Stay With Me Tonight: A Drake Brothers Series (PART 1)
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Chapter Thirteen
We both laid in the bed for a few long minutes. Everything that I had just experienced kept flashing through my head. I sat up on my elbows and finally spoke.
“Why do you enjoy having Beth as part of your sex life if you never even touch her?”
He gave me a cheesy smile.
“It's mostly for you actually.”
“For me?!”
“Yes, Kate. Don't tell me you didn't one million percent love the experience you just had. You were more turned on than you ever have been. You didn't want to look, but you couldn't take your eyes away. You wanted to watch didn't you?”
I rolled my eyes at him.
“She's in love with you.”
“What? She's a fucking whore, Kate.”
I balked at him.
“A whore? I really can't believe you just called her that. You asked her to come here and do this.”
“Yes and she is being paid for it. So she's a whore.”
I stared at him completely appalled at his words.
“You said you weren't paying her for the sex.”
“Well technically no I guess I don't, but I certainly don't pay her three grand to serve me dinner on my boat.”
I was completely shocked.
“Look, okay.... maybe she's not a whore. I shouldn't have said that. I am sorry if I offended you. But that's besides the point.”
“What IS the point exactly?” I questioned him.
He shook his head and I laid back down.
“Bellamy, do you love Beth?”
He busted out in laughter.
“No. No. No fucking way! Absolutely not. Do you think I would be here, with you, if I was in love with another woman?”
He was very defensive about the topic, but he did have a point, I guess.
“She also sleeps with Turner.”
He basically blurted it out. Like he had no filter, it just flew out of his mouth. The way he said it, I wasn't sure he meant to tell me that. My hand went to my mouth in and my eyes grew big in surprise.
“She screws Turner's girlfriend too?”
“No,” he interrupted me mid-sentence. “I mean yes. I mean no. I mean no she doesn't screw his girlfriend. She is his girlfriend.”
“WHAT. THE. FUCK. BELLAMY! What game are you playing here? Does he know about you and her? He can't possibly know. I cannot believe this!”
I sat up on the bed contemplating on listening to what he had to say about this.
“Well no, he doesn't exactly know. I mean, they, Turner and Beth have an agreement between themselves. She's bi-sexual. He has basically told her she can still mess around with other women, just not men. He is okay with that. So her being here with us, with you... technically she is following the rules.”
“Using the word 'technically' is a bit of a stretch. She sees you naked. She watches you fuck other women and takes pleasure from it. She just ate your come from me. How is that not cheating?”
“Well I don't stick my dick in her and she doesn't touch me. Simple as that. She's not cheating on my brother, technically.”
“You know there is something seriously messed up with this situation, right? Wait. How long have you known her Bellamy?”
He took a deep breath and looked away. I knew he was hiding something.
“Just tell me. Whatever it is, it's in the past, I guess. Whatever it is, I'd rather know now.”
“I slept with her,” he winced his eyes a bit like he was disappointed in himself.
“It was before she was with Turner. He doesn't know I fucked her though.”
“Bellamy, when was it?”
“Three or four months ago. Maybe?”
“Three or four months ago? Seriously? You're letting her in here to watch you fuck me and you were screwing her just a few short months ago AND she's your brother's girlfriend? This is so effed up, Bellamy.”
“If it will make you feel better, I will let her go from her agreement. We will never speak another word about her or about this again. Okay?”
“Fine.” I let out a small sigh of relief. I did enjoy our sexual encounter with Beth, but nothing about it felt normal.
“And while we're putting all of our cards on the table, there is something I have been meaning to talk to you about...” he trailed on.
“What? You mean there's more?” I gave him a look that said please 'don't hurt me'.
He took my hand in his and we both sat up on the bed.
“We should be more decent. Hold on a second.”
He got off of the bed and walked to the attached bathroom. He came back with two plush white bathrobes. I stood next to the bed and he helped me into mine. Once he put his on, he looked me in the eyes before he spoke.
“You're perfect Kate. I am the luckiest guy in the world to have met you. And I want you. All of you. All to myself. I want you each and every day to be with me and only me. I know all of this has happened pretty quickly and we have have even done some things out of order, but I don't regret one moment of what we've shared or the order in which we did it.”
I tensed a little bit and gave him a faint smile. I wasn't quite sure what direction this conversation was going in.
“Will you please stay with me tonight?”
“And here I thought you were about to propose,” I said it with a completely straight face.
It lasted all of about 10 seconds before I busted out in laughter. He erupted into a huge laugh when he realized I was joking. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.
“I'm kidding. Yes, I will stay with you tonight. So you thought it would be best for us to be dressed decently so that you could ask me if I would sleep over?” I smirked at him.
“No. I wanted to ask you like a sixteen year old if you would be my girlfriend. I want us to be exclusive. I haven't been with anyone since before I met you. And I don't want to be with anyone, except for you and I want you all to myself.”
“Okay. I'll be your girlfriend. Should we carve our names in the tree out back and put a heart around it?” I teased him.
We sealed the deal with a kiss and that night I went to bed completely happy. I had no worries in the world. As I laid there trying to go to sleep, my mind drifted back to that silver picture frame in the study that held a picture of Bellamy and Beth looking very much in love. If he was just messing around with her casually, why was that picture there? Why did the picture even exist? Why did he not really tell me how long he had known Beth? Why was a picture of Bellamy with his brother's girlfriend the only photo of people in this entire house?
I was awoken by the alarm going off at 5:30 AM. It was still dark out. I swear that the sound of an alarm going off in the morning, pulling you from your blissful sleep has to be the worst noise ever. I strained to open my eyes. I laid there for a few short moments listening to the beep beep beep and finally I looked over to Bellamy. He wasn't in bed. I reached over and smacked a few buttons on the alarm until the screeching finally ended. I wrapped the bed sheets around my naked fatigued muscles and crept through the pitch black to look for Bellamy.
The light in the kitchen was on, but I didn't see him anywhere. I could smell the freshly brewed coffee in the carafe perched next to the stove. Propped up against a dark green mug was a tiny white placard. I snatched it up and leaned up against the counter to read it.
Good Morning Beautiful,
I had to run some errands before going to the
office this morning. Didn't want to wake you
because you looked so peaceful. I brewed you
some coffee and there are fresh bagels in the white
box on the other side of the counter. I didn't know
which kind you liked, so I bought one of everything.
Jefferson will take you home. He will be waiting
for you downstairs. See you at work.
I smirked. Bellamy Drake was sweet. He was so sweet and s
o handsome and so good in bed. Bellamy Drake liked me. I pulled my lower lip between and teeth, I cheesed so hard my cheeks hurt, and then I shook my head in disbelief. I swept up the cup and poured myself some coffee. I took a few quick sips and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. I threw my clothes on from the night before. I had decided I better go home to get ready before work. Before I left, I finished my coffee and took the large box of fresh bagels with me. I decided I was going to get to the bottom of that picture in the study. I couldn't get their smiling love-stricken faces out of my head. So I plucked the frame straight from the desk in the study and took it with me.
Chapter Fourteen
Jefferson dropped me at my place by 6:45 that morning. I had an hour to get ready before heading off to my new job. I tossed the frame on the sofa when I got home and then I hopped in the shower. My limbs were deliciously sore from the night before. As the hot water beaded down onto me, I thought about how it would be possible for Bellamy and I to ever have a normal relationship after what Beth had been apart of the previous night. My thoughts kept going back to that damn picture. I played different scenarios over and over in my head as to why it was there and what it meant. The more I thought about it the more paranoid I became. Could he be lying to me? The thought of that felt like a knife to my throat. I couldn't breath and I started to panic. I shut the water off and sat in the tub with my arms wrapped around my legs. I sat there for a few minutes trying to calm down. I told myself he couldn't be lying because he had been completely upfront with me about his sexual tastes. Whereas I'm sure most girls would've run for the hills if a new guy they were seeing wanted to watch as another woman fucked them. The time Bellamy and I spent with Beth the night before had been one hell of an experience. I'd be lying if I said I didn't kind of enjoy it. There was no way that we could continue such an escapade with Beth in our sex life though. One.. she was Turner's girlfriend. And two... someone's feelings were going to get trampled on at some point. It would not end well.
When my skin began to chill, I pulled myself up from the tub and wrapped a fluffy towel around myself. I blow dried my hair and put on just a bit of makeup. I threw on a black dress and accessorized it with some bangle bracelets, drop earrings, and a statement necklace. I pinned my hair into a loose bun with a few wispy tendrils that hung near my ears. I wore my red satin heels again and grabbed the frame as I walked out the door. I stuffed the frame in my bag and took the stairs down to my car.
I got to the office at 7:57 and took the elevator straight up to the seventh floor where mine and Turner's offices were. I tossed my bag on my desk and dropped the box of two dozen bagels that Bellamy left me in the break room. He seriously bought me twenty four bagels because he didn't know which kind was my favorite. I wrote “Enjoy!” on the top of the box and left it on the table in the middle of the room. I walked down the hall towards Turner's office. When I got there, the door was shut. I peeked through the glass panel that ran next to the door. Bellamy was in the office with him. I watched as Turner slammed his closed fist down dangerously on his desk.
“Damn it Bellamy. I told you this would happen! Do you know what kind of trouble we will be in if anyone finds out?”
Bellamy stood from the chair facing Turner's desk and threw his hands up in the air.
“Fuck it Turner, who the hell cares? She signed an agreement. She's not going to talk.”
“Well we need to get rid of her. You know what you have to do!”
Turner pointed a stern finger at Bellamy. Frustrated, Bellamy took both of his hands and ran them slowly through his hair.
“Fine. I'll get rid of her, but we are never speaking about any of this again! I'm done. This is over. I'm out.”
My eyes grew wide. Who was “she”? Could they be talking about Beth? What was going on? What did they mean “get rid of her”? I gasped and my hand went to cover my mouth.
Bellamy turned on his heal to walk out of Turner's office and I ran. I don't think I had ever ran so fast in my life. I was quite impressed with myself that I didn't fall or twist my ankle considering I was wearing heels. I flew into my office and sat down quickly at my desk. I wasn't sure, but I thought it might be possible that Bellamy would drop by to say hi so I tried to look busy.
Sure enough a few moments later he casually strolled in and shut the door quietly behind himself.
“Good Morning, Kate.” He said my name in such a suggestive way that it made me want to surrender my body to him to use any way he wanted to.
He strolled over to my desk and sat gently on the edge of it. He was dressed in a black suit with a crisp white dress shirt. His tie was a beautiful shade of green and I could see his very expensive watch peak out from the cuffs of his coat.
“Hi,” I said a bit shyly.
It felt weird after what happened last night and now here we were trying to have a professional relationship in the office. All I could think about was how he'd seen me naked and all of the naughty things he'd done to me. I could feel my cheeks turn hot. There were a few silent moments because I didn't know where to start. I decided to hold my tongue about the picture after what I just overheard Bellamy discussing with Turner. It threw a wrench into the mix and until I figured out what the hell was going on, I decided it was best to stay quiet and not ask too many questions about Beth. Bellamy was still perched on the edge of my desk with his hands folded in his lap. When I finally opened my mouth to speak, Bellamy stood before I could say anything. It was a natural reaction for me to stand as well. He took his coat off and tossed it in my chair. He slowly undid the buttons on the cuffs of his shirt and rolled each one up a few times. My eyes danced over his strong muscular forearms The room fell completely silent. 'What is he doing?' I thought.
At that moment he came to me. His lips took to mine like a magnet and both of his hands went to either side of my face. My knees trembled in anticipation. The things this man made me feel were unlike any thing I had ever experienced. He spoke softly in between the kissing.
“I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up this morning. I wanted to be there. I wanted to make love to you again and again. I am sorry I wasn't there, something came up and I had to step out for a while. Please Kate, please forgive me?” he whispered.
He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and licked my swollen lips. A few more moments of silence past. Bellamy ran the back of his fingers across my cheek and I took a shallow breath. I couldn't believe what I was about to say.
“Bellamy, about last night... I know that we agreed it wouldn't happen again, but I really enjoyed it. You were right, I wanted to watch. Having Beth there was... it was... it was HOT. I have never been sexually attracted to a woman before, but she may have changed my view on that. It was the best sex I've had in my entire life,” it flew out of my mouth like word vomit.
Bellamy pulled away from me and didn't respond, but instead he gave me a confused look that said he had no clue where this conversation was going.
“So I thought maybe we could do it again sometime?”
I thought maybe I could protect her. Maybe I could protect Beth by asking Bellamy if we could continue to have a sexual relationship with her occasionally and then he wouldn't need to “get rid of her”. I went into this whole thing knowing about her and he was completely open with me about it. I thought maybe, just maybe, we could make it work without anyone getting hurt.
Bellamy cocked an eyebrow at me, “I'm sorry Kate, but that's not possible.”
“She's gone. She left town. She won't be returning.”
I gave him a look that I am sure said “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?”
He rolled his eyes slightly and then he said, “I let her go from her agreement early this morning just like you had asked. She broke it off with Turner and left town. I don't know where she's going and I have no way of getting a hold of her. This discussion is over.”
He spoke to me like I was a child and I didn't lik
e it. I bit my tongue and didn't press the issue any further.
“But maybe we could get another girl?”
My eyes shot from the putrid carpet in the office straight to Bellamy's. Get another girl? I couldn't believe what he had just said. Was he this big pimp that had all of these women at his disposal? I didn't know how to reply.
“So what do you think? Would you be interested in another girl?” he asked again.
“Another girl? Seriously?”
“Well for you, yes another girl. You can pick her.”
“Pick her? What?... Like a bouquet of flowers at the supermarket? You've lost your mind, Bellamy. I would consider continuing this tryst with Beth and only Beth. Not just some other girl. And for that matter... do you just have some harem of girls waiting around for you at your beck and call?” I kept my cool, but the questioning had a harsh tone.
Bellamy laughed. He literally busted out in laughter.
“This is not funny. I am serious!”
“I know I know. I'm sorry. I was just messing with you. No I don't have a harem of girls. In fact Beth is the only person I have ever had that kind of arrangement with. But seriously... she is gone and she will not be coming back. So it really is out of the question.”
I dropped it and simply said “okay”.
“Listen, nothing about our relationship so far has been conventional and I'm sorry for that. Do you want to come over tonight to watch a movie? We can order pizza or Chinese and just hang out like normal couples do,” he pleaded and had the cutest little love sick puppy look on his face.
“I would love to, but only if I can pick the movie,” I teased.
“Not a problem. I'll order food, you pick the movie. I will have Jefferson pick up up at your place around 7:00?”