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Initiation (Christian's Kisses)

Page 8

by H. N. Sieverding

  "Excuse me." Addison got up from her chair, smiling at Samson when he turned to see what she was doing. "I’m going to say hello to the Master."

  Samson nodded, handing her the cup in his hand, "Sure."

  She looked down as she made her way through the crowd that stood around the table. People packed themselves around the Master and his family, all the guests fighting over their attentions.

  Christian watched her make her way through the crowd over to him, his eyes peering at her from over his glass. She tried to squeeze in between Amanda and Christian’s chairs, but they were very close together, and she couldn’t.

  "Good evening, my love." Christian turned his gaze from Addison and scanned the room, his movements slow and methodic. "Come sit by me."

  Addison narrowed her eyes on Amanda, an irritated tone in her voice that wasn’t normally like her. "Move." Reaching between them, she set her drink down, some of it spilling onto the table because it hit the surface of it rather hard.

  "What?" Looking at Addison strangely, Amanda wasn’t sure what had angered her. She glanced nervously at Christian, who was chuckling into his drink, but he didn’t respond.

  "I said move." Glaring at Amanda, Addison put her hand on Amanda’s shoulder, squeezing it a little. There was an evil sneer on Addison’s face, both Josh and Kelly watching from afar.

  "Why?" Still not sure what Addison was talking about, Amanda looked up at her innocently. When she realized Addison was ignoring her, Amanda rolled her eyes.

  Biting her lip, Addison spoke in a breathless voice as she wrapped her arms around Christian’s neck from behind his chair. "Master." Addison rested her head against Christian’s, running her fingers up and down his chest. "Can I go say hello to Josh—"

  "No." Christian didn’t look back at her. He gave a small laugh as he grabbed her hands and yanked down on them, pinning her against him.

  Addison’s glanced nervously over at Josh and Kelly, but she wasn’t able to move because Christian’s grip on her was so tight. "Just to say—"

  "No." Christian released his hold, and Addison slowly pulled upward but didn’t let go of him.

  Addison quickly glared at Amanda, who she noticed was scowling at her. They were very jealous of each other, both not wanting to share Christian. Christian felt Addison move her head toward Amanda and pulled on her hands to make her focus on him again.

  "Master…" Addison rubbed her face against his cheek and knew if she flirted with him, she might be able to make him change his mind. "I missed you, please let me sit by you."

  Christian pushed his chair back a little, forcing Addison to let go of him and take a step back. She quickly moved in and sat on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hanging from it playfully. Straddling his hips, Addison’s dress was tight as her open legs stretched the fabric.

  Licking one of her fangs seductively, Addison ran her hands slowly and roughly down Christian’s shirt, her fingers sliding under his belt. She pulled at it as she looked into his eyes. Speaking in a soft, breathless voice, she ran her hands up his chest again before wrapping them around his neck, "Please? I'll say hello and come right back, I promise."

  "No Addison." Christian grabbed the sides of her face, a toxic evil in the weight of their stare. "I want you…" He let the tip of his nose rest against Addison’s as she eyed him from a cat-like angle, a hungry lust in her eyes as she grinned. "Right here with me."

  "Okay, then I’ll stay…" Addison leaned forward and gave him a kiss, pulling away slowly as she licked her lips, her tongue pausing under one of her fangs. "And play with you instead."

  Christian pulled her close, kissing her as he held her on his lap. The two were very passionate, and when Addison was around him, she turned into a vixen. Being near him was better than any drop of blood, a mate’s scent to a vampire like catnip to a cat.

  "Ho-lee…" Josh’s mouth dropped as he watched Addison making out with Christian. "Shit."

  "That’s…" Watching her normally mousy sister made Kelly giggle, "Our Addison? Making out with Master Vallore?"

  "Yeah." Looking over at Kelly, Josh turned away from Addison and Christian. "Doesn’t seem like her, does it? I wonder what he wants with her."

  "Come on, you know exactly what he wants to do to her." Putting her hand to her chest, Kelly let out a playful giggle. She was still watching Addison, licking her lips because the action was getting exciting. "Master Vallore is such a hottie. If I was her right now, I'd be doing him in public too if I got the chance." She raised her fist in the air, some of her drink spilling on the floor as she screamed, "You go girl!"

  "Knock it off. You'll embarrass her." A deep frown etched into Josh’s face when he caught Addison looking over at him.

  Christian saw her look at Josh, so he took his index finger, pushed her chin toward him, and made her focus on him instead. "Why do you not invite them over?" Burying his face in her neck, he licked her skin teasingly, "We can make a feast of them. I'm sure my scavengers would love the leftovers."

  Angry at his comment, Addison pushed away from him and got off his lap. Christian laughed as he watched her leave, finding her reaction quite humorous. She was going to walk over to Kelly and Josh, but Nicolette pulled back on her arm, whispering in her ear.

  "Do not go to them, my dear." Nicolette’s touch was gentle, a friendly smile on her face as she leaned close. "Be cautious, the Master is watching you. He will be livid if you disobey him."

  Addison glanced back at Christian, who was giving her a very nasty scowl. When he captured her gaze, he motioned with his index finger for her to return. Addison didn't move, but sent him an angry glare before looking over to her siblings.

  "Don't do it." Nicolette’s voice was barely audible over the music, "Defying him will never work to your advantage." She put her arms around Addison and spun her. "Go back to him now before you do something you'll regret."

  Once again, Addison’s eyes met with Christian’s, who was still glaring at her and watching her interaction with Nicolette closely. He pointed to an empty chair next to him, the rage in his eyes so intense, she had to look away.

  Balling her hands into tight fists, Addison glared at him and twisted in Nicolette’s arms, who tried to hold her back. Addison managed to get away from her and sprinted over to Josh and Kelly.

  "Hi Addison." Kelly waved to her as she approached.

  "Hi." Forcing a smile, Addison gave Kelly a friendly hug. She glanced over at Josh, a fearful look in her eyes that he understood right away. "Umm…" She looked down at her fingers as she fidgeted. "Let's go outside for a minute. I need some air. I want to talk to you, but I can't hear you over the music."

  "Are you sure?" Kelly laughed, looking around the room before focusing back on Addison. "It looks like fun in here."

  "Addison’s right, let’s go." Josh began walking away, motioning for the girls to follow him.

  "Fine." Letting out a disappointed grunt, Kelly grabbed Addison’s hand, swinging it back and forth playfully. "If you insist, ya party pooper."

  "I—" Addison briefly looked back at the table, jumping a little and squeezing Kelly’s hand tighter when she saw that Christian was gone. "Umm—" Addison laughed nervously, pulling on Kelly’s hand because she wanted to get her sister out of the room as fast as possible. "Kelly, we—" When Kelly didn’t budge, Addison glanced back and heard a giggle escape Kelly’s painted lips.

  "Hey party girl." Christian chuckled, his arms wrapped around Kelly’s waist as he addressed Addison. There was a challenging look in his eyes as a slow, devilish smile spread over his face. "This is your sister, no?"

  "Yeah." Biting the lip that was trembling furiously, Addison watched Christian as his mouth hovered near Kelly’s neck. "That’s—"

  "What is your name, sweetheart?" Ignoring Addison, Christian’s smooth voice made Kelly’s face turn a bright red. His gaze was darting over the skin of her neck, as Kelly swooned under the spell of the Master vampire.

  "Kelly." Kelly turned to l
ook at him, but Christian gently pushed her head forward so she would see Addison instead.

  Speaking in Kelly’s ear, Christian’s lips brushed against it, igniting a chain of giggles. "Your sister is a very naughty little girl." He looked at Addison from a cat-like angle, his brow lowered, his eyebrows meeting the ice blue of his eyes, which intensified his stare. He could see the fear on Addison’s face and was enjoying every second of it. "She disobeyed me."

  "Addison…" Laughing, Kelly was speaking to Addison, but her flirty stare was entirely focused on Christian. She placed her hands on the one he held over her stomach. "What did you do?"

  "Let us taste you." Christian’s buttery words entered Kelly’s ears, their sexy tone making her whole body tingle.

  Christian smiled devilishly at Addison before biting down on Kelly’s neck. Kelly gasped, and his nose wrinkled up as he drank from her. He lifted Kelly’s arm and held it out toward Addison. Opening his intense eyes, he waited for her to do as he instructed. But she hesitated, her distant eyes widening in horror. Not able to move, a paralysis swept over her and stole her breath. Getting angry, Christian’s bite was no longer a friendly one. His grip on Kelly tightened, his bites deeper and more deadly.

  Addison took a step back, covering her mouth as she watched him kill her sister. She fell to her knees, a few tears falling down her cheeks. Finally, Christian released Kelly, letting her body fall to the ground. Licking his lips, he wiped at some blood dripping off his chin. He sneered when he looked over at Addison, who was hiding her face and whimpering.

  "Addison." Holding out his hand, Christian waited for her to look up at him. "Get up."

  Quickly jumping to her feet, Addison ran over to him. "I’m sorry Master." Instead of taking his hand, she wrapped her arms around his waist and sobbed into his chest. Her words were muffled, "Please forgive me."

  "Do not touch me. You disappoint me with your insolence." He quickly peeled her off him and walked away.

  She glanced back at the others, who turned their backs to her when they saw her look at them. They were shunning her as Christian had, leaving her standing alone.

  Nicolette was still looking at her though, mouthing the words, "Do it." Christian shoved her into a few people standing around the table as he returned to his seat, almost knocking her over. Nicolette's concern showed on her face. She knew if Addison didn't do as she was told, the Master would kill her, "Go." Nicolette made a few shooing motions with her hands before Brandon forced her to turn her back on Addison like the others.

  Addison’s lip trembled as she stared over at Kelly’s dead body, her eyes opening frighteningly wide as she stared at it. About to do something that sickened her, there was a distant look in her eyes as she swallowed hard. She knew Christian was angry with her, and she had to get back in his graces.

  Walking slowly, Addison shuddered as if she was about to crumble into a million pieces. With each step her body seemed to get heavier, each one harder than the last. Finally, she stood over Kelly’s body, looking down at it as giant tears fell silently on her cheeks. She dropped to her knees, feeling the cool kiss of the tile. The makeup around her eyes was smeared from her tears, her intense baby blue eyes looking like a raccoon’s mask.

  Picking up Kelly’s hand, Addison held it for a few seconds, her warm tears falling on Kelly’s still fingers. Kelly’s nails were perfectly painted red, and she was wearing the charm bracelet their mother had given her a few years ago. It jangled softly as the charms hit each other. Addison put Kelly’s fingers to her mouth, letting them pause there.

  Then, Addison closed her eyes, putting Kelly’s wrist to her lips. The others turned to watch, her action also catching Christian’s eye from across the room. Her quivering mouth opened as it hovered above Kelly’s wrist, and Addison had to close it again as she swallowed hard. She felt sick, but tried to push it back and do what she knew she had to. She opened her mouth again, the colored lights above her turning her dark hair an array of colors, small stars and other random shapes covering her skin.

  Addison paused above Kelly’s skin for a few seconds, her hands trembling as she held Kelly’s arm. Shutting her eyes as tightly as she could, Addison bit down on Kelly’s wrist, piercing the skin with her fangs. The blood tasted good, and Addison’s vampire instincts replaced her hesitation, letting her feed.

  Watching Addison feed off Kelly, Christian’s face filled with an evil grin as he sat back in his chair. He took a slow drink from his glass, his eyes shifting over to Nicolette. Motioning with his hands toward Addison, he gave Nicolette silent instructions to go over to her.

  Nicolette smiled as she pushed to her feet and walked to Addison, standing back until Addison was done feeding. Slowly glancing up, Addison sniffled as she took one last look at Kelly. She was going to touch her, but Nicolette pulled her away.

  "Come now, dear." Nicolette held her head close to Addison's as she helped her stand, "You have done as you were told." She wrapped her arm around Addison’s shoulders as she slowly led the shaky Addison toward the table, "Now you can come back and sit with us."

  Licking her lips nervously, Addison’s voice was low and broken as she looked at Nicolette, "Is the Master still angry with me?"

  "I’m not sure, my dear." Nicolette’s voice was calm and soothing, making Addison feel more at ease.

  Addison’s fearful eyes turned to Christian, a longing look reflected in them. Her bottom lip pouted, her large doe eyes magnified by her smeared mascara. Raising an unsteady hand out to him, Addison was begging him to let her near. A small laugh escaped his grinning lips as Christian motioned toward the empty chair at his side. He then turned his eyes from her and began talking to Brandon, who was now sitting on the other side of him.

  "Go to him." Nicolette motioned for Addison to go, smiling when she saw Addison quickly make her way over to Christian.

  Addison sat down next to Christian, moving over so she was as close to him as possible. "Master." Unable to sit still, Addison held her hands firmly on her knees and tried not to touch Christian. "Please forgive me. I’m sorry I disobeyed you. I won’t do it again, I promise." There was a longing in her eyes as they darted all over Christian’s face and she waited for him to look at her.

  Christian didn’t turn to her or answer, his gaze scanning the room as he took a sip from his glass.

  Swallowing a few times nervously, Addison leaned close to him, her long eyelashes batting quickly as her eyes scanned his angry features. "Please." Licking her lips as they trembled, Addison’s face was almost touching his. The fear was apparent in her eyes, her tears dancing on the turbulent waters that remained trapped in her lashes, not yet released.

  Her whole body was quaking, her movements jerky and tense as she tried desperately not to touch him without his permission. "Hold me, Christian…please."

  Christian set his cup down, his eyes settling on hers. The tension between them was intense, Brandon and some of the others finding themselves becoming enthralled in the scene. He settled farther back in his chair, spreading his legs apart slightly as he leered devilishly at her.

  Addison smiled too, her tongue peeking out of her mouth. She bit it slightly, trapping it under one of her fangs. She slowly got up from her chair and climbed into Christian’s lap, straddling his hips. Her back was up against the table, the small space between it and Christian forcing her to be plastered up against him.

  "Do you forgive me?" Some of Addison’s fingers slipped into Christian’s shirt under the gaps in the fabric between his buttons. Her lips went to his neck, kissing there a few times before moving slowly up his face. "I forgot my place, Master. I’m sorry I angered you…please forgive me."

  Her gaze fell on his for a few seconds before she closed her eyes, the tip of her nose barely brushing his. "I love you…don’t push me away. Hold me." She reached her hand between their tightly pressed bodies, forcing it into the tight space between his black dress pants and his shirt.

  Christian’s brow was lowered slightly, his wicked
eyes burning into hers as he released a low chuckle. Addison was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she licked her lips.

  Addison smiled devilishly as she shoved her hand down his pants, grabbing hold of the object that lay beneath. This made Christian grin, the dirty sin Addison was doing hidden under the table and shielded by Christian’s suit coat. He reached his hands around her and cradled her hips.

  Leaning close to his ear, Addison’s voice was soft and seductive, "Taste me, Christian. I want my blood inside you."

  After hearing those words, Christian captured her mouth with his. His tongue trailed down the side of her cheek to her neck. He bit her, but his bite was soft and light, only slightly piercing her skin. He sucked out a few drops of her blood before kissing her neck a few times more.

  His hands grabbed her head, forcefully tangling inside her thick hair and pulling at it roughly. Closing his eyes as he felt Addison’s hand tense in his pants, he pulled on her head and shoved it into his neck. He gritted one of his fangs on his bottom teeth, his lips partially opening as he felt Addison’s fangs pierce his skin. A very pleasured look washed over his face, making every woman in the room lick their lips slowly as they fantasized about their handsome Master.

  Christian’s blood tasted amazing, and after only a few sips, Addison became lightheaded and could drink no longer. The pleasure of it inside her overwhelmed her senses, making her body shake. Christian smiled when he felt her go limp in his arms and slowly rubbed his hands up and down her back. He let her lips tremble against his skin as her head rested in the crook of his neck.

  Addison was lying motionless in his arms, but was conscious, still reeling from the taste of his blood. Christian picked up his glass and took a sip from it, a devilish grin on his face as he noticed all the women in the room looking at him as if in a trance.

  Brandon, who was sitting next to Nicolette, made a sour face as he shook her shoulders, trying to wake her from her daydream. "Stop staring at them like that."

  Nicolette’s tongue paused under her fang for a few seconds as she looked dreamily at Christian. "I bet Master Vallore tastes amazing."


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