Page 36
CyberSmuggling Center (U.S. Customs Department), 175
CyberTipline, 190
Dahmer, Jeffrey, 257
dating, porn as substitute for, 25, 34, 42, 228
Daugherty, Jonathan, 20
Davis, Cynthia, 35–36
Deep Throat, 7
degradation, 88, 123
of men, 267–68
of women, 145, 161, 233, 248, 271–72
dehumanization, 240
Delia’s, 184
demand, need to control, 265–66
Democrats, 249, 252
Denby, David, 217
desensitization, 88–92, 227–29
desperation, 223–25
Detroit Rock City (film), 7
Deyo, David, 195
Digital Playground, 111
Disney World, 8
dissatisfaction, 91, 227–29
distribution regulation, 264
divorce, 166–68, 233
dominance, 86–87, 121. See also sadomasochism
Do Not Call registry, 253
Downes, Sue, 202
drugs, 220
DVDs, 8, 54, 62–63, 181
Dworkin, Andrea, 258
Eagle Forum, 258
eating disorders, 158
EchoStar, 54
delayed, 75, 95, 97–98
on faces of women, 161
focus on, 179
outside of body, 232
Electra, Carmen, 109
Elle, 67, 110, 125, 169–70 poll, 15, 82, 87, 91, 106, 116, 117, 125, 136, 147, 153, 155, 160, 166, 216
e-mail, 4, 30, 207
Eminem, 5
Emmanuelle (film), 74
as component of porn, 223–25, 269
distant, caused by porn, 155–56, 224
lack of, in porn, 41, 61–62
Emotions of Jenna Jameson (DVD), 28
Employment Law Alliance survey, 29–30
entrapment porn, 184
erectile dysfunction, 42, 70, 82, 98, 103, 158, 159
couples and, 145
“erotic soap opera,” 111
porn vs., 120–24, 188
ETV (cable network), 68
Everclear, 5
evolutionary psychology, 28–29, 33, 242, 243
exemplification theory, 18
exhibitionism, 233
extramarital sex, 258
Fagan, Patrick, 257
Falwell, Jerry, 250
Fantasia, 121
female, 113–14
porn as, 45–48, 56–57
reality vs., and addiction, 211–39
reality vs., and children, 186, 189–90
relationships and, 139–42
FBI, 190, 192, 195
female-friendly porn, 19–20, 123
feminism and feminists, 52–53, 248
eradication vs. improvement and, 108–9
porn opponents, 126–27, 258–59, 270
porn proponents, 112–14
“feminized” world, 35
FHM (magazine), 23, 67, 68, 126
films, 22, 111
Finkelhor, David, 201
First Amendment (free speech rights), 116, 144, 206, 246–56, 264
Fischer, Joseph, 176
Fleshbot (blog), 76
Flynt, Larry, 53, 64–65, 184, 238, 250
Focus on the Family survey, 20
Forced Entry (video), 239
foreplay, 151
Fox TV (cable network), 7
Francis, Joe, 116
Free Speech Coalition, 249
Friday, Nancy, 51, 120
Friends (TV show), 5
Frontline (TV show), 264
Full Monty, The (film), 7
Gag Factor 15 (video), 8
Gallagher, Melinda, 112, 270
Generation X, 143
Girl Next Door, The (film), 7, 110
father’s attitude toward, 80, 209–10, 227, 237
first encounters with porn, 174
pressured into porn videos, 182–83
Girls Gone Wild (video franchise), 40, 115–16, 125, 265
Glamour, 12, 19, 130, 158
Global Campaign Against Child Pornography, 191
Gnutella, 190
Goodman, Donald Edward, 195
gonzo porn, 86
Goodman, Michael, 55
Government Accountability Office (GAO), 190
Gray, Dan, 216, 217
Grazer, Brian, 7
Groove Games, 185
group sex, 61, 78, 226
Group Sex: Pure Ecstacy, 122–23
G-String Divas (cable TV show), 6
guilt, 73, 101, 102, 186
Guy Game, The (video game), 181
Halzman, Scott, 162
Hamman, Stephan, 119
hardcore, 5, 64
blamed on anti-porn women, 270
cable TV and, 55
extremeness of, 8, 86, 87, 225–27
First Amendment and, 251–52
Internet and, 60–62, 239–41
softcore vs., 4, 240
Harper’s, 250
Hartley, Nina, 270
HBO (cable TV network), 6
H Bomb magazine, 114, 272
Head, Christina, 111
Hefner, Hugh, 6, 7, 185, 206, 238, 257
Hef’s Superbunnies (TV series), 185
Henningsgaard, Per, 114
Hilton, Paris, 67
hip-hop, 5, 6
Holland, Abby, 115
Holland, Kelly, 111
Hollywood movies, 6–7, 54
Home Alone 3 (film), 206
Homes, A. M., 6
homosexuality, 258, 259
Hoover, Robert, 198
Horny Girls Next Door (film), 68
hotels, 9, 55
Hot Spice Channel, 55
Howard, James L., 83
How to Make Love Like a Porn Star (Jameson and Strauss), 7, 182
Hudson, Kate, 109
Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award, 250
humiliation, 20, 88, 268
100 Hottest Hottes, The (TV show), 5
Hush (video club), 54
Hustler Club, 64, 65
Hustler, 4, 23, 51, 64, 245, 250
Hustler retail stores, 64
Hustler TV On Demand, 64
Hutchison, Richard, 176
Huuse, Arne, 192
“iBod,” 64
“Ice T’s Pimpin’” (video), 5
impotence, 95
indecency laws, 256
InDemand (cable network), 6
Infidelity on the Internet, 60
Innocent Images campaign, 192
Inside Deep Throat (documentary), 7
instant messaging filters, 207
International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, 191
international conference on pornography (1998), 270
Internet pornography, 3, 4, 7, 24–25, 245
access, affordability, and anonymity and, 60, 215–16
addiction and, 212–18, 228, 234, 236–37
browsing, 31
child pornography and, 190–92, 195–96
children and, 9, 89, 166, 174–76, 180–85, 187–90, 199, 202–3, 206–10
children’s need to be protected from, 203–5
clergy and, 20
community standards and, 252
couples and, 145, 178–79
desensitization and, 228, 234
entrapment porn on, 184
filters and, 166–67, 192, 207–8, 210, 253–54, 264
first encounters with porn and, 16
freedom issue and, 255
growth of porn on, 13–16, 59–62
hardcore and violent porn on, 8, 58–62, 86–88, 188, 239–41
libraries and, 175–76
limits on, 66–67
masturbation and, 25–26, 66, 75–76, 163–65
s disconnection from family and, 155–56, 161
men’s reasons for not using, 15
men’s sexual dysfunction and, 96
news groups, as all-male arena, 36–37
regulation of, 206–7, 210, 246, 252–56, 261
schools and, 176–78
sex crimes against children and, 190
teenagers and, 177–78
variety and targeted tastes on, 76–77
women’s use of, 116–18, 120, 124–25
workplace and, 29–31
Internet Watch Foundation, 195–96
Israel, 264
Ivins, Molly, 250
Jackson, Janet, 67–68, 264
Jack’s Playground (video series), 111
Jameson, Jenna, 7, 14, 69, 144, 160, 182, 185
Jane, 109, 184
jealousy, 156–59
Jensen, Robert, 41, 86
Jeremy, Ron, 7–8, 113
Johnson, Sheila C, 191
Jones, Stephen, 175
Joy of Sex, The, 51
Kaiser Family Foundation, 174, 186, 189
Kazaa, 59, 191
Kid Rock, 5
Killing Zoe (film), 7
Kimmel, Michael, 27, 36, 113–14
Kinsey Institute online survey, 13, 18, 25, 30, 143
Kinsey Report on American Sexuality, 108
Knee, Jonathan, 264
Kramer, Emily, 112
Kramer, Matt, 112
Kuzma, Nora, 266
labial reduction, 160
Lane, Diane, 123
lap dances, 31, 139, 158, 164
Lapham, Lewis, 250
Laverne & Shirley (TV show), 5
Lee, Stan, 185
Lee, Tommy, 59
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (video game), 185
Lewinsky, Monica, 5
Lewis, Samantha, 111
liberals, 244–46, 248, 250, 258, 261
libertarians, 246–47, 255
libraries, 175–76, 253
Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz (video), 5
Lil’ Kim, 5
LimeWire, 190
lingerie, 120, 121
Liptzin, Clifford B., 83
live porn, 65
live webcam, 15, 116, 179
LodgeNet, 55
London School of Economics, 175, 201–2
Lords, Traci, 266
Los Angeles Times, 21, 53, 110
McAlpine, Dennis, 56, 264
McCurley, Mary Jo, 168
MacKinnon, Catherine, 258
Maddox, Marcia, 167–68
Maher, Bill, 250
mainstream media, 4, 123, 124
“Making of Sex Hop, The” (BET report), 6
Male Grief, A (Mura), 218
manhood, 36–37, 241, 242
Man Show, The, 242
Marcus, David, 35, 41, 218
marketing, 184, 185
marriage, 140–41, 228–34, 237–38. See also divorce; relationships
Martinez, Olivier, 123
“masculinization of sex,” 113
child pornography and, 192–93, 196
Internet and, 66, 105
men and porn and, 24–26, 31, 40, 75–78, 84, 186–87, 212, 216
public, 225–26
relationships and, 140, 149, 153, 161–63, 233
without porn, 97
women and porn and, 120
Maxim, 5, 23, 67, 68, 114, 120, 126, 157, 237, 242
Meese Report (Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography), 244, 245
belief that all look at porn, 12–13, 15, 21, 268
child porn and, 196–98
deception by, about porn, 98–102
degradation of, by porn, 267–68
disgust of, with semen, 32
dislike using porn with women, 148–50
domination by, 34–39
expectations of women, distorted by porn, 29, 90, 151–52
harmful effect of porn on, 82, 267–69
insecurity of, 32
need for variety, 27–29
reality of porn and, 266–70
relationships and, 27, 153–56, 179
sexual problems of, 82, 148–49, 151
sexual selfishness of, 150–53
stress on, 35
women and porn, 134–37
women who disapprove of porn and, 135–36
work and, 29–31
Metallica, 5
Microsoft, 64, 191
Miller v. California, 251, 252
Mitchell, Sharon, 87, 183
mobile devices, 64
moderates, 244, 245
Moguls (film), 7
“money shot,” 61
Moral Majority, 250
“morphed” child porn, 191
Morpheus, 190, 26, 30. See also poll
MTV, 185, 203
Mura, David, 50, 218
murder scenes, 239–40
music videos, 5–6, 7
Myers, Roberta, 125
My Surrender (film), 122
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), 190, 191
National Comission on Obscenity and Pornography, 190
National Council on Sex Addiction and Compulsivity, 213
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 199
Naughty Amateur Home Videos (pay-perview feature), 30
Navarro, Dave, 109
NetNanny, 166
neutralists, 72
New Frontier Media, Inc., 65
New Hampshire Crimes Against Children Research Center, 190
“new school” feminists, 115
New York Times, 6, 7, 111, 264
Nielsen Net/Ratings, 15
Nin, Anaïs, 120
Nixon, Richard M., 244
Norway, 192
Norwegian National Criminal Investigation Service, 192
N2H2, 59
Nurek, Joseph Thomas, 194
NWA, 6
definition of, 251–52, 256
enforcing standards on, 256, 264
On Command, 55
online dating, 15
online payment systems, 59
Only the A-Hole (film), 111
Oral Majority (film), 68
oral sex, 78, 93
men’s difficulty achieving, 97–98
women vs. porn stars and, 93, 188
Our Bodies, Ourselves, 259
Parisi, Daniel, 205
Passion Parties, 121 poll, 20
payment to perform sexual acts, proposed criminalization of, 264
pay-per-view porn, 9, 54, 55, 68
addiction and, 217
women and, 111
pedophilia, 190, 257
peer-to-peer file sharing networks (P2P), 59–60, 175, 207
child porn and, 190–91
Penthouse, 4, 16, 18, 19, 23, 51, 64, 212, 226, 244
Penthouse Executive Club, 65
People, 183, 185
Pew Internet Research Center, 240
plastic surgery, 159, 160, 184
Playboy, 4, 5, 6, 21–22, 26, 34, 36, 51, 53, 64, 69, 116, 120, 124, 131, 132, 157, 186, 229, 242, 245, 273
Playboy Channel, 54, 55–56, 74–75
Playboy Clubs, 65, 64
Playboy Enterprises, 65
Playboy Entertainment, 54
Playboy Foundation, 250
Playboy “Girls of the ACC,” 125
Playboy: The Mansion (video game), 185
Playboy TV, 55–56, 56
Playgirl TV, 110–11, 115
PocketJoy, 63
political correctness, 248
political rights, 246–247, 249–56 See also First Amendment
popular culture, 4–6, 109–11, 181
porn performers (stars), 67
expectations of women to act like, 230–32<
br />
feminists and, 108–9
male, 32
men feel superior to, 36
patrons seen as pathetic by, 267
pop culture and, 5, 7, 68
teenagers and, 181–85
porn forums, all-male, 37–39
Pornified/Harris poll, 11, 21, 80, 133, 141, 143, 163, 175, 188, 199, 203, 246, 249, 268
porn industry, 262
growth and profits of, 64
lobbying by, 247–48, 249, 264
technology and growth of, 53–56
women executives in, 111
children’s access, 206
mainstream media, 7–8
objectification of women by, 121
politics and, 245–46
pornography. See also addiction to pornography; child pornography
acceptability of, 80–81, 142–43
advertising and, 79
as aid to sex life, 143
amount of, online, 59
assumptions about, 10
boys learn to like, 16–19
cable TV and, 6
censure-not-censor solution for, 260–76
change in, since 1980s, 3–4
children and, 10, 172–211
as commercial speech, 254
compulsive vs. recreational users and, 213–14
as “cool,” 180–85, 247
culture pervaded by, 67–70
demand for, 10, 265
as depressant, 105
derivation of term, 275
divorce caused by, 166–68
as easy and safe, 39–43
effect of, 10
emotion and, 85, 223–25
as epidemic, 180
erotica vs., 120–24
as escape from relationship, 148, 224
fantasy and, 27, 45–48, 51–53, 141
fathers teach sons about, 172–73, 208–9
feminist, liberal and moderate arguments vs., 259
foreplay lacked in, 151
free speech and, 249–56
Hollywood and, 6–7
hostility and shame and, 273, 275
increase in, 49–50, 243, 261–63
intensification of, 8, 275
internationalization of, 59
interviews on, 10–11
lack of middle ground about, 9–10
lies and, 165
maleness, validated with, 34–37
male vs. female responses to, 118–20
manhood and sexual insecurity and, 268–69
masturbation and excitement of, 24–26, 75–78
media entertainment form, 30, 31
men and, 72–106
men and appeal of, 10, 14–15, 43–45
men and dislike of, 19–23
men and reality of, 266–70
men’s fears and insecurities and, 32
men’s needs and, vs. women, 132
men’s roles in, 81–82
men’s use of, reasons for, 12–48
men’s view of women and, 36, 78–80
men who use adult vs. child, 196–97
morality of, 248
as “natural,” 241–43
need to discourage use of, 240–41, 262–66, 276
negative effects of, on men, 80, 90–91, 102–5, 143, 186–87
negative portrayal of sex in, 248
nonporn areas of Web and, 180–81