness to
CLS’s French cultural attaché appointment in
collector’s items available in
Columbia University
École libre des hautes études de New York
French political schisms in
French refugees in
Greenwich Village
Hunter College
multiculturalism of
Museum of the American Indian
New School for Social Research
1952 Wenner-Gren anthropology symposium in
Office of War Information in
psychoanalysts in
urban landscape of
New York Public Library
Niemeyer, Oscar
Nimuendajú (Curt Unckel),
Nizan, Paul
Noces, Les (Stravinsky)
Nunberg, Herman
Oddon, Yvonne
Odoevsky, Vladimir
Oedipus, myth of
Oedipus Rex (Sophocles)
Offenbach, Jacques
On Growth and Form (Thompson)
O País do Carnaval (Amado)
Origine des manières de table’ (The Origin of Table Manners) (Lévi-Strauss)
Pacific Northwest Coast
CLS’s visits to
masks of
myths of
totem poles of
Parain, Brice
Paraná Plantations Limited
Allied liberation of
Belle Epoque music halls of
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Café de Flore
Directory of Cultural Relations of
Grand Palais
Institute du monde arabe
intellectual refugees from
Jardin des plantes
Lycée Henri-IV
Lycée Louis-le-Grand
multiculturalism of
Musée de Cluny
Musée de l’Homme, see Musée de l’ethnographie; Musée de l’Homme
Musée du Quai Branly
Musée Guimet
1968 student protest movement in
Palais de Chaillot
Palais du Trocadéro
postwar conditions in
Rosenberg’s gallery
Wildstein Gallery
in World War II,
Parti communiste français (PCF)
Patrie humaine, La (Margueritte)
patrilineal societies
Pelléas et Mélisande (Debussy)
Penn, Irving
Pensée sauvage, La (The Savage Mind) (Lévi-Strauss)
bricoleur image in
critics of
English version of
illustrations selected for
intellectual understanding vs. sensory perception in
philosophical aspect of
prose style of
puns in title of
Sartre attacked in
structuralism in
Pétain, Henri Philippe Omer
Claude Levi-Strauss: The Poet in the Laboratory Page 46