Book Read Free

The Devils Stripper

Page 21

by Cilla Lee


  “Can I see” I shake my head at her “Why not?” she says

  “Because I don’t want anyone to see it before Lilly”

  “Aww I get that’s pretty romantic, so where’d you get the ring” she asks me

  “Does it make a difference”

  “No not really”

  “Then why ask” she shrugs again

  “Cause a girl like to know what she’s worth”

  “What?” we all say and she rolls her eyes again

  “Well if you got it at a pawn shop than she doesn’t mean that much, but a nice jeweler says you love her a lot”

  “That’s bullshit” Tank says “It’s not the size that matters it’s the gesture”

  “If you say so” Zoey says and Tank grunts at her

  “Bitches these days all want Tiffany bling and shit” Tucker says

  “See even he gets it” Zoey says

  “Don’t listen to her man, I’m sure whatever you got it’s great” Colt says

  “Fuck you guys, you all suck with advice” I tell them

  “Hay I’m great, I know what women want” Zoey says

  “Sure, you do” Tucker says

  “I am a girl” Zoey states

  “Barely” Tank says and she throws a wrench at him, he ducks just as it flies past him hittin’ the wall

  “Fuck Zoey” he looks at Colt “Tell her to go home we don’t need her”

  “Sure, I’m ganna tell a woman to do somethin’ and she’s ganna do it” he says givin’ Tank the finger

  “Anyway fuckheads, this romantic shit it's just not me” I tell them

  “Do you love her” Zoey asks me

  “More than anythin’” I say and she smiles

  “Then it doesn’t matter what you say, just tell her how much you love her and mean it”

  “Man, I wrote out this hole fuckin’ thing and went over it for hours, but when it came to it standin’ on that beach lookin’ at Niya, I just opened my mouth and poured my heart out to her. Just speak from the heart and tell her how you feel chicks eat that shit up, you'll be getting’ your dick sucked in no time”

  “Oh god Colt don’t talk about my sister like that unless you want to see my breakfast again”

  “I was speakin’ in general, but Niya does love my dick”

  “God I’m ganna be sick” she says and we all laugh


  As I sat at the clubhouse waitin’ for Lilly to arrive the engagement ring I'd gotten, started to burn a hole in my pocket. I'd chosen a simple two carat diamond ring with a plain platinum band simple but elegant the sales women tellin’ me. I looked so out of place in the store me in my jeans white t-shirt boots and Cut, the security guard stoppin’ me as I walked in if it wasn't for one of the sales women walkin’ over to save the motherfucker from me killin’ him I'd be behind bars right now, but she'd helped me pick the perfect ring for Lilly and me smilin’ at the asshole and givin’ him the finger as I walked out was sort of worth it. Those uppity fuckers with too much money and small dicks, fuckin’ make me wanna commit murder the wide birth people where givin’ me like I had leprosy or somethin’ was fine with me. But now my palms where sweatin’ and my heart was racin’ (fuck I hope she says yes).

  “Brother another shot” Socket says handin’ me a drink, it was just ganna be a couple to help my nerves now I think I'm seven shots in with five beers under my belt and that ring is no longer buggin’ me

  “Hay sugar” kitty says sittin’ on my lap “I'd love to play tonight” I push her off of me

  “Bitch did I say you could touch me” she looks at me

  “It’s been awhile, I thought we could play tonight”

  “The only one who touches my dick is my woman now fuck off” she gets up and walks off

  “Brother that's a first” Nash says to me

  “What you all know, Lilly's my woman”

  “Didn't know it was that serious”

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ about fuckhead, you know she's my woman, even got a ring to propose and everythin’” I pull out the ring, I hear a gasp and turn around (fuck).



  “Thanks, fuckhead” he says to Socket standing up, but my heart is racing and all I can look at is the ring he's holding in his fingers

  “Stryker what is that?” I eventually get out, Tink is smiling her ass off and the room has gone completely silent and I look around and everyone is staring at us

  “Baby” Stryker says and comes to stand in front of me and kneels “When I first saw you, my heart skipped a beat baby. I came to the club ever night to watch you get on that stage and work your magic and every time one of those fuckers talked to you I wanted to put a bullet in them” I roll my eyes at him “and every time I saw you my dick was hard and my heart was in my mouth. I've loved you from the very first sight baby I love you more every day and wakin’ up with you in my arms makes me a happy fuckin man baby” I hear people giggle and I look around and everyone is smiling “Baby will you do me the biggest honor and marry me” I feel my heart squeeze with love for this man tears are running down my cheeks and I nod my head because for some reason words just won't come. He lifts me up and kisses me hard spinning me around “I love you baby” he says to me but I still can't speak and the tears won't stop falling. He stops and puts the ring on my hand and I look down at a beautiful simple diamond ring on my finger

  “It's beautiful Stryker”

  “Not as beautiful as you baby” he says kissing me again this time he walks me backwards and before I know it, I'm naked on his bed and he's showing me just how much he loves me. As we lay there catching our breaths Stryker plays with my nipple his finger slowly rubbing over it

  “I can't wait until our babies suckin’ on these baby” I look at him

  “Stryker I'm not ready for a baby”

  “Neither am I baby, I'm just thinkin’ into the future”

  “Good because it's not happening for years”

  “Don't worry baby, I want you all to myself for a few years” he tells me we lay there and the party that's going on is getting louder and louder

  “Do you want to move out of Dads” he asks me and I look at him

  “Why would we do that it's our home”

  “I just didn't know if you wanted to live with Dad after we get married and have kids”

  “Is that what you want”

  “Baby I don't give a shit where we are as long as where together”

  “Do you think he'll want us to move out”

  “Fuck no, Dad would be happy if we lived with him forever”

  “I'd like that”

  “You would” I nod my head

  “I love living where we are having Tiny, Tink and us all together it's our family away from the club” he smiles pulling me to him

  “I fuckin’ love you baby how about we practice on makin’ those kids” I laugh but he leans down and sucks on my nipple making me moan as his fingers work their way down my belly to my pussy and his finger slides in I rotate my hips as he sucks harder “Fuck, I can feel my cum in your pussy baby” he pulls his fingers out “Open baby, taste me and you together” I open my mouth as he sticks his cum covered finger into my mouth and I suck licking his fingers clean, he leans over me and nudges my legs apart “I fuckin can't wait to put a kid in you baby” he thrust hard filling me with his cock and I scream his name


  When we get back into the main room of the clubhouse it's to cheers and whooping all the girls coming over to look at the ring and all the guys handing Stryker a drink “So, have you set a date yet” Jewel asks

  “Don't be dumb they just got engaged” Brandy says to her but she shrugs her shoulders

  “You never know” Brandy rolls her eyes at her but I just smile

  “That was so romantic” Lena says and I smile

  “It was, wasn't it” but this time it's Tink that rolls her eyes and I look at her
br />   “What?” she says

  “Are you not happy about me and Stryker being engaged Tink” all of us turn to look at her and she sits back

  “You know I'm happy for you Lilly”

  “Than what’s wrong” she bites her lip

  “I just… what happens when you get married”


  “You and Stryker, will you move out or what? What will I do” I pull her to me

  “Tink, Stryker and I aren’t going anywhere trust me” she looks up at me


  “No buts” I tickle her and she smiles

  “I really am happy for you”

  “Thanks, Tink” she smiles

  “Ok give me a better look at the ring” I show her my ring and she smiles “It’s beautiful” I smile looking up just as Stryker looks over and I blow him a kiss

  “Drinks” I announce and everyone nods

  “Hell yes” Niya says

  “I'll help” Tink says and we walk to the bar

  “What can I get you ladies?” Jordan asks his scowl now a constant look

  “Tequila please” I say, he turns and we see Summer hanging over the bar

  “You ok” I ask Tink

  “Yeah why” the shots are placed in front of us and Tink downs one

  “Give us the bottle” she says and he frowns

  “You think that's a good idea Tink you know what happened last time”

  “Oh, I'm sorry Dad just give me the dam bottle” he looks at me handing over the bottle and she grabs it and heads back to the table with the tray of shots

  “She ok” he asks me and I look at him than his brother

  “Yep” is all I say and he frowns at me. I head to the table and turn to look at Summer who's still leaning over the bar showing everyone her pink g-string and the twins her tits (ho)

  “We should fix Tink up with a date” Abbey says and we all look at her

  “Argh no thanks I'm fine on my own” just than we hear Summer laugh with a squeal and we look over to see her rubbing her finger up and down the Prospects chest and he's smiling (dumbass) I look over at Tink if looks could kill “You know what, fuck it I'm in” she says and Abbey smiles

  “Great I know a guy that you'll really like Tink trust me” she downs another shot

  “Just make sure he's hot funny hot and hot” we all laugh

  “Oh, he's hot”

  “If he's so hot why haven't you gone out with him” Niya asks her

  “Because I'm not looking for a relationship” she says

  “Ok so what's really wrong with him” Maggie asks

  “Nothing I swear he's really nice”

  “Ok so when do you think Mr. Nice Guy will be ready to go out”

  “Well I could ask him at work on Monday”

  “He works with you” Niya says

  “Yes” she says

  “Tell me he's the gym teacher and he's all buff and shit please” Brandy says and we all laugh

  “Sorry he's the English teacher”

  “Dam” she says

  “But he's really nice” she looks at Tink “I promise you'll like him”

  “Enough to lose my V card” everyone looks at her

  “TINK” I say to her

  “You’re a virgin” Brandy asks

  “Yes” she says grabbing another shot “What's wrong with that”

  “Nothing” Brandy says looking a little shocked

  “Hay I was a virgin when I got with Colt” Niya says

  “And so was I” I tell them and Niya smiles at me, but everyone else just looks at Tink

  “Tink you don't want to give your V card to just anyone, make it special for yourself” Lena says

  “Fuck no I'm sick of waiting for Mr Right Guy, I want a guy who’ll fuck my brains out and leave at the end of it”

  “TINK” I say

  “Just set it up will ya Abbey” Abbey nods at her head smiling

  “No problem Tink” The rest of the night is filled with drinks, drinks and more drinks.


  Where all in the kitchen the next morning eating breakfast when Abbey walks in “So Tink I just spoke to Markus and he said he'd love to take you out on Friday night”

  “I thought you were waiting until Monday to ask him” I say

  “Yeah well I couldn't wait” we all look at Tink

  “What are you talking about baby?” Stryker asks

  “Tink has a date on Friday apparently” he looks at Tink

  “You do with who?” I look at him because he seems pissed and I kick him under the table, he looks at me. He acts like a big brother and it pisses Tink off all the time

  “One of my work colleges” Abbey says and he looks at her

  “What's his name?”


  “Markus who?”

  “Does it matter”

  “Yes, it fuckin’ matters”


  “Because he could be a fuckin’ psycho that's why” we all roll our eyes at him

  “Baby your being paranoid” he looks at me than back to Abbey

  “Name” she looks at me the tone Stryker just used even scared me a bit

  “Markus Carter ok”

  “And what does Markus Carter do”

  “He's an English teacher” Stryker laughs and we all look at him

  “An English teacher”

  “Yes, an English teacher, I thought he would be good for Tink he's kind nice easy to talk too and he loves kids”


  “Stryker people who love kids are nice guys”

  “So, you sayin’ kiddy fiddlers are nice”

  “Eww don't be dumb”

  “What they like kids”

  “Not that way”

  “Your Brother, check him out yet”

  “Tank wouldn't do that”

  “Do what” Tank says walking in at that moment Lena behind him

  “Markus Carter from Abbeys work you check him out”

  “Oh, him yeah he's harmless enough”

  “What the fuck Tank why would you check out my work colleges?”

  “Because I'm your big brother and that's what I do”

  “Have you checked out the people Lena works with” I look at Lena but she shakes her head (I guess that's a yes)

  “Yes, I fuckin’ have so give it up little sis”

  “Argh your such an.......”

  “A what?” he grabs her in a head lock and gives her a noggie” she screams at him, when he lets go of her she punches him in the stomach

  “You’re an asshole” he sends her an air kiss winking at her and she rolls her eyes at him giving him the finger and I smile

  “Anyway, Tink you up for that” she asks him and Tink nods

  “Give him my number”

  “Already have”

  Chapter Forty-Two


  “Baby I don't think Tink should go out with this fucker” I tell Lilly again

  “Stryker, you haven't shut up about this all week and your starting to piss me off”


  “No Stryker enough Tink needs this”

  “Fine but if he touches her he's dead” she loops her arms around my neck and kisses me

  “Dead ok”

  “When's the fucker comin’” she looks at her watch

  “In about twenty minutes, I'm going to see if Tink needs any help” I watch her walk up the stairs just than I hear the rumble of pipes comin’ up the street and I smile. When Dad found out that Tink had a date he was just as unfuckin’ happy as me, the longer Tink's lived here I've thought of her as my little sister and Dad well he's turned into Razor. Almost lost his shit findin’ out she had a date, as the pipes get closer I walk out the front to see who he's got with him and I smile all the Brothers

  “Yo Brother” Colt says getting’ off his bike “fucker been yet” I shake my head

  “Another Twenty minutes” they all get off of
their bikes and head into the house to wait for the fuckhead. Where all sittin’ in the kitchen when theirs a knock at the door

  “That's him” I say getting’ up to answer the door, as I open it I growl at the fucker and he steps back

  “Um Hi, is this where KC lives” he asks lookin’ at the house number and I nod

  “Who the fuck, are you?”

  “Oh, I'm Markus…. Markus Carter” he holds out his hand and I look at it “Are you KC's brother” I smile at him

  “Why don't you come in and meet the family” he looks back at his car probably wonderin’ if he should run (fuckin pussy in his fuckin hybrid car) but I put my arm over his shoulders and show him into the kitchen full of hard as fuck bikers and I see him swallow and a bead of sweat forms on his forehead “Brothers this here is Markus Carter” they all look at him like they wanna eat him and he takes a step back, but I hold onto him tight

  “Aaarree yyyou all related to KC” he stutters and they laugh

  “Yes” I whisper in his ear and he looks at me like he's ganna piss his pants

  “Take a seat boy” Dad says kickin’ the chair out and I push Markus down to sit and he looks around and I watch as his adams apple bobs up and down fast

  “So, you takin’ my girl out” Dad says and he looks at him

  “I... I assure you sir I have only good intentions”

  “You fuckin’ better” Dad tells him “You keep your hands off of my girl and you keep breathin’ we clear” he nods fast and just than the girls walk in and Tink frowns at us all surroundin’ lover boy, even Lilly looks pissed as they walk in

  “Markus is it” Lilly says holding out her hand and the before the fucker can touch her I growl, he drops his hand as I pull her to me and the guys laugh, but Lilly elbows me and reaches her hand out again I whisper in her ear

  “You touch him my gun comes out to play” she drops her hand and steps back givin’ me the evil eye

  “KC” he says to Tink and she nods holding out her hand

  “Hi Markus I see you've met the guys” he nods looking around and they both shake hands “Well than let’s go we don't want to be late for our reservations” the fuckwad turns to us

  “Goodnight” he places his hand on Tink’s back and Dad growls this time and the dickhead drops his hand not touchin’ Tink again, the second there out the door we all laugh

  “THAT WAS NOT FUNNY YOU ASSHOLES WHAT THE HELL?” Lilly yells and we all look at her


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