Initiation (Christian's Kisses)

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Initiation (Christian's Kisses) Page 4

by H. N. Sieverding

  "Lighten up." Kelly sighed, looking down at her wrist, where Carl had bitten her. "I don’t care if you slept with him or not. I was just teasing you."

  "Kelly," Addison picked up Kelly’s arm, turning it over and looking at the bite marks. "Did you…" She paused, her eyes looking up and meeting with Kelly’s annoyed ones. "…sleep with Carl?" Laughing when she got an evil glare sent her way, Addison laid back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "Oh my God! You did!"

  Kelly lay down too, turning sideways and facing Addison. "Well well…" Smiling smugly at Addison as she pushed back some hair from her neck, Kelly laughed. "Looks like you spend the night with a biter too."

  "I—" Addison jumped a little in surprise, quickly shifting to her side. "Umm…"

  "Don’t get so upset about it." Propping her head up with her hand as she leaned on her elbow, Kelly’s smirk turned a little softer. "It’s your first time with one, so I’d guess you’d be a little upset about it." She pushed back Addison’s hair again, letting it fall down her back. She studied the wound then turned to Addison’s slightly embarrassed face. "It happens to me all the time. I’ll show you how to cover it up okay?"

  "Okay." Addison smiled back at Kelly, the love in her eyes showing her close bond with her sister. "Thanks Kelly."

  "Welcome to the club." Kelly sat up and moved off the bed, leaving Addison still lounging there lazily. Taking off her work uniform, she tossed it over to the side instead of putting it in the hamper. "So…" Grabbing a pair of jeans out of the drawer, Kelly slipped them on quickly. "Did you like it? It’s mind blowing with one of them, isn’t it?"

  Addison giggled a little, looking down at her phone as she replied to a text from Josh. He was asking her if Kelly really had gone home with Carl last night because Carl had been bragging about it all day.

  "I recognize that laugh." Kelly chuckled, grabbing a tank and putting it on before she slipped into a tight, white sweater. "You loved it."

  "It was…different." Addison’s eyes were glued to her phone as she snickered at Josh’s angry response. "But a good kind of different."

  "Yeah." Kelly sighed, going over to the floor-length mirror they had set against the wall and checked out her appearance. She grabbed a brush from the top of the dresser near her, which was littered with papers and other random things that should’ve been in the trash but weren’t. "I should take you to Avenue Six tonight. Lots of nice guys there."

  Turning back to Addison, she made a grring sound with her tongue. "Now that you’re into that kind of stuff." She turned back to the mirror, smiling as she brushed her hair, "And I remember you saying you’d never get into those kind of men."

  "I’ve had enough fun for one weekend." Addison laughed, focusing on her phone as it beeped with a new message. "I think I’ll pass for tonight."

  "Stop being a party pooper, Addy." Kelly's attention fixated on her hair. "Come on out and have some fun."

  Addison’s grin quickly melted, her lips opening partially as a small tinge of worry came over her. There was a text from a number she didn’t know.

  Hey, party girl.

  Biting her lip nervously, Addison looked at her sister, who was absorbed in doing her hair, a cloud of hairspray lingering around her head. Addison’s hands shook a little as she typed a reply.


  A response came quickly.

  I need to see you.

  The message made Addison blush a little, and she sat up and got off the bed. "I’m going to watch some TV, Kelly." Addison looked at Kelly briefly then started walking out of the room.

  "’Kay, sweetie." Kelly had a long piece of hair pulled out to the side of her head as she prepared to wind it up in the curling iron.

  Addison returned to her other conversation.

  Who is this?

  She was hoping it was Christian, but she wasn’t exactly sure and didn’t want to write something flirty if it wasn’t.

  They didn’t answer right away, and Addison frowned as she shuffled into the living room. Plopping down on the couch, she sulked a little. She was going to type another message because the wait was driving her insane, but a knock at the door stopped her.

  Getting off the couch, Addison went to look through the peephole. It was Carl, Josh, and Josh’s annoying girlfriend, Rachel. Addison hated Rachel. She was a maid at the manor and was always donating her blood to every vampire who gave her a little attention, even Carl. Josh didn’t seem to care that the love of his life was a little loose in that department, which infuriated Addison.

  Addison opened the door, forcing a smile as she greeted them. "Hey."

  They all waved to her as they entered, walking past her and taking up all the spots on the couch. Addison closed the door and took a seat on the arm of the sofa, next to Josh. The piece was old, sporting a few tears in the brown, burlap fabric.

  "So, did they kick you out last night, Addison?" A slight snort escaped Carl’s nostrils as he laughed. He was wearing his normally stupid smile as he leaned over and tied one of his shoes. "They kicked me out, but I just came back in through the front. The asses never even noticed."

  "Yeah, I did," Addison made a sour face, her hands wrapped around her phone as she looked away from Carl. "And it was all your fault, Carl."

  "What’d he do?" Josh had his arm around Rachel, who was picking at her fingernails.

  "He thought it’d be funny to crash the VIP room at Club 66. And—" Addison was going to say something else, but Rachel stopped her.

  "What?" After shoving Carl angrily, Rachel punched him a few times in the arm. Her brow twisted in annoyance, and as she uncrossed her legs, her short dress exposed the fact she wasn’t wearing underwear. "You took Addison to Club 66 and not me, you jerk?"

  "I didn’t have enough tickets and—" Carl was laughing, shielding his face from Rachel as she continued to hit him. "Add-da-son’s hotter-than-you."

  Addison heard her phone beep and quickly read the reply she had been waiting for.


  Almost falling off the arm of the chair, Addison couldn’t believe Christian had used his first name instead of ‘Master Vallore.’ No one addressed him that way, even his closest friends.

  Addison quickly typed back.


  His reply came swiftly, Addison fully absorbed in it instead of the fight Rachel was starting with Josh.


  She giggled a little as she stared down at the screen.

  Josh looked at her in annoyance, wondering what she was laughing at. "Who are you texting?"

  "A guy I met last night." Addison stuck her tongue out a little, catching it between her teeth as she smiled at Josh devilishly.

  Kelly walked in the room and sat down on the other arm of the couch, chuckling as she caught Josh and Addison’s conversation. "Little Addy got frisky with a local from Club 66 last night."

  "What?" Josh glared at Addison angrily, "Who?"

  "None of your business." Sticking her nose in the air, Addison turned from him.

  "I don’t believe you." Josh reached up to Addison’s neck and pushed back her hair. He studied the bite mark on her neck, a small chuckle coming from his lips. "Well, I guess you did."

  "Who?" Leaning forward, Rachel put her hands on her knees. There was excitement in her voice, her reddish brown hair falling down her shoulders and sticking between her breasts as some of it fell inside her low-cut dress. "I bet I know him."

  "I bet you don’t." Addison began typing another reply to Christian, but a text from him came before she had time to send it.

  We need to talk.

  A small frown washed over Addison’s face as she stared at his message, thinking how those words almost always meant something bad.

  "Who?" Kelly was now joining in on the fun, crossing her arms over her chest as she laughed. "I doubt it was Master Vallore."

  Kelly’s comment made Rachel laugh, both of them looking at each other briefly then back at Addison. All of them were waiting for Add
ison’s answer, but soon their joking smiles faded when they saw the sad expression on her face.

  Sniffling a little as she tried not to cry, Addison slowly typed out a reply.


  "Addy?" Pushing up the sleeves of her falling sweater, Kelly looked over at her sister with deep concern on her face. "Are you all right?"

  "Yeah." Addison forced a smile.

  "It’s okay, Addison." Rachel laughed, reaching over Josh and patting Addison on the knee. Her fingernails were painted a bright red, the few scars on her wrists showed her passion for pleasuring vampires. "He dumped you, didn’t he? That’s okay. We’ll just find you another one at the Avenue tonight."

  "Hey!" Glaring at Rachel, Kelly spoke quickly with her hands. "Don’t say that to her! She’s upset."

  Addison wasn’t looking at them, she was reading the new message Christian had sent her.

  Tenth and Harper. Now.

  "Excuse me." Addison stood and went to the bedroom.

  "I’m gonna check on her." Kelly pushed to her feet and motioned for Rachel to sit down when she moved to follow. "Just me."

  Kelly was about to open the door, but Addison opened it instead, making Kelly jump back. Both girls stared at each other for a few seconds before Addison quickly looked away, her sad eyes focused on the ground instead of Kelly’s concerned ones. Addison had put on a hoodie over her light sweater that she used as a coat and had slipped on shoes. Her purse dangled from her arm, the small pink lettering on her designer purse clashing with her light gray hoodie.

  "Sorry, Kell. I have to go." Addison pushed past her sister and didn’t look up to meet the worried eyes that were all staring at her as she came out from the hallway.

  They all regarded her strangely, Kelly pausing next to the couch and watching what Addison was going to do. Not stopping to say goodbye, Addison quickly opened the door and left, slamming it behind her.

  Chapter Three


  Tenth and Harper was about a block away from her apartment building, so it didn’t take long for her to get there. It was raining outside, Addison’s shoes making squishing noises as she raced down the sidewalk. She pulled up the hood on her zip up sweater, quickness in her gait as she strode to her destination.

  Addison had a graceful bounce to her walk, her fearful eyes settling on an expensive black sports car that was parked on the side of the street. It looked very out of place in her middle class neighborhood. It’s headlights were bright and shone down the pavement as Addison shielded her eyes from the light.

  Her hands were delved deep in her pockets as she bent over and paused by the passenger door. Christian reached over and opened it for her, and Addison quickly climbed in.

  "Thanks." She shivered a little because she was drenched from the rain, her wet clothes soaking the leather seats. Her eyes avoided Christian’s and were temporarily fixated on the windshield wipers that were moving rapidly back and forth in front of her.

  "No umbrella?" Christian laughed, looking over at her briefly as his hand gripped the shifter between their seats.

  "No." Addison giggled a little as she set her purse down on the floor at her feet.

  Christian didn’t say anything, as he drove down the slick street. Addison shivered a little, the cold air coming from the vents not helping her warm up.

  "I umm—" Pausing, Addison pulled off her hoodie, the sweater under it only slightly damp. "Got a little scared when you said you needed to talk to me." Addison folded up the wet jacket and set it on her lap. "Everything’s okay, right?" Her voice displayed her fear, her nervous eyes staring at Christian’s hand as it maneuvered the shifter, the car purring as it switched gears.

  "Yes." Christian’s voice was low as he drove at a breakneck speed, his small car moving quickly as he weaved in and out of the lanes, passing several vehicles. His reflexes were amazing, but their heart-pounding speed and the dangerous way he was driving terrified Addison. "We need to discuss your future."

  Addison was holding onto the sides of her seat, choking out her words. "Oh-kay."

  The glow from the streetlights formed a continuous path outside her window. People honked at them as they passed, Christian barely missing them. He had an evil smile on his face as he drove, taillights throwing shards of light on his shadowy face.

  "I want you to become part of my family." Christian’s voice was smooth and calm even though he was causing chaos for the world around him.

  Addison nodded, her answer thick and shaky. "Okay."

  "Would you like that?" Christian withdrew from the freeway, driving down the shoulder as he passed a line of the cars.

  "Yeah. Umm hmm."

  Addison turned to him for a brief second, sending him a nervous smile. She watched him turn down a desolate road, Christian’s foot pushing the pedal to the floor. Addison shut her eyes tightly, covering them as she ducked her head. She couldn’t see the road ahead of her anyway because it was so dark.

  "I like you, Addison." Laughing, Christian jerked the wheel sharply, spinning them in a full circle. When the car came to a complete stop, he playfully tapped her leg. "The moment I saw you, I knew you were perfect."

  Addison slowly uncovered her eyes and looked at him sheepishly, "Really?" He could see her body shaking, his little joyride had terrified her. She looked out the window and couldn’t see a thing in front of her and had no idea where Christian had taken her.

  "You’ll need a mentor to get adjusted and to help you along in the process. I…" Christian turned to her, his features illuminated by the greenish lights that lined the dash. "Am not good mentor." He put his hand on her knee, Addison barely able to see his face because of the darkness. "Most of my elites have mates that have gone through the same process you will, so I’ll set you up with one of them."

  "Mates?" Addison’s eyes narrowed on Christian as she tried to see his facial expressions in the dark. "Like those women at the club?"

  "Well—" Pausing, Christian sighed and ran a steady hand through his dark hair. "Most of the girls there are donors. Victoria was the only mate that was at the club last night."

  "Oh." Addison frowned, her voice low as she looked down. "I remember her." As her stomach settled from the wild ride, Addison took in a deep quivering breath as she stared blankly at the dash. Inside she was terrified to hear the answer to her next question, but she had to ask it. "Am I going to be a mate?"

  "Yes." Christian started the car again, the headlights turning on and illuminating the space in front of them. "You—"

  Cutting him off, Addison sat up straighter in the seat, a more girly tone to her voice, "Whose mate?"

  Her question made Christian laugh, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, "Let’s go back to the manor." He punched on the gas, and the sudden movement produced a small shriek from Addison’s lips. "I want you to meet your new family."

  * * * *

  Christian took Addison back to the manor, leading her up the stairs and to a room on the top floor. It was very inviting, decorated in soft whites and antique pearl. There were about ten other people sitting around, all of them lounging lazily. In this intimate setting, the vampires looked much different than she had seen them in the club.

  Nicolette walked up to Addison, taking her hands in hers lovingly. "Hello, my dear. I’m so excited to finally be able to welcome you into our family."

  "Nicolette?" Addison smiled at her nervously. She knew Nicolette very well and had worked with her at the museum for several years. "You’re a vampire?" Her eyes watched Christian walk away from her and go sit down with some of his elites. She wanted to go with him, but she knew she couldn't.

  "Yes, my dear—and never mind what the Master is doing." Nicolette’s voice was calm and sweet, her personality a lot like Addison’s. Putting her arm around Addison’s shoulders gently, she led her over to the other women. "Come and sit with us. I want to introduce you to your sisters."

  "So, you’re the one that’s been watching me for the Master, aren’t yo
u?" Addison slowly sat down on the floor at Nicolette’s urging.

  "Yes my dear." Nicolette nodded, looking around at the other women then back to Addison. "You were my recommendation, and I have served as the eyes of the others. They know much about you and are all very excited for you to join our family."

  "Really?" Addison lips turned up uncertainly at all the women who were smiling at her. There was warmth in their presence, the women all very open and welcoming. "Thank you for thinking so highly of me."

  "You’re very welcome, my dear." Nicolette turned from Addison and addressed the rest of the group, "Here is our new sister, Addison." Nicolette’s movements were smooth, a gracefulness in every wave of her hand. "Finally, I am able to introduce her to all of you. Let us welcome her to our family."

  "Hello." Addison waved her hand as if she was a child in school. "It’s nice to meet all of you."

  The women introduced themselves, all of them very affectionate and giving her hugs. This kind of intimacy was something Addison was slightly uncomfortable with, but she sat through all the fawning, faking a large grin.

  "It’s nice to see you again." Victoria sat next to Addison, laying a warm hand on Addison’s shoulder as she spoke. "Welcome to our family, Addison. Adjusting to our lifestyle can be a bit overwhelming at first, so we will help you with your transition." She gently cupped her palm around Addison’s face, "You mustn’t be afraid, you are loved, and our family will always care for you. This is all very exciting for us—we have not had a new member in many years."

  Victoria took Addison’s hand in hers, lightly rubbing up and down her arm. The others were gathered around her as well, forming a circle around Addison and hiding her from the other people in the room. Their affectionate touching made Addison’s smile quiver slightly, her lips pressed tightly together as she tried to hide her uneasiness.


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