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Bronze Magic (Book 1)

Page 48

by Jenny Ealey

“Bloody sorcerers!” exclaimed Waterstone, “So hard to deal with.”

  “You could say that Shturrum word,” suggested Thunder Storm tentatively.

  “Good idea,” said Tarkyn with a smile, “if I’m awake.”

  “Don’t worry,” said Thunder Storm. “Stormaway can wake you if he gets up to anything.”

  “Why don’t you make sure your hand is in contact with a tree so that, if the unthinkable happens, you can heal yourself before your lifeblood runs out all over the ground?” suggested Stormaway.

  Waterstone handed him a piece of soft green moss. “And take this so you can translocate safely onto the ground out here if you need to escape.”

  Tarkyn’s eyes crinkled with amusement at the end of all this. “Thank you, my friends. I think that should cover it.”

  Rainstorm came running up with a knapsack full of food and drink. “Good luck. Give him a chance. I hope he is who you think he is.”

  Tarkyn smiled at him. “Thanks.” He looked at the others. “This is the woodman who persuaded me to go back and listen to what Autumn Leaves had to say, the other day. I can see he has a diplomatic streak in there somewhere. I don’t suppose you have ambassadors, do you?”

  Waterstone shook his head and watched with some amusement as Rainstorm flushed with pleasure at being referred to as a woodman.

  “You don’t happen to have a hairbrush in that pack, do you?” asked the prince unexpectedly.

  Rainstorm rummaged around inside the knapsack and produced a hairbrush with a flourish.

  “Thanks,” said Tarkyn as he attacked the knots in his matted hair. He gradually became aware of a stunned silence and looked up. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re about to use yourself as bait in a trap and you’re brushing your hair?” asked Autumn Leaves in bemusement.

  The prince raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Appearances must be preserved as best we can. That is a court-bred man in there. He will expect a certain standard of dress and behaviour from me. I can’t give him the dress, but at least I can present myself in some sort of order. Even amongst you who do not expect it, I would rarely appear as dishevelled as I am at the moment, after being in the pouring rain all afternoon.”

  Waterstone’s lips twitched. “True.” He grinned, “I have to admit, that is true.”

  “Mind you, if you cut your hair it wouldn’t be half so hard to keep tidy,” said Rainstorm thoughtfully, with a quick, conspiratorial glance at Thunder Storm.

  Tarkyn eyed him. “I have no intention of cutting my hair. It took me years to grow it.”

  “But this fellow you’re going in to talk to, his hair is only shoulder length.” Thunder Storm raised his eyebrows. “So it’s not obligatory to wear it long? Or is it only obligatory for princes?”

  Tarkyn looked from one to the other. “No. It is not obligatory for princes or for anyone else, as far as I know. It’s a matter of personal vanity, if you must know, and that’s all.”

  “Even if it’s inconvenient?” asked Rainstorm innocently.

  “Even if it’s inconvenient,” said Tarkyn firmly. He frowned fiercely around at all of them. “I can’t believe I’m allowing anyone to question my appearance like this.”

  Stormaway gave a smug smile. “I told you, even with the oath, one man against a nation is poor odds.”

  Suddenly the four woodmen and even Stormaway smiled broadly and patted him on the back.

  “Go on, Your Gorgeousness,” said Autumn Leaves, with a big grin, “Get in there and get at him.”

  Tarkyn smiled sweetly at them all. “Right. Make sure you’re watching.” He turned to Stormaway. “Perhaps you should release him first. Then when you are ready, you may present me.”

  The four woodmen vanished.

  eaning back awkwardly against the beech, Danton heard the approach of quiet footsteps. He turned his head to see the old wizard returning, a soft light glowing beside him.

  “This is bloody uncomfortable,” he said immediately.

  Stormaway merely raised his eyebrows. “Perhaps we can do something about that. If you will agree not to attack me, at least for the time being, I will agree to untie you.”

  The elite guard frowned. “Why the sudden change of heart?”

  “I was never going to keep you bound for long. Only long enough to establish your intentions, which I think I have done.” Stormaway stared at him, “Agreed?”

  “Yes, agreed,” said the guardsman impatiently. As soon as Stormaway had unbound his hands, he brought them around to the front and began massaging his wrists to restore the circulation. “So, may I go?”

  “I think not,” said Stormaway. In answer to Danton’s frown, he added, “His Highness is desirous of seeing you. When you feel ready, I will present you to him.”

  The guardsman stood up quickly and brushed himself down as best he could. Then he stood at attention and nodded to Stormaway. “I’m ready.”

  At a signal from Stormaway, Tarkyn emerged from between the trees. Immediately, the guardsman fell to one knee, bowed his head and placed his arm across his chest, hand on heart. There was a protracted silence.

  Finally, the prince spoke. His voice was warm but held a clear note of reserve in it. “You may rise. I am pleased to see you, Danton.”

  Four woodmen in the surrounding trees watched in astonishment.

  The guardsman stood up slowly. “Your Highness, I am relieved to know that you are safe.”

  “I, too, am glad that you were not hurt in the mess I left behind.” The prince waved a hand at Stormaway, “Would you be kind enough to put out some refreshments for our guest?”

  Tarkyn seated himself against a beech tree and looked at the standing guardsman. “Please. Be seated.”

  The guardsman sat down warily, watched the prince and waited.

  “I understand you have been following my trail for some weeks now,” remarked Tarkyn.

  “Er not exactly, Sire.”

  The prince raised his eyebrows. “But surely that is what you told Stormaway?”

  “I could not find your trail to follow.” Danton explained hastily, “I have been searching for you but not following your trail.”

  “And what lead you to this place?”

  “Nothing really. I had heard there was some sort of gathering of people some distance to the west of here and I was on my way there to see if perhaps you were among them.”

  “I know of this gathering of which you speak, although I am not yet sure of its purpose. Certainly I have not yet been there myself,” there was a slight hesitation, “in person.” Tarkyn accepted a glass of wine from Stormaway with a nod of thanks. With a sudden change of direction, the prince asked, his voice hard, “Are you not afraid of me, if I am now known as a rogue sorcerer?”

  Danton’s eyes twinkled as he gave a gentle smile, “No Sire.”

  “And why have you come to find me?”

  Danton’s smile faded. For the first time, he looked distressed. “My lord, how could you ask that? I have always stood by you. In the past, I have believed myself to be your friend, although your cool reception now makes me doubt my presumption in thinking that.”

  The prince stared at him long and hard. “You either betray me or my brother by coming here. Which is it?”

  “My lord, if you must put it like that, I betray your brother. I could not possibly countenance serving him any longer after what he did to you. Whatever happens between you and me, I will not be returning to service at the palace.” The guardsman took a long draught of wine with a hand that shook noticeably. “I beg your pardon if I took too much upon myself in seeking you out.”

  At last Tarkyn relented, “No, my friend. You did not take too much upon yourself.” Four woodmen in the trees above breathed a sigh of relief. “But nothing is at it was. Come. Let us walk for a while in the moonlight.”

  The prince stood up and the guardsman quickly followed suit. As they walked out from under the lacy canopy of the beeches, the moonlight threw their shadows across the cle
aring. The eagle owl flew out past them and into the night. Tarkyn sent him a brief message of thanks.

  “Wow,” exclaimed Danton, “Did you see that owl? It flew very close to us.”

  “Yes. It was a big one, wasn’t it?” Tarkyn smiled and placed an arm briefly around his friend’s shoulder. “I am glad to see you. I did not think to see any of you again.” He brought his arm back down and turned to face the guardsman. “Even though I have grown up around people who are self interested and fickle, still I was shocked by Sargon and Andoran. I’m afraid I have become wary, even of old friends.”

  “I can understand it, Sire. I too was shocked.” Danton stared around the clearing and frowned, “You know, it’s strange but I keep getting the feeling I’m being watched. Who else is with you?”

  Tarkyn looked away into the trees and replied carefully, “There are no wizards or sorcerers with me, other than Stormaway.”

  Danton shrugged. All his movements were quick and lithe. “Maybe there’s another owl somewhere watching us. I saw that one which just flew past, perched in the trees above me when I was tied up, and it was certainly watching me.” He grinned. “It must have decided I was too big and tough to eat.”

  From the back they presented as an odd pair; Tarkyn half a head taller and much broader with his long black hair falling down his back, Danton’s wavy blonde hair catching the moonlight as his lighter frame bounced energetically across the clearing. They sat down on a log under the clear sky.

  Danton turned to the prince and peered at him through the semi darkness. “Your Highness, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what are you wearing?”

  Tarkyn laughed, thinking that tonight, his appearance was being criticised from all sides.

  “What’s funny, my lord?”

  “Oh Danton. You are such a dandy. I’m sorry you don’t approve of my new outfit.” Tarkyn put up a hand. “No. Don’t tell me you do. I can tell from your face and your voice that you are unimpressed.”

  “Well, it is a little rough hewn, if you don’t mind me saying so. And the colour! So drab you can hardly be seen.”

  “That’s quite handy, wouldn’t you say, when there may be people hunting me?” He smiled, “Anyway, I didn’t have much choice after my own clothes were ruined.”

  “Oh no, were they? What a shame.” Danton became thoughtful. “And I don’t suppose you brought any of your other outfits with you?”

  Tarkyn eyes were alight with laughter. “No Danton, I didn’t. I left in a bit of a hurry, as you may recall.”

  “It’s going to be cold tonight. I hope you have something warm to put on. I can lend you something of mine if you like, but it won’t fit very well.”

  “Thank you, but I do have a cloak. In the same drab colouring as the rest of these clothes.”

  “Ah well, as long as it keeps you warm.” The blonde-headed sorcerer looked up into the clear night sky. “You know, whatever you two did to that storm blew it right away.” He turned to look at the prince. “That was a lot of power I saw there. Either your wizard is unbelievably strong or you have become more powerful or both. You couldn’t have done anything like that a month ago.”

  Tarkyn glanced sideways at him, wondering how much to tell him. “I have unearthed some talents I was unaware of, under the tutelage of Stormaway Treemaster.”

  The guardsman rubbed a patch of dirt he could see on the black of his pants as he continued, “And why did you send all that power up into the clouds? Why didn’t you just let the storm run its natural course?”

  Tarkyn began to feel he was heading into deep water. “Stormaway was teaching me how the storm worked and how to control it.” The prince stood up and Danton immediately rose to his feet also. “I think we had better get something to eat and think about bedding down for the night. It will be warmer back under the trees,” said Tarkyn, thinking longingly that it would be warmer still in his shelter.

  “You know, Your Highness, I think you should be careful about using your magic. Your bronze magic shining high into the clouds is what alerted me to your presence here.”

  Tarkyn grimaced. “You may be right. I’ll have to use it very circumspectly when it might be seen. Still, I would have had to risk it today anyway.” As soon as he said it, the prince knew he had said more than he wanted to.

  The blonde guardsman frowned, “So it wasn’t just a lesson?” Danton stole a look at the prince’s face and gave a short, bitter laugh. “Your Highness, just tell me if you don’t want me to know something. I can read your face like a book. Perhaps I should ask you a few less questions for the time being. I don’t really need to know. I’m just curious. So it can wait until you’re more sure of me.”

  Tarkyn smiled. “I am truly sorry to be so uncertain, Danton. It is difficult to feel safe in my present circumstances.” Although it was fine before you came along, he thought. I’ll have to repair this. If he thinks I don’t trust him, we’ll never trap him if we need to.“Anyway, having come this far, I might as well tell you what I can. Stormaway thought that someone had created the storm and it looked as if it was going to lead to widespread flooding. So we decided to counteract it.”

  “So who would go to the trouble of creating such a storm?” asked Danton. “Whoops. I beg your pardon. There I go again. Asking questions.”

  The prince shook his head. “Don’t worry. You can ask, although in this case I don’t know the answer except to say it may have something to do with that encampment in the west.”

  His friend looked at him. “I thought you hadn’t been to this gathering, my lord. How do you know it’s an encampment?”

  Tarkyn shrugged, “People have spoken about it. Stormaway is good at gathering information, you know.”

  They arrived back into the shelter of the trees. Stormaway had set out wine and a small feast on a mat on the ground. Warm bedding had appeared and had been set up to one side. Danton’s knives were still in a neat pile a short distance away. Danton’s eyes roved idly over them but he said nothing. Stormaway appeared to have imbibed a few glasses already and smoothly took over the conversation, giving Tarkyn a rest from skating on thin ice. Finally the time came to bed down. Stormaway wove his way to his heap of bedding and made a big business of lying down and getting comfortable before apparently dropping off to sleep, mid slurred sentence.

  Tarkyn intended to stay awake, but after the effort of the magic and all the ensuing issues he had had to deal with, he fell asleep almost immediately. In the darkness, Danton waited motionlessly. He listened carefully to the rhythmic breathing of the sorcerer and wizard lying beside him. Then quietly, he rose in one fluid movement and slid through the dark to his pile of knives. After a furtive look around, he quickly replaced the knives into their various sheaths around his body. Four woodmen watched him intently.

  Danton straightened up and scanned the trees around and above him. Then he glided silently into the gloom of the surrounding forest. Slowly he worked his way through the trees around the sleeping prince, stopping every few yards to listen and look around. When he had made a full circumference, he returned to stand motionlessly over Tarkyn, looking down at him. Beneath him, Tarkyn suddenly jerked but appeared to remain asleep. Danton shook his head, scanned the trees again and heaved a quiet sigh. He bent down, quietly extracted his blanket from next to the prince and then sat himself against a tree, wrapping the blanket around himself.

  All through the long hours of the night, he kept vigil. Every so often, he would repeat his circuit of the surrounding woods and return to sit against the tree. When dawn came, the guardsman was still watching, hollow-eyed.

  Stormaway rose first, looking very heavy eyed. He glanced belligerently at Danton. “Not much of a sleeper, are you?”

  Danton gave a tired smile. “I’m sorry. Did I keep you awake? I tried to be as quiet as possible.”

  Stormaway bent a frown in him, “What were you up to?”

  “Me?” asked Danton in some surprise. “I was doing what a guardsman does best. I was g
uarding His Royal Highness.”

  The wizard grunted derisively, “What? Out here, miles from anywhere, in the middle of the forest?”

  Danton shrugged. “Well, after your magic display yesterday, anyone for miles around might know he was here. Besides,” the guardsman frowned, “I keep having the feeling that we’re being watched. I’ve learnt to trust my instincts. So I couldn’t just go to sleep and hope for the best. I thought about putting a shield up over us all. We’re sitting ducks for an ambush in these trees. But I thought it might wake His Highness.”

  Stormaway seemed to find this mildly amusing. “Yes, I think it might have done.”

  Danton threw off his blanket and stood up. He scrubbed his face with his hands, yawned and stretched himself. “Now you’re awake, I might hunt around for some wood and get a fire going.”

  When Danton returned, Tarkyn was awake and talking in low voices with Stormaway.As he approached, the prince shot a hard, calculating look at him. Danton stopped dead, the colour draining from his face. He bowed stiffly and placed the firewood carefully on the ground. Then he bowed again and stepped backwards for several feet before turning on his heel and heading back through the forest on the pretext of finding more wood. The prince did not acknowledge him or call after him.

  The blonde sorcerer wandered around, collecting wood, his mind in a daze. This was not the prince he had last seen in Tormadell. The man back there talking with Stormaway was cold and aloof. All evening, he had not unbent and relaxed. Danton began to comprehend the damage that had been wrought by the King’s betrayal of his youngest brother. Although the prince had said he was glad to see him, nothing in his manner had backed up that statement. In a surge of anger and disappointment, the guardsman threw down the wood he was carrying, sat down against the nearest tree and considered his position. He had given up everything to look for the prince. And now he had found him, instead of being greeted with the welcome he had anticipated, the guardsman was faced with a cool distant prince who had lost his trust in his fellow man and in particular, in his best friend. Danton put his face in his hands and sat there, wondering what to do next.


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