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The Betas: Rene' (Werewolves of Manhattan Book 8)

Page 14

by A. C. Katt

  “If you were loup garou, yes, as a human, not at all. You may have developed heart disease or cancer, things to which a loup garou Mate’s seed would have made you immune, but life would continue on its course just as if you and I had never met.” René shook his head. He didn’t want to think about how lonely his life would have been if he met Frankie, then lost him. René privately thought that loup garou who didn’t mate their partner died of grief at two hundred because a life in which you were rejected by the one person supposedly made for you was untenable. He left the bed to return the basin to the bath and rinse out the cloth.

  He walked back into the room, and Frankie raised his arms, beckoning him. “Why didn’t you tell me that if I didn’t take you, your lifespan would be forfeit?” His Frankie seemed angry.

  “I don’t believe in blackmail. It’s tantamount to blackmail to tell any sentient creature that by refusing to love you, your Mate kills you. My own sense of honor wouldn’t allow me to try and force you into loving me, and I wouldn’t permit The Alpha or Martin to do what I refused to do.” René climbed back into bed and took Frankie back into his arms.

  His Mate gazed up into his eyes. “I love you because you’re an honorable man. Every hour I spend with you I find a reason to love you more. My wolf, you are perfect for me in every way.” Frankie’s mouth lightly brushed René’s lips.

  “And you were made for me, Ma Vie. Let’s get some sleep.” René settled Frankie onto his chest, and Frankie stroked his fingers over his pecs, making whorls in the hair.

  “Yeah, sleep, I want to do this again, before morning.” Frankie closed his eyes.

  “So do I, Ma Vie, so do I.” René reached over and turned out the light. He’d never been so happy. If he were to lose his Mate, it would devastate him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  René’s Bedroom & Kitchen

  “Good morning, Ma Vie.” René gazed down at his Mate who covered his eyes with his arm. He moved Frankie’s arm and kissed him on the inside of his wrists. His Mate slowly opened his eyes and smiled. Last night had been wonderful.

  “Mmmm…do we have coffee?”

  “I made coffee, and there is a cup on the nightstand with some cream and sugar. Drink. The pack will be waiting to examine the mark. We need to be ready for the Enforcers to escort us to the pack room in an hour, and we both need showers.” René kissed Frankie’s tempting lips.

  “If you keep that up, we’re never leaving this room.” Frankie pulled René back down beside him.

  He gently pushed Frankie’s hair out of his eyes. “You have to be sore. We went at it three times last night.” René lay down and molded himself to his Mate’s back. Playfully, he grabbed Frankie’s muscled ass in his large palm.

  Frankie chuckled, wiggling back into René’s hand. “I may be a little sore, but I’m willing.”

  “We could, but if you walk too funny, The Alpha Mate will be offering you his donut,” René said with a straight face as he let go of Frankie’s ass.

  His handsome Mate guffawed. “He wouldn’t.”

  “You’d be surprised at what The Alpha Mate would do.” René turned serious. “I refuse to hurt you.”

  “A blow job isn’t off the table. We could do it as we showered and save time.” Frankie stroked René’s thigh.

  “We could. I installed a rather large shower.” René kept a straight face while Frankie raised an eyebrow.

  “You must be prescient. Showers for two make a man want to get out of bed in the morning.” Frankie sprang from his nest of covers and away from his lover’s hand. “I’ll turn on the shower, you make the bed. I hate making beds, but I hate getting into a messy one, even more.”

  “Don’t worry about the bed. Annie will take care of it. Besides, remember, we won’t be here tonight. While we’re at the feast, Annie will strip it, and Alphonse will pack. We’re heading back to Manhattan. We’ll be home late tonight. The flight and the time change won’t be on our side.”

  “Then, I’ll run the shower.” Frankie grabbed his coffee and drank it down.

  “That was hot, you might have burned yourself,” René scolded.

  “I’m used to hot coffee. I always had to drink mine on the fly. I’ll call you when the water’s hot.”

  “You don’t have to run the water until it’s hot. I have a recirculating system. The water is hot almost immediately. This is New Mexico and water is at a premium.”

  “Then get your furry ass in here so we can shower. I hear the Enforcers at the door. If I must show the mark, let’s get cracking. Sex is off the table. I want to get to the feast. I’m starving.” Frankie’s stomach growled as if to punctuate his statement.

  “I’ll have you know, I wax my ass. You’re hungry? I’m sorry, Ma Vie.” René shook his head. “I had canapés prepared. I can’t believe I didn’t feed you.”

  “Come on, let’s go. The pack can feed me.” René followed Frankie into the shower. They were fifteen minutes late.

  § § §

  The Pack Meeting Room

  Their guards met them right outside the house and were the first to inspect the mark. Frankie raised an eyebrow and lifted his shoulder as if he were pleased to show off René stamp of possession. René let the Enforcers examine and touch the mark. He sighed, “I didn’t know I’d be so jealous. I can’t believe I have to let ninety-five more wolves touch you.”

  “Martin and Edward explained everything to me last night. After this morning, no one but you will ever touch my mark again.”

  “Is the wedding going to be this formal?”

  “Outside of the wedding ceremony, the wedding will be free of pomp. What counts for the loup garou is the mating.”

  “Ninety-five? I thought the pack numbered one hundred.”

  “One hundred and two counting Bernard and Adele’s twins. The four Enforcers here have already touched the mark, and since I bit you, that makes for ninety-five more touches because the babies don’t count.”

  “We’ll muddle through.” Frankie grabbed René’s arm. “Let’s get going, I’m hungry!”

  René laughed, and followed Frankie to The Alpha’s house and the pack wing. The buffet was beautiful. A wedding cake with two grooms on the top held a place of prominence just by the stage.

  The Enforcers escorted René and Frankie to the front of the room to join The Alpha and The Alpha Mate. The Alpha called the room to order. “Line up in order, for the showing of the mark.”

  Frankie and René stood on a small stage at one end of the room flanked by Enforcers.

  The Alpha and The Alpha mate stepped up. They lightly touched the mark and nodded. They were followed by Miss Elena, The Alpha’s daughter and her governess, Miss Beaumont. “I’m Elena.” The little girl made a perfect curtsey. “Congratulations Uncle ’né, and you must be my new Uncle Frankie. I can’t wait for cake. I watched Marie’s mommy make it. The outside has vanilla frosting, but on the inside is chocolate and chocolate cake.”

  Frankie leaned over so Elena could touch the mark. “Nice to meet you, Elena, and you, Miss Beaumont. The cake sounds delicious.” Frankie faced Miss Beaumont. “Your charge is a cutie.” Miss Beaumont gave him an enigmatic smile as she ushered Elena along.

  René whispered, “What Miss Elena is, is a handful. The Alpha and The Alpha Mate have outrageously spoiled her. Alpha Mate Kane has warned them, and they’re trying to do better. But now it’s up to Miss Beaumont to rein her in. She’s become almost as imperious as her Papa.”

  “I wish Miss Beaumont luck. Remember, I dealt with Junior. My mother thought she couldn’t have any more kids, at least that’s what the doctors told her after she had me. I think that’s why Dante did the adoption. Junior was a complete surprise. They were overjoyed. Uncle ’né, huh?”

  “I used to spend time with Elena when she was little. Bernard and Adele pretty much ignored her. When she was four, she couldn’t pronounce R’s. I’ve been Uncle ’né ever since.” Frankie moved his gaze up to the line before him.

tin was the next in line. He slapped René on the back and made a great show of verifying that the mark was there until he was pulled back by a smiling Edward. Edward gave the mark a cursory examination. He was followed by the Alpha Bitch, Lillian, and her Mate, Henri. After Lillian and Henri, came the pack Betas, with their Mates and pups. Each carefully examined the mark, touching the raised surface. An hour later the last of the pack, the youngest wolf that had reached his majority, verified the mark.

  Lillian called out. “I proclaim that the entire Sandoval Pack has verified the mark placed on Frankie Ferone’s neck by our Second Beta during the mating. Frankie Ferone is now Beta René DuBois’s Beta Mate.” The pack applauded. The lined up at the buffet.

  Frankie turned to René. “Food…now.”

  “As soon as The Alpha, The Alpha Mate, Martin, and Edward have taken food, we may eat. Be sure to eat something from every dish as the whole pack contributed. I think Lillian went all out because we’ve been good friends for years. There’s nothing you’re allergic to, is there?”

  “No, I can eat pretty much what I want, and I’ve never been picky.”

  René grinned. “Good, let’s eat.”

  § § §

  The plane ride home was uneventful. They got back to the house from the airport at around eleven. René told Annie and Alphonse to go to bed and deal with the unpacking in the morning. His only request was that Annie had breakfast ready at seven.

  They climbed the stairs to the bedroom. Frankie and René got undressed. René lay down on the bed and opened his arms. “Come here, Ma Vie. We need to get to sleep. The gym is waiting for us in the morning at six and so is work.”

  Frankie groaned. “I’m not used to early mornings. Dante spent the mornings with my mother, so I didn’t have to get up to be at work until nine.”

  “Yes, tomorrow is your first day. Since The Alpha didn’t say otherwise, you should come in with Martin and me. If he wants you to come in later, he’ll tell you. I have no idea what The Alpha is going to have you tackle, but everything is a mess since Hughes left us.” René put his hand over his mouth, stifling a yawn.

  “You already told me how Hughes left—in a pine box.”

  “No, not quite. The Enforcers took Chernof downstairs to the subterranean tunnels under the Garou Industries building and disposed of the body there.”

  “How did he die?”

  “I don’t know. I only know that The Alpha promised him a merciful death. I think the gods put him to sleep. I’m not sure. If a death sentence is given, and The Alpha almost never gives out that punishment, the gods carry out the execution. The Alpha promised Hughes a merciful death.”


  “I don’t know. Personally, I think in that case death was a mercy. He’d have no chance of beating The Alpha in the pit and winning exile, and all he’d get for his trouble is having the Alpha rip him apart. Death is preferable.” René shrugged. “If you are executed, you get another turn on the wheel, another chance to get it right. Come on, Ma Vie, sleep.”

  “You said taking another’s Mate is punishable by death.”

  “Yes, if The Alpha so decrees. He takes the circumstances into consideration. For instance, La Farge was attempting to challenge The Alpha and wanted to even the odds, he didn’t want to ravish The Alpha Mate. He got exile and a life of scrubbing Siberian toilets, which, personally, I think is worse than death. He has no chance of his life ever being any different. At least with death, you have another turn on the wheel. Loup garou don’t believe in parole,” René added dryly.

  “The loup garou believe in reincarnation?”

  “You’ll read about it in the histories. You’ll be in them often enough to do research. Sleep.” René turned out the light and settled Frankie into his arms.

  § § §

  The alarm went off at five.

  Frankie appeared eager to get going. “I’ll get dressed.”

  “Good idea. I can hear Annie in the kitchen. She must be making the coffee. We’ll shower when we come back for breakfast.”

  “Yes…let’s get ready. I’m all for coffee.”

  René put on his briefs, athletic socks, sneakers and a T-shirt with a graphic of a howling wolf on the front.

  Frankie pointed to the shirt. “Isn’t that a bit too obvious?”

  René shrugged. “Not if you don’t even have wolves on your radar. Most people think I’m an environmentalist.”

  Frankie laughed his way down the stairs.

  § § §

  René and Frankie hurried back to the house after their workout. “Normally, I’d shower at The Alpha’s, but since we’re having breakfast at home, it makes more sense to shower there.”

  They entered using the kitchen level, and Annie was ready with two cups of coffee prepared to their liking. “How did she know how we take it?”

  René smiled. “She must have asked Meg.” They climbed the stairs and undressed. René hopped into the shower. “Come on in. No time for any exercise this morning. We have to feed you and get to work.” Frankie found one of his new suits and his tuxedo in his closet along with shirts and ties for both. The Alpha decreed that Frankie should have a long tie to go with his tuxedo, so it looked more like a morning coat. One of the Enforcers that stayed home probably took the delivery yesterday from Mr. Abbott’s. He’d have to ask Didier who it was and thank him.

  Frankie’s stomach growled on cue. He and René donned their suits and hurried down the stairs for breakfast.

  Sitting at the table, Frankie was lost in thought. His Mate noticed. “What’s wrong, Ma Vie? How can I put a smile back on your face?” He frowned.

  “Will Pierre resent me because I’m taking part of his job away?” Frankie didn’t want to make enemies on his new job. Making enemies on the old one could cost you your life. He didn’t know if humans went into the pit. Pierre may be an old wolf, but he certainly was fit and had a loup garou’s strength. Since that was the case, Pierre would hold an advantage over him. He must have broadcast his worry over the Mate Link because René answered him.

  “There is no need for you to worry about challenges. No loup garou can harm a human, and a human is anyone who can’t make the change.”

  “What do you need to make the change?”

  “You have to be a smidgeon over half loup garou like The Alpha Mate. His was a lost bloodline. Once the Russian situation is dealt with, I’m sure The Alpha will have you research lost loup garou lines. Even with the baby boom, The Alpha Mate has brought about with his Voice, our numbers are dangerously low. Finding the lost lines has become an imperative. We used to have over three hundred in our pack. Yesterday we were one hundred in a hall that was two-thirds empty.” René took a forkful of eggs while Frankie worked on his pancakes.

  A lightbulb went off in Frankie’s head. “Were there three hundred in the pack in your memory?”

  “Yes, I was a pup just after the Civil War.”

  Frankie rested his head on his elbow and tapped his chin. “Then it’s something in the environment that changed after the Civil War. It may be something that isn’t toxic to humans, and the loup garou that are left are developing immunity. If science couldn’t find the answer, maybe history can point them in the right direction.”

  “Good idea, we’ve always searched for a human toxin.” René grew thoughtful. “Mention this to The Alpha today. You can check the histories, and we can have the scientists go back to the science to see if something appeared that wasn’t toxic to humans but worked on the genome of the loup garou.” He glanced at the clock. “It’s ten to eight, time for work.” Today they would face the Russian problem again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Garou Industries


  The Alpha’s keen gaze rested on the Frankie’s empty hands. He didn’t bring a pad or his computer to take notes during the meeting.

  “If I ask you what was said, how are you going to tell me if you don’t take notes?” The Alpha’s eyebrow arched up into his h

  “I have a type of photographic memory. I remember whatever I witness or read and can associate that with a time and date. My stepfather found it convenient.”

  The Alpha narrowed his eyes. “This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this kind of memory, but it is the first time I can say I’ve met someone who possesses it. I can see where this could be very useful.”

  “Thank you, Alpha.” Frankie was pleased with himself. Between the Russian business and his convenient memory, he had already proved his worth to The Alpha.

  “Ah, here come the others.” The other seven Alphas filed into the boardroom and sat down in what appeared to be some kind of order.

  The Alpha began the meeting. “The gods have blessed my Second Beta with a Mate.” The Alpha gestured to Frankie who stood just behind René at The Alpha’s right shoulder. Frankie stepped up. “This is Frankie Ferone. Yes, he is the adopted stepson of Don Ferone but owes no loyalty to his stepfather or his stepfather’s business. Although Don Ferone adopted Frankie, he dislikes that Frankie is gay, something with which we have no problem.” A few of the other Alphas chuckled. “Frankie will take Hughes’s place as my assistant.”

  Everyone grew silent. Two particular Alphas seemed angrier than the others. One of them was Henri and the other Alpha Daurensbourg. Alpha Mate Julio Daurensbourg and Little Vitas were two of the Mates most affected by Hughes’s treachery.

  I was in Daurensbourg’s home when Dante asked The Alpha for a mil to guard Richard.

  The Alpha began the introductions. “Frankie, this is Alpha Clavier, our Chief Operating Officer. He is Second. His home territories are New England, the Mid-Atlantic states, and Pennsylvania.”

  Alpha Clavier stood up and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Frankie.”

  A little less seasoned than the others.

  The Alpha pointed to the next man at the table. “This is Alpha Thierry, our Vice President. His task is Mergers and Acquisitions. Alpha Thierry serves as Third. He holds Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and some of Canada.”


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