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Initiation (Christian's Kisses)

Page 14

by H. N. Sieverding

  Christian grabbed one of her hands, running her index finger down his chest, past his hips and stopped it on his inner thigh. "Here."

  His action made her laugh, both she and Christian exchanging a chain of happy laughter.

  * * * *

  After leaving Addison asleep upstairs, Christian joined his elites in the room where Carver was being held. Christian walked up to the weak hunter, grabbing the sides of his head and making him look up. Carver screamed out in pain, his mouth still very tender from last’s night’s encounter with Darien’s hammer.

  "Hello." A sinister chuckle escaped Christian’s lips as reveled in the pain he was causing Carver. "Soon you will see what it feels like to be one of us."

  Carver managed to glare at Christian, but couldn’t speak.

  "Oh," Christian laughed, bending down on one knee and slapping Carver’s cheek, igniting another yelp from Carver. "Does your mouth hurt?" His brow lowered, that handsome evil in his eyes that drove women mad was driving Carver insane with fear. "Good."

  Carver swallowed hard, his fearful eyes never leaving Christian’s. Carver was covered in dried blood, a small bit of stubble growing on his normally well shaven face. He could taste blood in his mouth, Christian’s slap making him bleed again.

  Christian bit Carver’s neck, drinking enough to render him unconscious but not kill him. Then, the vampires took him to the basement where his hunters were being kept. Darien tossed the hunter down on the cold stone floor and planted a swift kick in his stomach.

  The impact woke Carver, and he slowly opened his eyes. He could hear muffled voices and the sound of Christian’s laughter. From his angle, he could only see the expensive leather shoes of the Master vampire standing in front of him.

  "Feeling hungry?" Christian grabbed a chunk of Carver’s hair, lifting up his head. "I will take great delight in watching you kill your hunters." He slammed Carver’s head back down, kicking him in the mouth before walking away.

  Carver winced in pain, holding his mouth as tears came unwilling to his eyes. His whole body ached, an intense hunger burning in his chest. That hunger, which had driven the gentle Addison to kill, was now taking over Carver. He could smell blood, and his head slowly picked up off the floor as he watched Christian and Darien cut his men so they would bleed. They knew the smell would drive Carver insane, which was their intention.

  "Here—a parting gift from your Master." Christian gazed at the bloodied knife in his hand, the harsh lighting in the small cellar like room reflecting off its surface. "You are a hunter and will kill like one." He tossed the weapon in Carver’s direction, the blade sliding across the floor and spinning in a quick circle in front of Carver’s eyes. Standing in the doorway, a low, sinister laugh escaped his lips, "Happy hunting."

  Christian and his elites left the room, the loudness of the door slamming deafening to Carver. The room was full of muffled whines from Carver’s wounded hunters, the sound stinging his ears. He lay on the floor for a few more minutes, every noise magnified as he felt the heavy pulse of his blood pumping through his body.

  His mouth quivered as he looked forward and uncontrollably licked his lips. There was a trail of blood coming toward him, the small stream like a tiny river that was snaking its way toward him. The tease was intense, with every inch the blood drew closer, the wider Carver’s eyes opened, his pupils fully dilated. He was trying to resist the temptation, but the drive to kill was stronger than his own will.

  Christian had made him into something he despised, something that he could never get away from. Breathing heavily, he began to hyperventilate, the blood trail getting closer as it made its way down the sloped floor that led to the drain Carver was laying on.

  Closing his eyes as he gritted his broken teeth, the excruciating pain of his action almost out shadowed his need to feed. But then, the small stream of blood hit his cheek, its gentle kiss warm and thick, like the temptation of the devil. Carver’s eyes shot open, his nostrils flaring, his intense hunger shoving aside his sanity and waking the monster within.

  He reached a shaky hand out in front of him, his fingers grabbing frantically at the knife. After a few swipes, he caught it, holding it in a tightly clenched fist. Gathering a burst of inhuman strength, he rose to his feet, his slow eyes following the path that tempted him to its source.

  Carver appeared before a bleeding hunter. He slammed his hands onto the stone wall forcefully before licking the hunter’s bleeding face. He slowly let his tongue glide over the dirty skin, the man cowering under him and begging him to stop. Carver’s lip quivered with the act, the taste greater than anything he had ever experienced. Breathing heavily, Carver's hungry eyes gazed distantly into the hunter's.

  "Stop!" He screamed, pulling angrily at the chains that tied him to the wall. "Don’t do this! Resist—"

  With an artful swipe of his hand, Carver sliced the hunter's neck, releasing a fountain of blood that covered his skin. He lapped at the fast flowing wound like a thirsty dog, but wasn't able to satisfy the hunger.

  The taste drove Carver mad, and he ran to his other hunters, slashing at them furiously with his knife. He had lost himself to the hunger, now becoming what he hated. Christian had gotten his revenge, a torturous end to a hunter that dared to wrong the great Master.

  Outside the small room, Christian leaned against the wall, a curious finger paused at his lips as he listened to the sound of the hunters’ screams. Darien was sitting on a small table near him, among the old relics and furniture that were stored in the basement.

  It was dark in the space, a flickering light in the distance. Not many people bothered to come down here, so many of the bulbs were out and hadn’t been changed. And of course, the vampires didn’t mind the dark.

  They listened for a few minutes more before checking to see what was going on. Darien opened a small door that covered the window and peered inside. Carver was sitting in the middle of the room with his head in his hands, sobbing like a child. Running his hands though his hair he cursed the world, Christian, and especially himself for not being able to control his urge to feed.

  "Come on!" Making an annoyed expression, the right side of Darien’s face scrunched up as he clicked his tongue. "Move a little to the left."

  Christian reached over to a switch next to him on the wall, curling his fingers around the handle. He pulled it down, a loud crash coming from the other room.

  "Ouch." Darien laughed, his nose plastered against the window as he looked inside. The giant chandelier that had hung above Carver had fallen when Christian flipped the switch. Thick blood now flowed from under its sharp blades, the fall putting a quick end to Carver's suffering.

  "Did I miss?" Christian’s arms crossed over his chest as he leaned lazily against the wall.

  "No, perfect shot." Darien smiled at him briefly then glanced back.

  Christian pulled up on the switch, the chandelier rising from the ground and showing a dead Carver lying beneath. "Can you clean up here, Darien?" Pushing himself away from the wall, Christian picked up a machete that was sitting on a table near him. "I have a birthday present waiting to be unwrapped upstairs." Christian laughed as he passed it to Darien, his wicked eyes barely visible in the dark.

  "I know—I helped pick out the wrapping." Darien took the blade from Christian’s hand. The heaviness of it weighed him down, his arm dropping to his side. A devilish smile filled his lips before a small laugh escaped them. Darien looked down at the floor instead of Christian’s face, "Can I have those leftovers, too?"

  "No." Christian chuckled, a happy air now present in his velvety voice.

  "Master." Darien paused for a few seconds, his brow scrunching together. He leaned back against the door, the hefty machete still dangling from his fingers. "Addison’s a good girl. You’re very lucky to have found such an angel, but…" He sighed, as if his lips were hesitant to release his next words, "I’m worried about her. She’s fragile."

  "I’m well aware of that." Christian crossed his arms over
his chest as he released a deep breath he had been holding. His stare narrowed on Darien when he noticed a familiar twinkle in his old friend’s eyes. "Darien." He laughed when Darien looked away from him, Darien's eyes downcast and not meeting with his. "You are in love with my Addison?"

  "No." Darien swung the machete around in his hand playfully. He was trying to blow off Christian’s comment, but he couldn’t fool the sharp-eyed Master vampire. "I just worry about her. When we left her alone she—" He motioned toward the door, his voice raising a little, "Almost got killed. She’s like my little sister. I just want to protect her."

  "I need to take her away from here for a while. She is very unhappy." Christian’s voice was friendly again, "Tomorrow, we shall go to Terrance. She will enjoy experiencing the city and all the culture. We also have a large family there, so she will feel more at home."

  "You’re leaving Castile already?" Disappointment crept into Darien’s shadowy face.

  "Come with us, Darien." Christian gazed down the silent hallway and then back at Darien, "It will be a good change for us."

  "Well," Darien chuckled, "The idea does sound very tempting, and it will be a good change for Addison."

  "Yes." Christian nodded, a distant look in his eyes as he stared at the door Darien was standing in front of. "Addison will be able to move freely there without fear of hunters. She needs to make some friends."

  Chapter Ten


  Addison was asleep on the bed, contentment painting her sleeping face as she hugged a large pillow from the bed. The bedside lamp was on, throwing soft slivers of light onto her body. It was old, the giant shade made from stained glass, its base an aged bronze.

  Christian's tanned fingers slowly massaged his chin, as he watched her slumber. She was beautiful, from the small pout on her tender lips to the long butterfly lashes that concealed her baby blue eyes. On her wrist, she wore Kelly’s charm bracelet, the small silver hearts shining under the light.

  Christian had almost lost her that night, the feeling of loss and sadness something he hadn’t experienced in a long time. When she was gone, he had been insane with worry, every passing minute his heart was breaking. He had felt human, something he despised. Addison had become his weakness, her sweetness piercing his heart.

  Christian walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge near her. "Wake up, Addison." He rubbed her bare back where the corset had been untied. It was being held on her body only by the position in which she was sleeping.

  "Christian." Addison turned to him, wearing a lazy, dreamy-eyed expression. "When did you get back?" She yawned as she sat up, the corset falling off and landing in her lap. She didn’t seem to notice, rubbing at her eyes a little before gazing at Christian again.

  "You look happy." Her smile grew as she walked on her knees across the bed and sat behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, laying her head against his back, the force of her face against his body squishing her cheek. "What’d you do?"

  Christian chuckled, putting one of his hands on hers. "What makes you ask such a question?"

  "Because I know you well, Master Vallore." Addison giggled as she sat up on her knees again. She peered over his shoulder, her playful eyes meeting with his.

  "As I know you, Mistress Vallore." Christian grabbed her gently and set her in his lap.

  Addison cooed to him as she hung playfully from his neck, "I’m still Miss Collins, not Mistress Vallore."

  "We should change that."

  Addison’s smile melted quickly, her jaw dropping a little. "You mean…" Biting her lip, she pierced it lightly with her fang, her expression childlike, "You’re going to marry me?"

  "Yes." Christian laughed, putting his hands on Addison’s hips and turning around with her in his arms. He placed her on the bed and climbed on top of her, a devilish look in his eyes, "I was thinking about eloping in Terrance. Unless," Letting his tongue rest under one of his fangs, he ran his finger slowly down Addison’s bare chest, "You do not wish to be my wife."

  "I do! I do!" Giggling excitedly, Addison wrapped her arms around his neck. The sweet look on her happy face made him laugh as she gave him a few kisses before pulling away. "I can’t wait!"

  "Me either." Christian rested his nose on hers. "We can do it tomorrow night if you wish."

  "Tomorrow?" Addison’s face was still filled with a giant smile, redness in her cheeks as she giggled. "Really?"


  "I love you, Christian!" Addison hugged him tightly to her. "I can’t wait!"

  * * * *

  Catching a glimpse of her reflection, Addison smiled. She was wearing a pure white dress, the sequin-lined bodice sparkling in the dim light.

  It wasn’t anything like she thought her wedding day would be. It was quiet. The silence was a mirror of what her life had become. There was no one fawning over her or telling her how beautiful she looked.

  Her sadness had returned, and she found herself feeling guilty for marrying her prince. She didn’t have her family there for this special day, and Kelly wasn’t her maid of honor. Kelly was dead.

  Addison gazed at the charm bracelet on her wrist, her perfectly painted eyes turning downward to look at it. She let her fingers brush over the charms, closing her eyes tightly to stop the tears that were rushing to the surface and wanting to be released.

  Sighing, she dismissed thoughts of her sister and took a step closer to the mirror. She smiled, studying the small fangs that protruded from her lips—the supposed gifts from God. She looked more like a playful kitten than a bloodsucking vampire and her snow-white gown made her look like an angel. Her long hair was pulled back in a messy but elegant bun that she had spent hours perfecting.

  Someone knocked at the door, and she quickly picked up her long dress to answer it, "Who’s there?"

  "Addison?" Brandon’s muffled voice came from the other side. "Are you ready?"

  "Yeah. Just come in—the door’s open." Addison ran over to the vanity, picking up a small silver crown with a long veil attached.

  "Well, look at you." Brandon chuckled as he walked into the room. His eyes were glued on her as she placed the crown on her head, using some bobby pins to attach it in place. "You look beautiful."

  "Thanks." Blushing a little, Addison turned to him briefly before doing some minor adjustments to her hair.

  When she was finished, she grabbed her coat and left with Brandon. She toted a large suitcase full of things she had collected in Castile and said goodbye to the drafty old manor that still gave her the shivers. She was happy to leave this place, the sad vibe it ignited easy to part with.

  Brandon loaded her baggage in the back of his car silently, his movements more mundane and robot-like than the warm friendliness she normally received from him. Being with Addison reminded him of what he didn’t have, and he was still mourning the loss of his beloved Nicolette.

  Then began the long, four-hour drive into the city where Addison and Christian would be married. Brandon peered at her through the rearview mirror periodically, his eyes shining with an inhuman glow as they reflected the street lights. The mood was depressing, more like the sadness that weighed invisibly on the backs of those attending a funeral.

  She had been excited, but the journey to the church slowly deflated that feeling. Brandon was playing music from a classical station, something sad and slow that didn’t help to brighten the mood.

  Picking up her phone, Addison looked down at it. She had no messages. A giant frown crept onto her features as she typed a text to Christian.

  I miss you.

  She sent a few texts back and forth to him, but there was always a great delay between his replies.

  After what seemed like an eternity, they reached the large cathedral. It was late, the parking lot of the church almost barren. Brandon walked with her inside and escorted her to the main hall. He left her with a sister who worked there, the woman instructing her on the proceedings.

  Addison found it very strange that Christian h
ad chosen a church to get married in, especially since Christian was the most sinful person she had ever met. It was a beautiful place though, old statues and relics lining the towering ceilings. It was also a drafty building, dark and dimly lit.

  Walking down the aisle to music playing from a giant organ on the third floor, Addison held tightly to the white lilies in her shaky hands. This was harder than she thought, this moment she had dreamt about since she was a child. Even though she was marrying the love of her life, she was scared, and her fearful eyes sought out Christian.

  He was her world—she depended on him for everything. Every beat of her heart belonged to him, every breath she took only thoughts of him escaped.

  Her heart was racing as Christian watched her with great interest, his figure illuminated by a large candle on the alter. The room was cloaked in shadows, the bright light of the sun gone and unable to light up the demons that hid in the shadows.

  Christian looked amazing, something that immediately painted her cheeks with a rosy, excited glow. He was dressed in a black suit, his diamond cufflinks sparkling under the dim lights. Such a handsome devil looked very out of place in the house of the Lord, but from the smile on his face, he didn’t seem uncomfortable at all.

  He was a dark angel descended from Heaven, his evil smile exposing his large fangs that were his gift from God. He was above humans, above these people who worshiped like scared sheep in this place, shuttering in the presence of this godly being.

  Seeing Christian eased her fears, a shy smile on her face as she glanced away from him and down at her feet. She walked up the stairs that led to the alter, her hands clutching her bouquet with a vice-like grip. Christian appeared calm, his hands neatly placed in front of him as he beamed.

  The priest greeted them both warmly, "Christian and Addison, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"

  Addison and Christian spoke in unison, "Yes." Addison bit her lip nervously, bouncing Christian’s hands excitedly.


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