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Quarterback's Virgin (A Sports Romance)

Page 11

by Ivy Jordan

  I felt like I could trust him. He knew how to move, where to push, and when to pull out, but that didn’t mean he could stop the pain. It was going to hurt. It always hurt, and nothing he did could change that. I knew it was coming. I felt myself start to tense up, but he was easing his finger in further, and the muscles were beginning to release.

  I was beginning to realize that there was no getting ready for this. I was going to have to go through the full initiation, and I was going to feel it. He could ease his finger through all he wanted, but he was just making it worse.

  The pressure was maddening. It was moisture pressing out from between my legs, and the fire from his breath pouring in, fueling the storm, and the torrent that was building up inside me. He was pressing his finger deep now. I had to bite my bottom lip and hold onto the covers for support.

  It wasn’t enough. I felt like I was falling into him, taking him in then reaching out for more. He wasn’t on a schedule. He was going to make sure that I knew that I was appreciated and that he didn’t want me to get hurt.

  I’d cry out, and he’d make reassuring noises. He’d pull out when he saw the strain on my face, and he always distracted me with his finger circling my clit. Pleasure and pain combined into a mix so tantalizing, I started to forget where I was.

  All that existed was his tongue, his lips, and fingers, this wild creature tearing through my body. He dove his finger in deep, and I jolted up. “Oh, shit.”

  He laughed and stood up, then pressed me down on the bed. He was standing over me, unbuttoning his sky blue shirt. He looked like a wolf, stripping off his sheepskin disguise. He seemed so benign and gentle with his clothes on, almost insignificant, but as he peeled back the cloth layering, his muscles came into view.

  He was an athlete, with arms almost as thick as my waist, and shoulders that engulfed me when he fell on top of me. His vanilla scent flowed in, and the heat from his body radiated out, creating a bubble of warmth that surrounded us as his lips pressed against mine.

  I couldn’t believe that he was so close, or how amazing it felt to have his bare chest press against mine. His hips slammed in, and I could feel the head of his cock resting on my opening. He pulled it away, and the denim scraped against my clit.

  The space between us closing. There was just that denim barrier, and the scent of sex flowing between us. He was careful with his lips. He took things slow, pressed the tip of his tongue in, swiping it over my top lip as he did. Then he pulled it back and started over, this time a little farther in than the time before.

  That was how he did things. He always gave me a taste, but he never gave me enough. It was meant to help my body acclimate to his, but all it did was leave me wanting more. He was pulling his cock back and forth over my lips now.

  I felt his hands trace down my side. Then he stood up and met my eyes. His thumb was tracing up his shaft. Then his cock jumped in his pants, and I gasped.

  He laughed. “That’s so fucking sexy.”

  “Yeah?” I slipped my finger up my opening, then over my clit.

  He nodded, then slid his hand down his stomach, over the ridges, to his belt. He slid it off and threw it aside, never once looking away while he fingered his zipper. “You want this?”

  I nodded. He ripped his pants down, then fell on me. He slammed his cock through, and my head shot back. Something exploded. The air went cold, and a ball of fire erupted through me, scorching skin, muscle, and bone.

  There was no preparing for the surge rolling through me, or the way his lips pressed into mine the second his cock hit my spot. He rested it there, then pulled out to dive it in again.

  Every thrust was like the fulfillment of a dream. My desperate, maddening desire had transformed into a sense of nervous anticipation. He was pulling me closer and closer.

  He hit my spot and clinched my clit. The combined shock drove my head back against the bed. He slammed in as deep as he could go, and thrust himself in, faster and faster. He’d completely lost control.

  There was no taking it, no relief, just that thick cock pounding into me, and his lips leading me through the moment, guiding my breath. His cock was ruthless, but his mouth was gentle.

  The smell of sex and the wet band of sweat rolling down his chest mixed with the sound of him straining to get through. His kisses were becoming more frantic, and his face was bright red. I could feel our skin melding together, and his balls slapping my taint.

  His breath was a constant flow, poured down my chest, resting on my nipples and my stomach. I could feel his cock sliding through, pressing against my skin, and prints on his fingers when he slid them over my clit, around the tip, now pressed between his finger and his dick.

  I felt like I was falling. I’d taken a plunge out of an airplane, and I was hovering above the ground at that moment before gravity took hold of me, and suddenly I was falling. His cock was pouring in, pulling out. so fast I couldn’t keep track.

  There was no ground beneath me, no end to the pool that had built up inside me. With every thrust, his cock pressed deep and deeper, slamming against the barriers holding the moisture in. When that dam broke, my body would get swept up in the current. I could feel my skin starting to ripple, and the energy gathering between us.

  He pulled his face back, and his eyes caught the light. His lip was curled up over his canine, and he slammed in with a snarl. The moisture erupted out, not in sprinkles, easily swallowed by the dust, or a trickling fountain, flowing steadily. This was a waterfall, like cold water. It covered my bare skin, my stomach, my thighs, my neck and chest, entering the soft, vulnerable places where it rested, like a warm, amber glow that stuck even after he pulled out of me.

  He collapsed naked on the bed next to me and snatched a pillow to prop up his head so he could look at me. My hands were moving up his side before I noticed, and he was pulling closer to kiss me. It was a long, satisfying kiss, a reaffirmation of everything that’d happened before.

  “I wanted that to be special,” he said softly. I could sense the same amber glow inside him. He was just laying back with his blue eyes rested on mine. “Was it special?”

  “It was.”

  “Good.” He swept his lips across mine. “You deserve to have this mean something.”

  I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling. “Normally, I’d be so embarrassed to be lying around naked like this.”

  “Don’t be.” He kissed my cheek. “You’re beautiful.”

  “I’ve always wanted to be the ugly bookish one, so people didn’t notice me.”

  “That’d be sexy, with geek glasses and one of those short gray skirts.” He growled and tore into my neck. I rolled over to get him off me, and he wrapped his arms around my neck to pull me closer. I rested my head on his chest while he wrapped his arm around my waist to pull the rest of my body in, until we were curled up together, listening to each other’s breath.

  He laid there like that, stroking my hair, with his chest rising and falling. Then he tilted my chin, looked into my eyes, and kissed me. “I have to go back to the dorms,” he said.

  “Are you okay to drive?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I should be fine. I don’t mean to leave like this. I hope you know that.”

  “I do.” I hugged him before he got up to pull on his pants, and pull on his shirt. Then he sat down on the bed and ducked down to give me a kiss.

  “Is it okay if I come see you after tutoring tomorrow?”

  “That’d be nice.”

  “Good.” He kissed me again, this time longer, then pulled away so he could leave. When he did, I collapsed on the bed, grabbed a pillow, and imagined that he was there with me. I had no idea that my body was even capable of doing the things he made it do. It was no wonder the kids all got so caught up in sex. I couldn’t let that happen. There’d be no expectation, no crazy crush, just this one night, and maybe more.

  Chapter Seventeen


  When I walked into the hall outside of Ava’s apartment, the
blue light of morning was creeping out. I had no idea we’d been together so long. It felt like just a few minutes. My intentions were completely pure.

  I wasn’t there because of a bet, or because I wanted to get back at Jason. I was there because we made love. We didn’t fuck or have a quickie. Those words simply didn’t apply to what we did. Her body was so fluid, so responsive. Every touch was rapture. It was exhilarating seeing her eyes rolled back, and her mouth pop open.

  It was even more exhilarating when she looked into my eyes after, and we kissed. Then we held one another. It was so natural, like she’d been waiting to fall into my arms since before I met her. That was pure magic.

  I drove home in a daze, still thinking about what’d happened. I had no idea what time it was until I pulled up to the dorms and saw students walking back and forth on the sidewalk.

  “Shit.” I shot out of my car and flew up the stairs, then down the hall into my room. It was 8 o’clock, and I had to be at practice soon.

  When I walked into the locker room, Mike walked up to his locker wearing a towel. “You haven’t showered yet.”

  I ducked down to open my locker. “I know. I just got here.”

  “No, dude, you haven’t showered at all today. I can tell by your hair.”

  “So, I figured I’d shower here.”

  “Oh, no. Don’t try to play it off, man. You didn’t come back to the dorms last night. Who was it? I know it wasn’t the tutor.”

  “I went out last night, and I couldn’t get back in on time.”

  Mike clicked his tongue. “You know you’re not fooling anyone, right?”

  “Fine, it was Carla,” I lied. “If you must know, she hasn’t stopped calling me.”

  “Dude, you gotta set that shit loose. You can’t have girls calling you like that.”

  “I had to do her in first, shit.” I grabbed a towel and walked off into the showers. What Ava and I did wasn’t the kind of thing you went around talking about. A quick screw after a night of drinking, sure, but not what we did. She deserved more dignity than that.

  I turned the water off and walked out to my locker. The room was mostly empty. Everyone else was probably still on the field, but I could hear somebody shuffling around in the locker on the other side of mine.

  Jason’s foot squeaked against the tile, and he popped his head around the corner. “Hey, how’s that bet coming, huh? Did you sweep up all the cobwebs?” He pushed away invisible spider webs with his hands.

  “Screw you,” I ducked down to open my locker.

  “Hey, all I’m saying is I think she needs somebody more experienced that knows how to ease it in,” he held up his finger and started to curl it, but I shot up and slammed him into the cinderblock wall behind him. “Don’t do that,” I pinned him by the neck with my arm. “Okay?”

  He gave me a trembling nod, so I eased off and he ran out onto the field.

  The coach had us do a preliminary workout, then took us into a classroom where he had water and protein bars waiting for us. There he pulled down a projection screen and showed us old videos of the next team we’d be playing.

  It was mostly commentary. He’d play the video for two seconds, going over things, then do that again. It took us three hours to get through the whole thing.

  I caught Mike at the door when we walked out. “Hey, come do a lap with me.”

  “Sure/” He followed me onto the track.

  “I needed this.” We stuck to a jogging pace. “Been on my ass for too long, and that movie was starting to put me to sleep.”

  “When Jason walked onto the field, he had a red mark on his face.”

  “He did?” I gave Mike a shit-faced grin.

  “One of the guys tried to ask him about it, and he went berserk, and got up in their face. He was puffing his chest out like a bird.”


  “Yup,” he laughed and rounded the bend.

  “I wonder how that happened.”

  “I was wondering the same thing myself. What’d he do? You’ve never attacked him before.”

  “So, he pissed me off.”

  “You better be careful with that shit. If the coach sees, he could throw you off the team.”

  When we finished, I jumped back into the shower. I was having a hard time controlling my thoughts. I didn’t care about football or any of the other players. All I could think about was that moment after Ava and I had sex, when we were lying next to each other.

  Then I saw her body, her face when I drove myself through her, and her mouth hanging slightly open. When I looked down, my cock was standing straight up, and I knew that I had to do something about it.

  By the time I was done, the locker room was empty again. The coach was sitting in his office, but so far as I could tell, the other students were gone. I liked it better that way. The players were the biggest groupies of all, and they didn’t even know it.

  Everybody wanted to talk about that pass I made, or Mike’s touchdown, and they all wanted to shoot the shit with me. I didn’t know what made me so special; I didn’t care. I just wanted to be left alone.

  The coach looked like he wanted to say something when he passed by, but I just kept walking. That was how I got from point A to point B everywhere I went. People would look at me, smile, and even walk towards me, so I just kept walking.

  It seemed rude, and a lot of people got miffed by it, but that was the way I had to do things. When I got into the library, it got worse. A group of girls was standing in the lobby. One waved at me, and I just kept walking. I hated doing that, but I couldn’t be everyone’s knight in shining armor. It was their fault for investing so much in a person they didn’t know.

  I couldn’t sit in one of the booths. People walked around looking at the books all the time. They were bound to come up to me and start talking. I had to use the study rooms. I posted up there with my book and waited for Ava’s tutoring session to be over.

  I wasn’t studying. That entailed reading and comprehending words. I couldn’t do that right now; I was too busy thinking about what it felt like to have her body under mine. I wished she didn’t have to work. I’d kidnap her and keep her all to myself while I perfected my technique. We’d survive on nothing but strawberries and whipped cream.

  The clock moved slowly. There was no point in staring down at my book. It was all I could focus on. Every second was a lifetime, another second that I should’ve been spending with her. I was losing my mind, and if I didn’t stop, I was going to drown.

  I turned back to my chemistry book. Hamburg was forcing us to read through three chapters on our off week, and I was studying ahead. There was no way that woman was going to ruin my week. I opened up to chapter nine and started on the first paragraph.

  Three words in, I got an idea. Maybe, if we were quiet, and I was careful about it, I could get her into one of the study rooms. There was no point in waiting. I could bend her over the table and plow right through.

  My cock was aching. The tip was sticking straight up, and I could feel it brushing against the cloth. I was going to lose it. I couldn’t study. I couldn’t think. I slammed Jason into the wall. I was going crazy, and I had to get control of myself.

  I went back to my chemistry book.

  She was so pliable, like clay. I hadn’t even gotten a chance to really work at her. She had no idea what I could do. I’d have her signing. My heart was pounding now. I was trying to calculate how long it would take me walk down there and convince her to go into a dark study room with me.

  It was just a fantasy. We’d get caught in a heartbeat, and we’d end up being thrown off the property. She didn’t need some hormone-crazed guy coming at her, especially not with the workload the professors were giving us.

  We were supposed to be having a free week, but all the teachers were all giving us extra to compensate for the time we’d normally be spending in class. I’d have to study most of the week to stay on top of it.

  The chemistry book may as well have been written
in Chinese. I couldn’t get through it, but I still had half an hour before her appointment ended, so I put my book away and walked back to the dorm to change. I needed to look perfect. My hair had to be right. My clothes had to perfectly pressed, and creased in all the right places. I might not have gotten any sleep, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t look good.

  When I was done, I had to rush back to the library to get to the tutoring center on time. I froze at the door when I saw her sitting in the room with Jason. They were both leaning over a book, and his forehead was almost touching hers.

  I had to grip the front desk to keep from running in there. He said something, and she laughed. Then he looked my way with a huge grin. I could already see the bruise forming on his cheek. I pretended not to notice him, but he was leaning in closer.

  She didn’t seem to notice what he was doing at all. If she did, she didn’t let it be known. Maybe the idea just didn’t cross her mind, because he was so ugly. He had his red hair tied behind his head in a ponytail and his white face was covered in freckles.

  He looked up at me every once in a while. Ava caught on after a bit and looked my way. She went right back to the book and started to move through things. I could sense that they were almost ready to finish up, so I moved closer to the door.

  I planned on intercepting Jason if I had to, but he was all slime. He knew just how to look at her, and nod his head at all the right times. Had he not been so disgusting, it might’ve worked. He was slick.

  He even had her laughing when she got up to open the door. He moved in behind her, met my eye, and slapped an invisible butt. A jolt surged through me, and I started forward, ready to tackle him to the ground.

  But Ava was staring at me. “Hey.” I melted into her smile and forgot Jason was there.

  “Hey,” I sighed.

  “So, I guess I’ll see you then.” Jason was sheepish, and a little subdued, completely different.

  “Yeah.” Ava gave him a quick grin.


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