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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off)

Page 23

by Trace, Dakota

"Am I still welcome?" He darted a quick glance down the hall. "Or are… your Masters inside waiting to kick my ass?"

  She rolled her eyes at him. "They aren't here, so relax. Besides do you honestly think someone like Liam and Grim would stay in my little one bedroom apartment when they have a huge house of their own?" Pushing past him, she dropped her purse on the small stand at the entrance of the hall before wandering into her kitchen. Setting her satchel on the small table, she opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water as Paulie joined her.

  "Well, stranger things have happened. I'd live in a hovel if it meant staying with Reed."

  "How is your submissive doing?" She took a sip of her water before tossing her uncle one.

  "Barely talking to me. He's pissed at the way I treated you."

  She arched a brow. "Really? I'm surprised he'd go against your opinion of the matter, considering your relationship."

  He shook his head. "Your inexperience is showing, Sugar. He's not your typical submissive. He's a sexual one only. Outside the bedroom he has no problem busting my balls at all." He twisted off the cap on his water and took a long swig. "Which he's been doing since that night." He sank down into one of the chairs at the table. "If I don't straighten my shit out, he's going to fucking leave me."

  Analise didn't know whether to be pissed that Paulie had come to her place to save his own ass or that Reed was actually threatening to leave her uncle. The men had been together too long to let something like what had happened at the club separate them. Slipping into the chair across from him, she set her water bottle in front of her. 'So this has everything to do with what? That Reed may leave you if you don't come kiss my ass?"

  "No. My fuck up has more to do with what you said at Olivia's." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Reed listened to every word you said, and gave me an ultimatum. Either I quit hiding him - our relationship - in the closet or he's going to start to see other guys." A bitter laugh escaped Paulie. "He said he's tired of being my dirty little secret. His words, not mine. Either I want to be with him or I don't."

  She tried to be sympathetic but found it hard. "I can't say I don't understand his feelings because I do. This time I've spent in Chicago has been eye-opening. The people who Master and Sir have introduced me to have been open and welcoming of my questions, hell even my inhibitions as I've stumbled. Did you know that I went to a play party this last weekend? And you know what? I had fun." She shifted a bit, waiting for his eventual explosion.

  Other than a tightening of his hand around his water bottle, he just stared at her. "You did?"

  She nodded. "Yes. Mistress Olivia was there, along with her submissives. She's quite the lady."

  Paulie seemed to relax at the mention of Olivia's name. "She is. The first time I met her was when Reed and I came to Chicago on vacation. Remember?"

  She tipped her head. "Yeah. It was between my freshman and sophomore years in high school. You brought me back a stuffed whale from Shedds’s Aquarium."

  "Yeah, that's the year. We were doing the tourist thing, and happened into a night club..." He shifted uncomfortably. "Well it was more than a night club it was a leather bar that had been advertising on-line about a demonstration by a true live Domme and Dom. It tripped both Reed and I's triggers so we went. Needless to say, I never expected my lover to fall to his knees and beg me to do what he'd seen at the club." A bemused smile tugged at Paulie's lips. "It was the first time I ever saw Master Caelan and Master Gabriel tie someone up.”

  "They are amazing from what I've heard from Lena."

  He nodded. "Even performing on women, they make it look so effortless and erotic. Which is why Reed and I signed up for Master's Caelan's class. I wanted to do the same thing for Reed that they did for their model. She was floating in subspace not even half way through." He squeezed the bottle in front of him. "Learning how to tie up Reed probably saved our relationship. It gave Reed an out he needed and let me be in control for a while."

  She nodded. "I can sure understand that, Uncle Paulie. When I'm with Liam and Grim, I They make me soar, and I'm not just talking about sex here. When I kneel at either of their feet, I know they would never abuse my submission but enjoy it as the gift it is meant to be. When I'm down there the stress from work, from being the good girl are gone. I merely exist."

  A hoarse chuckle passed Paulie's lips. "Funny, you sound just like Reed does when he talks about the release he finds in the ropes."

  She drummed her fingers on the table. "Then why do you have such an issue with me submitting to another when it's obvious that you enjoy the same thing – even if it’s the flip side of the coin?"

  He sighed. "I don't know. Blame it on the shock? The last thing I expected when I walked into Olivia's that night was to find my niece, the girl who'd tagged after me since she could walk, kneeling in front of a man I knew was in a full-fledged BDSM relationship. Master Liam isn't for the light of heart. He's hardcore. He stands on high protocol and expects more from his submissives than the average Dom. There's no off button on him. He is a Dom. It's not something the man plays at."

  She cocked her head at him. "And you think I don't know that?" Standing, she debated on whether to smack her over-protective uncle or give him a hug. She loved that he cared about what happened to her, but at the same time she wanted to strangle him for ruining what could've been a wonderful night for her.

  "You're young, new to the scene. So no, I didn't think you realized you'd grabbed a tiger by the tail so to speak."

  "Listen to me. They've both been up front with me since the beginning. Sir? He's what they call a Daddy-dom. He loves to pamper me, spoil me even when we're playing. He's the perfect foil for Master. He's harsh, never lets either me or Grim run from him, but it doesn't matter, because despite his strict nature, he cares for us. He loves Grim, and I'm hoping that someday he'll love me the same way."

  Paulie's shoulders slumped. "So this thing, isn't a phase like the time you colored your hair purple?"

  She shook her head. After the play party, she could no longer deny what her heart wanted, even though she’d promised Paulie she’d re-evaluate when her contract at Sneezeclod’s came up for renewal. Without a doubt this is where she belonged. There would be no going back to Iowa, this was her home - with Master and Sir. Now she only had to break it to her over-bearing uncle that it was time to let her go, no matter what happened or didn’t happen in the future. "I don't think so, Uncle Paulie. I wish I could say otherwise..." She stopped for a second as what she said registered. "No I don't wish I could say otherwise. They make me happy. Is it permanent?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Only time will tell. Grim says he loves me. Master, not yet, but I can feel his affection every time he touches me."

  Grabbing his bottle, he downed half the water. When he finally came up for air, he twisted the cap back on. "Fuck, what the hell are you going to tell your father, Sugar? It's one thing for me to have Reed, but two men? Your dad is going to throw a fit when he finds out. You'd be better off picking one over the other."

  Anger simmered to the surface. Just when she thought she was getting through to the idiot, he went and said something stupid. "So you think I should pick one over the other. Not to say I'm going to, but if I did, who would you pick?"

  "Hell, I don't know. I've only seen Grim as a submissive and have no idea what type of Dom he'd be. But I've seen Liam at work. His high protocol stuff is...a bit much."

  "So you can't really say, can you?" She stalked over to his side and tugged on his hair until he was looking up at her. "So how the hell do you think I could ever do so, especially after I promised I wouldn't break them up?" She leaned in until their faces were inches apart. "Get this through your thick head, Paul Vincent Rochon, I happen to love both Sir and Master, and I refuse to pick one over the other because you aren't comfortable with me loving two men. I’m staying here in Chicago and seeing where this leads. So if you want to go home crying to my father about what a fool I am, so be it, because I’m not going to c
hange my mind."

  She released him and stormed out of the kitchen. She made it as far as the entry to her hall when she ran into the broad chest of her Master. Taking in the heady scent of Stetson, she moaned softly. "Shit." Looking up into his dark eyes, she swallowed hard. It wasn't hard to read his emotions. He was pissed. "I don't suppose you could forget what you just overhead?"

  "Not a prayer in hell." He gently set her aside. "Grim, take her to the bedroom." Then he headed towards her kitchen, where her unsuspecting uncle was sitting. He stopped just shy of entry way. "I expect to find you in your room, in the leitha position, piccola."

  She whimpered as he disappeared into the kitchen. Standing next to Grim she was torn between obeying and saving her idiot uncle. Nibbling on her lower lip, she swung back and forth until a loud crash came from the kitchen. The noise made her decision, she moved towards the kitchen, only to have Sir's arm wrap around her.

  "Shh, don't. Let him deal with it." Sir's voice was soft and coaxing. "You go in there you're going to not only make matters worse but you're going to earn one helluva a punishment."

  "But..." Another crash and raised voices came from the kitchen. She squirmed against his hold. "I have to..."

  "Get your ass in your room, stripped and on your bed. That's what Master told you to do."

  His palm rubbed soothing circles on her belly. "Master won't kill him right?"

  "No, Analise, Master won't kill him, but he will impress upon him the importance of not interfering in our relationship." He nuzzled her ear, his Burberry Brit aftershave teasing her nose as he slowly moved them back from the hall and towards her bedroom. "A relationship that all three of us happen to being enjoying immensely. Besides you don't need to start this special night out with a punishment do you?" He tugged her ear into his mouth, nipping on it. "We have such naughty plans for you tonight once we get you to Olivia’s. There’s a sex swing there with your name on it."

  "Ahhh...” she tipped her head back, his breath sending shards of pleasure through her. She wanted everything he and Master had to offer her. Her uncle and his lack of approval seemed like a distance memory as her Sir described all the wonderful things they had planned for when they visited the club tonight. By the time he'd coaxed her into her room, she was lost to Grim's touch and words, and no longer cared what was occurring between her uncle and her Master.

  "Good girl." Grim whispered, helping her disrobe. Her skirt fell to the floor after his nimble fingers unhooked the side button and slid the zipper down. She was fumbling with the buttons on her blouse as his hands slipped under the silky material to cup her breasts. A low moan burst free of her as his fingers found the little hoops piercing their stiffness and tugged.

  "Sir, please." She squirmed wanting his fingers under her lacy bra and touching skin. "I need..."

  "Shhh, I know what you need." His assurance did little to soothe her. She jerked hard at the remaining three buttons on her shirt. The pings as the little pearl buttons hit the floor were muffled.

  “Please.” Her fingers grasped at him, trying to tug him closer to her.

  "Shhh, relax. We'll get there." Sir's voice was husky as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest. His erection pressed against her stomach. Instinctively she rocked against him. "Shhh." He brushed the parted folds of her blouse off her shoulders. As the silk slid down her arms, she couldn't resist. She stood up on tip toe and captured his mouth in a kiss. Even as she licked over the seam of his lips, his tongue pushed past hers, rubbing over her as he explored her mouth until she was crazy with lust. Sir knew how slow deep kisses drove her insane. She was ready to climb him like a tree, when the sound of the door opening before slamming shut registered, jerking her back to her surroundings. Fuck she'd forgotten about her uncle.

  When she finally managed to pull her mouth away, she gasped. "My uncle..."

  "Is gone." Liam strode into the room, his gaze hot as it settled on her, half undressed and pressed up against Grim. "And I thought I told you to be naked and kneeling on your bed, slave." The harsh tone caused more lust to pool in her womb. Master looked barely ruffled but seriously hot. She recognized the vibe pouring off him as he stepped further into her bedroom. "And you Grimwell. You were to make sure she obeyed. Instead I find you in here, playing with her." He crossed his arms over his chest. "It's obvious both of my subs need a reminder of who's in charge here."

  "Yes, Master." Grim whispered as his trembling hands shoved off her blouse, letting it fall to the floor. A quick flick of his fingers had her breasts spilling into his waiting hands as he unlatched the front closure on her bra. It, too, went the way of her blouse. Now all she stood in was a skimpy thong, thigh highs and the sensible pumps she'd worn for work.

  She stumbled as he handed her off to Liam. "For you Master." Then Grim quickly began shedding his clothing as Master caught her. She whimpered in her throat as the cool cotton of his shirt brushed over her hardened nipples. He wrapped his hands around her upper arms and pushed her away. A low cry escaped her.

  "I'm sorry, Master." She sank to her knees in front of him. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I wasn't expecting my uncle to be here and then..."

  "Silence!" His harsh command was effective. She shut up, placed her hands on her parted thighs and looked straight ahead as the position he requested required. This night had truly gone to hell in a hand basket.

  "Finish stripping down, Analise. I want nothing between me and your naked skin." He paused before his legs moved out of range. With her eyes down cast, she couldn't see what he was doing but wasn't about to lift them to see. A low masculine moan from behind her assured her that Master had done something rather naughty to Sir. She was dying to see, to know what Master had done, but it wasn't to be. "The same goes for you inamorato. Naked when I return." Then his legs appeared before disappearing out of room. Seconds later the door open and shut once more.

  "Damn, we've done it this time."

  She would've been worried but the smug note in Sir's tone was reassuring. Obviously he was looking forward to whatever was going to happen. "Sir?"

  "Shh, stand." His hands helped her up. "Quickly, Analise. We don't want to piss him off even more." He pressed a kiss to her nose when her eyes flew up to meet his. "Ticking off Master a little is a good thing. It makes him uber-dominant when he reasserts his dominance over us. Too much just leads to hot asses and being sent to bed alone. Let’s keep our predicament at the former rather than latter, hmm?" He hooked his thumbs in the edge of her underwear. Sliding them over her hips, she hung on to his shoulder while she stepped out of them.

  Brining the lacy confection to his nose, Grim took a deep breath and moaned. Then he tossed them over his shoulder. "Now the stockings and heels. Off." he snapped his fingers, the desire in his eyes potent. "Come on.”

  "Yes, Sir." Kicking free of her heels, she rolled first one then the other stocking down her thighs. Standing naked as the day she was born, Analise trembled before Grim's heated stare.

  "Up on the bed. Now." He grabbed the back of his shirt and jerked it over his head, exposing his lightly muscled chest. Then his hands reached down for the buckle on his belt. Loosening it, he unsnapped and unzipped his jean shorts. Shoving them and his boxer briefs down, he bared his hard-on to her hungry gaze. Thick and weeping, its rounded head glistened in the light pouring through her bedroom window. The need to sink to her knees and tongue him was powerful but she resisted, barely.

  When he straightened and saw her still standing next to the bed, he scowled. "Don't make me punish you, Analise. Either get your ass on the bed now or I'm going to show you how devious I can be."

  She licked her lips. "You will?"

  "Yeah," he moved closer until his cock pressed into her stomach. "...I'll spread those pretty little thighs of yours and eat your pussy until you're crying for relief, and then stop." He brushed his thumb over the tip of one nipple. "...for each time you make me repeat myself." He lazily thrust against her. "You've already earned one, do
you want to go for another?"

  She shook her head, her breathing raspy. "No, Sir." Tearing herself away from him was hard but she managed. Scrambling onto the bed, she shrieked when his palm came down hard on one cheek. She spun around and stared at him as he sank down on the edge of the bed to remove his shoes.

  Part XXVII: Their Offer

  Liam took a deep calming breath as he grabbed his toy-bag from the back seat of his SUV. He'd planned on waiting to do this at the club tonight but Paul's appearance at Analise's apartment had moved up his time frame considerably. He wasn't about to let her appear in Olivia's without their mark around her slender neck. It was petty of him since he knew that Analise was theirs and had been since the first time they'd slid their aching cocks inside of her. And it's time for the world to know it as well. Swinging the duffel holding not only his toys but the specially made collar inside one of the interior pockets onto his shoulder, he headed back up the walk. If there was anything Paul's visit had shown him, was he wasn't going to make the same mistakes his friend had.

  He was going to owe his little piccola a couple new coffee mugs to replace the ones which Paul had tossed at him after he'd explained in no uncertain terms that neither he nor Grim would be giving up Analise and that if he knew what was good for him, Paul would go home and fix his own relationship instead of meddling in others. Even if Liam hadn't overheard part of Analise's conversation with the other man, the BDSM world gossiped and rumor had it, that Reed was very unhappy with his master to the point there had been talk of Reed leaving his long-time lover. But now wasn't the time to think about that. He needed to focus on the task at hand: claiming their submissive.

  Re-entering the building he climbed the steps two at a time, half hoping that he'd find Analise waiting for him as he requested and the other half hoping not. He had quite a bit of aggression to work out on his lovers.

  It didn't take him long before he was crossing the threshold of Analise's apartment. His dick throbbed inside his pants and the ache only grew worse as he got a glimpse of Grim and Analise. Kneeling next to each other on the bed, both nude and showing off their bodies for his inspection, he was torn on where to start.


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