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Initiation (Christian's Kisses)

Page 11

by H. N. Sieverding

  Chapter Seven


  The move to Pargon was very hard on Addison, and after a few weeks of living there, the only friend she had made was Darien. He could speak her language and watched out for her while Christian was away.

  She didn’t complain about the others, but Christian could tell how stressed she was. She would sit next to him silently every day, clinging to him as she had done with Nicolette. She felt very out of place and not being able to understand a word anyone said to her was frustrating.

  The other women in the family hated her because she was Christian’s mate and made it very apparent she was not wanted in their tight circle. He thought she would be fine with just him, but he had forgotten how close her bond with the other women in Caron had become. He knew it would take time for her to make the adjustment, but he was impatient and wanted more from her than she could give.

  She was still very upset about losing her sister and distanced herself from the others, spending a lot of time alone in her room. It didn’t help that Delilah and Mia were always giving her a hard time. They would laugh at her and speak in their own language. Even though Addison didn’t understand what they were saying, she knew it wasn’t nice. She didn’t tell Christian about it because she thought it would upset him.

  Addison was now sitting in her room reading the news on her laptop. She was absorbed in the story, one of her fingers paused near her lips as she mouthed the words. She looked very sweet in her pose, a large cat she had taken up as one of her only friends in the manor sitting on her lap and warming her legs.

  Christian had come in unnoticed and watched her from the doorway for a few seconds before slowly walking over to her. "Good evening, my love."

  "Christian!" Addison jumped at the sound of his voice and quickly turned in her chair to face him. The feline jumped from her lap, her excitement over Christian’s entrance interrupting his nap. "You’re back. I missed you." Her face filled with a gentle smile, but it quickly faded when she saw his annoyed expression. "What’s wrong?"

  "Come lay with me." Christian took off his shoes as he sat down on the bed. He held his hand out to Addison, who was moving toward him cautiously. "We need to talk."

  "Did I do something wrong?" Addison frowned as she sank down on the bed, removing her shoes quickly and tossing them to the floor.

  Christian reclined on the bed, propping his head up with his hand as he looked at her. With his other one, he patted the spot next to him. "Come here."

  Addison slowly climbed in and lay on her side to face him. There was a sad look in her eyes as they met with his. "Christian…" She quickly latched onto him, Christian falling onto his back as she lay on his chest. "I have to tell you something."

  "What is it?" Christian’s hand slid under her sweater and rested on her bare back. It was warm on Addison’s skin, making her snuggle deeper into him.

  Addison’s voice was low as she spoke, as if she was scared to give breath to the words, "Mia and Delilah tried to bite me today."

  "They did?" Christian sounded calm, but his expression showed his anger. He glared at the intricate design on the high ceiling above his head, his hand rubbing her back and feeling the softness of his lover’s skin under his fingertips.

  "They cornered me downstairs and tried to attack me." Addison’s fingers nervously fidgeted with the buttons on his shirt. "Darien came down and stopped them before they could hurt me. He told me he’d talk to you when you came home…" She paused, an uneasy laugh escaping her lips as she tried to make light of the situation, even though that’s not the way she felt. "And that I should wait here for you."

  "Their behavior is becoming a problem." Christian sighed, looking down at Addison then to the door he had come in. "I have just spoken to Darien about the matter, and we have come to a simple solution." Addison didn’t say anything, just waited for him to continue. "Now that you are part of the family, your involvement in this process is very important."

  He gently pulled her up into a sitting position. "Listen closely to my words, my love." His voice was calm and clear as he looked deep into her eyes. She hung from his neck loosely, as his hands rested on her hips. "You are no longer a child, and you must learn to take care of yourself when I am not with you. You cannot depend on people like Nicolette and Victoria to take care of you forever. You are my mate, and you must learn to become strong and independent."

  Addison’s words came limply from her lips, a small frown creeping onto her face because she didn’t like the direction this conversation was going. "Okay." She slowly took her arms from around Christian and placed her hands on her lap.

  "Tonight will be a great challenge for you." Christian’s voice was soft, his index finger reaching toward her face and lifting her chin. "I will be very angry if you disappoint me."

  He trapped her in his gaze, her mousy, fearful eyes trying to break free from his intense stare. There was never a truly gentle look in Christian’s eyes, as there was also that hint of evil. Being trapped in his gaze was like entering the den of the devil. The power he had over her was terrifying, but at the same time, she would do anything to please him.

  Addison grabbed her knees tightly, her voice a little shaky as her eyes darted over his face quickly. "What’s happening tonight?"

  "You are going to hunt the others with Darien and I. They no longer are deserving of the gifts I have given them." A sinister smirk spread over Christian’s face, his words stinging her ears and making her body erupt into extreme shivers. "We will kill the others, but I want you to kill Delilah and Mia."

  "What?" Addison had to choke out the words, giant tears falling from her baby blue eyes. "I can’t—" She tried to pull away from him, but Christian wouldn’t let her go.

  "Addison." Getting angry with her, he grabbed the sides of her face, making her look at him. "You will do as I say."

  "I’m scared. I can’t kill anyone, I—" Addison tried to grab at him and hug him, but he shoved her hands away.

  "Yes, you can." He held her cheeks, a few hot tears falling from her eyes and warming the skin on his hands.

  "I can’t…" Addison tried to put her hands over Christian’s, but he quickly pushed them off. "Don’t make me do it, Christian. Please don’t make me do it."

  "Addison!" He pinned her hands in her lap with one of his, grabbing the side of her face with the other. He pushed her closer as the words hissed off his angry lips, "You have to do this. You have to stand up for yourself and show me how strong you can be."

  "I can’t…" Addison began to sob, her voice coming out whiney and simpering, "Please Christian…I can’t do it…"

  "If you’re hungry enough, you will." The smooth liquid evil in his tone made her shiver. His eyes glowed, the veil of the killer now present in her lover’s stare. He pinned her to the bed, holding her by the shoulders and not letting her up.

  "I’ll try, I’ll try!" Addison began to cry, Christian’s brutality scaring her. Desperation flashed in her eyes, her words and tears fast flowing, "I promise! I’ll do it! Don’t hurt me!"

  Innocence was still reflected in her gentle eyes, and Christian knew his angel wasn’t capable of taking a life without a little help. He needed to bring out the killer instinct that lived deep inside her, let her appetite drive her mad.

  He looked down at her as she squirmed beneath him, his love cowering under him like one of his victims. She was so fragile, so good, and he was about to shatter it all. He was going to break her down to her core, exposing the seed of evil he had planted inside her angelic frame. The monster that slept within her would awaken, the piece of him that would always remain, no matter how much she resisted it.

  "Forgive me, my love. You leave me no choice." Wrinkling his nose, Christian bared his fangs before biting Addison’s neck. He drank more from her than he had ever done, Addison whimpering because she could feel her strength leaving her. Her hands dug in his back as she sobbed, Christian’s strong ones holding her down, making it difficult to breathe.

>   When he was done, Christian quickly jumped up out of bed. He slipped on his shoes, anger in his eyes as he stared at the door ahead. Addison reached a shaky arm toward him, turning her head to the side so she could watch him. She was very weak and could feel her blood pounding throughout her body. That starved, empty feeling was welling up again, coming on more swiftly and intensely than she could handle.

  "Collect yourself and do as I have asked." Christian walked out of the room, leaving Addison alone. "I will be back for you soon."

  Lying on the bed, Addison slowly looked up at the ceiling. She felt light headed and disorientated, the world dancing around her as she struggled to stay awake. Hearing someone walk down the hallway, she sluggishly turned her head toward the door, a few tears falling down her cheeks.

  Her chest rose and fell quickly, and she could feel her sanity leave her, her only thoughts turning to survival. There was a great hunger taking over her senses that got stronger and stronger as she lay there.

  In her starved state, her hearing became sharper, and Addison licked her lips as she thought of feeding. Each footstep was magnified, the sound echoing inside her head as she listened. She managed to sit up, gradually slipping her tired body off the bed. Her head pounded, her skin tingling as she slipped on her shoes.

  Still breathing heavily, Addison unhurriedly walked out the door, her hand resting on the side of the wall as she walked. She drug her fingers along its surface, a distant, pained look in her eyes. Feeling someone come close to her, Addison closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, her sharp nose smelling blood.

  "Hello, honey." Mia laughed as she walked ahead of Addison, blocking her way down the stairs.

  "Get away from me." Still bracing on the wall, Addison slowly glared up at Mia.

  Mia cackled, putting her hands on Addison’s shoulders. She got close to Addison’s ear, whispering something that would set off the anger that Addison was trying to hold back. "The Master is waiting for me. He’s invited Delilah and I to have a private—"

  "Shut up!" Addison grabbed Mia by the neck, knocking her down to the ground. "Shut up! Shut up!" The strength in Addison’s arms was inhuman, her rage so intense Mia couldn’t hold her off. Pulling Mia’s shirt up and over her face, Addison gagged her with the piece of clothing so no one would hear her screams.

  Addison’s fingers dug into Mia’s arms as Addison held her to the ground. Her fangs pierced Mia’s neck, and Addison dragged them down the back of her ear to the bottom of her chin.

  Two giant gashes were left in their wake, the deadly bite tearing off pieces of flesh. Addison bit at her several times, wasting most of Mia’s blood and letting it flow to the floor and pool near her head. Addison’s rage had overtaken her, her jealousy over Christian magnified as she killed Mia.

  Delilah walked around the bend in the hallway, but paused when she saw the commotion in the dimly lit passage ahead of her. She said something in Sarvonese, her voice making Addison turn around. Leaping to her feet, Addison tore after Delilah. Delilah was confident and didn’t shy away from the challenge of a fight, but she had greatly underestimated Addison.

  Addison got in the first move, swift hands grabbing Delilah’s hair and slamming her head into a nearby wall. Delilah tried to take hold of her, but in Addison’s rage she was unstoppable. Using one of her legs, Addison took a broad swipe at the back of Delilah’s knees. Delilah’s legs buckled, and she fell to the floor.

  Addison quickly attacked her, sinking her fangs into Delilah’s neck and biting several times until Delilah passed out and no longer struggled. Her brutality with Delilah eased the more she drank, and the calmer she became.

  Slowly lifting her head, Addison’s body shook furiously. Her sanity was returning, and she was just realizing what she had done. Breathing heavily, she hyperventilated, her scared eyes darting down to Delilah and then Mia’s dead bodies.

  Holding her breath then quickly releasing it several times, Addison tried to stop the worried whimpers that escaped her lips. She looked down at Delilah’s neck, which she had torn open, the blood still pumping out from the large wound. The sight of what she had done terrified her, and she burst into tears.

  She had never killed before and had only drunk from a willing donor or one that was put into a trance by Christian. Never before had she taken her blood by force. Like a child, she was spoon feed and doted on by the other members of the family. Now, it was much different. Christian had taken the last piece of her humanity, which she had desperately clung to.

  Addison unhurriedly stood from Delilah, finding it hard to balance on her shaky legs. Her teeth chattered, her whole body shaking as she returned to the bedroom. After killing them, she felt a spark of happiness inside, a fulfillment that she wasn’t expecting to feel. She shuffled slowly back to her room, her trancelike mood making the sound of screams as Christian and Darien killed their family of vampires seem like bugs chirping in the night. Ignoring the cries, she walked straight into the bathroom.

  Her body was covered in blood that dripped from her clothes, leaving a trail behind her. She climbed inside the shower still wearing her outfit. She turned on the water and let it wash away the evidence of her crime.

  Her wet clothes were heavy and stuck to her willingly as she slowly pulled them off. She tossed each piece, one by one, to the floor. A puddle formed around them, the blood still present on the fabric.

  * * * *

  Christian stalked up the stairs, the manor now silent as he made his approach. There was a darkness reflected in his shining eyes, like a wolf creeping in the shadows before it made its attack. His moves were silent and ghostlike, the blood on his face and clothes indicating what he had just done.

  He carried an axe in his hand, the blade still dripping, leaving a trail showing where he had been. A sadistic grin infected his features, his lowered brow intensifying his expression when he saw Mia and Delilah’s bodies on the floor.

  Twirling the machete artfully in his hands a few times, Christian slowly approached them. Swinging it, he chopped off the women’s heads, swiping at them several times even though it was certain they were dead.

  Addison was still in the shower, washing off her perfect skin with a loufa. Foamy bubbles were left in the its wake as she closed her eyes and let the warm water rain down on her. She had the showerhead set at a pulsing high-pressurized stream, the pounding of the drops hitting her skin, making her feel numb.

  The bathroom was filled with white steam that escaped when Christian opened the door. He smirked when he saw a pair of Addison’s underwear lying at the top of the pile, the fabric stamped with smiley faces and small hearts.

  Silently, he undressed and tossed his bloody clothes on top of Addison’s. Like a snake, he slinked noiselessly into the shower, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck. She jumped at first because he had startled her, but she quickly calmed down when she realized who it was.

  Addison turned around, her face still streaming with tears, but they blended in with the water's stream and couldn’t be seen. However, Christian could hear her cries and quick gasps for breath as she sobbed.

  "Thank you." Christian held her close, Addison’s slippery skin hard to get a firm grasp on. "You have done well, my love."

  Addison’s sad eyes looked down at the water pooling around his ankles, his feet like a small dam that held back some of the water that was rushing toward the drain. The water was red again as it washed off the blood that lingered on his tanned skin.

  Now that she was in his arms, the water washed away his evil, the murderous vision of him that terrified her melted away with each pulsing beat of water that rained down on them.

  Addison wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She took all her rage and guilt out on his body, her sins becoming righteous deeds when she was in his arms. She felt powerful, regal, like the god she had seen in Christian.

  What she had done pleased him, and he loved having her share his happiness. He was the only one that could understand her no
w, the only one exactly like her. He was a piece of her that she never wanted have taken away, his hold on her now unshakable.

  * * * *

  Sitting outside, Addison was watching some birds eating the popcorn that she had thrown on the ground. She giggled when they fought over it, pecking at each other’s mouths and trying to steal it away. It was warmer today than it had been all week. The end of spring brought some of the more summery flowers—a giant patch of irises was growing in the space near her. She was in town with Darien, sitting outside watching the people as they passed.

  Christian was gone a lot doing small jobs for the House. She still didn’t know who they were and planned on asking Darien about them. Christian took her into town every day, and she spent her days with a private tutor, who was teaching her the language. It was an accelerated course, but because Addison wanted to understand what everyone was saying, she dedicated a lot of time to learning, picking it up very quickly.

  Today, she was wearing a light tan jacket over her very conservative black dress and a pair of simple black heels. Sitting alone on a bench in the park, she was taking in the sights and happy to finally have a day off from studying.

  Darien was flirting with a young woman he had stopped while she was taking a small break from her morning jog to take a drink from a bottle of water. She was quite taken with him, as were most girls, and was melting under his gaze. She would periodically glance over at Addison, not entirely sure if Addison was with Darien or not. Addison looked over at her and smiled, a small giggle escaping her lips when their eyes met.

  Tonight, Addison was attending a party with Darien. There was to be other members of their family there as well. Christian’s birthday was coming up, and they were throwing a party for him. She hadn’t met any vampires from this country besides Darien, and of course the others, who had all been killed.


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