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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off)

Page 20

by Trace, Dakota

  “He was only gone a week, Master.” She lowered her eyes.

  “Tell me something, piccola. When he sees you at work every day, what is the first thing he does when he comes in?”

  She frowned, glancing up in the mirror. “What do you mean?”

  He sighed, but continued to hold her gaze through the mirror. “Does he smile at you and say hi, or does he find a reason to touch you?”

  Understanding washed over her. “He usually tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, or places his hand on my shoulder.”

  Liam nodded. “And the last time, he had that overnight trip and you didn’t see him for a whole twenty-four hours? What did he do that morning?” Liam’s eyes glittered in the mirror.

  She inhaled sharply, the memory of Grim’s hard body against hers as he pinned her up against the supply closet’s closed door, while he devoured her mouth. “He dragged me into the supply closet…”

  “And would’ve fucked you against the door, if Louisa hadn’t tried to open the closet.” He trailed his fingers down her neck. “So do you honestly think he’d keep his hands to himself, after being gone for an entire week?”

  Her brow furrowed. “But the punishment….”

  “He’s an exhibitionist, Analise, remember? The added part about cropping him, in front of the rest of our group, turned what would’ve strictly been a punishment into a rewards of sorts. One which he’ll enjoy.”

  “So you’re not going to punish him?” She tried to wrap her brain around it. Sometimes she felt like she was in over her head with her Master.

  “Oh, I’m going to punish him, but in a pleasurable way. One that will give him what he needs: a firm hand and greedy eyes watching him.” He slowly turned her to face him. “And you’re going to help me.”

  Her heart leapt, intrigued at the idea of helping their Master punish Sir. “I am?”

  “Yes.” He pressed a kiss to her nose. “Our Grimwell has been working hard and he deserves everything I have to offer him, which includes you.” He leaned back. “And what do you think it’s going to do to him, to have you kneel before him, your pretty little nipples inches from his nose as I punish him?”

  She gasped, and pulled back to look at him. “That’s evil, Master.”

  He chuckled. “Of course it is.” The door behind them opened. “But not as evil as what I’m planning on for you tonight.” He released her to face the flushed Grim.

  “Did you rub one off, Grimwell?” He folded his arms over his chest. “And don’t even think about lying to me.”

  “Yes, Master.” He licked his lips. “I had to. I was going crazy. I’m only human. What did you expect with Analise dressed like that?”

  “For you to control yourself, slave.” Liam shook his head. “Even knowing you have only added to your punishment, you couldn’t resist. You had to find release by yourself?”

  Grim opened his mouth and then closed it, obviously at a loss for words. Analise’s heart went out to him. He’d screwed up by ignoring their Master’s orders, but didn’t seem too contrite about it. In fact, if Analise wasn’t mistaken, her Sir’s gaze held a hint of anticipation. He wanted their Master’s brand of domination and wasn’t above acting out to get it. The imp inside of her couldn’t resist the urge to point out of the obvious.

  “Master?” She placed her hand on Liam’s arm. “Is Sir topping from the bottom?”

  The look on Grim’s face was priceless, when their Master turned to look down at her. “Of course he is and the brat knows what I do to pushy submissives. Don’t you, Grimwell?” He shifted his gaze back to Grim.

  “I…yeah. Well, fuck.” Grim rubbed his hand over the back of his neck, his face flushing.

  A brisk knock, followed by the door opening, interrupted whatever else Grim was gonna say. Lena appeared in the entrance of the hallway, her leather bustier covering her ample breasts as the leather pants lovingly cupped her curvaceous hips and ass. Her blond hair was parted and plaited in two thick braids, which hung on either side of her pretty face. In her hand she held a leash, she’d eventually attach to the collar gracing Mason’s throat. Placing a hand on her hip, she stared at the three of them.

  “If you guys are done lollygagging, Mason and I are ready to go.”

  Liam was the first to speak. “Of course. Now that Grim has truly gotten his ass in trouble, we’re ready to go. Shall we?” Liam held his arm to Analise, who couldn’t help herself as she spied Grim’s hang-dog expression. A giggle slipped free and she grabbed her Sir’s hand as they slipped by her pouting Sir.

  Part XXIII: The Play Party

  Keeping her nerves under control, as they pulled up to a large brick townhouse, Analise found was easier said than done. Even the reassurances from both of her men hadn’t totally calmed her fears. Was she ready for this? She’d enjoyed everything that both Sir and Master had done to her. Loved the new experiences they’d given her. But now with this step, it was bringing the submissive side she’d been enjoying privately into the light and before relative strangers.

  Within minutes, she found herself ushered into a pleasant but not exactly run of the mill home. As Liam and Lena were greeted by their host, Dominic, Analise stood with Grim and Mason by the door. Glancing around, she noticed the pictures of two adorable children on the walls. The most striking was a family picture of a beautiful brunette, surrounded on one side by their host and on the other by a handsome blond. In the arm of each man was an infant - one swaddled in pink, the other blue. It was a beautiful, if unique setting, but still reminded her of a similar picture gracing the mantle of her dad’s home. It was the only picture her dad had of all three of them. Taken with an old Polaroid camera, it’d shown her mother holding her, while her dad knelt next to them. A bit out of focus, it was her dad’s most treasured picture aside from her parents’ wedding pictures.

  “Analise?” Liam’s voice had her turning. “Come here, I’d like you to meet one of our hosts.” He gestured for her to join him. As she came to his side, she placed a smile on her face. “Analise, this is Dominic. He was one of the Doms I was talking to at Olivia’s.”

  She nodded. “Of course, now I remember you. You kept Master from rearranging my uncle’s face.”

  Dominic chuckled, his dark blue eyes twinkling. “I guess you could say that.” Then the slender brunette woman from the photograph joined him from another part of the house. Dominic wrapped an arm around her.

  “Sir and Master Jamison are putting a few last minute touches on things downstairs, Master, but they sent me up to help you greet our guests.”

  “Thank you, chéri.” He placed his hand at the small of her back and smiled down at her, before turning his attention back to Analise. “Allow me to introduce my wife and submissive, Kalinda. Kalinda, this is Analise, Liam’s and Grim’s new submissive. Tonight will be her first time attending a play party.”

  “First time? That’s wonderful. I’ve been telling the guys we need more fresh blood in the scene.” She slipped free of Dominic’s grasp. “If your Doms don’t mind, I’d like to show you around and introduce you to a few of the other subs who have arrived.”

  Analise looked to Liam. “Master?”

  He gave her an indulgent smile. “Of course. Go with her and take Sir with you. I need to talk a bit with Dominic about Grim’s punishment.”

  Analise stifled her giggle as Dominic motioned for Grim and Mason to join them. As either man came up behind her, Dominic grinned. “In trouble already Grim? You haven’t even been home for twenty-four hours yet.”

  Grim shrugged his shoulders as if to say ‘what me?’ before tugging Analise’s hand into the crook of his arm. Which only seemed to amuse Dominic more.

  “I swear you’re just as bad as Kalinda. Always pushing the boundaries.” Pressing a kiss to Kalinda’s temple, he gave her a swat. “Go ahead and take them into the kitchen so they can get ready for the party, chéri.”

  Get ready for the party? She kept the question from passing her lips but just barely as Grim g
ave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Her Sir would be with her. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  * * * *

  Waiting until the subs disappeared into the kitchen, Liam finally spoke. “Dear Lord, are you insane, Dom? Letting my Grim alone in your kitchen with all those impressionable submissives?”

  Dom chuckled, clapping a hand over Liam’s shoulder. “You honestly think Grim is gonna corrupt Kalinda? Actually the reverse would be truer. Grim and Analise might end up with a few bad habits from her. Come on in here. You look like you could use a drink before the party starts.”

  Sighing as Dom lead him into the living room, he accepted one of the two snifters of brandy his friend poured. Taking a sip, he relished the burn of the alcohol as he swallowed. “Thanks, I needed that. I have a feeling tonight is going to be a bit on the stressful side. Not only is Grim being a handful because his uncle sent him out of town again, I also have a healing newbie, who has never been to a play party before.”

  “Damn. Are you going to need an extra hand? We invited Jamison tonight as well. When we were planning this Olivia suggested inviting him would help him get back on his feet. Serena leaving him did a number on him.”

  Liam shook his head. “No, I can handle it. I’m pretty possessive of my subs as you know. Did you invite any other single subs for him to meet or play with?”

  “A couple. Not to mention, Lena and Mason said they would take him on, if none of the other subs felt up to it tonight.”

  “Who did you get?” Lena asked as she joined them. “The mood I’m in tonight, I’d be more than happy to paddle his ass than kiss it. I caught the little son of bitch going out to the dumpster with a bag full of empty booze bottles, after he swore to me he was done drinking.”

  Dom sighed. “Tanya and your sister RSVP’d last week.”

  Lena grumbled. “There’s no way in hell I’m gonna let Shauna play with him-”

  “Isn’t that for her to decide?” Liam interrupted Lena, before she built up a full head of steam. “Just like it is your choice to play the Domme tonight instead of the sub?”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just I’m really pissed at him…” She tossed one of her braids over her shoulder. “If he hurts my baby sister, because he’s still struggling with Serena’s desertion, I’ll take a whip to his ass.”

  Dom set his hand on Lena’s shoulder. “If it’s any consolation, we’ve forbidden any alcohol tonight at the play party itself. Not to mention he’s sworn he’s not drinking anymore and I couldn’t smell any booze on him when he arrived.”

  “Perhaps he was cleaning out his apartment.” Liam suggested. “Every Dom fucks up and makes mistakes, Lena. You should realize that. If Dom says he’s sober and Olivia thinks it will be helpful, we can’t turn our backs on him. Before Serena, he had the potential of being a kick- ass Dom.”

  Lena finally nodded. “I know. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been too emotional as of late.” She pressed a kiss to Dom’s cheek. “Forgive me? I don’t want to ruin the first play party the three of you’ve hosted since the twins’ births.”

  “No problem. Lucky you didn’t pull that shit on Josh though. My buddy isn’t quite as laid back as I am.” Dom set down his own drink. “Speaking of which, what the hell did Grim do that earned him a public punishment?”

  Liam took another sip of his drink. “Well, I’m not going to say it’s pure punishment, but he touched Analise tonight, after I told him no.”

  Dom cocked his head. “There has to be more than him disobeying, Liam. I know you. You’re strict, but something minor like that would usually be handled on the spot. Not delayed.”

  “How astute, you are, Dom.” He set down his brandy. “It’s part reward and part teaching. You know Grim. He loves an audience, but before we can offer Analise our collar, she’s going to have to accept the darker side of me. So far she’s only experienced bare-handed spankings.”

  Understanding filled Dom’s eyes. “So you’re going to show her how it is between you and Grim, so she can’t say you didn't warn her how it would be?"

  Liam nodded. "Yeah, that's the general idea. I want to give her a good taste of what being with us is going to be like, before Grim and I fall any harder for her."

  Lena placed her hand on her hip. "I can understand your reasoning, and in certain ways I agree, but I'm here to tell you I think it's too late for either of you."

  Liam arched a brow at her. "You think?"

  "Dude, I've seen you with her. Trust me when I say it's obvious to anyone watching, just how much you love her."

  He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, hell. Then let’s hope she doesn't freak out, when she sees me with the crop I'm gonna use on Grim's ass tonight."

  Lena smiled at him. "Don't worry, our Ani is made of much sterner stuff. She's not going to run because of a little spanking. Not to mention it will fit right into the theme for tonight." She turned to Dom. "Who came up with the naughty ‘truth or pain’ theme?"

  "That would have been Olivia and Kalinda. They are looking at this as more than a play party, but also an intervention for Jamison."

  "Should be interesting. I would have never thought of using floggers as enforcers." Liam shoved his hands in his pockets. "So how soon do we get to start?"

  Dom glanced down at the watch gracing his thick wrist. "Well the invites said seven o’clock was the start of the party with a short demonstration from Olivia at seven-thirty sharp. So I'd say we have about ten minutes before we lock the doors. We're only waiting on Tanya and Shauna to arrive, but they called and said they might be a few minutes late, since Shauna was picking up Tanya from work."

  "So we have who else here tonight, aside from Analise, Grim, Lena, Mason and myself?" He was quickly trying to figure out the main players.

  "Jamison, Shauna, Tanya, Olivia, Micah, and Jude along with me, Josh and Kalinda."

  "So fourteen of us? That seems like a manageable number."

  "Yep, it should be. Even if the subs out number us Doms." Dom said. "So do you want to dish out Grim's punishment right after the demonstration?"

  "If it's not an issue. He's going to be getting eight strokes from the crop for his insubordination. Six for ignoring my direct order and two more for jerking off without permission."

  "Boy, when he fucks up, he fucks up." Lena chuckled. "If Mason had pulled that shit with me, he wouldn't be able to sit for a week."

  "Well, he's going to remember it." Liam chuckled as the doorbell rang again. "Sounds like the rest of your guests are here."

  "That they are." Dom headed towards the door. "Let the party begin."

  * * * *

  Grim wanted more than anything to pull the thong out of his ass. When he'd joined the rest of the subbies in the spacious kitchen with Kalinda, he hadn't expected to have to wear a leather thong that kept riding up his ass. But looking over at Analise in her outfit, he decided he could endure, especially when he saw the lacy half-apron cinched around her waist, leaving her beautiful breasts exposed. In the bright kitchen light, the baubles hanging from their tips sparkled. They looked delicious. Nearly as mouthwatering as the bared asscheeks he caught glimpses of, as she helped Kalinda put the finishing touches on the food. She'd shed the leather mini-skirt, which had left her in nothing more than a minuscule thong, garters, and those sexy black stockings.

  "Dude, put your eyes back in your head." Next to him, Jude Larson, one of Olivia's subs, shifted uncomfortably. It didn't surprise him that the man had noticed the way he was drooling over Analise. The man was in security.

  "It's hard. I just got back into town, and found out during my absence Master took her out and had her pretty little nipples pierced." He absently tugged at his own piercing.

  "What is it with you and your Master's fetishes with piercings? I don't think I could do it for Mistress. As much as I love her, I just don't think I could let some man put a ring through my nipples or my dick."

  "Aw, don't knock it ‘til you've tried it." Grim paused, a
s he heard voices approaching the kitchen. "Besides wasn't it your Mistress, who decided that it would be cool to dress us all up as wait-staff?"

  "Yeah, and I'm gonna have a word with Mistress about this." Jude tugged on his own thong. Uber-masculine with muscles bulging all over the place, the man looked like the warrior he was, despite the black leather thong cupping his sex and the red bow tie at his throat. He definitely didn't look like any waiter that Grim had ever seen. Not that any of them did.

  Around the kitchen, there were two other men, beside himself and Jude, dressed in leather thongs and bow-ties, while Kalinda and Analise looked like sex on a stick in their lacy aprons. As Kalinda arranged munchies on silver trays, Micah, Olivia's other sub helped her. Dressed like the rest of the men, his ebony skin glistened in the light and contrasted with the ivory bow tie.

  "Think it will do any good?" Grim leaned against the counter.

  "Probably not." Jude straightened, as Dom led two giggling women into the kitchen.

  "Here's the last of our guests, chéri. Tanya, if you and Shauna would go into the utility room, there are outfits for you to change into." Dom approached Kalinda, nuzzling the back of her neck, before straightening to address the rest of them. "Okay folks, everyone is now here and the Dominants will be expecting you downstairs within ten minutes to serve us. As usual, this play party will have the same safety rules as you'd find at Olivia's. Red will halt all and any play. Nudity will be expected, but I'm sure that you're all aware of that, since it was on the invitation. We have also provided condoms, which will be located around the playroom. As there are several singles here tonight, we only ask that you respect the committed couples. If you ask to play or offer yourself and are turned away, please don’t throw a fit. It will be a sure way to not get invited to another party. Are there any questions?”

  When no one spoke, Dom smiled. “Since there doesn’t seem to be any, remember we’re here to have fun, to escape our normal lives for a night. I will see you all downstairs shortly. And it would be gratefully appreciated if a couple of you male subs would carry down the coolers with the water and juice bottles. If I catch my submissive trying to bring them down, more than Grim will be receiving a punishment before tonight’s games." He turned a watchful eye on Kalinda. “I mean it, Kalinda. I won’t be happy if you do it and Josh will come unglued.”


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