Rug Burns (Reviving Haven Book 2)
Page 8
Our insignificant small talk continued in the car on the way home. Ugh! This night had been fruitless.
“I want very much to see you again,” Keenan said as he walked me to the front door of my condo.
A second date. Another dinner. Maybe a movie. What was I, sixteen? Couldn’t he just be a slut like me? This was so NOT the fantasy I’d concocted in my head. His modeling shots clearly screamed, I love to fuck, while in real life, he whispered, I am prim and proper. How the hell did he and Latch ever become bros?
“Um… I don’t think so. You’re a really nice guy, but honestly, I loathe dating, per say, and I get the impression you and I want different things,” I replied as I unlocked my door.
“Can I come in for a moment?” he asked as he pressed me through the doorway.
It will take more than a moment. Yes, I am that good! Maybe I was wrong and he was like Latch. He could be just toying with me. “Sure, take a seat.”
“I’ll stand if that’s all right.”
Fuck. I’d miscalculated—again. I tossed my purse on the kitchen bar and looked at him. God, he was so very tall. I felt like a petit hors d’oeuvre next to him. I couldn’t stop dreaming about tasting him.
Licking him.
Sucking him.
Swallowing him.
My cheeks warmed, as I’m sure my eyes stared with desperate lust.
“I’m sorry you feel as though I’ve disappointed you somehow. My intentions were taking you to dinner—only. I’m not Latch. I don’t do one-night stands. It’s not my way.” He paused and cupped my chin with his hand. “I really want to see you again. At some point, after I know you better, we can revisit the reasons of your disappointment. Let me in, Weezie. I really want to get to know you as a person… a woman.”
Holy hell. Forget the damp panties; they were now soaked. His accent could melt steel. Bring a woman to her knees (eventually). I could only articulate one word. “Why?”
“I could bed anyone I want. I’m looking for more than just a tumble I suppose.”
Now my skin felt too tight and my mouth was thick with dryness. “What gave you the impression I’m looking for more? Jesus, Keenan, you could pick from a flurry of women, and I’m the one you want? I don’t get it. I’ve seen photos of who you’ve dated. Young things with airbrushed skin and tight bodies. The one thing I wanted to give you—which I excel at—you won’t allow. So I’m not sure what you want. I’ve never dated, ever. I think I would find it tedious, and I would always desire more. I’m not sure I know how to be with just one man.”
“I’m willing to take a chance.” He breathed the words into my hair as he looked down at me.
The look in his crystal azure eyes made me want to say yes, made me want to be that woman who could commit. But I knew as soon as I had him, I would want to move on. I’d always want somebody else. I was more like Latch than he was. I knew he sensed my reluctance. I wanted to be with him badly, but not as a permanent fixture.
“I don’t know what to say. You’ve rendered me speechless, for the second time.”
“You wonder why I chose you? Because you don’t mince words. You speak your own version of truth, and damn the consequences. I admire that. Don’t push me away because you fear something unfamiliar. I’m not asking you to restrain yourself with others. Only with me. I’m just asking you to give me—us—time to know each other.”
I stood there with my mouth gaping open, then snapped it shut with a silent cackle. “Isn’t that a woman’s line?”
“Possibly, but I wanted to put out my intent. I know all about your lifestyle… I’ve heard the rumors.”
“What if they’re not rumors?” I questioned, licking my lips.
“Then I suppose I have something to look forward to.”
His candor left me dumbfounded. He knew the woman he wanted loved giving head and relished sex. He should’ve been running either away or into my bed. Keenan confused the hell out of me.
“I’ll call you in a few days if that’s all right with you. Tell Haven I said hello,” he murmured as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
I wasn’t sure if I should be annoyed or overjoyed. I’d expected more. But he could only go down from the top of my head. Maybe if I had willpower. I was supposed to sit by while one of the world’s top models delegated his affections. Being what? A lady in waiting? Hell, I was no lady, and I loathed patience. I got irritated standing in a checkout line. Was I supposed to wait around until his moral clause was rebuked?
I watched as he casually strolled to his car. Probably going home to masturbate. Hell, he was probably going to be palming his prick in the car. I could have saved him the trouble.
I told myself I was only accepting this situation because he was Keenan Stone. Any other man I would have told to fuck off, and not in a sex way. But with this man, I knew if I told him to go away, he would. And I wasn’t yet ready to give up on the idea of seeing that model cock. He might not have Latch’s reputation, but I’d be willing to guess their cocks were comparable. Haven had spoken highly of Latch’s—men and their toys. We’d see if maybe I couldn’t shag (I believe that’s British for fucking) some dirty into Mr. Prim-and-Proper.
I knew Haven’s pregnancy meant change. We’d talked about it, but honestly, I did my best to push those thoughts from my mind. When she moved back to Colorado after her breakup with Jared, that was the worst. I knew it was in her best interests, so I supported it. Now I had to do it again. Only this time, it would be permanent. She could never come back.
She had no intentions of revealing the baby to Latch. With him out of the picture as the father, I knew she had to go. He had the means to make her life miserable, and he’d put her through enough. I knew Keenan had given him an ultimatum along with a major beating. Gotta love those British knights in shining armor. It would be easier to keep Haven’s secret if she left. I’d spoken to Keenan several times on the phone and told him our future dating (ugh!) would have to be put on pause so I could spend time with her. He understood since no one knew better what she’d endured.
We left two weeks later. I drove her back home, hung out, then flew back. I had houses that needed showing and others ready to put up for sale. I was sad though, lonely. We’d been apart before, but I knew this time was different. I planned to fly out when the baby was due, then every other month to visit. I hated not having my bestie here. Our home was an echoing cavern without her.
I did spend time with Keenan. And I did allow him to take me to several events as his date. The older woman. Our affair was now being compared to Latch and Haven’s. The difference was we weren’t having an affair; we were building a friendship.
I liked him. I’d never had a male friend before. He was clever, overdramatic, and indulged in excessively drinking tea. He was British. What could I say?
During the next month, he went to New York several times to do promotional work for Blood Vestige. I found out he was no longer doing runway shows. Evidently, because he was about to turn thirty, he was no longer in high demand. The newer models were at least ten to fifteen years younger. It didn’t appear to bother him. He still did dozens of print ads, and he was the entity of Jake Coy. As long as Latch kept creating newer versions of Blood Vestige, Jake would live forever. The royalties from Blood Vestige alone made Keenan Stone a multimillionaire. Money didn’t matter to me, probably because I was already wealthy, and it appeared irrelevant to him.
The paparazzi drove me crazy. Fucking pissed me off. Every time Blood Vestige was mentioned, so were Keenan and me. We were now a package item. Those asshats even came up with a name for us: Kiwi. Men with cameras lurked outside my home and work, making it extremely hard to do my job. Many of my clients valued their privacy, so being stalked daily by the paps sucked. There were times I thought I should just retire, because working—it was something I did for fun. If I were honest, I did it to pass the time. Haven had moved away, and Keenan was traveling. Yeah, after a few months, he was growing on me
like a rash.
Haven was due any day now, so I decided to go spend time with her. I hadn’t heard from her in a while, so I wanted to let her know I was coming. But I never got the chance because of the Skype call. I mean, seriously. I thought I was hallucinating. There was Latch McKay sitting next to her, looking deliciously perfect. There was something in his face I’d never seen before. A clarity. He was clean and sober, and he loved my girl. Haven rambled on about how he just showed up, not knowing she was pregnant. Then Latch spoke about rehab and writing his journals. She had really moved on. He was with her now. He would be there to support her at the birth. And he should. He was the father.
“Oh, Weezie, how are you and Keenan doing?” Haven asked as Latch smirked next to her.
“How? What? Umm…”
“You do know we get the rag mags even in this small town. What are the paps calling you two now? Oh yeah, Kiwi?” Latch said, laughing.
“Well, don’t believe everything you read. It’s not what you think. And by the way, Latch, your bro sucks, and not in a puff chore way. It’s like dating Mother Teresa in drag,” I replied as I rolled my eyes.
“Hey, don’t blame me. I tried to show him the way many times.” He snorted. “He must really like you, for reasons I have yet to fathom.” He laughed.
“Blow me, McKay.”
Latch and Haven laughed. It was friendly banter, but I was still troubled. He had hurt her both emotionally and physically. For now, he looked sober, and I prayed his rehab stuck. I’d read too many instances of the rich and famous falling off the wagon. I didn’t want my bestie and her baby to be a casualty. Still, I was optimistic he was there for the long haul.
Keenan had known about this. He was Latch’s best friend, like brothers. He had deliberately kept all of this from me. When he returned from the East Coast a few days later, I was miffed. True, I’d spent the last few days building up my anger. Not only about finding out Latch and Haven had gotten back together, but also everything else. I was sexually deprived. Basically starving for affection. Fuck my life.
He came over that night. He knew I was pissed. The British were nothing if not astute.
“You blatantly kept everything from me,” I said as I pierced him with a cold look.
“It wasn’t my tale to tell, and by the by, you didn’t say a word to me about a baby either.”
“That’s totally different. It was for safety reasons, and you know it. I wasn’t going to announce Haven was carrying Latch’s child after he just assaulted her.” My voice had definitely gotten louder. Oh shit. This was our first fight. Fuck me. We were a couple.
Keenan grabbed me gently by the elbow. “He would never hurt her.” He spoke softly as he swept his hand through his pale hair. “Latch has changed; he’s a much different man now. They belong together. You could have trusted me. I would have kept your secret, you know.”
God, he was beautiful. His eyes softened as he spoke to me, melting every part of my body. If he didn’t stop, I’d be a puddle on my floor. “It doesn’t matter now. They’re together. All I care about is Haven’s happiness and if he’s really changed. I will kill him, you know, if he hurts her again. There will be no place he can hide.”
“I know, Weezie. You are a potent force. Now say you forgive me.”
He was very close. I could feel his breath on my skin as he spoke, warm and inviting. My entire body prickled with excitement; my heart fluttered in anticipation. I had no doubt I could forgive this man for anything. He made my body come alive with sensations I’d never felt. He made me want things I’d never considered. He scared the shit out of me emotionally. In that area, I considered myself barren. I’d built the walls so high no one could get over them, but he could.
Keenan placed one of his hands on each side of my face and bent his head low. Our eyes locked in what became a defining moment. His lips brushed mine ever so softly, his teeth gently nipping my bottom lip. Then his tongue teased the corners of my mouth as he pushed forward. I wanted to be in control of this kiss. But he’d caught me off guard, and now our tongues embraced in a duel for ownership. I heard moans from both of us as he drew me into his chest. My breasts crushed into him as we embraced. The way he kissed was refined yet possessive. My body became alive as he held me tighter. All my senses became aware as my core became aroused, and I wanted nothing more than to take this to the next level.
But he wasn’t excited, not really. I felt something, but nothing to inspire me. He could kiss me like this, and I gave him zero, zip in the pants department. Seriously. What. The. Fuck? I pulled away and stood back. I felt drunk with need, but I needed to grab my bearings.
“What the hell was that?” I asked as I studied his face.
“I’m sure they call it the same in America. I kissed you. Has it been so long that you’ve forgotten what a kiss is?” he asked, his voice filled with levity.
“I know what a kiss is—ass. What I don’t understand is why you bothered. I obviously don’t stir your emotions.”
He looked startled as well as confused. “What the hell are you talking about? Are you having a laugh at my expense? I kissed you because I want you, Weezie—very much.
“I think our definition of want must be different. When you kissed me, I got wet. You got nothing. I mean really, Keenan. You had me lip-locked in a tight squeeze, so unless you’re hiding a Vienna sausage in your pants, you weren’t excited. I felt you, and there was nothing.”
For a moment, he appeared embarrassed. Then he began chuckling under his breath. The bastard was actually laughing at me.
“You think because I had no erection, I didn’t get excited? I spent years training my body not to grow aroused by certain stimuli. Remember all those half-naked print ads and book covers? When I was younger, I got a hard-on every time I stood next to a girl. It was awkward and embarrassing. I have major issues with my size. It’s not what you think. I’m not boasting. I’m just stating the facts. I’ve spent so much time programming my body not to respond; it’s become second nature to me. I’m so sorry you took it as me not desiring you. You have no idea what you do to me.”
Wait. What? He was toting a kielbasa in his pants? How had I not heard about this? If it were true, it should have been documented on Google. What he said did make sense. I mean, who wants a male model getting a boner every time they’re photographed? Well, besides me. I’d buy the poster.
“Were you truthfully aroused? Tell me.”
He lowered his head until his lips met the shell of my ear. “I want to bury my cock so deep inside you they’ll need an excavation team to find it. I need you to understand with clarity that I am not immune to your charisma. The waiting is tough, but it will be worth it when we consummate our relationship. I know you have special attributes, and the truth is so do I. Our pairing should be quite explosive.”
Fuck me. I was holding my breath. My heart beat in unison with my pussy. The floodgates were open and it was Niagara Falls. My skin felt stretched and heat flushed through me everywhere. My nipples tightened as my pupils dilated. I had always pooh-poohed sex talk and phone sex, but I was positive I almost choked on my tongue. My brain was a jumbled-up mess. The only words that stood out like a neon sign were cock and deep—oh, and maybe excavation. I’d never had much need for battery-operated dildos, but at this point, it was either that or picking up some random man. I’d been monogamous for a while now. The longest since I was a virgin.
“Do you masturbate?” I swear the question just fell out of my mouth.
Keenan didn’t look shocked or uncomfortable. “Normally, no. But because of you, lately, many times. If I didn’t, I would break my promise and bend you over your front railing before I really get to know you. I’m attempting something different with you, Weezie, but you can be a compelling reason to fall off the wagon.”
Wow. This blond god beat off to me. I wondered what he thought about while he stroked himself.
“Turnabout is fair play, Weezie. Do you dabble?” he asked in such a brea
thy whisper it made me shudder.
“Does going over your pussy with the buff puff more than twice count?”
He chuckled. “I’m not familiar with a buff puff, but I do love it when you say pussy. Do you come?”
I hardly ever got embarrassed, but for some reason, what he asked made my cheeks burn. “Umm… no.”
“You sound unsure. Never mind. Rest assured, when I make you come, there will be no doubts. Don’t climax without me. Wait for me. I want to be the one that stirs every emotion and makes your body surrender.”
“Jesus, Keenan, stop. This is too much. Can’t we just fuck and get better acquainted after?”
“I don’t think it works that way. Be patient, and I promise you will not be disappointed.”
From head to toe I was aroused. I squeezed my thighs together because my core was drenched and I could feel it leaking down my legs.
“This is why I’m attracted to you. You say whatever you fancy. It’s an admirable trait, Weezie.”
“I think I may need more than words to keep me sated.”
With that, he kissed me again. Deeply and with intense purpose. My hands skimmed the slight swell of his length. My entire body was vibrating. He had no idea how our first time would be explosive; truer words were never spoken. But the need to have physical contact with someone was overwhelming. My mind went back and forth considering the idea of monogamy. I wasn’t built for one man. Just as Keenan had his nature, I had mine.
“You need to do what you have to do, Weezie,” he said as though he just read my thoughts. He was giving me permission to stray. “I want you to be content, and I know what I’m offering currently isn’t going to pacify you. Please, do what you must, but can we set a few guidelines?”