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Quarterback's Virgin (A Sports Romance)

Page 50

by Ivy Jordan

  His arms wrapped around me, squeezing me tightly. It felt so good to have his lips on mine once again. I never wanted them to leave me again.



  Life had been a dream, truly a dream, for the last four years. Izzy was fourteen. Her blonde hair fell past her shoulders, and her bright-blue eyes lit up the entire church as she walked down the aisle in her blue bridesmaid gown.

  She looked over her shoulder, winking at me as she started her walk toward her father. He was so handsome. He wore a grey tuxedo with a blue vest, and even though we were both ready for this day, you could see the anxiety oozing from his skin.

  The music played, and I took my first steps toward the rest of my life. It was a day like no other, and as long as I live, I’ll never forget it.

  “I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” the preacher announced proudly.

  Any sign of nervousness on Gavin Bellefonte fell away like cracked ice to the floor on a hot day once those words were spoken. He scooped me into his arms, lifting me from my feet. I shrieked with excitement from the swiftness and power of his movement. He stared into my eyes with that strange compassion I’d recognized when I was still just pretending. It wasn’t compassion: it was love. No more pretending.

  “I love you, Mr. Bellefonte,” I whispered.

  “I love you, Mrs. Bellefonte,” I replied softly.

  His lips met mine, for the first time as man and wife, and in front of everyone that mattered in our lives.

  Izzy rushed toward us, wrapping her arms around us both, and squeezing tightly. “I’m so happy,” she sighed.

  I was, too. I’d never been happier in my entire life.

  Yes, that was a day I’d never forget. The reception was beautiful, and we were greeted by family and friends, all saying they’d never seen a happier couple. Gavin was still grinning from ear to ear on the limo ride to our hotel. One night, and then we’d take off for Barcelona, where I’d finally experience all the things I’d pretended to before.

  Gavin pushed open the hotel door, scooped me back into his arms, and smiled before walking me through the threshold.

  That sexy smirk of his returned, and within seconds, I was tossed into the air and let loose to fall onto the mattress. I shrilled with fear and excitement as I bounced on my back from the force.

  “I’m gonna do bad things to you, Mrs. Bellefonte,” he teased, his grin growing as quickly as his cock.

  I giggled, crossing my legs and pushing my hand to my mouth as if I were scared.

  He stripped out of his jacket, slowly removed his tie, and then unbuttoned his shirt with his eyes locked onto mine. I watched, excited to see the flesh he’d hidden behind the thin material of the dress shirt. “You want to see it all, don’t ya, dirty girl?” he teased.

  I nodded and grinned.

  “Okay. Prepare yourself,” he smiled.

  His hands gripped his belt, sliding it through the loops, and onto the floor. One quick motion opened his slacks, and with a quick push, they were around his ankles. He kicked his dress shoes off into the corner, and then stepped out of his pants.

  I could see his cock hardening beneath the material of his briefs. His thumbs rested at the top of the waistband, teasing me by pulling it down, and then stopping to grin. “You want it?” he asked.

  “I do,” I said.

  “Ohhhh. You do?” he teased, pulling them down and exposing his rock-hard cock.

  My pussy was wet somewhere underneath the piles of ruffles and lace of my dress. Gavin, my husband, stood at the edge of the bed, his hands on his hips, and his cock hard and ready for action.

  “I need to get out of this dress,” I giggled.

  “Oh, no. The dress stays on,” he ordered.

  My nipples pushed against the lace of my dress as my breasts swelled in anticipation. Gavin’s hand slid to my ankle, and then slowly slithered up my leg. I moaned as he touched me, and let out a sigh once he reached the wet spot between my legs.

  “You’re excited,” he announced.

  I shoved my pinky nail into my mouth and bit down as I nodded with a smile.

  “Roll over,” he demanded.

  I quickly rolled to my knees, pushing my body up with my hands and aiming my ass in his direction. My dress was full, and as Gavin worked to push the ruffles over my hips, and expose the flesh he’d been craving, I quivered with excitement.

  A slap to my flesh let me know he’d made his journey. His thumb slid between my thong and my flesh, and a quick tug back and forth created friction against my clit that sent another moan rolling from my throat.

  He teased me a bit before finally removing the panties that stood between my warm pussy and his erection.

  He pulled on my hips, drawing me back toward the edge of the bed. His hand pushed on my lower back, pushing my backside lower and lower, until finally his cock rested between my legs.

  My dress rolled up my back and over my head, creating a little hideaway for me to barricade into as my new husband pounded into my flesh, spreading me wide open, and exploring me deeper than he’d ever managed before.

  Moans filled the hotel room quickly as my orgasm reached its climax, again and again. I wanted to see his eyes, to watch the expression on his face as he finally reached his climax. I climbed out from under my dress and lifted my body up from the mattress, causing him to crawl onto the bed to stay attached.

  I laughed as he gripped my hips and tried to grind me back toward the mattress. I bucked against him, sending his cock deeper into my body, and causing more pleasure than expected.

  “Are you ready to cum?” I whispered, feeling his member throbbing inside of me.

  “Yes,” he gasped, pulling my hips hard and fast toward him.

  I quickly pulled away, leaving his erection without the comfort of my warm pussy. I rolled over, pushing my dress up and over my hips as he stared at me in disbelief. When I finally found the end to my dress, and my legs fell open, his eyes lingered on the place he’d been playing, and a smile worked onto his face.

  “Delicious,” he said, pushing his mouth to my swollen lips, sucking them into his mouth along with my juices.

  I came again while his fingers and tongue played between my legs, and then finally pulled him onto me. “This is what I wanted,” I whispered as he entered me once again.

  Our eyes locked, and our hips rocked together with one smooth rhythm, bringing each other to orgasm in unison. “Looks like we just sealed the deal on our final contract,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss my lips.

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  By Ivy Jordan

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Ivy Jordan

  Chapter One


  A dark cloud rolled over the cottage, blocking the sun and lowering the temperature to a frigid chill. I finished wrapping the fish I’d caught in butcher’s paper and headed inside. The warm water of the faucet soothed my aching hands. I’d come here for the winters, but I wasn’t quite ready for them. It looked like it was coming sooner than expected.

  My phone vibrated across the table with Elijah’s face plastered on the screen. I smiled as I picked it up, already missing my good friend. “Aloha,” I boasted with a half-chuckle.

  “Hey, how’s Maine treatin’ ya? You ready to come back yet?” he asked.

  “It’s beautiful. You and Taylor need to plan a trip soon,” I suggested.

  “I’d love that,” Elijah sighed.

  I filled him in on the cottage, the area, and how I’d settled in just fine. He told me all about Bailey, how well she was doing in kindergarten, and how well Taylor was taking to motherhood. It was g
ood to hear his voice, to hear he was doing well. It had only been a couple months since I left Hawaii, but it felt like a lifetime ago.

  “Is it cold there?” Elijah asked. I laughed. Cold, that was an understatement.

  “It’s nippy,” I joked.

  “I don’t like you up there in the mountains all alone,” he complained.

  “You know that’s the way I like it,” I pointed out.

  I listened to him sigh on the other end of the phone. I knew he didn’t understand my need for seclusion, and I was grateful he didn’t. A lot of the guys came back home with a few new ticks, ones that developed from listening to gunshots in the night, air missiles raiding the dark, and screams of their brothers that had been hit. I had a few ticks myself, ones that Elijah luckily hadn’t developed. Alone was fine with me.

  We said our goodbyes, and I hung up the phone. The sun was gone, even though it was early, and tiny specks of snow were beginning to fall from the sky. At least I knew the snow would keep the fall hikers from my cottage, and once the ski lodge opened up down the mountain side, all the locals would flock to it, leaving me alone.

  I stepped outside and let the cold flakes of snow fall on my face as I looked up at the dark cloud growing above my cottage. It was going to be a rough one—that was for certain.

  My freezer was packed with fish, my cupboards filled with non-perishables, and I had enough bottles of water to last four winters stacked outside my back door. I was ready.

  The breeze flew through the trees, leaving a whistle through each branch as I closed up my shed. I slammed the lock down hard and started towards the cottage when a sound echoed through the mountain, a sound that I hadn’t heard before.

  I stopped, looked around, and waited, but heard nothing. I shrugged it off, figuring it was a fox, maybe an owl, or some other creature warning the others of the impending storm headed our way.

  My hand rested on the front door as the noise carried up the mountain side once again, this time louder, more human-like.

  The paths that had been beaten down by hikers were about a half mile from my cottage, but I knew no one would be dumb enough to chance a hike with this weather looming. It had to be a creature.

  I almost made it inside when the noise bellowed again, this time clearly a moan, not a growl, a hoot, or squeal, but a moan. I grabbed my gloves and hat from the chair by the door and headed towards the noise. Who in their right fuckin’ mind would be out here in this shit?

  “Where are you?” I called out, walking towards the nearest path. The whistle in the branches was all I heard. No moan, no return call. I must’ve been going nuts out here all alone.

  I made it to the snow covered path as the moan returned, this time fainter, but closer. I called out again, moving towards the sounds of distress. The wind subsided, leaving an eerie silence over the mountain. “Oooh,” a low groan rolled up the path. I turned the corner to find a woman lying on the ground. Her long red hair was braided into a long ponytail, and blood trickled down her forehead from an injury to her head. I rushed towards her, kneeling down so she could see my face. “What’s hurt?” I asked as her eyes rolled back into her head. Shit!

  I slid my hands underneath her, turning her towards me. There was a gash on her head, not a bad one, but it was bleeding pretty fast. I bit onto my right glove to free my hand and used a bandana from my back pocket to add pressure to the wound. She was breathing, and her pulse was strong, but she was out cold. Why was she out here all alone? Why was she out here at all?

  The parking lot where hikers parked before making their trek up the mountain side was a good three miles down. I looked up at the sky, debating on whether to attempt to bring her to her car, to civilization, or up the mountain to my cottage that was less than a mile away. Fuck! This was why I left Hawaii: the damn hikers, tourists, and people crowding in on my secluded spot in the woods.

  I pushed my glove back on my hand and scooped the young woman into my arms. She was light, thankfully, but her limp body was awkward to carry up the slick path.

  Snow was already sticking to the ground, accumulating quickly. The weather report hadn’t mentioned a storm, but it was clearly the start of a big one. I stepped off the path, making my way through the thick brush to my cottage with the limp woman in my arms. She groaned as I missed my step, my foot sliding behind me quickly and bringing me to my knees. It hurt like hell, but I bit down, pushed myself back up, and made the rest of the trip to my front door.

  Inside, the heat instantly thawed my cheeks and fingers, causing them to tingle and burn. I placed the woman on the couch and rushed into the kitchen for my first aid kit.

  The knot on her head was swelling, but the bleeding had finally slowed. I cleaned the wound, wrapped it in bandages, and sat down on the edge of the couch by her feet. Why was she out here all alone?

  She wore a small fanny pack around her waist. I carefully removed it, checked inside for some sort of identification, a phone possibly, but found only a granola bar, a bottle of water, and a knife.

  A soft moan rolled from her lips as I got up from the couch. I knelt down beside her, speaking softly as I asked her if she was awake. She let out another moan, this time softer, and then, just breathing.

  I looked outside. The snow was coming down fast and furiously, and the skies had turned a strange grey. I knew the weather would be unpredictable when I moved to Maine and chose the mountain side as my home, but this was far more than even I expected.

  I tossed a couple logs on the fire, covered the woman in a warm blanket, and started on dinner. I made an extra piece of fish, just in case she would wake up hungry.

  An hour in the kitchen, and a few minutes at the table eating my dinner, she never woke, not even stirred. I cleaned everything up, carried her to my bed, and tucked her into the blankets for the night. Hopefully, the morning would bring some answers as to who she was and why she was out here in this weather all alone.

  Chapter Two


  My eyes ached as they opened. Everything ached. I looked around the room from the bed where I was laying. I didn’t remember coming here. I didn’t remember any of this. Where the hell was I?

  I scooted up in the bed, realizing the pain in my hip and my leg. When my leg slid to the side of the bed, it felt as though it ripped from my hip socket. I struggled not to scream out in agony, but I couldn’t contain the low grunt that rolled from my throat. My head was still foggy, but I knew this place wasn’t familiar, and panic set in as I planned my escape.

  My eyes scanned the room, quickly finding the front door. I stood, letting my weight bear down on the pain, but not willing to scream out for fear I’d alert my captor.

  I pulled myself towards the door, dragging my left leg and doing my best not to put all of my weight on my left hip. My hands shook from the pain as they reached out to the door. Gripping the door knob, I got my first glimpse of the dark from the small window to my right. It was pitch black, no street lights, no lights from other houses, nothing.

  “I didn’t hear you get up,” a male voice sent shivers down my spine, causing me to jump. I shrieked in pain and fear as my eyes moved towards a tall, scruffy man, with long hair that was wild as the sky in a storm. He looked confused, maybe concerned, it didn’t matter. I didn’t know him. I didn’t know what I was doing here. I didn’t even know where ‘here’ was.

  As he moved towards me, his thick muscles caught the dim light of the room, showing off the artwork etched with ink into his skin. He smiled, his teeth straight, white, and nothing like I’d expected from his rough appearance.

  “Don’t come any closer,” I screeched, lifting my hand from the door knob and lowering it into a copper bucket near the door. I grabbed the object sticking out from it, long, black, and what I thought possible a weapon. I swung it around in front of me, trying my best not to lose my footing as I realized it was only an umbrella.

  The man stopped, his smile widened, and a chuckle rolled from his lips. “I’m serious, stay b
ack. I’m not afraid to use this,” I yelled out to the man who seemed more amused with me than fearful.

  “You’ll use that, huh?” he moved across the floor. He picked up a coffee cup from the ornate carved table by the fireplace. I watched him as he moved to the large fireplace that looked to have lost most of its once fierce roar of a flame. He gripped a tin pot that hung above the cinders, poured coffee into his cup, and then turned to me. “Coffee?” he asked as if we were old friends and I’d stopped by for a visit.

  “No,” I muttered, shifting my weight to release some of the pain from standing. “I want to leave,” I said, almost as if I were asking his permission. He didn’t come towards me, threaten me, or even act as if he were interested in stopping me, but something froze me to that spot by the door.

  “I’m not gonna hurt you, but you can leave if ya want to,” he smiled, then moved to the couch centered in the room. His back was to me, so I lowered the umbrella back into its copper bucket, and gripped the door knob once again. “Although, while you were sleeping, nearly ten inches of snow came down. Not sure you’re gonna make it very far, even if you didn’t have a hurt leg,” he said calmly, not even bothering to turn to me.

  I snickered at the man, not willing to fall for his games. I turned the knob, opened the door to a fierce wind, pitch black skies, and snow so deep that it fell into the cabin and onto my feet. He laughed, again with amusement. “Where the fuck am I?” I demanded.

  “You’re safe,” he replied, turning to offer a smile.

  I didn’t feel safe. I didn’t know where I was, or how I got here. I was… where was I before I got here? My head felt foggy, and for some reason I couldn’t place myself anywhere before waking up in this strange cabin with this man. I couldn’t place myself anywhere before I got here.

  “Come have a seat and get off that leg. I need to check your head bandage anyway,” he insisted.


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